大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
主要的研究领域是“组合数学”, 包括组合分析、组合计数、偏序集上的组合、字上的组合以及组合数学中的代数与数论方法等课题。
(6)主持“代数组合学的几何理论”(2002.1-2005.12), 国家自然科学基金两个基地项目
1. 有限域中的第二型本原根的阶及其范数, 数学学报,34 (1991), No.1, 1-6.
2. 模奇数的广义分圆方程的可约性,科学通报,36 (1991), No.18, 1365-1367(中
文版). Chinese Science Bulletin,37(1992), No.4, 281-284 (英文版).
3. On the Jacobi sums modulo Pn, J. Number Theory, 39 (1991), 50-64.
4. Goldbach's problem in the ring Mn(Z), Amer. Math. Monthly,99 (1992), No.9, 856-857.
5. On the Poincare series for diagonal forms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,116 (1992), No.3,607-611.
6. On the Poincare series for diagonal forms over algebraic number fields,Acta Arithmetica,63 (1993), No.2, 97-101.
7. Reduced phi-partitions of positive integers, Fibonacci Quarterly,31 (1993), No.4, 365-369.
8. On the Jacobi sums for finite commutative rings with identity, J. Number Theory, 48 (1994), No.3, 284-290.
9. On the k-th derivative sequences of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, Fibonacci Quarterly,33 (1995), No.2, 174-178.
10. A generalization of Menon's identity with respect to a set of polynomials (with Pentti Haukkanen). Portugal. Math., 53 (1996),No.3, 331-337.
11. High degree analogs of Menon's identity (with P. Haukkanen), Indian J. Math., 39 (1997), No.1, 37-42.
12. On Smith's determinant (with Pentti Haukkanen and Juha Sillanpaa),Linear AlgebraAppl.,258 (1997), 251-269.
13. Quasi-abelian Cayley graphs and Parsons graphs (with Mingyao Xu), European J. Combin., 18 (1997), 597-600.
14. Euler's totient function and Ramanujan's sum in a poset-theoreticsetting (with P. Haukkanen).Discussiones Mathematicae-Algebra and Stochastic Methods, 17 (1997), 79-87.
15. Proof of a conjecture on the Sperner property of the subgroup lattice of an abelian p-group, Annals of Combin., 2 (1998), 85-101.
16. Minimum cutsets for an element of a subspace lattice over a finite vector space (with H. Feng),Order, 14 (1997-1998), 145-151.
17. Some Mobius-type Functions and Inversions Constructed via Difference Operators (with L.C. Hsu),Tamkang J. Math., 29 (1998), No.2, 89-99.
18. On quasi-invariant elements in a lattice (with H. Feng), Algebra Universalis , 40 (1998), 447-451.
19. Quotient sets and subset-subspace analogy, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 23 (1999), 333-339.
20. 交换 p-群的子群格的强Sperner性质 (with 王毅), 中国科学(A辑),30 (2000),232-240; 43 (2000), No.7,693-702 (英文版).
21. Systems of Linear Congruences with Individual Moduli (with David C. Torney), Linear Algebra Appl., 318 (2000), 195-208.
22. Adjacency Relation andParity Distribution of Lexical Words in Discrete Dynamical Systems (with William Y.C. Chen, James D. Louck), J. Combin. Theory, Ser.A, 91 (2000), 476-508.
23. Some Properties of the (q,h)-binomial Coefficients (with Z.Z. Zhang), J. Physics A: Math. Gen.,33 (2000), 7653-7658.
24. 研究偏序集的Sperner性质的一个新方法, 大连理工大学学报, 40 (2000), 增刊1,5-7.
25. On a certain kind of generalized number-theoretic Mobius function(with T.C. Brown, L.C. Hsu and P. Shiue),Math. Scientist, 25(2000), 1-6.
26. Decompositions of Necklaces (with William Y.C. Chen), Annals ofCombin., 5 (2001), no. 3-4, 271--283.
27. Normalized Matching Property of the Subgroup Lattice of an Abelian p-Group, Discrete Math., 257 (2002), no.2-3, 559-574.
28. Characteristic Sequences for DNA Primary Sequence (with Ping-an He), J. Chem.Infor. Comp. Sci., 42(2002), 1080-1085.
29. Numerical Characterization of DNA Primary Sequence (with Ping-an He), Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design, 1 (2002), No.12, 668-674.
30. Artificial Neural NetworkMethod for Predicting Protein Coding Genes in the Yeast Genome Based on the n-shade Sequences (with Chun Li), Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design, 2 (2003), 527-538.
31. On the Hankel Matrix of Derangement Polynomials (with Z.Z. Zhang), Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math., 34 (2003), no.4, 625-629.
32. Numerical characterization and similarity analysis of DNA sequences based on 2-D graphical representation of the characteristic sequences (with Chun Li),Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 6 (2003), no.8, 795-799.
33. On a 3-Drepresentation of DNA primary sequences (with Chun Li), Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 7 (2004), no.1, 23-27.
34. On Extensions of Calkin's Binomial Identities (with Zhizheng Zhang), DiscreteMath., 274 (2004),331-342.
35. Some Properties for DNA curve (with Ping-an He), J. Physics A: Math. Gen., 37 (2004), No.42, 7135-7142.
36. Construction of Sturmian Sequences (with Kebo Lu), J. Physics A: Math. Gen., 38 (2005), No.42, 2891-2897.
37. Relative Entropy of DNA and its Application(with Chun Li), Physica A, 347 (2005), 465-471.
38. New Invariant of DNA Sequences (with Chun Li), J. Chem. Infor. Model., 45 (2005), 115-120.
39. Two Operator Identities and Their Applications to Terminating Basic Hypergeometric Series and q-integrals (with Zhizheng Zhang), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 312 (2005), 653-665.
40. Bernoulli matrix and its algebraic properties (with Zhizheng Zhang),Discrete Appl.Math., 154 (2006), 1622–1632.
41. Recognition of protein coding genes in the yeast genome based on the relative entropy of DNA (with Chun Li and Nadia Helal),Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 9 (2006),No.1, 49-54.
42. Characterization and similarity analysis of DNA sequences grounded on a 2-D graphical representation (with Yi Zhang),Chemical Physics Letters, 423 (2006), No.1-3, 50-53.
43. Characterization and similarity analysis of DNA sequences based on mutually direct-complementary triplets(with Yi Zhang), Chemical Physics Letters,425 (2006), Issues 4-6, 324-328.
44. On the Set of Reduced Phi-Partitions of a Positive Integer, (with Xin Wang), Fibonacci Quarterly, 44.2 (2006), 98-102.
45. Directed graphs of DNA sequences and their numerical characterization (with Chun Li and Nannan Tang),J.Theoret. Biology, 241 (2006), 173-177.
46. A naturallylogical representation for DNA primary sequences(with Chun Li),Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening,10 (2007), No.4, 277-281.
47. k-Step Fibonacci Sequence Modulo m (with Kebo Lu), Utilitas Mathematica,71 (2006), 169-178.
48. Normalized Matching Property of a Class of Subspace Lattices (with Huajun Zhang), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 11, No.1 (2007), 43-50.
49. Cutset condition for geometric lattices (with Jun Wu),Order, 23 (2006), 333-338.
50. Erdos-Ko-Rado-Type Theorems for Colored Sets (with Yushuang Li),Electron. J. Combin. 14 (1) (2007), R1.
51. Similarity analysis of DNA sequences based on the generalized LZ
complexity of (0,1)-sequences (with Chun Li), Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, to appear.(DOI 10.1007/s10910-006-9176-8)
52. Volatilities of Codons and Its Application in Similarity Analysis of Biological Sequences (with Yi Zhang), Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, to appear. (DOI:10.1007/s10910-007-9235-9)
53. On (a,d)-Antimagic Labelings of Generalized Petersen GraphsP(n,2) (with Jirimutu),Ars Combinatoria, to appear.
54.A Sequence Representation of the Dyck Path Poset (with Yushuang Li), Ars Combinatorics, to appear.
55.New proof of a combinatorial identity on Stirling numbers of the second kind (with Caihuan Zhang), Utilitas Mathematica, to appear.
56.A condition for modular lattices (with Jun Wu),Algebra Univeralis, to appear.
57. Combinatorics on Words in Symbolic Dynamics: The Quadratic Map (with Wanji Dai, Kebo Lu), Acta Mathematica Sinica, to appear.
58.Combinatorics on Words in Symbolic Dynamics: The Antisymmetric cubic Map (with Wanji Dai, Kebo Lu), Acta Mathematica Sinica, to appear.
59. Normalized Matching Property ofRestricted Subspace Lattices (with Huajun Zhang), SIAM J. Discrete Math., to appear.
60. An Erdos-Ko-Rado-Type Theorem in CoxeterGroups (with J. Zhang), European J. Combin., to appear.
硕士3, 博士5
硕士20, 博士12
相关话题/数学 科学学院
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高维东院系:数学科学学院办公电话:电子信箱:更新时间:2004-9-17 其他专业:无出版著作和论文 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学数学科学学院研究生导师简介-徐利治
徐利治院系:数学科学学院办公电话:**电子信箱:更新时间:2004-9-17 其他专业:无个人简介 1920年出生于江苏省张家港市,1945年毕业于西南联合大学数学系,留校任助教 。1949年赴英国亚贝丁与剑桥大学留学,回国后历任清华大学、吉林大学副教授、教授。1981年以来任大连理工大学应用数学研 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学数学科学学院研究生导师简介-丁克诠(特聘教授)
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