大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
Z. Math.,评论员.
Math. R.,评论员.
[1]Nan Jizhu, Wang ChengCheng and Li Hailing, On some varieties of soluble Lie algebras, Communications in Mathematical Research, 1,10-16,2012.
[2]Jizhu Nan, Yufang Qin, On Invariants of Some Maximal Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups, Algebra Colloquium, 19(1),149-158,2012.
[3]Jizhu Nan, Yin Chen, Ring of invariants of general linear group over local ring, Front. Math. China, 6(5),887-899, 2011.
[4]Nan Jizhu, Zhao Jing, Rational invariants of the generalized classical groups, Communications in Mathematical Research, 2,127-138,2011.
[5]Wei Y.J., Nan J.Z., The cubic mapping graph for the ring of Gaussian integers modular n, Czechoslovak Mathematical J., 61(136),1023-1036,2011.
[6]Nan Jizhu, Zhao Huifang, Modular Vector Invariants of Cyclic Groups , J. Mathematical Research & Exposition, 6,997-1002, 2011.
[7]Nan Jizhu, Chen Yin, The invariants of the groups of lower triangular matrices over finite fields, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31A(3),678-681,2011.
[8]W. J. Li, J. Z. Nan, A Construction of Authentication Codes with Arbitration from Vector Spaces over Finite Fields, J. Mathematical Research & Exposition, 3, 269-278,2011.
[9]Nan Jizhu, Zhao Jing, Classification of the finite n-generator transvection groups over , Advances in Applied Mathematics, 44, 185-202, 2010.
[10]Wei Y.J., Nan J.Z. and Tang G.H., et al., The Cubic Mapping Graph of the Residue Classes of Integers, Ars Combinatoria, 97,101-110,2010.
[11]Jizhu Nan, Jun Guo, New error-correcting pooling designs associated with finite vector spaces, J. Comb. Optim., 20,96-100,2010.
[12]Jizhu Nan, Jun Guo, Lattices generated by two orbits of subspaces under finite singular classical groups, Comm. Algebra, 38,2026-2036,2010.
[13]Jizhu Nan, Yufang Qin, Structure of Unitary Groups over Finite Group Rings and Its Application, Czechoslovak Mathematical J., 60(135),495-512,2010.
[14]Nan Jizhu, Qin Xiaoer, The Poincare series of relative invariants of finite pseudoreflection groups, J. Mathematical Research and Exposition,30(2),338-344,2010.
[15]Jizhu Nan, Jing Zhao, A non-classical construction of BN-pairs, J. Group Theory, 12(6),831-844,2009.
[16]Jun Guo, Jizhu Nan, Lattices generated by orbits of flats under finite affine-symplectic groups, Lin. Alg. Appl., 431,536-542,2009.
[17]Nan Jizhu, Chen Yin, Rational Invariants of Certain Classical Similitude Groups over Finite Fields, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 57, No.4,1947-1958,2008.
[18]Nan Jizhu, Chen Yin, Rational Invariants of Certain Classical Groups over Finite Fields, Front Math. China, 3(4),555-562,2008.
[19]Zhao Huifang, Nan Jizhu, Using Normal Form of Idempotent Matrices over to Construct Cartesian Authentication Codes, Northeast.Math.J., 2,123-131, 2007.
[20]Nan Jizhu, You Hong, Products of Involutions in Steinberg Group over Skew Fields, Chinese Ann.Math.,(B), 2, 253-264, 2007.
[21]Fu Zhiguo, Nan Jizhu, The length of the element of maximal length in the Coxeter system, Northeast.Math.J., 4,395-403,2006.
[22]Liu Yan, Nan Jizhu, Some Anzahl Theorems in Symmetric Matrices Over Finite Local Rings (I), J.Mathematical Research & Exposition, 3,423-439,2006.
[23]吴炎,南基洙, 环上阶交错矩阵的计数定理及其应用, 数学物理学报, 3,319-328,2004.
[24]Nan Jizhu, Tian Zide, The -groups over finite commutative rings, Northeast Math.J., 18(2),99-102,2002.
[25]南基洙,游宏, 利用有限域上非零向量的道路图结构与内积构作结合方案(Ⅱ),数学物理学报, 21卷(1),14-22,2001.
[26]Nan Jizhu, You Hong, The conjugacy classes of fixed point free element in GLn(F)and SLn(F), Lin. Alg. Appl., 305,161-171,2000.
[27]Nan Jizhu, Decomposition of Steinberg group over local ring into involutions, Bulletin of The Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.61,97-107,2000.
[28]Hong You and Jizhu Nan, The Conjugacy Classes of Fixed Point Free Elemenes of Order p or 2p in GLn(F)and SLn(F), Comm. Algebra, 27(5),2243-2252,1999.
[30]Zhang Yongzheng, Nan Jizhu, Finite dimensional Lie superalgebras W(m,n,t) and S(m,n,t) of Cartan type, Advances in Mathematics, 27(3),240-246,1998.
[31]Nan Jizhu, You Hong, The Conjugacy Classes of Fixed Point Free Elemenes of Order pm in GLn(F)and SLn(F), GROUP THEORY,E-fang Wang and Jiping Zhang(Eds), Springer-Verlag, 106-119,1998.
[32]You Hong, Nan Ji Zhu, Using normal form of matrices over finite fields to construct Cartesian Authentication Codes, J. Mathematical Research & Exposition, 18(3):341-346,1998.
[33]You Hong and Nan Jizhu, Decomposition of Steinberg group into involutions, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.42(24), 2061-2064,1997.
[34]南基洙,利用有限局部环Z/PZ上的2阶交错矩阵构作多个结合类的结合方案, 数学研究与评论, 06,No1,1997.
[35]Nan Jizhu, Zhang Yongzheng, Products of nilpotent matrices over skew fields, Northeast Math. J., 12(3),299-306,1996.
[36]Nan Jizhu,Zhang Yongzheng, The triangular factorization for elements of φ-surjective rings, J.Math.Res.Exposition, 16(2),173--178.1996.
[37]You Hong and Nan Jizhu, Some anzahl theorems in vector space over Z/pkZ, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 16(1), 81-88, 1996.
[38]游宏,南基洙,利用Z/PZ上矩阵构作多个结合类的结合方案与PBIB设计,应用数学学报, No3,418,1996.
[41]Nan Ji Zhu, Zhang Yong Zheng, A factorization theorem for matrices over a local Ring, Northeast Math. J.,No.3,377--381,1994.
[42]You Hong, Nan Ji Zhu,Decomposition of matrices into 2-involutions, Lin. Alg.Appl., 186,235-253,1993.
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