大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
组合数学中的组合不等式研究,国家自然科学基金(No. **),2014-2017.
极值组合学中若干经典问题的研究,教育部博士点基金(博导类)(No. **039),2012-2014.
偏序集上的组合极值问题研究,国家自然科学基金(No. **),2011-2013.
组合数学中的单峰型问题研究,国家自然科学基金(No. **),2008-2010.
●Proof of a conjecture of Lundow and Rosengren on the bimodality of p, q-binomial coefficients (with X.T. Su), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 391 (2012), 653-656.
●On the unimodality of independence polynomials of some graphs (with B.-X. Zhu), European J. Combin., 32 (2011), 10–20.
●Unimodality problems of multinomial coefficients and symmetric functions (with X.T. Su and Y.-N. Yeh), Electron. J. Combin., 18 (2011), Paper 73, 8 pp.
●On unimodality problems in Pascal's triangle (with X.T. Su), Electron. J. Combin., 15 (2008), Research Paper 113, 12 pp.
●A class of LYM orders in divisor lattices (with Y.-N. Yeh), Taiwanese J. Math., 12 (2008), 991–996.
●q-Eulerian polynomials and polynomials with only real zeros (with S.M. Ma), Electron. J. Combin., 15 (2008), Research Paper 17, 9 pp.
●On the log-convexity of combinatorial sequences (with L. Liu),Adv. in Appl. Math. 39 (2007), 453–476.
●A unified approach to polynomial sequences with only real zeros (with L. Liu), Adv. in Appl. Math., 38 (2007), 542–560.
●Log-concavity and LC-positivity (with Y.-N. Yeh), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 114 (2007), 195–210.
●Self-inverse sequences related to a binomial inverse pair, Fibonacci Quart., 43 (2005),46–52.
●Proof of a conjecture on unimodality (with Y.-N. Yeh),European J. Combin., 26 (2005),617–627.
●Nested chain partitions of LYM posets, Discrete Appl. Math., 145 (2005),493–497.
●Polynomials with real zeros and Pólya frequency sequences (with Y.-N. Yeh),J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 109 (2005), 63–74.
●Zeros of a class of Fibonacci-type polynomials (with M.F. He), Fibonacci Quart., 42 (2004), 341–347.
●Linear transformations preserving log-concavity, Linear Algebra Appl., 359 (2003), 161–167.
●A simple proof of a conjecture of Simion. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 100 (2002), 399–402.
●Proof of a conjecture of Ehrenborg and Steingrímsson on excedance statistic, European J. Combin., 23 (2002), 355–365.
●Notes on Chvátal's conjecture, Discrete Math., 247 (2002), 255–259.
●On the limit of generalized golden numbers (with H.Q. Yu and M. F. He), Fibonacci Quart., 34 (1996), 320–322.
●Notes on a conjecture of Singmaster (with L.C. Hsu and P.J.-S. Shiue), Fibonacci Quart., 33 (1995), 392–397.
●Hadamard powers of polynomials with only real zeros (with B. Zhang), Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (2013), 3173-3176.
●Proofs of some conjectures on monotonicity of number-theoretic and combinatorial sequences (with B. -X. Zhu), Sci. China Math.,57 (2014), 2429–2435.
●A combinatorial proof of the log-convexity of Catalan-like numbers (with H. Sun), J. Integer Seq., 17 (2014), Article 14.5.2.
●Log-convexity of Aigner–Catalan–Riordan numbers (with Z.-H. Zhang), Linear Algebra Appl., 463 (2014), 45-55.
●Total positivity of Catalan triangle (with C.Z.-C. Wang), Discrete Math., 338 (2015), 566-568.
●Combinatorics of generalized Motzkin numbers (with Z.-H. Zhang), J. Integer Seq., 18 (2015), Article 15.2.4.
●Total positivity of Riordan arrays (with X. Chen and H. Liang), European J. Combin., 46 (2015), 68-74.
●A generalization of Sperner's theorem for convex families (with L. Mu and B. Zhang), J. Combin. Number Theory, 6 (2014),183-188.
●Polynomials with palindromic and unimodal coefficients (with H. Sun and H.-X. Zhang), Acta Math. Sinica, 31 (2015) 565-575.
●Total positivity of recursive matrices (with X. Chen and H. Liang), Linear Algebra Appl., 471 (2015), 383-393.
●Catalan-like numbers and Stieltjes moment sequences (with H. Liang and L. Mu), Discrete Math. 339 (2016), 484-488.
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