

大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04


郭东明,男,1959年4月生。1982年2月、1984年12月、1992年3月于大连工学院(现大连理工大学)机械制造专业获工学学士、硕士和博士学位。1984年12 月硕士毕业留校任教。历任助教(1984)、讲师(1989)、副教授(1992)、教授(1994)、博士生导师(1995)、副系主任(1991),院长/ 系主任(1996)、副校长(2002)和常务副校长(2009),2014年2月任校长;2011年当选中国工程院院士。
曾赴日本中央大学(10/1995—01/1996)、,访问学者, 美国Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology(09/1998—01/1999)和澳大利亚墨尔本大学(05/2000—05/2001)访问和学习。
国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2003年),新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2004年) ,大连市特等劳动模范(2005年), 辽宁省特等劳动模范(2008年),全国先进工作者(2009年),全国先进科技工作者(2012年)。

中国机械工程学会副理事长,教育部高等学校工程训练教学指导委员会主任委员,中国机械工程学会生产工程专业学会主任委员,国际磨粒技术学会(ICAT)理事;《Engineering》、《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》、《The International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structure》、《The International Journal of Abrasive Technology》、 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》、《Science China》、《机械工程学报》、《中国机械工程》、《中国表面工程》、《工业工程》和《大连理工大学学报》等杂志编委;《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》杂志主编;《中国机械工程》杂志副主编。辽宁省科协副主席,大连市科协主席;国家自然科学基金委员会纳米制造重大研究计划专家组专家,清华大学摩擦学、上海交通大学大学机械系统与振动、华中科技大学数字化制造装备与技术、浙江大学流体传动、重庆大学机械传动等国家重点等国家重点实验室学术委员会或咨询委员会委员。



1.《面向快速制造的特种加工技术》, 郭东明,赵福令著;国防工业出版社(ISBN978-7-118-06115-4), 2009年出版。
2.《超磁致伸缩材料微位移执行器原理与应用》,贾振元,郭东明著;科学出版社,(ISBN 978-7-030-22263-3),2008年出版。
3.《中国模具工程大典第9卷模具制造》,王敏杰,于同敏,郭东明主编;电子工业出版社,(ISBN 978-7-121-04530-1),2007出版。
4.郭东明, 孙玉文, 贾振元. 高性能精密制造方法及其研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(11): 119-134.
5.郭东明. 高性能零件的性能与几何参数一体化精密加工方法与技术. 中国工程科学, 2011, 13(10): 47-57.
6.郭东明, 张春波, 盛贤君, 孙玉文,柳敏静. 口径/谱域积分-表面积分法的研究. 电子学报, 2008, 36(9): 1750-1754.
7.郭东明,康仁科,金洙吉,霍凤伟,田业冰,郭晓光. 大尺寸硅片超精密磨削平整化加工机理与技术, 《数字制造科学》,2007年4期: 1-32.
8.郭东明,刘战强,蔡光起,康仁科,董 申,李圣怡,赵万生,王振龙,贾振元,肖荣诗,朱荻. 中国先进加工制造工艺与装备技术中的关键科学问题, 《数字制造科学》, 2005年4期,1-36.
9.郭东明,贾振元,杨睿,康仁科,金洙吉. 理想材料零件数字化设计与制造.《数字制造科学》, 2003年1-4期: 295-301.
10.郭东明, 康仁科, 苏建修, 金洙吉. 超大规模集成电路制造中硅片平坦化技术的未来发展. 机械工程学报, 2003, 39(10): 100-105.
11.郭东明, 贾振元, 王晓明,康德纯; 王立鼎; 程耿东. 理想材料零件的数字化设计制造方法及内涵. 机械工程学报,2001, 37(5): 7-11.
12.郭东明, 王晓明. 面向快速制造的特种加工技术. 中国机械工程, 2000, 11(1): 206-211.
13.郭东明, 王晓明, 贾振元, 程耿东. 新型材料零件数字化设计制造的理论与方法,中国机械工程, Vol.10, No.6, 1999,6,pp601~605。
14.孙玉文, 郭东明, 贾振元. 复杂曲面的测量加工一体化. 科学通报, 2015 (9): 781-791.
15.贾振元, 王永青, 王福吉, 马建伟,郭东明. 高性能复杂曲面零件测量-再设计-数字加工一体化加工方法. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(19): 126-132.
16.霍凤伟, 郭东明, 冯光, 康仁科,王瑞利. 核主泵用流体动压密封环复杂形面超精密磨削. 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(13): 184-191.
17.D.M. Guo, H. Xu, G.B. Wang. Preface for special issues on advances in manufacturing machines and systems–Selected Papers from the 9th International Conference of Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2012, 31(1): 1.
18.D.M. Guo, Q. Wen, H. Gao, Y.J. Bao. Prediction of the cutting forces generated in the drilling of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic composites using a twist drill. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2012, 226:28-42.
19.D.M. Guo, F. Ren, Y.W. Sun. An approach to modeling cutting forces in five-axis ball-end milling of curved geometries based on tool motion analysis. ASME Transaction:Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2010, 132(4): 041004-041004-8.
20.D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Zhang, R.K. Kang, H. Gao. Nanocutting process of CdZnTe single crystals. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2009, 24(4): 504-508.
21.D.M. Guo, M. Zhang, Z.J. Jin, B.X. Zuo. Particle strengthening of the surface of copper electrode for electrical discharge machining. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008, 31(1): 81-87.
22.D.M. Guo, J. Liu, R.K. Kang, Z.J. Jin. A pad roughness model for the analysis of lubrication in the chemical mechanical polishing of a silicon wafer. Semiconductor science and technology, 2007, 22(7): 793-797.
23.D.M. Guo, M. Zhang, Z.J. Jin, R.K. Kang. Pulse plating of copper-zrb_2 composite coatings. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2006(04):514-518.
24.D.M. Guo, M. Zhang, Z.J. Jin, R.K. Kang. Effects of chloride ion on the texture of copper and cu-zrb2 coatings electrodeposited from copper nitrate solution in different plating modes. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2006, 22(5): 643-646.
25.Z.Y. Zhang, D.M. Guo, B. Wang B, R.K. Kang, B. Zhang. A novel approach of high speed scratching on silicon wafers at nanoscale depths of cut. Scientific reports, 2015, 5.
26.G. Feng, D.M. Guo, F.W. Huo, Z.J. Jin, R.K. Kang. Implementation strategies for high accuracy grinding of hydrodynamic seal ring with wavy face for reactor coolant pumps. Science China: Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(10): 2403-2412.
27.F.W. Huo, D.M. Guo, G. Feng, R.K. Kang. A new ultra-precision grinding method for manufacturing the wavy-tilt-dam mechanical face seals. Tribology Transactions, 2013, 56(1):65-74.
28.F.W. Huo, D.M. Guo, Z. Li, F. Gao, R.K. Kang. Generation of rotationally symmetric surfaces by infeed grinding with a rotary table and a cup wheel. Precision Engineering, 2013, 37(2): 286-298.
29.P. Zhou, D.M. Guo, R.K. Kang, Z.J. Jin. A mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication model with layered elastic theory for simulation of chemical mechanical polishing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 69(5-8): 1009-1016.
30.F.W. Huo, D.M. Guo, G. Feng, R.K. Kang, R.L. Wang. A new kinematics for ultra precision grinding of conical surfaces using a rotary table and a cup wheel. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2012, 59: 34-45.
31.W.S. Li, D.M. Guo, Z.J. Jin, Z. Wang, Z.W. Yuan. Effects of high dielectric constant abrasives on ECMP. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 121: 3263-3267.
32.P. Zhou, D.M. Guo, R.K. Kang, Z.J. Jin. Analysis of laminar flow over a non-conventional random rough surface based on lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Tribology, 2012, 134(1): 012201.
33.F.W. Huo, D.M. Guo, Z.J. Jin, R.K. Kang, Z.Y. Zhang. Ultra-precision grinding of a hydrostatic mechanical sealing ring face with extremely shallow taper angle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2011, 225(4): 463-472.
34.F.J. Ma, D.M. Guo, R.K. Kang, Y.J. Ren. Surface quality of carbon/carbon composite after ultrasonic assisted turning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2011, 225(11): 2144-2148.
35.L.H. Zou, D.M. Guo, H. Gao. A method to analyze the difference of 3-D CAD model files based on feature extraction. Journal of mechanical science and technology, 2011, 25(4): 971-976.
36.M. Zhang, D.M. Guo, Z.J. Jin. EDM performance of electroformed Cu-ZrB2 shell electrodes. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2009, 15(2): 150-156.
37.Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia. An automatic modelling strategy for the reverse engineering of wrap-around freeform surfaces. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008, 33(1-2): 50-64.
38.S. Yang, D.M. Guo. Topology optimisation design of multiconstraint continuum structure using sequential quadratic programming method. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008, 33(1-2): 109-123.
39.Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia. Spiral cutting operation strategy for machining of sculptured surfaces by conformal map approach. Journal of materials processing technology, 2006, 180(1): 74-82.
40.Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia, W.J. Liu. B-spline surface reconstruction and direct slicing from point clouds. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 27(9-10): 918-924.
41.Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo, H.X. Wang. Isoparametric tool path generation from triangular meshes for free-form surface machining. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 28(7-8): 721-726.
42.D.X. Wang, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia, L.H. Jiang. Halftoning colour volume datasets based on subdivision. Computer-Aided Design, 2004, 36(13): 1371-1377.
43.Z.Y. Liu, D.M. Guo, J.G. Korvink. Topology optimization for stable non-linear structures. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2002, 3(3-4): 589-594.
44.M.K. Lei, X.P Zhu, D.M. Guo. Reducing geometrical, physical, and chemical constraints in surface integrity of high-performance stainless steel components by surface modification. ASME Transaction: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016, 138(4): 044501.
45.Y.W. Sun, D.Y. Feng, D.M. Guo. An adaptive uniform toolpath generation method for the automatic polishing of complex surfaces with adjustable density. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 80(9-12): 1673-1683.
46.Y.Z. Gao, Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo. Facile fabrication of super hydrophobic surfaces with low roughness on Ti–6Al–4V substrates via anodization. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 314: 754-759.
47.J.F. Zhou, Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo. Adaptive feedrate interpolation with multi-constraints for five-axis parametric toolpath. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 71(9-12): 1873-1882.
48.Z.Y Zhang, Y.X. Huo, D.M. Guo. A model for nanogrinding based on direct evidence of ground chips of silicon wafers. Science China:Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(9): 2099-2108.
49.Y.W. Sun, J.F. Zhou, D.M. Guo. Variable feedrate interpolation of NURBS Toolpath with geometric and kinematical constraints for five-axis CNC machining. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2013, 26(5): 757-776.
50.K.Y. Tang, R.K. Kang, D.M. Guo, L. Song. Modeling and investigation on wafer shape in wafer rotational grinding method. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 64(5-8): 707-714.
51.X.G. Guo, X.J. Zhang, D.M. Guo. Study on CMP intelligent monitoring system of large-size silicon. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 220: 1414-1417.
52.Q. Guo, Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo. Analytical modeling of geometric errors induced by cutter runout and tool path optimization for five-axis flank machining. Science China: Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(12): 3180-3190.
53.H. Gao, B.L. Wang, D.M. Guo, Y.Z. Li. Experimental study on abrasive-free polishing for KDP crystal. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157(9): H853-H856.
54.Y.W. Sun, J.T. Xu, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia. A unified localization approach for machining allowance optimization of complex curved surfaces. Precision engineering, 2009, 33(4): 516-523.
55.F. Ren, Y.W. Sun, D.M. Guo. Combined reparameterization-based spiral toolpath generation for five-axis sculptured surface machining. The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2009, 40(7-8): 760-768.
56.Y.W. Sun, F. Ren, D.M. Guo, Z.Y. Jia. Estimation and experimental validation of cutting forces in ball-end milling of sculptured surfaces. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2009, 49(15): 1238-1244.
57.Y.W. Sun, J. Wang, D.M. Guo, Q. Zhang. Modeling and numerical simulation for the machining of helical surface profiles on cutting tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, 36(5-6): 525-534.
58.Y.W. Sun, J. Wang, D.M. Guo. Guide curve based interpolation scheme of parametric curves for precision CNC machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2006, 46(3): 235-242.
59.M.Y. Wang, X.M. Wang, D.M. Guo. A level set method for structural topology optimization. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2003, 192(1): 227-246.
60.Y.W. Sun, L.L. Wang, Y.Z. Gao, D.M. Guo. Preparation of stable superamphiphobic surfaces on Ti-6Al-4V substrates by one-step anodization. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 324: 825-830.
61.M.K. Lei, X.P. Zhu, Y.P. Li, D.M. Guo. Significance of surface integrity on high-performance manufacturing by surface modification. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015: 1-12.
62.H.B. Liu, Y.Q. Wang, Z.Y. Jia, D.M. Guo. Integration strategy of on-machine measurement (OMM) and numerical control (NC) machining for the large thin-walled parts with surface correlative constraint. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 80(9-12): 1721-1731.
63.Y.W. Sun, Y. Zhao, J.T. Xu, D.M. Guo. The feedrate scheduling of parametric interpolator with geometry, process and drive constraints for multi-axis CNC machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 85: 49-57.
64.Y.W. Sun, Y. Zhao, Y.R. Bao, D.M. Guo. A novel adaptive-feedrate interpolation method for NURBS tool path with drive constraints. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 77: 74-81.
65. F.W. Huo, R.K. Kang, Z. Li, D.M. Guo. Origin, modeling and suppression of grinding marks in ultra precision grinding of silicon wafers. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013, 66: 54-65.
66.Y.W. Sun, Y.R. Bao, K.X. Kang, D.M. Guo. An adaptive feedrate scheduling method of dual NURBS curve interpolator for precision five-axis CNC machining. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68(9-12): 1977-1987.
67.Y. Sun, F. Ren, X. Zhu, D.M. Guo. Contour-parallel offset machining for trimmed surfaces based on conformal mapping with free boundary. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 60(1-4): 261-271.
68.K. Wang, Y.Z. Li, R.K. Kang, D.M. Guo. Generation and removal of pits during chemical mechanical polishing process for MgO single crystal substrate. Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256(9): 2691-2699.
69.R.K. Kang, K. Wang, J. Wang, D.M. Guo. Removal of scratch on the surface of MgO single crystal substrate in chemical mechanical polishing process. Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254(15): 4856-4863.
70.Y.W. Sun, Z.Y. Jia, F. Ren, D.M. Guo. Adaptive feedrate scheduling for NC machining along curvilinear paths with improved kinematic and geometric properties. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, 36(1-2): 60-68.
71.Z.Y. Zhang, B. Wang, R.K. Kang, B. Zhang, D.M. Guo. Changes in surface layer of silicon wafers from diamond scratching. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 64(1): 349-352.
72.Z.Y. Yu, C.S. Ma, C.M. An, J.Z. Li, D.M. Guo. Prediction of tool wear in micro USM. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61(1): 227-230.
73.K. Shan, P. Zhou, J.Q. Cai, R.K. Kang, K. Shi, D.M. Guo. Electrogenerated chemical polishing of copper. Precision Engineering, 2015, 39: 161-166.




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