大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
博士, 计算数学, 大连理工大学应用数学系,1994.3-1998.7
硕士, 运筹学与控制论, 大连理工大学应用数学系, 1989.9-1992.7
学士, 大连理工大学应用数学系, 1985.9-1989.7
2010.5-2010.7 Visiiting Senior Research Fellow
Department of Mathematics
NUS, Singapore
2009.9-2009.12 Visiting Professor
Department of IELM
The Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology
2008.10-2008.12Visiting Professor
Department of IELM
The Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology
2007.2-2007.4 Visiting Scholar,
Department of System Engineering and Engineering
Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
2006.2-2006.5Research Fellow
Department of Mathematics
City Univerity of Hong Kong
2005.7-2005.10 Research Fellow
Department of Decision Sciences, School of Business
National University of Singapore
2005.4- 现在,金融数学与保险精算专业博士生导师
2005.1-2005.2, Visiting Scholar,
Department of Applied Mathematics,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2002.6- 现在,运筹学与控制论专业博士生导师
2001.10--2003.12,Research Fellow,
Optimization Advisor of
"High Capacity Terminal Simulation System
for Mega Container Vessel"
CAIS, School of Computer Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2001.4-2001.7, Visiting Scholar,
Department of System Engineering and Engineering
Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
1999.9-2001.9, 博士后, 中国科学院计算数学与科学计算研究所
1999.8--,教授, 大连理工大学应用数学系
1999.1-1999.3, Visiting Scholar, Dipt. di Matematica,
Statistica, Informatica ed Applicazioni, Universita
degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia/Italy
1995.1-1996.1, Visiting Scholar, Dipt. di Matematica,
Statistica, Informatica ed Applicazioni, Universita
degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia/Italy
1994.12-1999.8, 副教授,大连理工大学应用数学系
1992.7-1994.12, 助教, 大连理工大学应用数学系
美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Review)评论员
1. 非线性锥约束最优化
(Nonlinear Conic Constrained Optimization)
(Equilibrium Constrained Optimization)
3. 随机优化
(Stochastic Optimization)
5张立卫,锥约束优化基础:最优性理论与增广Lagrange方法, 科学出版社,2010.
3张立卫译,"J. F. Bonnans, A. Shapiro著, 最优化问题的扰动分析", 科学出版社,2008.
and Huang Shell Ying, Anatomy of HCTC: A High-capacity Container Terminal
System for Mega Vessels, SingaporeUniversity Press (Pte) Ltd., 2006",23-172.
71Yue Lu, Liwei Zhang, The augmented Lagrangian method based on the APG strategy for an inverse damped gyroscopic eigenvalue problem,Computational Optimization and Applications,pp 1-36,First online: 07 May 2015,10.1007/s10589-015-9757-1
70 Y.Jiang, Y.J. Liu and L.W. Zhang,Variational Geometry of the Complementarity
Set for Second Order Cone,Set-Valued Var. Anal (2015) 23:399–414.
69 S.X.He, L.W.Zhang and J.Zhang,The Rate of Convergence of a NLM Based
on F–B NCP for Constrained Optimization Problems Without Strict Complementarity
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research Vol. 32, No. 3 (2015) ** (27pages)
68 M.W. Xu, J,J, Ye and L.W. Zhang, Smoothing SQP Methods for Solving Degenerate Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization Problems with Applications to Bilevel Programs, SIAM J. Optim., 25:3(2015),1388-1410.
67 Jia Wu and Liwei Zhang, On properties of the bilinear penalty function method for mathematical programs with semidefinite cone complementarity constraints,Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, June 2015, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 277-294 .
66 Yi Zhang, Liwei Zhang, Jia Wu and Jianzhong Zhang, A perturbation approach for an inverse quadratic programming problem over second-order cones, Math. Comp. 84 (2015), 209-236.(DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-2014-02848-2)
65 BoWang and Liwei Zhang, Calibrating low-rank correlation matrix problem: an SCA-bsed approach. Optimization Methods and Software 29(3): 561-582 (2014)
64Feng Shan,Liwei Zhang and Xiantao Xiao, A Smoothing Function Approach to Joint Chance-Constrained Programs. J. Optimization Theory and Applications 163(1): 181-199 (2014)
63 L.J. Hong,Z. Hu*, L. Zhang. 2014. Conditional value-at-risk approximation to value-at-risk constrained programs: A remedy via Monte Carlo. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(2) 385-400.
62 Liwei Zhang, Yang Li, Jia Wu, Nonlinear rescaling Lagrangians for nonconvex semidefinite programming, Optimization,63:6 (2014), 899-920.
61 Jia Wu, Liwei Zhang and Yi Zhang,Mathematical Programs with Semidefinite Cone
Complementarity Constraints: Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions,
Set-Valued Var. Anal (2014) 22:155–187.
60. Liwei Zhang, Shaoyan Guo, Jia Wu and Shoulin Hao,Nonsingularity in matrix conic optimization induced by spectral norm via a smoothing metric projector. Math. Meth. of OR 78(3): 373-404 (2013)
59 Jian Hou and LiweiZhang,A barrier function method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 9:1(2013), 171-189.
Volume 10, Number 4, October 2014,1091-1108.
58 Zhang, Liwei、Zhang, Ning、Xiao, Xiantao ,On the Second-order Directional Derivatives of Singular Values of Matrices and Symmetric Matrix-valued Functions ,SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS, 21(3), pp 557-586,2013/9
57 Zhang, Jie、Zhang, Li-Wei、Lin, Shuang ,Consistency analysis of a local Lipschitz homeomorphism of an SAA normal mapping for a parametric stochastic variational inequality ,JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND
APPLICATIONS, 408(1), pp 306-317, 2013/12/1
56 Hu Zhaolin, Hong L. Jeff and Zhang Liwei,A smooth Monte Carlo approach to joint
chance-constrained programs,IIE Transactions (2013) 45, 716–735.
55Zhang Yi, Jiang Yong, Zhang Liwei and Zhang Jianzhong, A perturbation approach for an inverse linear second-order cone programming, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 9:1(2013), 171-189.
54 Xiao Xiantao,Gu Jian and Zhang Liwei, Quadratic model updating with gyroscopic structure from partial eigendata, Optimization and Engineering,September 2013, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp 431-455.
53Xiao Xiantao,Gu Jian, Zhang Liwei and Zhang Shaowu,? A sequential convex program method to DC program with joint chance constraints, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 8:3(2012), 733-747.
52 Jia Wu, Li-Wei Zhang, Yi Zhang, A Smoothing Newton Method for Mathematical Programs governed by second-order cone constrained generalized equations, Journal of Global Optimization,55:2(2013):359-385.
51Jie Zhang,Li-wei Zhang,Li-ping Pang,On the convergence of coderivative of SAA solution mapping for a parametric stochastic variational inequality problem. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis,20(2012),75-109.
50Jie Zhang,Li-wei Zhang,Wei Wang, On constraint qualifications in terms of approximate Jacobians for nonsmooth continuous optimization problems, Nonlinear Analysis:Theory,Methods & Applications, 75(2012), 2566–2580.
49 Liwei Zhang, Ning Zhang(学生) and Liping Pang, Differential Properties of the Symmetric Matrix-Valued Fischer-Burmeister Function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, May 2012, Volume 153, Issue 2, pp 436-460
48Jie Zhang(学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Yue Wu,A smoothing SAA method for a stochastic mathematical program with complementarity constraints. Applications ofMathematics,October 2012, Volume 57, Issue 5, pp 477-502.
47Shao-wu Zhang(学生), Jie Zhang(学生), Li-wei Zhang, Constraint Qualifications forConstrainedLipschitz Optimization problems and Applications to MPCC, Nonlinear Analysis,75:2(2012) , 526-542.
46Jie Zhang(学生), Li-wei Zhang and Shuang Lin,A class of smoothing SAA method for a stochastic mathematical program with complementarity constraints, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 387(2012),201-220.
45Yi Zhang(学生), Liwei Zhang, Yue Wu. The augmented Lagrangian method for a type of inverse problems over second-order cones, TOP, 22(2014),45-79.
44Yanhong Yuan(学生), Liwei Zhang, Yue Wu.A smoothing Newton method based on sample average approximation for a class of stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 8:2(2012),361-386.
43 Yanhong Yuan(学生), Hongwei Zhang, Liwei Zhang. A penalty method for generalized Nash equilibrium problem, Journal of Industrial and ManagementOptimization, 8:1(2012), 51 – 65.
42Li-Wei Zhang*, Jian Gu(学生) and Xiantao Xiao(学生),A class of nonlinear Lagrangians for nonconvexsecond order cone programming, ComputationalOptimization and Applications, 49(2011),61-99.
41Jeff Hong*, Yi Yang and Li-Wei Zhang, Sequential convexapproximations to joint chance constrained programs: a Monte Carlo approach, Operations Research, 59:3(2011), 617–630.
40Wu Jia* (学生), Zhang Liwei, A smoothing Newton method for mathematical programs constrained by parameterized quasi-variational inequalities, Science in China Series A, 54:6(2011),1269-1286.
39Yi Zhang, Liwei Zhang, Jia Wu. Convergence properties of a smoothing approach for Mathematical programs with second-order complementarity constraints, Set-valued and Variational Analysis, 19(4)(2011), 609-646.
38Li-wei Zhang,Jie Zhang, Yue Wu, On the convergence of coderivative of SAA solutionmappingfor a parametric stochastic generalized equation, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 19( 2011),107-134.
37Li Wang, Feng Shan, Liwei Zhang, An Implementable Augmented Lagrange Method for Fixed Point Problems with Coupled Constraints. Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), , 1761–1768.
36Li Wang, Yang Li, Liwei Zhang,. A Differential Equation Method for Solving Box Constrained Variational Inequality Problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization ,7:1(2011),183-198.
35Yong Jiang, Xiantao Xiao, Liwei Zhang and Jianzhong Zhang, A perturbation approach for a type of inverse linearprogramming problems, Inter. J. Computer Math., 88:3(2011),. 508-516.
34 Jian-Zhong Zhang, Li-Wei Zhang, Xian-Tao Xiao, A perturbation approach for an inverse quadratic programming problem, Math. Meth. Oper. Res 72(2010),379-404.
33Yun Wang* (学生) and Liwei Zhang, Nonsingularity in second-order cone programming via the smoothing metric projector,Science in China Series A, 53:4 (2010),1025-1038.
32 Jian-Zhong Zhang and Li-Wei Zhang*, An augmented Lagrangian method for a class of inverse quadratic programming problems, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 61(2010),57-83.
31Yang Li* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, A nonlinear Lagrangian method based onLog-Sigmoid function for nonconvex semidefinite programming, Journal of Industrialand Management Optimization, 5:3(2009), 651-669.
30 Xian-Tao Xiao* (学生) and Liwei Zhang, Solving a class of inverse QP problems by a smoothing Newton method, Journal of Computational Mathematics,27:6(2009), 787-801.
29 Ju-He Sun* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, A globally convergent method based on Fischer Burmeister operators for solving second-order cone constrained variational inequality problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 58 (2009), 1936-1946.
28 Xian-Tao Xiao* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Jian-Zhong Zhang, On convergence of augmented Lagrange method for inverse semi-definite quadratic programming problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 5:2(2009),319-339.
27 Yun Wang* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, Properties of equation reformulation of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition for nonlinear second order cone optimization problems,Math Meth Oper. Res.70 (2009), 195-218.
26 Yun Wang* (学生),Shao-Wu Zhang and Li-Wei Zhang, A note on convergence analysisof an SQP-type method for nonlinear semidefinite programming,Journal of Inequalities and Applications (Article ID 18345, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2008/218345). (SCI)
25 Ju-He Sun* (学生), Shao-Wu Zhang and Li-Wei Zhang, An algorithm based on resolvant operators for solving positively semidefinite variationalinequalities, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Article ID 76040, 15 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/76040. (SCI) IDS Number:247AN.
24 Jian Gu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Xian-Tao Xiao, Log-Sigmoid nonlinear Lagrange method for nonlinear optimization problems over second-order cones, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , 229 (2009), 129-144.
23 Xian-Tao Xiao* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Jian-Zhong Zhang, A smoothing Newton method for a type of inverse semi-definite quadratic programming problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,223 (2009) ,485- 498.
22 Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang, On the convergence of the augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear optimization problems over second-order cones, Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications ,139 (2008) ,557–575.
21 Li-Wei Zhang* and Xiao-Qi Yang, An augmented Lagrangian approach with a variable transformation in nonlinear programming, Nonlinear Analysis,69 (2008),2095-2113. IDS Number:336JE;(EI) Accession Number:**.
20 Ju-He Sun* (学生), Liwei Zhang and Xiantao Xiao, An algorithm based on resolvent operators for solving variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, 69(2008), 3344-3357. Accession Number: **.
19 Li-Wei Zhang*, Yong-Hong Ren, Yue Wu and Xian-Tao Xiao, A class of nonlinear Lagrangians: theory and algorithm, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 25:3(2008),327-371. (SCI) IDS Number:335NL.
18 Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang, On the approximate augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear symmetric cone programming, NonlinearAnalysis, 68(2008),1210- 1225.
17 De-Feng Sun*, Jie Sun, Li-Wei Zhang, The rate of convergence of the augmented Lagrangian method fornonlinear semidefiniteprogramming,Mathematical Programming 114 (2008), 349-391.(SCI) IDS Number:285VW; (EI) Accession Number: **
16 Li Jin* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, Two differential equation systems for equality constrained optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190:2(2007), 1030-1039. (SCI) IDS Number:195GL;(EI) Accession Number: **.
15 Yong-Hong Ren* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, A nonlinear Lagrangian based on Fischer- Burmeister NCP function, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188 (2007) 1344-1363.(SCI) IDS Number:191VA;(EI) Accession Number:**
14 Li-Mei Zhou* (学生), Yue Wu, Li-Wei Zhang and Guang Zhang, Convergence analysis ofa differential equation approach for solving nonlinear programmingproblems, Applied Mathematics and Computation,184(2007), 789-797.(SCI) IDS Number:350AA;(EI) Accession Number: **.
13 Li Jin* (学生) and Li-Wei Zhang, Two differential equation systems for inequality constrained optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation,188(2007), 1334-1343. (SCI) IDS Number:191VA;(EI) Accession Number:**
12 Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang, Convergence analysis of the augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear second-order cone optimization problems, Nonlinear Analysis, 67(2007),1359-1373.(SCI)IDS Number:176SR,(EI) Accession Number: **.
11Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Y.H. Wang,Some properties of a class of merit functions for symmetric cone complementarity problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,23:4(2006), 473-495.(SCI) IDSNumber:126XM;(EI)Accession Number: **.
10 Jie Sun*, Li-Wei Zhang and Yue Wu, Properties of the augmented Lagrangian in nonlinear semidefinite optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,129:3 (2006), 437-456. (SCI) IDS Number:116UK.
9 J. Sun* and L.W.Zhang, On the log-exponential trajectory of linear programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 25:1 (2003), 75-90.
8 Z.Q. Xia*, M.Z. Wang and L.W.Zhang, Directional derivative of aclass of set-valued mappings and its applications, Journal ofConvex Analysis, 10:1(2003),211-227.
7L.W.Zhang*, Z. Q. Xia, Y. Gao and M.Z. Wang, Star-kernels andstar-differentials in quasidifferentiable analysis, Journal ofConvex Analysis,9:1(2002),139-158.
6L.W. Zhang* and Z.Q. Xia, Newton-type methods for quasidifferentiable equations, Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications, 108:2 (2001),439-456.
5 Y. Gao*, Z.Q. Xia and L.W.Zhang, Kernelled quasidifferential for a quasidifferentiable function in two-dimensional space, Journal ofConvex Analysis,8:2(2001),401-408.
4 E. Spedicato*, Z.Q.Xia and L.W. Zhang, ABS algorithms for linear equations and optimization, J. Computational and AppliedMathematics, 124(2000),155-170.
3 L.W. Zhang*, On the ABS algorithm with singular matrix and itsapplications to linear programming, Optimization Methods and Software, 8(1997),143-165.
2 E. Spedicato*, Z.Q. Xia and L.W. Zhang, The implicit LX method of the ABS class, Optimization Methods and Software, 8(1997),99-110.
1H.W. Tang* and L.W.Zhang, A maximum entropy algorithm for convex programming, Chinese Science Bulletin, 40:5(1995),361-364.
66 张宁,张立卫,肖现涛,奇异值函数的二阶方向导数,中国科学:数学,43:2(2013), 121-136.
65 Yanhong Yuan, Liwei Zhang, Yue Wu. Smoothing Newton method for generalizedNash equilibrium problems with second-order cone constraints. Numerical Algebra,Control and Optimization . Accepted.
64 张杰, 张立卫, 一类参数拟变分不等式的解映射的伴同导数, 大连理工大学学报, (In Press)
63 Jia Wu, Li-Wei Zhang, Second order sufficient conditions for mathematical programs governed by second-order cone constrained generalized equations, OR Transactions, 15(1):95-103, 2011.
62 Yang Li, Liwei Zhang, A new nonlinear Lagrangian method for nonconvexsemidefinite programming, Journal of Applied Analysis for publication, 15:2 (2009),149-172.
61 Debao Kongand Liwei Zhang, On the multiplier mapping of the modified Frisch function method for nonlinear optimization, OR Transactions,3: 3 (2009),31-42.
60 王韵* (学生),张立卫, Hilbert空间中的一类双层规划问题的一阶与二阶最优性条件,运筹学报,12:3(2008),90-102.
59 于洪霞(学生), 张绍武(学生),张立卫*, 二维装箱问题的非线性规划模型和算法, 大连理工大学学报, 48:2(2008),308-312. (EI检索)
58 任咏红(学生), 肖现涛(学生),金丽(学生),张立卫*, 基于一类非线性 Lagrange函数的对偶问题, 连理工大学学报,48:4(2008),620-624. (EI检索)
57 S.Y. Sun* (学生), L.W. Zhang, Chonghui Guo. MI-based image registration using a new histogram estimation scheme,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.37 No1 (2007), 19-28. (EI检索)
56金丽* (学生), 张立卫, 肖现涛,一个求解约束非线性优化问题的微分方程方法, 计算数学,29:2(2007),163-176. (EI检索)
55金丽* (学生), 张立卫, 肖现涛, 求解约束优化问题的两个微分方程算法, 运筹学学报,11:2(2007),73-82.
54Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and M.J. Liu, Convergence analysis of a nonlinear Lagrange algorithm for nonconvexsemidefinite programming, OR Transactions, Vol.11 No.4 (2007),5-14.
53Yong-Jin Liu* (学生), Li-Wei Zhang and Mi-Jiao Liu, Extension of smoothing functions to symmetric cone complementarity problems, 高校应用数学学报B,Vol.22 No.2 (2007), 245-252.(EI) Accession Number:**.
52Chun-Ling Song* (学生), Zun-Quan Xia and Li-Wei Zhang, A note on the upper semi-continuity of Demyanov sum of quasidifferential mappings,OR Transactions 11 (2007),33-38.
51Yang. Li* (学生), Li Jin(学生), Li-Wei Zhang, A novel neural network for linear complementarity problems, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition,27:3(2007),539-646 .
50Hong-Wei Zhang, Li-Wei Zhang* and Zuan-Quan Xia, Differentials of generalized quasi-differentiable functions, Transactions, 11:2(2007),17-30.
49 S.Y. Sun* (学生), L.W. Zhang, Chonghui Guo. Medical image registration by minimizing divergence measure based on Tsallis entropy.International Journal ofBiomedical Sciences, 2007, 2(2), 75-80.
48 H.X. Yu* (学生) and L.W. Zhang, An optimization model for the twodimensional
packing problem and its augmented Lagrangian method,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 27No.1,2006, 1-10.
47 Y.J. Liu* (学生), L.W.Zhang and Yin-He Wang, Analysis of a smoothing method for symmetric conic linear programming, Journal of Applied Mathematics &Computing, 22:1-2(2006),133-148.(EI) Accession Number :**.13778.
46 张宏伟, 张立卫*, 夏尊铨,宋春玲 不等式约束的广义拟可微优化问题最 性条件,大连理工大学学报, 46卷2期,2006, 299-301.
45 贺素香* (学生),张立卫,非线性约束优化问题的一个修正Lagrangian算法,数学物理学报,26卷1期, 2006, 49-62.
44 刘勇进* (学生),张立卫,二阶锥互补问题的一类效益函数与全局误差界,大连理工大学学报,vol.46,No.3 ( 2006),449-453.
43 H.X. Yu* (学生) and L.W. Zhang, The augmented Lagrangian method for the packing of unequal circles within a strip, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 18:4(2005), 463-470.
42 L. W. Zhang*, R. Ye, S.Y. Huang and W. J. Hsu, Mixed integerprogramming models for dispatching vehicles at a containerterminal, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, 17:1-2 (2005),145-170.
41Z.Q. Xia, C.L. Song* (学生) and L.W. Zhang, On Fritz John and KKTnecessary conditions of constrained quasidifferentiable optimization, International Journal of
Pure and AppliedMathematics, Vol. 23 No. 3, 2005, 299-310.
40G. H. Lin*, L. W. Zhang and L.P. Pang, Two projection-type algorithms for solvingpseudo-monotone variational inequalityproblems, OR Transactions, 9:1(2005),58-64.
39L.M. Zhou* (学生) and L.W. Zhang, A differential equation approach tofinding aKuhn-Tucker point of a nonlinear programming problem,大连理工大学学报, 2005, Vol.45,No.6,920-924.
38L.M. Zhou* (学生), L.W. Zhang and S.X. He, A differential equation approachto solving nonlinear complementarity problems, OR Transactions, Vol. 9 No.3, 2005,8-16.
37贺素香* (学生),张立卫,李兴斯,不等式约束优化问题的一个势函数,33:3数学进展(2004), 343-350.
36宋秋生(学生),张立卫*,无约束拟可微优化问题信赖域方法的全局收敛性, 应用数学学报, 27:1(2004), 186-189.
35 王明征* ,夏尊铨, 张立卫, 参数凸二次规划的线性稳定性,7:1运筹学学报(2003),11-18.
34 L.P.Pang*, Z.Q.Xia and L.W.Zhang, On a second order parallelvariable transformation approach, Journal of Applied Mathematicsand Computing, 11:1-2(2003), 201-214. (EI检索).
33 L.P.Pang*, Z.Q.Xia and L.W.Zhang, A PVT-type algorithm forminimizing a nonsmooth convex function, Serdica Math. J. 29 (2003), 11-32.
32 L.W.Zhang and Y.J. Liu* (学生), Convergence analysis of a nonlinear Lagrange algorithm for nonlinear programming withinequality constraints,Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, 13:1-2(2003):1-10. (EI检索).
31张宏伟,张立卫*, 夏尊铨, Calculus of generalized quasi-differentiable functions I: some results on the space of pairs of convex-set collections, 东北数学, 19:1(2003),75-85.
30 L.W, Zhang*, R. Ye, W.-J. Hsu and S.-Y. Huang, Two equivalentinteger programming models for dispatching vehicles at a containerterminal, Proceedings International Conference on PORT andMaritime R&D and Technology, 10-12 September, Singapore, 2003,Vol.1, 35-42.
29 L.W. Zhang, Computing inertias of KKT matrix and reduced Hessianvia the ABS algorithm, Ricerca Operativa, Vol. 31, n.98-99-100(2001),67-86.
28 L.W. Zhang*, Y.J. Liu and Z.Q. Xia, Application of the ABS methodto systems of linear matrix integer equations, Ricerca Operativa, Vol. 31, n.98-99-100 (2001),52-66.
27 Z.Q. Xia* and L.W. Zhang, ABS algorithms for solving linearlyconstrained optimization problems via the active set strategy,Ricerca Operativa, Vol. 31, n.98-99-100(2001),21-49.
26张立卫, 张鑫*,求解拟可微方程组的非精确牛顿法,经济数学,18:1(2001), 74-81.
25贺素香*(学生),张立卫, A class of constructive dual algorithms for solving nonlinear programming problems, 运筹学学报,5:3(2001),41-50.
24 贺素香* (学生),张立卫, 求解约束优化问题的对偶算法, 计算数学, 23:3 (2001),307-320.
23 张立卫*,李勤,张鑫, Two differential systems for solving nonlinear programming problems, 运筹学学报,4:4(2000),33-46.
22王明征* ,张立卫,夏尊铨, Dennis-Wolkowicz最小改变割算法的超线性收敛性, 大连理工大学学报, 11(2000),645-648.
21 夏尊铨,张士霞,张立卫*, 复ABS方法. 大连理工大学学报, 11(2000),645- 648.
20 L.W.Zhang* and Z.Q. Xia, Approximations to convex-valuedmultifunctions. in:Demayano V. and Rubinov A. eds., Quasidifferentiability and Related Topics, Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 2000.
19S.X. He* (学生) and L.W.Zhang, Convergence of a dual algorithm for minimax problems, Archives of Control Sciences, 10(XLVI)(2000),47-60.
18 L.W.Zhang*, and S.X. He(学生), The convergence of a dual algorithm for nonlinear programming, Korean J. Comput. & Appl.Math. 7:3(2000),487-506.
17 张立卫, Condition on parameterin a convergent conjugate gradient method,运筹学学报, 3:2 (1999),71-81.
16郭崇惠* ,唐焕文,张立卫, Global convergence for a class of conjugate gradient methods, 运筹学学报, 3:2(1999), 46-48.
15L.W.Zhang, A modified version to the differential system of Evtushenko and Zhadan for solving nonlinear programming, in: Yuan Ya-Xiang ed., Numerical Linear
Algebra and Optimization, Science Press, Beijing, New York,1999,161-168.
14L.W. Zhang*, and H.W. Tang,A further study on a penalty function of Bertsekas, in: Yuan Ya-Xiang ed., Advances in Nonlinear Programming,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998,345-351.
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张晓军,韦修林,张长伦,栗二虎,贺素香,冯庆山,李勤,张鑫,张士霞,刘勇进, 周丽美, 于洪霞, 宋秋生,高桂英,于洪霞,范小娜,张忠元,常青,王韵,肖现涛,李阳, 顾剑,刘春霞,李洁,刘波,白巍,刘溪,王白青,肖瑾,于桂花,张立锋,董彦诚,林苗珊, 许璐璐,张杰, 吴佳,张艺,李延玲,代小梅,张慧宇,田悦,陈昊,齐丽岩,孙艳华,李强,张小娟,赵玉琴,王森,王小宝,曹玲玲,黄婉,程聪,宋晶晶,楼彩英,瑛瑛,殷子然,周诚毅,初丽,何中磊, 温翠凤,钟轶君,金廷蔚,郝首霖,朱弘韬,赵彦芬,杨青松,李小冉, 姜楠,朱锦玮,
毕业博士生:贺素香, 刘勇进,周丽美,于洪霞, 任咏红,金丽,孙少燕,黄林,
孙菊贺,王韵, 肖现涛,李阳,顾剑,王莉,袁艳红,张杰,吴佳,张艺,
在读硕士生: 赵奔, 周佳星, 代晓宁
姚梦莎,白旷, 张赛楠
在读博士生:刘强,齐丽岩,王博,郭少艳, 皇甫明,高胜哲,梅雪晖,
刘书新, Msigwa Robert,付巍巍,贝泓涵
李艳杰,张继红, 段庆松
2. 非线性最优化对偶算法的研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目编
3. 平衡约束最优化的非光滑分析方法,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金,2005
4. 非凸半定规划与二阶锥约束优化的算法研究及应用,国家自然科学基金(项目编
5. 非凸锥优化的扰动分析与均衡锥优化问题,国家自然科学基金(项目编号:**)
6. 问题驱动的大型优化问题的可计算建模与算法探索,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划-培
育项目, 项目批准号:**,2012.1-2014.12(第二负责人)
7. 飞机机翼形状优化问题的关键数学理论和快速算法,国家自然科学基金重点项目,项目批准号:**,2014.1-2017.12 (第二负责人)
8. 基于二阶变分分析的非凸优化问题的扰动分析,国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:
硕士6, 博士14.
硕士70, 博士24.
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