

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14

Fei Gu (谷飞)
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University
Room 517, No. 1 Shizi Road, Gusu District, Suzhou, 215006, China
Email: gufei@suda.edu.cn (work) /jintiangufei@163.com (private)
Phone: +86-1#3#9#2#1#9-6-9-0-9-6

I was born and raised in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. Now I am an assistant professor (Excellent Young Scholar) in school of computer science and technology, Soochow University. I received the Doctor degree of computer architecture from Beihang University in 2019, the MS degree of computer science and technology from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2014 and the BS of software engineering from Yangzhou Univtersity in 2011. During December 2017 to December 2018, I was a joint visiting Ph.D student in McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

谷飞,男,中共党员,苏州大学优秀青年学者,2019年6月博士毕业于北京航空航天大学计算机学院,7月加入苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院,同年12月加入苏州朗捷通科技有限公司博士后工作站。2017年12月到2018年12月,受国家留学基金委资助前往加拿大麦吉尔大学公派留学。主要从事移动计算、智慧医疗等方面研究,已在计算机网络相关领域的国际顶级期刊和会议上发表论文20余篇,其中包括CCF A类论文2篇,CCF B类论文2篇,申请国家技术发明专利8项,已授权3项,同时多次受邀担任TMC, JNCA, TII等国际权威期刊的审稿人。目前,主持中国博士后基金项目1项,江苏省博士后基金项目1项,江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目1项,苏州市重点产业技术创新前瞻性应用研究项目1项,赛尔网络下一代互联网创新项目1项,同时作为主要参与者承担了多项国家自然科学基金及国家973项目的研究工作。博士期间,曾荣获两次国家奖学金、博士生卓越学术基金、北航优秀博士学位论文奖、北航优秀学生论文奖、北航“十佳论文”提名奖、多次获得校级一等奖学金、三好学生及优秀研究生等荣誉,获得北航研究生院网站公开表彰(http://graduate.buaa.edu.cn/info/1059/2790.htm)。

Publications [Google Scholar]

    (26) Mengjia Zhai, Fei Gu, Jin Wang, Lingzhi Li, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang. PCRec: A Private Coding Computation Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Recommendation System. Accepted by ISPA 2020. (CCF C).news!
    (25) Tingting Dong, Jin Wang, Fei Gu, Jingya Zhou, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang. MCSEC: Secure Coded Matrix Multiplication Scheme for Edge Computing with Minimum Communication Cost. Accepted by ISPA 2020. (CCF C).news!
    (24) Cong Cheng, Huan Dai, Lingzhi Li, Jin Wang, Fei Gu. The Design and Implementation of Secure Distributed Image Classification Model Training System for Heterogenous Edge Computing. Accepted by Collaboratecom 2020. (CCF C).news!
    (23) Mingjia Fu, Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Admela Jukan, Fei Gu. Decode-and-Compare: An Efficient Verification Scheme for Coded Edge Computing. Accepted by IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2020). (CCF B).news!
    (22) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Landu Jiang, Xue Liu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. Survey of the Low Power Wide Area Network Technologies. Accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Application. (CCF C, Q1, IF = 5.273).
    (21) Xin Jin, Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Shui Yu, Zhenchao Ouyang. HRCal: An Effective Calibration System for Heart Rate Detection During Exercising. Accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Applications. (CCF C, Q1, IF = 5.273).
    (20) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Xin Jin, Shui Yu. FDFA: A Fog Computing Assisted Distributed Analytics and Detecting System for Family Activities. Accepted by Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. (CCF C, Q3, IF = 1.514).
    (19) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhiping Qi, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. Partitioning and Offloading in Smart Mobile Devices for Mobile Cloud Computing: State of the Art and Future Directions. Accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Applications. (CCF C, Q1, IF=5.273).
    (18) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Lingjie Duan. WAIPO: A Fusion-Based Collaborative Indoor Localization System on Smartphones. Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking (CCF A, Q1, IF = 2.186).
    (17) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Sajal K. Das, Zhenxue He, Xin Jin. Detecting Breathing Frequency and Maintaining a Proper Running Rhythm. Accepted by Pervasive and Mobile Computing. (CCF C, Q1, IF = 2.974).
    (16) Subin Su, Liming Xiao, Li Ruan, Fei Gu, Shupan Li, Zhaokai Wang, Rongbin Xu. An Efficient Density-Based Local Outlier Detection Approach for Scattered Data. Accepted by IEEE Access. (Q1, IF = 3.557).
    (15) Subin Su, Liming Xiao, Zhoujie Zhang, Fei Gu, Li Ruan, Shupan Li, Zhenxue He, Zhisheng Huo, Baicheng Yan, Haitao Wang. N2DLOF: A New Local Density-Based Outlier Detection Approach for Scattered Data. Accepted by IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017)(CCF C, Acceptance Ratio = 36%).
    (14) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, Xin Jin, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues. SmartBuddy: An Integrated Mobile Sensing and Detecting System for Family Activities. Accepted by IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globalcom 2017)(CCF C, Acceptance Ratio = 39%).
    (13) Xin Jin, Jianwei Niu, Fei Gu. CCMS: A Calorie Consumption Monitoring System for Exercising with Least-squares Calibration. Accepted by IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globalcom 2017)(CCF C, Acceptance Ratio = 39%).
    (12) Zhenxue He, Guangjun Qin, Liming Xiao, Fei Gu, Li Ruan, Mingfa Zhu, Longbing Zhang, Xiang Wang. An Efficient Polarity Optimization Approach for Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller Logic Circuits Based on Novel Binary Differential Evolution Algorithm. Accepted by 14th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2017)(CCF C).
    (11) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, Xin Jin. FamilyPal: An Effective System for Detecting Family Activities Based on Smartphones. Accepted by IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'2017).
    (10) Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Li Ruan, Fei Gu, Zhisheng Huo, Guangjun Qin, Mingfa Zhu, Longbing Zhang, Rui Liu, Xiang Wang. A power and area optimization approach of mixed polarity Reed-Muller expression for incompletely specified Boolean functions. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 32(2): 297–311- 2017. DOI 10.1007/s11390-017-1723-1. (CCF B, Q3, IF = 0.956).
    (9) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Sajal K. Das, Zhenxue He. RunnerPal: A Runner Monitoring and Advisory System Based on Smart Devices. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2016, 11. (CCF B, Q1, IF = 4.418).
    (8) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Sajal K. Das, Zhenxue He. An Efficient Method of Detecting Breathing Frequency While Running[C]//Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 1-8. (EI, Acceptance Ratio = 31.2%).
    (7) Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Fei Gu, Tongsheng Xia, Shubin Su, Zhisheng Huo, Rong Zhang, Longbing Zhang, Li Ruan, Xiang Wang. An efficient and fast polarity optimization approach for mixed polarity Reed-Muller logic circuits. Frontiers of Computer Science, forthcoming. DOI 10.1007/s11704-016-5259-2 (CCF C, Q3, IF = 1.039).
    (6) Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Fei Gu, Li Ruan, Zhisheng Huo, Mingzhe Li, Minfa Zhu, Longbing Zhang, Rui Liu, Xiang Wang. EDOA: An Efficient Delay Optimization Approach for Mixed Polarity Reed-Muller Logic Circuits Under Unit Delay Model. Frontiers of Computer Science, forthcoming. DOI 10.1007/s11704-017-6279-2. (CCF C, Q3, IF = 1.039).
    (5) Zhenxue He, Liming Xiao, Longbing Zhang, Fei Gu, Zhisheng Huo, Mingfa Zhu, Li Ruan, Rui Liu, Xiang Wang. EMA-FPRMs: An Efficient Minimization Algorithm for Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller Expressions. International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2016) (CCF C, Acceptance Ratio = 34.3%).
    (4) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He. A Research on Mobile Cloud Computing and Future Trends[J]. Industrial Networks & Intelligent Systems, 2016, 3(7).
    (3) Jianwei Niu, Fei Gu, Ruogu Zhou, Guoliang Xing, Wei Xiang. VINCE: Exploiting Visible Light Sensing for Smartphone-based NFC Systems. Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2015 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 2722-2730. (CCF A, Acceptance Ratio = 19%).
    (2) Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, Meikang Qiu, Cuijiao Fu. CLMRS: Designing Cross-LAN Media Resources Sharing based on DLNA. Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 133-140. (EI, Acceptance Ratio = 35%).
    (1) Fei Gu, Tao Xu, Zonglei Lv. Mining association rules from airport noise value among multiple monitoring points[J]. Sensors & Transducers, 2014, 167(3): 43.


    苏州市重点产业技术创新前瞻性应用研究项目,基于领域知识的可穿戴网络安全态势感知研究,2020/11-2022/11, 8万,在研,主持。news!



    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII)
    Computer Networks
    Journal of Network and Computer Applications
    Future Generation Computer Systems
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
    IEEE GlobeCom
    IEEE CSCloud

Honors and Awards

    Excellent Young Scholar (June 2019, Soochow University)
    Academic Excellence Fund of BUAA (May 2018, Beihang University)
    Beihang Outstanding Paper Award (May 2018, Beihang University)
    Beihang Top 10 Papers Nomination Award (May 2018, Beihang University)
    National Scholarship (SEPTEMBER 2017, Beihang University)
    National Scholarship (SEPTEMBER 2015, Beihang University)
    Graduate Fellowship (First Prize) (2014, 2015, 2016, Beihang University)
    Outstanding Graduate (2015, 2016, Beihang University)
    Outstanding Graduation Thesis, (MARCH 2014, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    The Title of Being an Excellent Member of the Communist Party (2012, 2013, 2014, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    School for outstanding student cadres (2008, 2009, 2010, Yangzhou University)
    School-level scholarship (2007, 2008, 2009, Yangzhou University)

Linux Operating System (Linux 操作系统)                      Spring 2020(文正学院17物联网班)       Fall 2019(17计科2班)

I am looking for well-motivated students to work on interesting research projects. All intelligent students are welcome! You can contact me by E-mail.



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