大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
电子信箱:wangxg {AT} dlut.edu.cn
2015.06-present 大连理工大学数学科学学院,博士生导师
2015.01-present 大连理工大学数学科学学院,副教授
2008 - Present Member, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
2008 - Present Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
Semiparametric inference
Variable selection and high dimensional data analysis
Survival analysis
Time series analysis
Semiparametric inference
Variable selection and high dimensional data analysis
Survival analysis
1. 学术型数理统计、金融数学与保险精算硕士
2. 应用统计专业硕士
3. 数理统计博士
1. 稀疏高维半参数模型的稳健统计推断,国家自然科学基金青年项目**,2012年1月-2014年12月,总经费16万元;
2. 复杂数据下带有形状约束的半参数模型统计推断,国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2015年1月-2018年12月,总经费60万元
Refereed Journal Publications:
1.Wang, Xiaoguang; Zhang, Jun, Yu, Liang; Yin, Guosheng, Generalized partially linear single-index model for zero-inflated count data. Statistics In Medicine, 2015, 34, 876–886. (SCI)
2.Moradinaftchali, Vahab; Wang, Xiaoguang; Song, Lixin. Enhancement in Quality and Productivity: a riskless approach based on optimum selection of tolerance and improvement strategies.International Journal of Production Research, 2015, Online. (SCI)
3.Muhammad Amin,Lixin Song, Milton Abdul Thorlie and Xiaoguang Wang, SCAD-Penalized Quantile Regression For High-Dimensional Data Analysis And Variable Selection, Statistica Neerlandica, 2015, Online. (SCI)
4.Milton Abdul Thorlie,Lixin Song, Muhammad Amin and Xiaoguang Wang, Modeling And Forecasting Of Stock Index Volatility With APARCH Models Under Ordered Restriction, Statistica Neerlandica, 2015, Online. (SCI)
5.Mingqiu Wang, Lixin Song and Xiaoguang Wang. Quadratic approximation via the scad penalty with a diverging number of parameters. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2015, Online. (SCI)
6.Muhammad Amin,Lixin Song, Milton Abdul Thorlie and Xiaoguang Wang, Combined Penalized Quantile Regression In High Dimensional Models, Pakistan Journal Of Statistics, 2015, 31(1), 49-70. (SCI)
7.Wang, Xiaoguang; Shi, Xinyong, Robust estimation for survival partially linear single-index models, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2014,80,140-152.(SCI)
8.Lu, Dawei; Wang, Xiaoguang, A new asymptotic expansion and some inequalities for the gamma function, Journal Of Number Theory,2014,140, 314-323.(SCI)
9.Lu, Dawei; Wang, Xiaoguang, Some new normal comparison inequalities related to Gordon's inequality, Statistics & Probability Letters,2014,88,133-140.(SCI)
10.Wang, Xiaoguang; Fan, Junhui, Variable selection for multivariate generalized linear models, Journal Of Applied Statistics,2014,41(2),393-406.(SCI)
11.Hou, Wen; Song, Lixin; Hou, Xiangyan; Wang, Xiaoguang, Penalized Empirical Likelihood via Bridge Estimator in Cox's Proportional Hazard Model, Communications In Statistics-Theory And Methods,2014,43(2),426-440.(SCI)
12.Wang, Xiaoguang; Song, Lixin; Kang, Xiaoning, Profile Likelihood Inferences on the Partially Linear Model with a Diverging Number of Parameters, Communications In Statistics-Theory And Methods,2014, 43(1),13-27.(SCI)
13.Wang, Mingqiu; Wang, Xiuli; Wang, Xiaoguang, A note on the one-step estimator for ultrahigh dimensionality, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics,2014,260,91-98.(SCI)
14.Amin, Muhammad; Wang, Xiaoguang; Song, Lixin; Ullah, Hidaya; Ashraf, M. Yasin, PENALIZED SELECTION OF VARIABLE CONTRIBUTING TO ENHANCED SEED YIELD IN MUNGBEAN, Pakistan Journal Of Agricultural Sciences,2014,51(2), 383-391.(SCI)
15.Jun Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang, Yao Yu and Yujie Gai (2014) Estimation and variable selection in partial linear single index models with error-prone linear covariates, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 48:5, 1048-1070.(SCI)
16.Xiaoguang Wang, Dawei Lu and Lixin Song, (2013), Statistical inference for partially linear stochastic models with heteroscedastic errors, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 66, 150-160.(SCI)
17.Xiaoguang Wang , Lixin Song and Jie Cui (2013) Tuning Parameter Selector for the Penalized Likelihood Method in Multivariate Generalized Linear Models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42:21, 3873-3888.(SCI)
18. Xiaoguang Wang and Li Gao, (2013). Estimation for the partial linear functional linear regression, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series A, 28(3): 253-265.
19.Dawei Lu and Xiaoguang Wang, (2013). A generated approximation related to Gosper’s formula and Ramanujan’s formula, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 406(1), 287-292. (SCI)
20.Xiaoguang Wang and Lixin Song,(2011) Adaptive Lasso Variable Selection for the Accelerated Failure Models, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 40: 24, 4372-4386. (SCI)
21.Xiaoguang Wang, Lixin Song, (2011). Projection Pursuit Principal Components Analysis Based On Copulas, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 51(5), 772-776.
22.Lixin Song, Mingqiu Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, (2011). The parameter estimation of the Pareto Distribution under the q symmetric Entropy Loss Function, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 51(4), 616-620.
23.Lixin Song, Yue Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, (2010). Sieve Least Square Estimation For Partially Nonlinear Models. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 1271-1283. (SCI)
24.Mingqiu Wang, Lixin Song and Xiaoguang Wang, (2010). Bridge Estimation for Generalized Linear Models with A Diverging Number of Parameters. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 1584-1596.(SCI)
25.Mingqiu Wang, Lixin Song and Xiaoguang Wang,(2010). Bridge estimators in the Partially Linear Model with high dimensionality, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2010, 40: 24,4325-4346.(SCI)
26.Xiaoguang Wang and Lixin Song, (2008). Sieve MLE for Generalized Partial Linear Models with Type II Interval-Censored Data,Northeastern Mathematical Journal, 24(2), 150-162.
27.Xiaoguang Wang and Lixin Song, (2005). Least Square Estimation about the ARCH Model under Ordered Restriction. (Chinese) J. Jilin Univ. Sci., 43 (3), 287-294.
1. 工科研究生《数理统计》教学改革与队伍建设,大连理工大学优秀教学成果奖二等奖,2010.01.19;
2. 概率与统计A,大连理工大学校优秀课程,2011
3. 本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师,校优秀论文,2009;
4. 数学科学学院第一届青年教师讲课竞赛,一等奖,2009;
5. 数学科学学院青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖,2012;
6. 部分非线性模型的筛最小二乘估计,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖(学术论文类)二等奖,2011;
7. 大连理工大学教学质量优良奖,2008/2009/2010
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