大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
2012.08 至今,上海大学管理学院,教授,博士生导师.
2010.06–2010.07,加拿大维多利亚大学,Visiting Professor.
2009.07–2009.09,英国南安普顿大学,Visiting Professor.
2009.04–2009.06,香港理工大学应用数学系,Research Fellow.
(JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Foreign Researchers).
2004.05–2004.07,香港理工大学应用数学系,Research Associate.
(1) Co-Guest Editor (with Profs. Chen Xiaojun and Chen Zhiping) for Pacific Journal of Optimization (SCI-E杂志): Special issue on Stochastic Programming and Its Applications, Vol.7, No.2, 2011 (http://www.ybook.co.jp/online/pjoe/pjov7n2.html).
(2) 《运筹与模糊学》(Operationas Research and Fuzziology, http://www.hanspub.org/Journal/AimScope.aspx?JournalID=601)编委(2012-);《International Journal of Sensing, Computing & Control》(http://www.ijsc2.org/) 编委(2011-).
(3) 美国“数学评论”(Mathematical Reviews) 评论员(2012-).
(4) 中国运筹学会数学规划分会理事.
(5) 近年来多次为下列国际知名杂志审稿:
● SIAM Journal on Optimization(SCI杂志);
● Mathematics of Operations Research(SCI杂志);
● Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications(SCI杂志);
● Annals of Operations Research(SCI杂志);
● European Journal of Applied Mathematics(SCI杂志);
● Journal of Global Optimization(SCI杂志);
● Computational Optimization and Applications(SCI-E杂志);
● Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (SCI-E杂志);
● European Journal of Operations Research (SCI-E杂志);
● Numerical Algorithms (SCI-E杂志);
● Optimization Methods and Software(SCI-E杂志);
● Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Pacific Journal of Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Optimization Letters(SCI-E杂志);
● Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research(SCI-E杂志).
● 变分不等式问题、非线性互补问题、广义Nash均衡问题
● 含有均衡约束的最优化问题
● 双层规划问题
● 供应链网络优化
Selected Publications:
● 《非线性最优化基础》,Masao Fukushima著,林贵华译,科学出版社,2011.05(需要课件请联系:lin_g_h@yahoo.com.cn).
● Gui-Hua Lin, Mengwei Xu and Jane J. Ye, On solvingsimplebilevel programs with a nonconvex lower level program, Mathematical Programming, to appear.
● Dali Zhang and Gui-Hua Lin, A bilevel direct search method for leader-follower optimization problems and applications, Computers and Operations Research, to appear.
● Peiyu Li (研究生), Zhifeng He (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Sampling average approximation method for a class of stochastic Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization Methods and Software, to appear.
● Lei Guo (研究生), Gui-Hua Lin and Jane J. Ye, Second order optimality conditions for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,to appear.
● Gui-Hua Lin, Dali Zhang and Yanchao Liang, Stochastic multiobjective problems with complementarity constraints and applications in healthcare management, European Journal of Operations Research, to appear.
● Lei Guo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Global algorithm for solving stationary points for equilibrium programs with shared complementarity constraints, Pacific Journal of Optimization, to appear.
● Lei Guo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Globally convergent algorithm for solving stationary points for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints via nonsmooth reformulations, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, to appear.
● Lei Guo (研究生), Gui-Hua Lin and Jane J. Ye, Stability analysis for parametric mathematical programs with geometric constraints and its applications, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 22(2012), 1151-1176.
● Lei Guo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Notes on some constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,to appear.
● Yanchao Liang (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Stationarity conditions and their reformulations for mathematical programs with vertical complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,154 (2012), 54-70.
(SCI IDS Number: 958WP )
● Yongchao Liu (研究生), Huifu Xu and Gui-Hua Lin, Stability analysis of one stage stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,152 (2012), 537-555.
(SCI IDS Number: 889PP )
● Mei-Ju Luo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Sample average approximation method for solving a deterministic formulation for box constrained stochastic variational inequality problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research, 29 (2012), #**.
(SCI IDS Number: 925HB )
● Yongchao Liu (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Convergence analysis of a regularized sample average approximation method for stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 28 (2011), 755-771.
(SCI IDS Number: 874BZ; EI Accession Number: **898)
● Mingzheng Wang, Gui-Hua Lin, Yuli Gao and M.M. Ali, Sample average approximation method for a class of stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24 (2011), 1143-1153.
(SCI IDS Number: 858LK )
● Yongchao Liu (研究生), Huifu Xu and Gui-Hua Lin, Stability analysis of two stage stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints via NLP-regularization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (2011), 669-705.
(SCI IDS Number: 827CY)
● Mei-Ju Luo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Stochastic variational inequality problems with additional constraints and their applications in supply chain network equilibria, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 7 (2011), 263-279.
(SCI IDS Number: 779DH)
● Yongchao Liu (研究生), Jin Zhang (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Stochastic mathematical programs with hybrid equilibrium constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(2011), 3870-3882.
(SCI IDS Number: 773CV)
● Mingzheng Wang, M.M. Ali and Gui-Hua Lin, Sample average approximation method for stochastic complementarity problems with applications to supply chain supernetworks, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 7 (2011), 317-345.
(SCI IDS Number: 764GF)
● Xiaojun Chen and Gui-Hua Lin, CVaR-based formulation and approximation method for stochastic variational inequalities, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 1 (2011), 35-48.
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Stochastic equilibrium problems and stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints: A survey, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 6 (2010), 455-482.
(SCI IDS Number: 663XU)
● Mei-Ju Luo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Convergence results of the ERM method for nonlinear stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 142 (2009), 569-581.
(SCI IDS Number: 489VB).
● Gui-Hua Lin, Combined Monte Carlo sampling and penalty method for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems, Mathematics of Computation, 78 (2009), 1671-1686.
(SCI IDS Number: 487SZ)
● Mei-Ju Luo (研究生) and Gui-Hua Lin, Expected residual minimization method for stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 140(2009), 103-116.
(SCI IDS Number: 393VO)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, Solving stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints via approximation and smoothing implicit programming with penalization, Mathematical Programming, 116(2009), 343-368.
(SCI IDS Number: 316QI)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Huifu Xu and Masao Fukushima, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling methods for a class of stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 67(2008), 423-441.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 304AA; EI Accession Number: **)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Modified relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 30(2007), 2179-2195.
(SCI IDS Number: 237AP; EI Accession Number: **)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, New restricted NCP functions and their applications to stochastic NCP and stochastic MPEC, Optimization, 56(2007), 641-653.
(SCI IDS Number: 233ZU)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, New reformulations and smoothed penalty method for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(2006), 551-564.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 056ZY; EI Accession Number: **)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Hybrid approach with active set identification for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 128(2006), 1-28.
(SCI IDS Number: 005LW)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, A class of stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints: Reformulations and algorithms, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 1(2005), 99-122.
(SCI IDS Number: 088IA)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Regularization method for stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, European Series of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 11(2005), 252-265.
(SCI IDS Number: 953VF; EI Accession Number: **)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Liwei Zhang and Liping Pang, Two projection-type methods for pseudo-monotone variational inequality problems, OR Transactions, 9(2005), 58-64.
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, A modified relaxation scheme for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Annals of Operations Research, 133 (2005), 63-84.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 901TN)
● Masao Fukushima and Gui-Hua Lin, Smoothing methods for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, survey paper. Proceedings of the ICKS'04, IEEE Computer Society, 206-213, 2004.
(ISTP IDS Number: BAL35; EI Accession Number: **)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, New relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118 (2003), 81-116.
(SCI IDS Number: 700QZ)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Some exact penalty results for nonlinear programs and mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118 (2003), 67-80.
(SCI IDS Number: 700QZ)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, Smoothing implicit programming approaches for stochastic mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints, Technical Report 2003-006, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University. See http://www.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index-e.html.
(1) 主要奖励:
● 日本文部省奖学金,2000.10-2004.03.
● JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员),2004.11-2006.11.
● 辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次(2007年度).
(2) 主持项目:
● 关于均衡约束均衡问题的理论与算法研究,国家自然科学基金**,2011.01-2013.12.
● 关于随机型均衡约束数学规划问题的研究,国家自然科学基金**,2008.01-2010.12.
● 关于随机变分不等式与随机互补问题的研究,高等学校博士学科点新教师专项科研基金**,2008.01-2010.12.
● 随机变分不等式及其在供应链管理中的应用,大连理工大学''数学+X''交叉学科建设专项基金MXDUT073012,2008.01-2009.12.
● 均衡约束数学规划问题的理论与应用,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金,2005.09-2007.08.
● Studies on Equilibrium and Optimization Problems under Uncertainty,日本学术振兴会科学研究金补助费-特别研究员奖励费04F04334,2004.11-2006.11.
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