姓名 崔恒林
性别 男
出生日期 1970年1月
职称 教授,博导
传真 ——
Email cuihenglin@ujs.edu.cn
2011年8月-2012年8月,夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawai'i at Mānoa,UHM),工学院,博士后。
2013年2月-2014年2月,香港科技大学(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,HKUST),理学院,访问****。
博士研究生:Advanced Food Microbiology
硕士研究生:Food Microbiology
1.Hou J#, Yin X-M#, Li Y, Han D, Lü B, Zhang J-Y, Cui H-L* (2021). Biochemical characterization of a low salt-adapted extracellular protease from the extremely halophilic archaeon Halococcus salifodinae. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 176, 253-259.
2.Cui H-L*, Dyall-Smith, ML* (2021). Cultivation of halophilic archaea (class Halobacteria) from thalassohaline and athalassohaline environments. Marine Life Science & Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42995-020-00087-3
3.Yin X-M, Yang X-Y, Hou J, Zhu L, Cui H-L* (2020). Natronomonas halophila sp. nov. and Natronomonas salina sp. nov., two novel halophilic archaea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (11): 5686-5692.
4.Ding Y, Han D, Cui H-L* (2020). Halorussus halophilus sp. nov., a novel halophilic archaeon isolated from a marine solar saltern. Current Microbiology 77 (7): 1321-1327.
5.Hou J#, Han D#, Zhou Y, Li Y, Cui H-L* (2020). Identification and characterization of the gene encoding an extracellular protease from haloarchaeon Halococcus salifodinae. Microbiological Research 236: 126468.
6.Han D, Cui H-L* (2020). Salinibaculum litoreum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4): 2879-2887.
7.Hou J, Yang X-Y, Xu Q, Cui H-L* (2020). Characterization of a novel Cu-containing dissimilatory nitrite reductase from the haloarchaeon Halorussus sp. YCN54. Extremophiles 24 (3): 403-411.
8.Han D, Cui H-L* (2020). Halostella pelagica sp. nov. and Halostella litorea sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (3): 1969-1976.
9.Zhao Y-J, Tao C-Q, Zeng C-L, Zhu L*, Cui H-L* (2020). Salinigranum halophilum sp. nov., isolated from marine solar salterns. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (3): 1648-1655.
10.Tao C-Q, Ding Y, Zhao Y-J, Cui H-L* (2020). Natronorubrum halophilum sp. nov. isolated from two inland salt lakes. Journal of Microbiology 58 (2): 105-112.
11.Han, D., Hong L.-G., Xu, Q., Cui, H.-L.* (2019). Halostella limicola sp. nov., isolated from saline soil sampled at the Tarim Basin. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (10): 3299-3304.
12.Xu, Q., Cui, H.-L.*, Meng, F.* (2019). Haloprofundus halophilus sp. nov., isolated from the saline soil of Tarim Basin. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 112 (4): 553-559.
13.Han, D., Zhu, L., Cui, H.-L.* (2019). Halorussus litoreus sp. nov., isolated from the salted brown alga Laminaria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (3): 767-772.
14.Hou, J., Zhao, Y.-J., Zhu, L., Cui, H.-L.* (2018). Salinirubellus salinus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68 (6): 1874–1878.
15.Hou, J., Cui, H.-L.* (2018). In vitro antioxidant, antihemolytic and anticancer activity of the carotenoids from halophilic archaea. Current Microbiology 75 (3): 266-271.
16.Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Cui, H.-L.* (2018). Halobium salinum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Current Microbiology 75 (1): 6-10.
17.Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Cui, H.-L.* (2017). Halomarina rubra sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology199 (10): 1431–1435.
18.Lü, Z.-Z., Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Cui, H.-L.*, Li, Z.-R.* (2017). Halobacterium litoreum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (10):4095–4099.
19.Cui, H.-L.*, Lü, Z.-Z., Li, Y., Zhou, Y. (2017). Salinirussus salinus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (9):3622–3626.
20.Xu, J.-Q., Xu, W.-M., Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Hou, J., Zhu, L., Cui, H.-L.* (2016). Halorussus salinus sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 198 (10):957–961.
21.Wang, Z., Xu, J.-Q., Xu, W.-M., Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Hou, J., Zhu, L., Cui, H.-L.* (2016). Salinigranum salinum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66 (8):3017–3021.
22.Xu, W.-M., Xu, J.-Q., Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Hou, J., Zhu, L., Cui, H.-L.* (2016). Halomarina salina sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 109 (8):1121–1126.
23.Xu, J.-Q., Li, Y., Lü, Z.-Z., Zhou, Y., Hou, J., Cui, H.-L.* (2016). Halolamina litorea sp. nov., a haloarchaeon isolated from a marine solar saltern. Microbiology China 43 (5): 899-906.
24.崔恒林* (2016). 嗜盐古菌分类学研究进展. 微生物学通报 43 (5): 1113-1122.
25.Yuan, P.-P., Ye, W.-T., Pan, J.-X., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halorussus amylolyticus sp. nov., isolated from an inland salt lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (10): 3734-3738.
26.Yin, S., Wang, Z., Xu, J.-Q., Xu, W.-M., Yuan, P.-P., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halorubrum rutilum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 197 (10): 1159-1164.
27.Yuan, P.-P., Sun, X.-J., Liang, X., Chen, X.-J., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Haloarchaeobius amylolyticus sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 197 (7): 949-953.
28.Yuan, P.-P., Yin, S., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halorientalis brevis sp. nov., isolated from an inland salt lake of China. Current Microbiology 71 (3): 382-386.
29.Yuan, P.-P., Xu, J.-Q., Xu, W.-M., Wang, Z., Yin, S., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halosimplex litoreum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 108 (2): 483-489.
30.Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halomicroarcula salina sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (5): 1628-1633.
31.Yuan, P.-P., Zhang, W.-J., Han, D., Cui, H.-L.* (2015) Haloarchaeobius salinus sp. nov., isolated from an inland salt lake of China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (3): 910-914.
32.Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.*, Li, Z.-R.* (2015). Halovenus rubra sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria. Current Microbiology 70 (1): 91-95.
33.Xu, W.-D., Zhang, W.-J., Han, D., Cui, H.-L.*, Yang, K.* (2015). Halorussus ruber sp. nov., isolated from an inland salt lake of China. Archives of Microbiology 197 (1): 91-95.
34.Han, D., Cui, H.-L.* (2015). Halorubrum laminariae sp. nov., isolated from the brine of salted brown alga Laminaria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107 (1): 217-223.
35.Han, D., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Halobacterium rubrum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 196 (12): 847-851.
36.Han, D., Cui, H.-L.*, Li, Z.-R.* (2014). Halopenitus salinus sp. nov., isolated from the brine of salted brown alga Laminaria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 106 (4): 743-749.
37.Cui, H.-L.*, Zhang, W.-J. (2014). Salinigranum rubrum gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (6): 2029-2033.
38.Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Halorubrum salinum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 196 (6): 395-400.
39.Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Haloarchaeobius litoreus sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105 (6): 1085-1090.
40.Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Halomicroarcula limicola sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Halomicroarcula. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (5): 1747-1751.
41.Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Natronoarchaeum rubrum sp. nov., isolated from a Chinese marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Natronoarchaeum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (3): 952-956.
42.Han, D., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Haloplanus litoreus sp. nov. and Haloplanus ruber sp. nov., from a marine solar saltern and an aquaculture farm, respectively. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105 (4): 679-685.
43.Zhao, M.-L., Qiu, X.-X., Zhang, W.-J., Han, D., Cui, H.-L.*, Li, Z.-R.* (2014). Halobellus litoreus sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from a Chinese marine solar saltern. Current Microbiology 68 (2): 156-160.
44.Han, D., Cui, H.-L.* (2014). Halosimplex pelagicum sp. nov. and Halosimplex rubrum sp. nov., isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria, and emended description of the genus Halosimplex. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (1): 169-173.
45.Cui, H.-L.*, Qiu, X.-X. (2014). Salinarubrum litoreum gen. nov., sp. nov.: a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from Chinese marine solar salterns. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105 (1): 135-141. [Erratum to: Salinarubrum litoreum gen. nov., sp. nov.: a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from Chinese marine solar salterns. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105 (3): 621.]
46.Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2013). Haloplanus salinus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a Chinese marine solar saltern. Archives of Microbiology 195 (12): 799-803.
47.Qiu, X.-X., Mou, Y.-Z., Zhao, M.-L., Zhang, W.-J., Han, D., Ren, M., Cui, H.-L.* (2013). Halobellus inordinatus sp. nov., from a marine solar saltern and an inland salt lake of China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63 (11): 3975-3980.
48.Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Cui, H.-L.* (2013). Halorubrum rubrum sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a Chinese salt lake. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 104 (5): 885-891.
49.Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Han, D., Zhang, W.-J., Dyall-Smith, M. L., Cui, H.-L.* (2013). Taxonomic study of the genera Halogeometricum and Halosarcina: transfer of Halosarcina limi and Halosarcina pallida to the genus Halogeometricum as Halogeometricum limi comb. nov. and Halogeometricum pallidum comb. nov., respectively. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63 (10): 3915-3919.
50.Zhang, W.-J., Han, D., Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Mou, Y.-Z., Cui, H.-L.*, Li, Z.-R.* (2013). Halobellus rarus sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon from an inland salt lake of China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 104 (3):377-384.
51.Cui, H.-L.#, Yang, K.#, Pagaling, E., Yan, T.* (2013). Spatial and temporal variations of Enterococci abundance and its relationship with microbial community in Hawai'i beach sand and water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (12): 3601-3609.
52.Mou, Y.-Z., Qiu, X.-X., Zhao, M.-L., Cui, H.-L.*, Oh, D., Dyall-Smith, M. L.* (2012). Halohasta litorea gen. nov. sp. nov., and Halohasta litchfieldiae sp. nov., isolated from the Daliang aquaculture farm, China and from Deep Lake, Antarctica, respectively. Extremophiles 16 (6): 895-901.
53.Cui, H.-L., Yang, X., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J., Dyall-Smith, M. L.* (2012). Halobellus limi sp. nov. and Halobellus salinus sp. nov., isolated from two marine solar salterns. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62 (6): 1307-1313.
54.Yang, X., Cui, H.-L.* (2012). Halomicrobium zhouii sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62 (6): 1235-1240.
55.Cui, H.-L.*, Mou, Y.-Z, Yang, X., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J. (2012). Halorubellus salinus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Halorubellus litoreus sp. nov., novel halophilic archaea isolated from a marine solar saltern. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 35 (1): 30-34.
56.Cui, H.-L.*, Yang, X., Mou, Y.-Z. (2011). Salinarchaeum laminariae gen. nov., sp. nov.: a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from salted brown alga Laminaria. Extremophiles 15 (6): 625-631.
57.Cui, H.-L.*, Yang, X., Gao, X., Xu, X.-W. (2011). Halobellus clavatus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Halorientalis regularis gen. nov., sp. nov., two new members of the family Halobacteriaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61 (11): 2682-2689.
58.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Yang, X., Xu, X.-W. (2011). Halolamina pelagica gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61 (7): 1617-1621.
59.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Yang, X., Xu, X.-W. (2011). Haloplanus aerogenes sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61 (4): 965-968.
60.Cui, H.-L.*, Yang, X., Gao, X., Xu, X.-W. (2011). Halogranum gelatinilyticum sp. nov. and Halogranum amylolyticum sp. nov., isolated from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Halogranum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61 (4): 911-915.
61.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Yang, X., Xu, X.-W. (2010). Halorussus rarus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from a marine solar saltern. Extremophiles 14 (6): 493-499.
62.Cui, H.-L.*, Yang, X., Gao, X., Li, X.-Y., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Halogeometricum rufum sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Halogeometricum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (11): 2613-2617.
63.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Li, X.-Y., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Halosarcina limi sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Halosarcina. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (10): 2462-2466.
64.Cui, H.-L.*, Li, X.-Y., Gao, X., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Oren, A., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Halopelagius inordinatus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halobacteriaceae isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (9): 2089-2093.
65.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Li, X.-Y., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Haloplanus vescus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Haloplanus. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (8): 1824-1827.
66.Cui, H.-L.*, Gao, X., Sun, F.-F., Dong, Y., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Oren, A., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Halogranum rubrum gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from a marine solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (6): 1366-1371.
67.Cui, H.-L.*, Sun, F.-F., Gao, X., Dong, Y., Xu, X.-W., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C., Oren, A., Zhou, P.-J. (2010). Haladaptatus litoreus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a marine solar saltern, and emended description of the genus Haladaptatus. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (5): 1085-1089.
68.Cui, H.-L., Zhou, P.-J., Oren, A., Liu, S.-J.* (2009). Intraspecific polymorphism of 16S rRNA genes in two halophilic archaeal genera, Haloarcula and Halomicrobium. Extremophiles 13(1): 31-37.
69.Cui, H.-L., Lin, Z.-Y., Dong, Y., Zhou, P.-J., Liu, S.-J. * (2007). Halorubrum litoreum sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a solar saltern. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 57 (10): 2204-2206.
70.Cui, H.-L., Tohty, D., Liu, H.-C., Zhou, P.-J.*, Liu, S.-J. (2007). Natronorubrum sulfidifaciens sp. nov., an extremely haloalkaliphilic archaeon isolated from Aiding salt lake in Xin-Jiang, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 57 (4): 738-740.
71.Cui, H.-L., Tohty, D., Zhou, P.-J., Liu, S.-J. * (2006). Haloterrigena longa sp. nov. and Haloterrigena limicola sp. nov., two extremely halophilic archaea isolated from a salt lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (8): 1837-1840.
72.Cui, H.-L., Tohty, D., Zhou, P.-J., Liu, S.-J. * (2006). Halorubrum lipolyticum sp. nov. and Halorubrum aidingense sp. nov., isolated from two salt lakes in Xin-Jiang, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (7): 1631-1634.
73.Cui, H.-L., Tohty, D., Feng, J., Zhou, P.-J., Liu, S.-J. * (2006). Natronorubrum aibiense sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from Aibi salt lake in Xin-Jiang, China, and emended description of the genus Natronorubrum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (7): 1515-1517.
74.崔恒林, 杨勇, 迪丽拜尔·托乎提, 周培瑾, 刘双江* (2006). 新疆两盐湖可培养嗜盐古菌多样性研究. 微生物学报, 46 (2): 171-176.
75.崔恒林, 代春华, 董英, 陆玲, 秦怀兰 (2005). 一株菌红素产生菌的鉴定及色素组分分析. 海洋科学, 29 (2): 43-48.
76.崔恒林, 陆玲*, 陈一楠, 常青, 戴传超 (2001). 产蓝色素放线菌细胞化学组分及16S rDNA序列分析. 微生物学通报, 28 (6): 25-29.
应邀为新版《伯杰氏手册》(Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria)(John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)撰写14个嗜盐古菌属级分类单元:gbm01335 Halobellus、gbm01337 Halogranum、gbm01339 Halolamina、gbm01344 Halopelagius、gbm01350 Halorubellus、gbm01351 Halorussus、gbm01352 Halorientalis、gbm01354 Halosimplex、gbm01362 Salinarchaeum、gbm01363 Salinigranum、gbm01364 Salinirubrum、gbm01529 Salinirussus、gbm01837 Salinirubellus、gbm02010 Salinibaculum。
江苏省“六大人才高峰”第十一批高层次人才培养资助项目:速酿鱼露嗜盐古菌资源、安全性与发酵工艺(SWYY-021),2014.10 -2017.10。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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个人简介姓名高瑞昌性别男出生日期1976.08职称教授,博导电话传真——EmailXiyuan2008@ujs.edu.cn详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:2004.9~2007.6中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院食品科学专业,博士研究生2001.9~2004.7河北农业大学食品科技学院农产品加工与贮藏 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学食品与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐斌
个人简介姓名徐斌性别男出生日期1969-08职称教授电话传真Emailtaotaoxu@126.com详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:2013.09-2014.08,美国堪萨斯州立大学,谷物科学与工业系,访问****;2008.09-2011.12,江苏大学,食品科学专业,博士;2002.09-200 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学食品与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王云
个人简介姓名王云性别男出生日期1974年职称教授、博导电话——传真——Emailwangy1974@ujs.edu.cn详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:1992-1996年江苏农学院(现扬州大学)园艺学学士1996-1999年扬州大学生物化学硕士2002-2005年南京农业大学生物化学与分子生物学博士 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学食品与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林琳
个人简介姓名林琳性别男出生日期1978年5月职称研究员,博士生导师电话——传真Emaillinl@ujs.edu.cn详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:2001年毕业于江苏大学,获机械制造及自动化专业学士学位;2007年毕业于江苏大学,获得食品科学专业博士学位。教学及研究经历:2008.2-2011.8 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学食品与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈秀敏
个人简介姓名陈秀敏性别女出生日期——职称教授电话——传真Emailxmchen@ujs.edu.cn详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:1993年9月-1997年7月,北京化工大学,生物化工专业,学士学位。1999年9月-2002年7月,中国科学院过程工程研究所,生物化工专业,硕士学位。2004年9月-2 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13江苏大学食品与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-齐向辉
个人简介姓名齐向辉性别男出生日期暂无职称教授,博导电话+86-139****2912传真+86-Emailqxh@ujs.edu.cn详细介绍【学术简介】学习经历:2016-2017美国耶鲁大学,交流;2015-2016美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,访问****;2009-2011南京工业大学化学工程与技 ...江苏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-13