大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
1.(With M. Gao and R.R. Smith) The relative weak homomorphism property for inclusions of finite von Neumann algebras, To appear in the International Journal of Mathematics.
2.(with J. Cameron, M. Ravichandran, and S.A. White) The radial masa in a free group factor is maximal injective, To appearin the Journal ofthe London Mathematical Society.
3. (with J.P. Bannon) Haagerup's approximation property and relative amenability, To appear inJournal of Operator Theory.
4. (with D. Hadwin) A note on the invariant subspace problem relative to a type II_1 factor, To appear in Houston Journal of Mathematics.
5.(with R.R. Smith, S.A. White and A.D. Wiggins) Groupoid normalizers of tensor products, Journal of Functional Analysis 258 (2010) 20–49.
6. On completely singular von Neumann subalgebras,Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, (2) 52 (2009) 607–618.
7. (With D. Hadwin and X. Ma) On spectra and Brown's spectral measures of elements in free products of matrix algebras,Mathematica Scandinavica, 103 (2008), 77-96.
8. (With D. Hadwin, E. Nordgren and J. Shen) Tracial gauge norms on finite von Neumann algebras satisfying the weak Dixmier property, Journal of Functional Analysis, 255 (2008), no. 1, 142-183.
9.(with D. Hadwin, and R. Mohan) On transitive algebras containing a standard finite von Neumann subalgebra, Journal of Functional Analysis, 252 (2007), no. 2, 581-602.
10. On maximal injective subalgebras of tensor products of von Neumann algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis, 244 (2007), no. 1, 277-288.
11. (with L. Ge and W. Li) Central sequence algebras of von Neumann algebras, Taiwanese J. Math., 10 (2006), no. 1, 187--200.
12. (with C. Jiang and P. Wu) Direct sums of irreducible operators, Studia Math., 155 (2003), no. 1, 37--49.
13. (with Y. Cao and C. Jiang) K-groups of Banach algebras and strongly irreducible decompositions of operators, Journal of Operator Theory, (2002),48, no. 2, 235--253.
14.(with C.Jiang) Operators on Hilbert space with finite strongly irreducible decomposition,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 20 (1999), no. 6, 707--714.
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