大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04
张璧博士出生于江苏省扬州市,现为中组部大连理工大学“****”教授,美国康涅狄格大学终身教授。1982年获得镇江农机学院学士学位后,受教育部派遣赴日本东京工业大学攻读硕士、博士学位,于1988年获机械工程博士学位。其后分别在上海交通大学和美国俄克拉荷马州立大学做博士后研究。1992年起受聘为康涅狄格大学助理教授、副教授(1997)与终身教授(2004),2011-2013年期间担任康涅狄格大学管理与工程制造学科主任。2001-2009年兼任教育部湖南大学“****特聘教授”、科技部“国家高效磨削工程技术研究中心”总工程师。从事精密制造研究30多年,研究方向为增减材制造与精密加工。先后承担美国NSF 及其它联邦机构的科研基金项目、企业项目共40 余项,总经费450 余万美元。共发表论文200 余篇,其中80 篇为学术期刊论文。是1994 年康涅狄格大学唯一推荐的美国总统奖候选人。为国际生产工程学会(CIRP)和美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会士(Fellow)。
教 授2014/01-至今,大连理工大学机械工程学院
教 授2004/08-2013/12,美国康涅狄格大学机械工程系
博 士1985/04-1988/03,日本东京工业大学机械工程系
硕 士1982/10-1985/03,日本东京工业大学机械工程系
学 士1978/02-1982/01,镇江农机学院农业机械工程系
1. 国际生产工程学会会士(CIRP Fellow)
2. 美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)
3. 北美制造工程师学会高级会员(SME Senior Member)
4. 精密工程学会会员(ASPE Member)
5. 日本精密工学会会员(JSPE Member)
5. 纳米技术与精密工程杂志编委 (Editorial Board Member)
6. 中国机械工程学报英文版编委 (Editorial Board Member)
7. 《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》编委 (Editorial Board Member)
1.“Design of Additive/Subtractive Manufacturing Machine,” Shandong Province, 10/2014-9/2017.
2. “Design of Automated Fixture to Assemble Single Fractured Outer Race Spherical Plain Bearings;” RBC Bearings, Inc., 9/2009-5/2013.
3. "Study on Microedged Whisker Wheel and Its Grinding Mechanisms," the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 8/2008-7/2010.
4. "Data Base Development and Research for Intelligent Grinding Optimization of Cam Shafts," the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 10/2007-9/2009.
5. “Design of an Artificially Ordered Super-hard Whisker Cutter and Machining Mechanisms with Such a Cutter”, the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 1/08-12/10.
6. “Software-Supported High Efficiency Grinding,” Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, 1/08-12/09.
7. “Study on White-layer Formation and Suppression Mechanisms for Grinding of Hard Metals”, the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 10/07-12/09.
8. “Design of an Intelligent Database and Its Application to Camshaft Grinding”, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology,10/07-9/09.
9. “Industrial Material Spreader Cut-Off Mechanism,” Gerber Technology, 9/07-5/08.
10. “Alternative Design of External Manifold Retention System for Fuel Cell Stacks,” UTC Power, 9/07-5/08.
11. “External Lubrication in a Tablet Press,” Pfizer Global Research & Development, 9/06-5/08.
12. “Design and Prototyping of an Ultraprecision Grinding Machine for Micro-Aspheric Lenses”, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology,1/03-12/05.
13. “Basic Research on Material Removal Mechanisms in Grinding of Nanostructured Ceramics”, the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 1/03-10/05.
14. “Study on Superhigh Speed CNC Cylindrical Grinding”, the Chinese Ministry of Education,1/03-12/05.
15. “Design and Prototyping of Superhigh Speed CNC Cylindrical Grinder”, Hunan Science & Tech Fund for Large Projects, China,7/02-6/05.
16. “Analysis and Modeling in Precision Grinding of Difficult-to-Machine Materials (Including Nanostructured Materials)”, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 10/01-9/03.
17. “Innovative Design of Hydrostatic Pressure Assisted Micromachining Apparatus for Brittle Materials” University of Connecticut Research Foundation, 1/04 – 6/05.
18. “Hole Cutting on Leather Materials” Gerber Technology, 9/04 – 5/05.
19. “DNA-Assisted Photonics Crystal Fabrication” AFOSR, 9/01 – 8/04.
20. “A Unique Design of Endplates and Clamping Mechanisms for Miniature/Micro/Portable DMFC Stacks” US Army, 1/03 – 1/04.
21. “Design of Automatic Tool Changer” Gerber Technology, 9/02 – 5/03.
22. “Innovative Manufacturing of Bipolar Plates for Portable Fuel Cells” US Army, 6/02 – 6/03.
23. “Study on Grindability of Thermal-Spray Coated Nanostructured Materials” Office of Naval Research, 11/00 – 12/02.
24. “Single-Pass Growth of Full Color OLED Displays Using a Scanning Localized Evaporation Methodology (SLEM)” subcontract to NSF SBIR of Optoelectronics Systems Consulting, Inc., 7/01 – 12/01.
25. “Improvement of the Metal Cutting Principles Lab,” UConn School of Engineering, 1/01 – 12/01.
26. “Hybrid Electromagnetic and Permanent Magnet Frictionless Clutch/Brake” The Carlyle & Johnson Machine Company, 9/01 – 5/02.
27. “Microgrinding of Nanostructured Materials” Connecticut Yankee Ingenuity Initiatives + Inframat Corporation, 1/99 – 6/01.
28. “Thermoelectric Cooler Design,” Hamilton-Sundstrand, 9/00-5/01.
29. “Optimization of Screw-Vibration Assisted Tapping for High Efficiency” UConn Research Foundation, 6/99 – 5/00.
30. “A Lithography Stage of High Performance” National Science Foundation + Dover Instrument, 3/96 – 2/99.
31. “Damage Control in Grinding of Ceramics” National Science Foundation, 6/95 – 12/98.
32. “Automated Feed and Ejection for Electro-discharge Machining,” Pratt & Whitney, 9/99-5/00.
33. “Design and Analysis of an Improved Threading System” Goss & DeLeeuw Machine Co. 9/95 – 8/98.
34. “The Effect of Machine Stiffness on Grinding of Silicon Nitride” U.S. Department of Energy, 1/96 – 3/97.
35. “Design of a Vacuum-Hydrostatic Shoe for Centerless Grinding” Connecticut Yankee Ingenuity Initiatives + Torrington Company, 8/95 – 7/97.
36. “On-line Damage Inspection for Grinding of Ceramics” University of Connecticut Research Foundation, 1/97 – 12/97.
37. “Redesign of Aluminum ‘Ladder’ Type Cable Tray System” The Wiremold Company, 9/97 – 5/99.
38. “Development of Diamond Growth Techniques Using Oxyacetylene Combustion Flame Method” National Science Foundation (Research Initiation Award), 8/93 – 12/96.
39. “Design of Linear Piezomotor for Grinding Wheel Truing/Dressing Applications” Connecticut Innovations, Inc., 7/93 – 6/95.
40. “Design of an Aerostatic Bearing of High Stiffness” Connecticut Innovations, Inc., 7/94 – 6/96.
41. “Conceptual Design of Vacuum-Hydrostatic Shoe for Centerless Grinding” DARPA/DLA, 1/95 – 12/95.
42. “Development of Diamond Growth Techniques Using Oxyacetylene Combustion Flame Method” University of Connecticut Research Foundation, 1/93 – 12/93.
43. “A New Approach to Vibration Control of Structures” Booth Research Center, 1/95 – 12/95.
44. “Ceramic Bearing Technology Program” DARPA, 7/91 – 6/94.
45. “Improvement of the Mechanical Engineering Measurement Lab,” UConn School of Engineering, 5/00 – 6/01
1. 精密加工研究
2. 增减材复合制造研究
近5 年来已发表的学术论文
1. Gao, S.*, Kang, R.K., Dong, Z.G., Zhang, B. Edge Chipping of Silicon Wafers in Diamond Grinding,” International Journal of Machine Tool & Manufacture, Vol. 64, pp. 31-37, 2013.
2. Hu, Z.W., Sun, W.*, Zhang, B. Characterization of Aortic Tissue Cutting Process: Experimental Investigation Using Porcine Ascending Aorta. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 18, pp. 81-89, 2013.
3. Hu, Z.W., Zhang, B.*, and Sun, W. Cutting Characteristics of Biological Soft Tissues. Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 61, pp. 135-138, 2012.
4. Zhang, G.F.*, Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H., Hu, Z.W., Tan, Y.Q. Experimental Investigation of a PDC Microedge Cutter for Precision Machining of n-WC/12 Co. China Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 22(8), pp. 961-966, 2011.
5. Hu, Z.W., Zhang, B.* Modeling of Soft Tissue Cutting Process. China Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 22(17), pp. 2043-2060, 2011.
6. Zhang, G.F.*, Tan Y.Q., Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H. Machining Mechanism of Diamond Fibers Cutter. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 487, pp. 352-356, 2011.
7. Zhang, B.*, Cheng, X.M. Wear Performance of Ground Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings. Journal of Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 475-483, 2010.
8. Zhang, G.F., Zhang, B.*, Deng, Z.H., Tan, Y.Q. An Experimental Study on a Novel Diamond Whisker Wheel. Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 59, pp. 355-360, 2010.
9. Chen, G.Y.*, Mei, L.F., Zhang, B., Yu, C.R., Shun, K.J. Experiment and
Numerical Simulation Study on Laser Truing and Dressing of Bronze-Bonded Diamond Wheel. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 295–304, 2010.
10. Mei, L.F., Chen, G.Y.*, Zhang, B., Chen, G.G., Huang, K. Measurement of YAG Laser Absorptance by Artificial Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride. Optics and Lasers Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 770–777, 2009.
11. Ren, Y.H, Zhang, B., Zhou, Z.X. Specific Energy in Grinding of Tungsten Carbides of Various Grain Sizes. Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 58, pp. 299-302, 2009.
12. Zhang, G.F.*, Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H. Recent Advances and Future Perspectives in Grinding Wheel Structures. International Journal of Abrasive Technology, Vol. 2(2), pp. 113-129, 2009.
13. Zhang, G.F.*, Tan, Y.Q., Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H. Effect of SiC Particles on the Machining of Aluminum/SiC Composite. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 626-627, pp. 219-224, 2009.
14. Zhang, G.F.*, Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H., Tan, Y.Q. Grinding of Nanostructured WC Coatings with Single Fibrous-Abrasive Wheel. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 416, pp. 482-486, 2009.
15. Ren, Y.H.*, Zhang, B., Zhou, Z.X. Study on Surface Integrity of Nanostructured WC-Co Subjected to Precision Grinding,” China Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 20(8), pp. 896-901, 2009.
16. Zhang, G.F.*, Zhang, B., Deng, Z.H. Mechanisms of Al/SiC Composite Machining with Diamond Whiskers. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 404, pp. 165-175, 2009.
1. Outstanding Contribution Award, The 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2008
2. Marquis Who's Who in American Education, 2006
3. Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, UCONN 2003
4. Marquis Who’s who in the World, 17th Edition, 2000
5. Outstanding Reviewer for ASME J. Manuf. Sci. & Eng., 1999
6. Marquis Who’s who in Science and Engineering, 1999
1. “Vacuum-Hydrostatic Shoe for Centerless Grinding,” U.S. patent # 6,287,183, September 11, 2001.
2. "A Flexible Rotary Bearing," Chinese patent ZL**2.7, authorized publishing number CN**C, December 12, 2012.
3. “A Sealing Device for Extended Bearing Lifetime,” Chinese patent CN**A, December 5, 2012.
褚金奎院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:chujk@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2014-4-18 其他专业:★微机电工程精密仪器及机械个人简介 1965年生,1992年毕业于北京航空航天大学并获得工学博士学位。其后历经讲师(1992)、副教授(1993)、教授(1997)、博士导师(1 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-王敏杰
王敏杰院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:mjwang@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2013-9-29 其他专业:无个人简介 1989年8月,大连理工大学机械制造及其自动化专业工学博士学位。1995年8月~,大连理工大学机械工程学院教授。1998年10月~,大连理工大学机械工程学院博士生导 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-王德伦
王德伦院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:dlunwang@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2011-9-13 其他专业:无个人简介 王德伦,男,1958年生,博士,博士生导师。 社会兼职 教育部机械学科机械基础教学指导委员会委员 机械工程学会机械传动分会机构学委员会副主任委员 大连市机械设计 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-金洙吉
金洙吉院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:kimsg@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2010-7-15 其他专业:无个人简介 1985.09-1989.07:大庆石油学院石油机械专业,获学士学位1989.09-1992.03:哈尔滨工业大学机械设计专业,获硕士学位1992.03-1995.1 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-滕弘飞
滕弘飞院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:tenghf@dlut.edu.cn 更新时间:2015-5-12 其他专业:计算机应用技术个人简介 大连理工大学机械工程学院教授,博士生导师大连理工大学机械工程学院智能CAD/CAM及优化研究室主任 社会兼职 纽约科学院 Academy Member ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-郭东明
郭东明院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:guodm@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2016-4-14 其他专业:无个人简介 郭东明,男,1959年4月生。1982年2月、1984年12月、1992年3月于大连工学院(现大连理工大学)机械制造专业获工学学士、硕士和博士学位。1984年12 月 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-田树军
田树军院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:jxtsj@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2009-6-24 其他专业:无个人简介 1977年毕业于大连理工大学(原大连工学院)机制专业,留校任教。先后在校攻读并获得工学硕士和博士学位,现为教授、博士生导师。曾任全国高校机电工程专业教学指导委员会委 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-孙伟
孙伟院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:sunwei@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2015-9-26 其他专业:无个人简介 男,汉族,1967年9月5日出生,黑龙江省哈尔滨市人,现任大连理工大学机械工程学院院长、教授博导,辽宁重大装备制造协同创新中心副主任。教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04大连理工大学机械工程学院研究生导师简介-王立鼎
王立鼎院系:机械工程学院办公电话:**电子信箱:wangld@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2004-9-17 其他专业:精密仪器及机械出版著作和论文 ...大连理工大学教师导师 大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04