

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14



蔡阳健,男,1977年12月出生,博士,江苏****、苏州大学****、国家****科学基金获得者、美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者、德国洪堡基金获得者,博士生导师。2005年毕业于浙江大学物理系,获物理学专业博士学位,2006年毕业于瑞典皇家工程学院,获电磁场理论专业博士学位。2006.12-2009.1在德国爱尔兰根马普光学研究所(原爱尔兰根马普光学研究组)从事博士后研究,并获德国洪堡基金。2009年加入苏州大学,被聘为****,2015年获国家****科学基金,2016年入选江苏****,入选2020年美国光学学会会士。长期从事激光光场调控及应用、光束传输与控制、大气光学、光学成像、微纳操控等研究,在国际权威刊物发表SCI收录论文340多篇(影响因子大于3的论文130多篇),受邀撰写综述论文13篇,英文专著2章,获授权发明专利21项,所发表论文被引用1万多次。作为第二参与人获教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖、浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖、浙江省自然科学优秀论文一等奖。主持国家****科学基金、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目、江苏****重点类资助项目、国家自然科学基金面上及青年基金项目、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文专项基金、霍英东基金、江苏省自然科学基金等。入选“2010年江苏省十大青年科技之星”,2014-2019连续6年入选Elsevier发布的“中国高被引用****榜单(物理学和天文学)”,2016年获江苏青年光学科技奖以及苏州大学周氏教育科研奖优异奖,2017年入选美国光学学会杰出审稿人(OSA Outstanding Reviewer)。目前,担任江苏省光学学会理事、全国光学青年学术论坛第二届主席团副主席、中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会副主任、担任Journal of Optical Society of America A专题编辑(Topical Editor)、Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publicaiton副主编、PhotoniX专题编辑、Progress in Optics编委、《中国激光》编委。曾担任国际刊物Optics & Laser Technology副主编(2012-2014年)、Science Bulletin 客座主编(2016-2017年)。曾担任国家自然科学基金委物理一处流动项目主任(2013.3-2015.2)。









1. 国家重点研发项目“铌酸锂薄膜重要片上光子器件研究”子课题,120万,2020.01-2024.12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,部分相干光束轨道角动量调控、测量及应用基础研究,62万,2020.01-2023.12
3. 国家自然科学基金专项项目科技活动项目,第11届先进信息通信技术国际会议,10万,2019
4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目,矢量光束相干结构调控及其与湍流大气相互作用研究,420万 (直接经费370万),2018.01-2021.12
5. 江苏****重点类资助项目,200万(省拨),2016.7-2019.7
6. 国家****科学基金,光束调控及应用,400万(直接经费350万), 2016.01-2020.12
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 部分相干电磁光束的位相调控及其经过介质传输与成像的理论与实验研究, 90万,2013.01-2016.12
8. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文专项基金,部分相干复杂激光束在湍流大气中的传输特性研究,60万,2009.01-2012.12
9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 部分相干电磁光束传输和符合成像的理论与实验研究, 20万,2010.01-2012.12
10. 江苏省自然科学基金,部分相干平顶光束在湍流大气中的传输及应用研究,8万,2009.10-2012.9
11. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目,部分相干激光束的整形及应用研究,10万,2010.1-2012.12
12. 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金基础性研究课题,部分相干空心光束的理论和实验研究, 2万美元,2010.5-2013.5
13. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,部分相干光束扭曲位相特性的研究,3万,2012.1-2014.12
14. 江苏省省属高校聘请外国短期专家****教师培育聘专项目,3万, 2012
15. 江苏省省属高校聘请外国短期专家重点项目,2.5万, 2010
16. 苏州大学人才引进启动经费,300万, 2009





130. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Zhen Dong, Yangjian Cai, Andreas Norman, José J. Gil, Ari T. Fbriberg, and Tero Set?l?, Polarimetric dimension and nonregularity of tightly focused light beams, Physical Review A(2020) Accepted
129. Xinlei Zhu, Hainan Yao, Jiayi Yu, Greg Gbur, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, and Yangjian Cai, Inverse design of a spatial filter in edge enhanced imaging, Optics Letters(2020) Accepted
128. Zhaofeng Huang, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Sergey A. Ponomarenko,and Yangjian Cai,Measuring complex degree of coherence of random light fields with generalized Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment, Physical Review Applied13, 044042 (2020)
127. Yongtao Zhang, Yangjian Cai, and Greg Gbur, Partially coherent vortex beams of arbitrary radial order and a van Cittert–Zernike theorem for vortices, Physical ReviewA101, 043812 (2020)
126. Jun Zeng, Chunhao Liang, Haiyun Wang, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Partially coherent radially polarized fractional vortex beam, Optics Express 28, 11493-11513 (2020)
125. Xin Liu, Dening Xia, Yashar E. Monfared, Chunhao Liang, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Pujuan Ma, Generation of novel partially coherent truncated Airy Beams via Fourier phase processing, Optics Express 28, 9777-9785 (2020)
124. Zhiheng Xu, Xiaofei Li, Xin Liu, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Yangjian Cai,and Chunhao Liang, Vortex preserving statistical optical beams, Optics Express 28, 8475-8483 (2020)
123. Ruihuan Tong, Zhen Dong, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Tero Set?l?, Fast calculation of tightly focused random electromagnetic beams: controlling the focal field by spatial coherence, Optics Express 28, 9713-9727 (2020)
122. Baoying Sun, Zhaofeng Huang, Xinlei Zhu, Dan Wu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Random source for generating Airy-like spectral density in the far field, Optics Express 28, 7182-7196 (2020)
121. Rong Lin, Hancheng Yu, Xinlei Zhu, Lin Liu, Greg Gbur, Yangjian Cai, and Jiayi Yu, The evolution of spectral intensity and orbital angular momentum of twisted Hermite Gaussian Schell model beams in turbulence, Optics Express 28, 7152-7164 (2020)
120. Rui Wang, Shijun Zhu, Yikai Chen, Hongkun Huang, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental synthesis of partially coherent sources, Optics Letters 45, 1874-1877(2020)
119. Xiaofei Li, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Zhiheng Xu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Chunhao Liang, Universal self-similar asymptotic behavior of optical bump spreading in random medium atop incoherent background, Optics Letters 45, 698-701(2020)
118. Zhiheng Xu, Xianlong Liu, Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Yashar E. Monfared, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Yangjian Cai, and Chunhao Liang, Self-healing properties of Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams, Optics Express 28, 2828-2837 (2020)
117. Chunhao Liang, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Rogue waves, self-similar statistics and self-similar intermediate asymptotics, Physical Review A 100, 063804 (2019)
116. Zhanghua Han, Yangjian Cai, Uriel Levy, and Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, Novel terahertz sources in the form of multi-spectral resonators boosted by both pump light local field enhancement and terahertz Purcell effect, ACS Photonics 6, 2223-2230 (2019)
115. Jun Zeng, Xianlong Liu, Chengliang Zhao, Fei Wang, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Spiral spectrum of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam propagating in anisotropic non-Kolmogorov turbulent atmosphere along horizontal path, Optics Express27, 25342-25356(2019)
114. Jiayi Yu, Yan Huang, Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Greg Gbur, and Yangjian Cai, Scintillation properties of a partially coherent vector beam with vortex phase in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 27, 26676-26688 (2019)
113. Jiayi Yu, Xinlei Zhu, Fei Wang, Dongmei Wei, Greg Gbur, andYangjian Cai, Experimental study of reducing beam wander by modulating the coherence structure of structured light beams, Optics Letters 44, 4371-4374 (2019)
112. Hao Zhang, Xinzhong Li, Haixiang Ma, Miaomiao Tang, Hehe Li, Jie Tang, and Yangjian Cai, Grafted optical vortex with controllable orbital angular momentum distribution, Optics Express 27, 22930-22938 (2019)
111. Jun Zeng, Leixin Liu, Xingyuan Lu, Xinlei Zhu, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Simultaneous measurement of the radial and azimuthal mode indices of a higher-order partially coherent vortex beam based on phase detection, Optics Letters 44, 3881-3884 (2019)
110. Haiyun Wang, Xiaofeng Peng, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Generating bona fide twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams, Optics Letters 44, 3709-3712 (2019)
109. Yangyundou Wang, Shengang Yan, Xiaofei Li, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, Govind P. Agrawal, and Taco D. Visser, Fraunhofer diffraction and the state of polarization of partially coherent electromagnetic beams, Optics Letters 44, 3330-3333(2019)
108. Yongtao Zhang, Yangjian Cai, and Greg Gbur, Control of orbital angular momentum with partially coherent vortex beams, Optics Letters 44, 3617-3620 (2019)
107. Xianlong Liu, Jun Zeng, and Yangjian Cai, Review on vortex beams with low spatial coherence, Advances in Physics: X 4, ** (2019) (Invited Review)
106. Xingyuan Lu, Chengliang Zhao, Yifeng Shao, Jun Zeng, Sander Konijnenberg, Xinlei Zhu, Sergei Popov, H. Paul Urbach, and Yangjian Cai, Phase detection of coherence singularities and determination of the topological charge of a partially coherent vortex beam,Applied Physics Letters 114, 201106 (2019)
105. Haidan Mao, Yahong Chen, Chunhao Liang, Linfei Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Self-steering partially coherent vector beams, Optics Express 27, 14353-14368 (2019)
104. Xinlei Zhu, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao,Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Experimental realization of dark and antidark diffraction-free beams, Optics Letters 44, 2260-2263 (2019)
103. Mengyao Zhou, Yunqin Zhou, Gaofeng Wu, and Yangjian Cai, Reducing the cross-talk among different orbital angular momentum modes in turbulent atmosphere by using a focusing mirror, Optics Express 27, 10280-10287(2019)
102. Haixiang Ma, Xingzhong Li, Hao Zhang, Jie Tang, Hehe Li, Miaomiao Tang, Jinge Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Optical vortex shaping via a phase jump factor, Optics Letters 44, 1379-1382(2019)
101. Han Wang, Lixia Liu, Changde Zhou, Jilian Xu, Meina Zhang, Shuyun Teng, and Yangjian Cai, Vortex beam generation with variable topological charge based on a spiral slit, Nanophotonics8, 317-324 (2019)
100Xiaofeng Peng, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, Sergei Popov, and Yangjian Cai,Twisted Laguerre-Gaussian Schell-model beam and its orbital angular moment, Optics Express 26, 33956-33969 (2018)
99. Miao Dong, Xingyuan Lu, Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and Yuanjie Yang, Measuring topological charge of partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beam, Optics Express 26,33035-33043 (2018)
98. Jiayi Yu, Yangjian Cai, and Greg Gbur, Rectangular Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams and its propagation properties, Optics Express 26, 27894-27906 (2018)
97. Jun Zeng, Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai,Partially coherent fractional vortex beam, Optics Express 26, 26830-26844(2018)
96. Jing Wang, Hongkun Huang, Yikai Chen, Haiyan Wang, Shijun Zhu, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, Twisted partially coherent array sources and their transmission in anisotropic turbulence, Optics Express 26, 25974-25988(2018)
95. Xinzhong Li, Haixiang Ma, Hao Zhang, Yuping Tai, Hehe Li, Miaomiao Tang, Jingge Wang, Jie Tang, and Yangjian Cai, Close-packed optical vortex lattices with controllable structures, Optics Express 26, 22965-22975 (2018)
94. Yangsheng Yuan, Dong Liu, Zhengxian Zhou, Huafeng Xu, Jun Qu, and Yangjian Cai, Optimization of the probability of orbital angular momentum for Laguerre-Gaussian beam in Kolmogorov and Non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Optics Express 26, 21861-21871 (2018)
93. Chunhao Liang, Xinlei Zhu, Chenkun Mi, Xiaofeng Peng, Fei Wang,Yangjian Cai,Sergey A. Ponomarenko, High-quality partially coherent Bessel beam array generation, Optics Letters43, 3188-3191 (2018)
92. Jiayi Yu, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Greg Gbur, Propagation properties of Hermite nonuniformly correlated beams in turbulence, Optics Express 26, 16333-16343 (2018)
91. Yuanjie Yang, Xinlei Zhu, Jun Zeng, Xingyuan Lu, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Anomalous Bessel vortex beam: modulating orbital angular momentum with propagation, Nanophotonics7, 677-682 (2018)
90. Yifeng Shao, Xingyuan Lu, Sander Konijnenberg, Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and H. Paul Urbach, Spatial coherence measurement and partially coherent diffractive imaging using self-referencing holography, Optics Express 26, 4479-4490 (2018)
89. Yangjian Cai, Yahong Chen, Jiayi Yu, Xianlong Liu, and Lin Liu, Generation of partially coherent beams, Progress in Optics 62, 157-223 (2017) Invited Review
88. Chengcheng Ping, Chunhao Liang, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Radially polarized multi-Gaussian Schell-model beam and its tight focusing properties, Optics Express 25, 32475-32490 (2017).
87. Chunhao Liang, Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, Wei Li, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Overcoming classical Rayleigh diffraction limit by controlling two-point correlations of partially coherent light sources, Optics Express 25, 28353-28362 (2017).
86. Jun Chen, Enxi Zhang, Xiaofeng Peng, and Yangjian Cai, Efficient tensor approach for simulating paraxial propagation of arbitrary partially coherent beams, Optics Express 25, 24780-24789 (2017).
85. Xianlong Liu, Xiaofeng Peng, Lin Liu, Gaofeng Wu, Chengliang Zhao, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Self-reconstruction of the degree of coherence of a partially coherent vortex beam obstructed by an opaque obstace, Applied Physics Letters 110, 181104 (2017).
84. Chunhao Liang, Chenkun Mi, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Vector optical coherence lattices generating controllable far-field beam profiles, Optics Express 25, 9872-9885 (2017)
83. Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Yahong Chen, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Complex degree of coherence measurement for classical statistical fields, Optics Letters 42, 77-80 (2017).
82. Yahong Chen, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Yangjian Cai, Self-steering partially coherent beams, Scientific Reports 7, 39957 (2017).
81. Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Self-reconstruction of partially coherent light beams scatterred by opaque obstacels, Optics Express 24, 23735-23746 (2016).
80. Shijun Zhu*, Jing Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Zhenhua Li, Generation of arbitrary radially polarized array beams by manipulating correlation structure, Applied Physics Letters 109, 161904 (2016)
79. Xianlong Liu, Jiayi Yu, Yangjian Cai, and Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Propagation of optical coherence lattices in the turbulent atmopshere, Optics Letters 41, 4182-4185 (2016)
78. Yahong Chen, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of optical coherence lattices, Applied Physics Letters109, 061107 (2016)
77. Yahong Chen, Fang Wang, Jiayi Yu, Lin Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Vector Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Optics Express 24, 15232-15250 (2016)
76. Lina Guo, Yahong Chen, Xianlong Liu, Lin Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Vortex phase-induced changes of the statistical properties of a partially coherent radially polarized beam, Optics Express 24, 13714-13728 (2016)
75. Jing Wang, Shijun Zhu, Haiyan Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Zhenhua Li, Second-order statistics of a radially polarized cosine-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in anisotropic turbulence, Optics Express 24, 11626-11639 (2016)
74. Shijun Zhu,Yahong Chen, Jing Wang, Haiyan Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, Generation and propagationof a vector cosine-Gaussian correlated beam with radial polarization, Optics Express 23, 33099-33115 (2015)
73. Lin Liu, Yusheng Huang, Yahong Chen, Lina Guo, and Yangjian Cai, Orbital angular moment of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam with a twist phase, Optics Express 23,30283-30296 (2015)
72. Cun Wei, Dan Wu,Chunhao Liang, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental verification of significant reduction of turbulence-induced scintillation in a full Poincaré beam, Optics Express 23, 24331-24341 (2015)
71. Jiayi Yu, Yahong Chen, Lin Liu, Xianlong Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Splitting and combining properties of an elegant Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Optics Express 23,13467-13481(2015)
70. Lin Liu, Yahong Chen, Lina Guo, and Yangjian Cai, Twist phase-induced changes of the statistical properties of astochastic electromagnetic beam propagating in a uniaxial crystal, Optics Express 23, 12454-12467 (2015)
69. Yongtao Zhang,Yan Cui, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Correlation singularities in a partially coherent electromagnetic beam with initiallyradial polarization, Optics Express 23, 11483-11492 (2015)
68. Yahong Chen, Jiaxin Gu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Self-splitting properties of a Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Physical Review A91,013823 (2015)
67. Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, and Yangjian Cai*, Propagation of partially coherent beam in turbulent atmosphere: A review, Progress in Electromagnetic Research-Pier 150, 123-143 (2015)Invited Review
66. Yangjian Cai, Yahong Chen, and Fei Wang, Generation and propagation of partially coherent beams with non-conventional correlation functions: a review [Invited], Journal of Optical Society of America A31, 2083-2096(2014) Invited Review
65. Shijun Zhu, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, Statistical properties in Young’s interference pattern formed with aradially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence, Optics Express 22, 28697-28710 (2014)
64. Fei Wang, Chunhao Liang, Yangsheng Yuan, and Yangjian Cai, Generalized multi-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam: from theory to experiment, Optics Express 22, 23456-23464 (2014)
63. Yahong Chen, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and YangjianCai, Elliptical Laguerre-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Optics Express 22, 13975-13987 (2014)
62. Xianlong Liu, Fei Wang, Cun Wei, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of turbulence-induced beam wander and deformation of a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 39, 3336-3339 (2014)
61. Yahong Chen and Yangjian Cai, Generationof a controllable optical cage by focusing a Laguerre-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam, Optics Letters 39, 2549-2552 (2014)
60. Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Generation andself-healing of a radially polarized Bessel-Gaussian beam, Physical Review A89, 043807(2014)
59. Yangjian Cai and Shijun Zhu, Orbital angular moment of apartially coherent beam propagating through an astigmatic ABCD opticalsystem with loss or gain, Optics Letters 39, 1968-1971 (2014)
58. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai,Experimental demonstration of a Laguerre-Gaussian correlated Schell-model vortex beam, Optics Express 22, 5826-5838 (2014)
57. Yuanjie Yang,Yuan Dong, Chengliang Zhao, Yidong Liu, and Yangjian Cai, Autocorrelation properties of fully coherent beamwith and without orbital angular momentum, Optics Express 22, 2925-2932 (2014)
56. Rong Chen, LinLiu, Shijun Zhu, Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Statistical properties of a Laguerre-Gaussian Schell-model beam inturbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 22, 1871-1883 (2014)
55. Chunhao Liang,Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Experimental generation of cosine-Gaussian-correlated Schell-model beams with rectangular symmetry, Optics Letters 39, 769-772 (2014)
54. Yahong Chen, Fei Wang, Lin Liu, Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Generation and propagation of a partially coherent vector beam with special correlation functions, Physical Review A89, 013801 (2014)
53. Yuanjie Yang,Yuan Dong, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Generation and propagation of an anomalous vortex beam, Optics Letters 38, 5418-5421 (2013)
52. Xianlong Liu, Yan Shen, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental demonstration of vortex phase-induced reduction in scintillation of a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 38, 5323-5326 (2013)
51. Shijun Zhu, Xianglong Zhu, Lin Liu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Theoretical and experimental studies of the spectral changes of a polychromatic partially coherent radially polarized beam, Optics Express 21, 27682-27696 (2013)
50. Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Lin Liu, Yangsheng Yuan, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of the scintillation index of a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence, Applied Physics Letters 103, 091102 (2013)
49. Fei Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangsheng Yuan, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of partially coherent beams with different complex degrees of coherence, Optics Letters 38, 1814-1816 (2013)
48. Chengliang Zhao, Fei Wang, Yuan Dong, Yujing Han, and Yangjian Cai, Effect of spatial coherence on determining the topological charge of a vortex beam, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261104 (2012)
47. Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang, and Yangjian Cai, Coherence and polarization properties of a radially polarized beam with variable spatial coherence, Optics Express 20, 28301-28318(2012)
46. Yiming Dong, Fanlong Feng, Yahong Chen, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Statistical properties of a nonparaxial cylindrical vector partially coherentfield in free space, Optics Express 20, 15908-15927 (2012)
45. Guoquan Zhou, Yangjian Cai, and Xiuxiang Chu, Propagation of a partially coherent hollowvortex Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 20, 9897-9910(2012)
44. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Yiming Dong, and Olga Korotkova, Experimental generation of a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence, Applied Physics Letters 100, 051108 (2012)
43. Yiming Dong, Fei Wang, Chengliang Zhao, and Yangjian Cai, Effect of spatial coherence onpropagation, tight focusing and radiation forces of an azimuthally polarized beam, Physical Review A86, 013840 (2012)
42. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Twist phase-induced reduction in scintillation of a partially coherent beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 37, 184-186 (2012)
41. Fei Wang, Shijun Zhu, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental study of the focusing properties of a Gaussian Schell-model vortex beam, Optics Letters 36,3281-3283 (2011)
40. Fei Wang, Gaofeng Wu, Xianlong Liu, Shijun Zhu, and Yangjian Cai, Experimental measurement of the beam parameters of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model source, Optics Letters 36, 2722-2724(2011)
39. Lina Zhang, Yangjian Cai, Statistical properties of a nonparaxial Gaussian Schell-model beam in a uniaxial crystal, Optics Express 19, 13312-13325 (2011)
38. Chengliang Zhao andYangjian Cai, Trapping two types of particles using a focused partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussianbeam, Optics Letters 36, 2251-2253 (2011)
37. Gaofeng Wu and Yangjian Cai, Modulation of spectral intensity, polarization and coherence of a stochastic electromagnetic beam, Optics Express 19, 8700-8714 (2011)
36. Gaofeng Wu andYangjian Cai, Detection of a semi-rough target in turbulent atmosphere by a partially coherent beam, Optics Letters 36, 1939-1941 (2011)
35. Yiming Dong, Yangjian Cai, Chengliang Zhao, and Min Yao, Statistics properties of a cylindrical vector partially coherent beam, Optics Express 19, 5979-5992 (2011)
34. Chaoliang Ding, Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Yongtao Zhang, and Liuzhan Pan, Scattering-inducedc hanges in the temporal coherence length and the pulse duration of a partially coherent plane-wave pulse, Optics Letters 36, 517-519 (2011)
33. Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, M2-factor of a stochastic electromagnetic beam ina Gaussian cavity, Optics Express 18, 27567-27581(2010)
32. Fei Wang and Yangjian Cai, Second-order statistics of a twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 18, 24661-24672 (2010)
31. Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Qiang Lin and Zhaoying Wang, Spatio-temporal coupling of random electromagnetic pulses interacting with reflecting gratings, Optics Express 18, 22503-22514 (2010)
30. Shijun Zhu, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Propagation factor of a stochastic electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam, Optics Express 18, 12587-12598 (2010)
29. Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Partially coherent standard andelegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams of all orders, Optics Express17, 22366-22379 (2009)
28. Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, and Olga Korotkova, Radiation force of scalar and electromagnetic twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams, Optics Express 17, 21472-21487 (2009)
27. Yangsheng Yuan, Yangjian Cai, Jun Qu, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, Yahya Baykal, and Olga Korotkova, M2-factor of coherent and partially coherent dark hollow beams propagating in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 17, 17344-17356 (2009)
26. Yangsheng Yuan, Yangjian Cai, Jun Qu, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Average intensity and spreading of elegant Hermite-Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 17, 11130-11139 (2009)
25. Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, and Olga Korotkova, Ghost imaging with twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam, Optics Express 17, 2450-2464 (2009)
24. Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, Xuanhui Lu, and Halil T. Eyyuboglu, Radiation force of coherent and partially coherent flat-topped beams on a Rayleigh particle, Optics Express 17, 1753-1765 (2009).
23. Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Active laser radar systems with stochastic electromagnetic beamsin turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 16, 15834-15846 (2008)
22. Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, Yahya Baykal, and Olga Korotkova, Evolutionof the degree of polarization of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beamin a Gaussian cavity, Optics Letters 33, 2266-2268 (2008)
21. Yangjian Cai, Zhaoying Wang, and Qiang Lin, An alternative theoretical model for an anomalous hollow beam, Optics Express 16, 15254-15267 (2008)
20. Fei Wang and Yangjian Cai, Experimental generation of a partially coherent flat-toppedbeam, Optics Letters 33, 1795-1797 (2008)
19. Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Average irradiance and polarization properties of a radially orazimuthally polarized beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 16, 7665-7673 (2008)
18. Chengliang Zhao, Yangjian Cai, Fei Wang, Xuanhui Lu, and Yuzhu Wang, Generation of a high-quality partially coherent dark hollow beam with amultimode fiber, Optics Letters 33, 1389-1391 (2008)
17. Yangjian Cai and Ulf Peschel, Second-harmonic generation by anastigmatic partially coherent beam, Optics Express 15, 15480-15492 (2007)
16. Yangjian Cai, Model for an anomalous hollow beam and itsparaxial propagation, Optics Letters 32, 3179-3181 (2007)
15. Yangjian Cai, Yuntian Chen, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Yahya Baykal, Scintillationindex of elliptical Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 32, 2405-2407 (2007)
14. Yangjian Cai and Fei Wang, Lenslessimaging with partially coherent light, Optics Letters 32, 205-207 (2007)
13. Yangjian Cai and Sailing He, Propagation of apartially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beam in aturbulent atmosphere, Applied Physics Letters 89, 041117 (2006)
12. Yangjian Cai and Li Hu, Propagation of partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams through an apertured astigmatic optical system, Optics Letters 31, 685-688 (2006)
11. Yangjian Cai and Sailing He, Average intensity and spreadingof an elliptical Gaussian beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Letters 31, 568-570 (2006)
10. Yangjian Cai and Sailing He, Propagation of various darkhollow beams in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 14, 1353-1367 (2006)
9. Yangjian Cai and Fei Wang, Lensless optical implementation of coincidence fractional Fourier transform, Optics Letters 31, 2278-2280 (2006)
8. Fei Wang and Yangjian Cai, and Sailing He, Experimental observation of the coincidence fractional Fourier transform with a partially coherent beam, Optics Express 14, 6999-7004 (2006)
7. Yangjian Caiand Shiyao Zhu, Second order fractional Fourier transform with incoherent radiation. Optics Letters 30, 388-390 (2005)
6. Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Shiyao Zhu, Coincidence fractional Fourier transform with entangled photon pairs and incoherent light, Applied Physics Letters 86, 021112 (2005)
5. Yangjian Cai and Shiyao Zhu, Ghost imaging with incoherent and partially coherent lightradiation, Physical Review E71, 056607 (2005)
4. Yangjian Cai and Shiyao Zhu,Ghost interference with partially coherent radiation, Optics Letters 29,2716-2718 (2004)
3. Yangjian Cai, Xuanhui Lu, and Qiang Lin, Hollow Gaussian beam and its propagation properties, Optics Letters 28, 1084-1086 (2003)
2. Qiang Lin and Yangjian Cai, Fractional Fourier transform for partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model beams, Optics Letters 27,1672-1674 (2002)
1. Qiang Lin andYangjian Cai, Tensor ABCD law for partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian-Schell model beams, Optics Letters 27, 216-218 (2002)


1、入选2020年美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)
2、入选2017年美国光学学会杰出审稿人(OSA Outstanding Reviewer)








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