

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14


高雷研究员、博士生导师。研究领域为非线性超材料物性、非局域光学、纳米流体热输运。2000年7月在苏州大学获理学博士。2001年2月—2002年1月,在香港浸会大学非线性研究中心从事博士后研究工作。多次赴香港中文大学物理系、新加坡国立大学物理系和电子工程系开展学术合作研究。2002年被苏州大学聘为研究员。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、科技部重大研究计划973子课题2项、江苏省自然科学基金2项、和江苏省高校重大研究计划1项、博士点联合基金1项等。在颗粒复合材料的非线性光学性质、超构电磁材料的物理性质研究方面取得一批重要的的基础研究成果。2001年度研究成果曾获江苏省科技进步二等奖(排名第二)。分获第二批江苏省普通高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养人选、江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第三层次培养人选、苏州大学东吴****等。2014年度研究成果“特异复合材料的光热传输特性及器件设计”获江苏省科技进步二等奖(排名第一)。已在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Laser & Photon. Rev.(IF=8)、Phys. Rev. B(E)、J. Phys. Chem. C、Opt. Express、Opt. Lett.等国际SCI源核心期刊发表论文130余篇,经SCI检索被他人引用1200余次,H-index 17。

非局域光学 (Nonlocal optics)、 特异材料的光热输运 (Optical and thermal properties in metamaterials)、表面等离激元学(Plasmonics),非均匀复合介质的光学非线性(Nonlinear opticalproperties of inhomogeneous composite media)






近5年来,主持国家级自然科学基金3项,省部级自然科学基金2项,校级科研项目2项。在特异材料的光学与电磁性质、纳米流体传热特性研究方面取得一批重要的的基础研究成果。先后获第二批江苏省普通高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养人选、江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第三层次培养人选、苏州大学东吴****计划等。培养期间已在Phys. Rev. Lett. B(E)等国际SCI源核心期刊发表和接受论文30余篇(其中1区论文3篇,2区论文20篇)。




王婷婷(2014届,现就职于American Institutes for Research,数据分析师)





163.R.Shi,D.L. Gao*,H. Hu, Y.Q. Wang,L. Gao*,Enhanced broadband spin Hall effects by core-shell nanoparticles,Optics Express27 (4),4808-4817 (2019).
162.H. Zhou,D. L. Gao, andL. Gao, Tunability of Multipolar Plasmon Resonances andFano Resonances in Bimetallic Nanoshells,Plasmonics13(2), 623-630 (2018).
161.W. J.Yu, H. Sun, andL. Gao, Enhanced normal-incidence Goos-Hanchen effectsinduced by magnetic surface plasmons in magneto-optical metamaterials,Opt Express26(4), 3956-3973 (2018).
160.W. J.Yu, P. J. Ma, H. Sun,L. Gao, and R. E. Noskov, Optical tristability andultrafast Fano switching in nonlinear magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles,Phys Rev B97(7), 075436 (2018).
159.H.Markovich, D. Filonov, I. Shishkin, and P. Ginzburg, Bifocal Fresnel LensBased on the Polarization-Sensitive Metasurface,Ieee T Antenn Propag66(5), 2650-2654 (2018).
158.P. Ma,L. Gao, P. Ginzburg, and R. E. Noskov, Ultrafast cryptography withindefinitely switchable optical nanoantennas,Light SciAppl7(77 (2018).
157.D. Gao,R. Shi, A. E. Miroshnichenko, andL. Gao, Enhanced Spin Hall E?ect ofLight in Spheres with Dual Symmetry,Laser & Photonics Review12(11), ** (2018).
156.D.Filonov, A. Shmidt, A. Boag, and P. Ginzburg, Artificial localized magnonresonances in subwavelength meta-particles,Appl Phys Lett113(12), 123505 (2018).
155.K.Zhang, Y. Huang, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, andL. Gao, Tunable OpticalBistability and Tristability in Nonlinear GrapheneWrapped Nanospheres,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C121((2017).
154.K.Zhang, andL. Gao, Optical bistability in graphene-wrapped dielectricnanowires,Opt Express25(12),13747-13759 (2017).
153.W. Yu, H. Sun,andL. Gao, Magnetic control of Goos-Hanchen shifts in ayttrium-iron-garnet film,Sci Rep7(45866(2017).
152.P. Ma, andL. Gao, Large and tunable lateral shifts in one-dimensional PT-symmetriclayered structures,Opt Express25(9),9676-9688 (2017).
151.V. Kozlov,D. Filonov, Y. Yankelevich, and R. Ginzburg, Micro-Doppler frequency combgeneration by rotating wire scatterers,J Quant Spectrosc Ra190(7-12 (2017).
150.Y. Huang,Y. M. Wu, andL. Gao, Bistable near field and bistable transmittance in2D composite slab consisting of nonlocal core-Kerr shell inclusions,Opt Express25(2), 1062-1072 (2017).
149.Y. Huang,Y. M. Wu, andL. Gao, Nonlocality-Broaden Optical Bistability in aNonlinear Plasmonic Core?Shell Cylinder,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C121((2017).
148.D. L. Gao,R. Shi, Y. Huang, andL. Gao, Fano-enhanced pulling and pushing opticalforce on active plasmonic nanoparticles,Physical Review A96(4) (2017).
147.T. J. Cui,S. Liu, and L. Zhang, Information metamaterials and metasurfaces,JMater Chem C5(15), 3644-3668(2017).
146.J. F.Cheng, L. Zhou, Z. Wen, Q. Yan, Q. Han, andL. Gao, The enhancedspin-polarized transport behaviors through cobalt benzene-porphyrin-benzenemolecular junctions: the effect of functional groups,J Phys CondensMatter29(17), 175201 (2017).
145.X. Bian,D. L. Gao, andL. Gao, Tailoring optical pulling force on gain coatednanoparticles with nonlocal effective medium theory,Opt Express25(20), 24566-24578 (2017).
144.W. J. Yu,H. Sun, andL. Gao, Optical bistability in core-shell magnetoplasmonicnanoparticles with magnetocontrollability,Opt Express24(19), 22272-22281 (2016).
143.P. J. Ma,D. L. Gao, Y. X. Ni, andL. Gao, Enhancement of Optical Nonlinearity byCore-Shell Bimetallic Nanostructures,Plasmonics11(1), 183-187 (2016).
142.A. V.Krasavin, P. Ginzburg, G. A. Wurtz, and A. V. Zayats, Nonlocality-drivensupercontinuum white light generation in plasmonic nanostructures,NatCommun7(11497 (2016).
141.Y. Huang,A. E. Miroshnichenko, andL. Gao, Low-threshold optical bistability ofgraphene-wrapped dielectric composite,Sci Rep6(23354 (2016).
140.Y. Huang,andL. Gao, Tunable Fano resonances and enhanced optical bistability incomposites of coated cylinders due to nonlocality,Phys Rev B93(23), 235439 (2016).
139.D. S.Filonov, A. S. Shalin, I. Iorsh, P. A. Belov, and P. Ginzburg, Controllingelectromagnetic scattering with wire metamaterial resonators,J Opt SocAm A Opt Image Sci Vis33(10),1910-1916 (2016).
138.D.Filonov, Y. Kramer, V. Kozlov, B. A. Malomed, and P. Ginzburg, Resonantmeta-atoms with nonlinearities on demand,Appl Phys Lett109(11), 111904 (2016).
137.T. J. Cui,S. Liu, and L. L. Li, Information entropy of coding metasurface,Light Sci Appl5(11), e16172 (2016).
136.J. F.Cheng, Q. Yan, L. Zhou, Q. Han, andL. Gao, The electron and spinpolarized transport in wide-voltage-ranges through colbaltporphyrin-basedmolecular junctions,J Chem Phys144(8),084707 (2016).
135.H. L.Chen, D. L. Gao, andL. Gao, Effective nonlinear optical properties andoptical bistability in composite media containing spherical particles withdifferent sizes,Opt Express24(5),5334-5345 (2016).
134.H. Chen,Y. Zhang, B. Zhang, andL. Gao, Optical bistability in anonlinear-shell-coated metallic nanoparticle,Sci Rep6(21741 (2016).
133. D.L.Gao,L. Gao, A. Novitsky, H. Chen, and B. Luk'yanchuk,Topological effectsin anisotropy-induced nano-fano resonance of a cylinder,Opt. Lett.40,4162-4165 (2015).
132. D.L.Gao, A. Novitsky, T. Zhang, F. C. Cheong,L. Gao, C. T. Lim, B.Luk'yanchuk, andC.-W. Qiu, Unveiling the correlation between non-diffracting tractor beamand its singularity in Poynting vector,Laser Photon. Rev. 9, 75-82 (2015).
131. P.Ma, D. L. Gao*, Y. Ni, andL. Gao*, Enhancement of Optical Nonlinearityby Core-Shell Bimetallic Nanostructures,Plasmonics(2015) DOI:10.1007/s11468-015-0036-x.
130.Y.Huang and L. Gao, “Superscattering of light from core-shell nonlocal plasmonicnanoparticles”, J. Phys. Chem. C (accepted)
129. J.F.Cheng, L.P. zhou, M. Liu, Q, Yan, Q. Han, and L. Gao, “Tip-contact relatedlow-bias negative differential resistance and rectifying effects inbenzene-porphyrin-benzene molecular juctions”, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 174304(2014).
128. Y.X. Ni, J.K.Chen, and L. Gao, “Anomalous optical forces on the anisotropic Rayleigh particles”,Opt. Express 22,27355 (2014)
127.D.L. Gao, A. Novitsky, T.H. Zhang, F.C.Cheong, L. Gao, C.T. Lim, B. Lukyanchuk, and C.W. Qiu, “Unveiling thecorrelation between non-diffracting tractor beam and its singularity inPoynting vector”, Laser Photon. Review (accepted)
126. Y. Huang, Z. W.Yu, and L. Gao, “Tunable spin-dependent splitting of light beam in a chiralmetamaterial slab”, J. Opt. 16, 075103 (2014).
125. T.T. Wang, J.Luo, L. Gao, P. Xu, and Y. Lai, “Equivalent perfect magnetic conductor based onepsilon-near-zero media”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 211904 (2014).
124. Y. Huang, X.Bian, Y.X. Ni, and L. Gao, “Nonlocal surface Plasmon amplification bystimulated emission of radiation”, Phys. Rev. A 89, 053824 (2014).
123. J. Sun, Y. Huang,and L. Gao, “Nonlocal composite media in calculations of the Casimir force”,Phys. Rev. A 89, 012805 (2014).
122. H.L. Fu, Y.Huang, and L. Gao, “Photophoresis of spherical particles with interfacialthermal resistantce in micor-nano fluids”, Phys. Lett. A 377, 2815 (2013).
121. H.L. Chen and L.Gao, “Tunablity of the unconventional Fano resonances in coated nanowires withradial anisotropy”, Opt. Express 21, 23619 (2013).
120. Y. Huang and L.Gao, “Equivanlent permittivity and permeability and multiple Fano resonancesfor nonlocal metallic nanowires”, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 19203 (2013).
119. J. Sun, X.K. Hua,A.V. Goncharenko, and L. Gao, “Casimir force between composite materialscontaining nonspherical particles”, Phys. Rev. A 87, 042509 (2013).
118. Y.X. Ni, L. Gao,A.E. Miroshnichenko, and C.W. Qiu, “controlling light scattering andpolarization by spherical particles with radial anisotropy”, Opt. Express 21,8091 (2013).
117. D.L. Gao, C.W.Qiu, L. Gao, T.J. Cui,and S. Zhang, “Macroscopic broadband optical escalatorwith force-loaded transformation optics”, Opt. Express 21m 796 (2013).
116. H.L. Fu and L.Gao, “Effect of interfacial nanolayer on thermophoresis in nanofluids”, Int. J.Thermal Sci. 61, 61 (2012).
115. H.L. Chen and L.Gao, “Anomalous electromagneticscattering from radially anisotropic nanowires”, Phys. Rev. A 86,033825(2012).
114. J. Sun, X.K. Hua,and L. Gao, “Repulsive and attractive Casimir forces between magnetodielectricslabs”, Solid State Commun. 152, 1666 (2012).
113. Y.X. Ni, L. Gao,A.E. Miroshnichenko, and C.W. Qiu, “Non-Rayleigh scattering behavior foranisotropic Rayleigh particles”, Opt. Express 37, 3390 (2012).
112. Y.Y. Huang, B.Zhao, and L. Gao, “GH shift of the reflectd wave through an anisotropicmetamaterials containing metal/dielectric nanocomposites”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A29, 1436 (2012).
111. J. Luo, P. Xu. L.Gao, Y. Lai, and H.Y. Chen, “Manipulate the transmission using index-near zeroor epsilon-near-zero metamaterials with coated defects”, Plasmonics 7, 353(2012).
110. J. Luo, P. Xu,H.Y. Chen, B. Hou, L. Gao, and Y. Lai, “Realizing almost perfect bendingwaveguides with anisotropic epsilon-near-zero metamaterials”, Appl. Phys. Let.100, 221903 (2012).
109. J. Luo, P. Xu,and L. Gao, “Electrically controllable unidirectional transmission in aheterostructure composed of a photonic crystal and a deformable liquiddroplet”, Solid State Commun. 152, 577 (2012).
108. Y. Huang and L.Gao, “Nonlocal effects on surface enhanced Raman scattering from bimetalliccoated nanoparticles”, PIER 133, 581 (2012).
107. J. Luo, P. Xu,and L. Gao, “Directive emission based on one-dimensional metalheterostructures”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 35 (2012).
106. Y.D. Yin, L. Gao,and C.W. Qiu, “Electromagnetic theory of tunable SERS manipulated withspherical anisotropy in coated nanoparticles”, J. Phys. Chem. C 115,8893 (2011)
105. D.L. Gao, L. Gao,and C.W. Qiu, “Birefringence-induced polarization-independent and nearlyall-angle transparency through a metallic film”, EPL 95, 34004 (2011)
104.Y.D. Xu, S.W. Du, and L. Gaoet al.“Overlappedillusion optics: a perfect lens brings a brighter feature”NewJ. Phys.13,023010(2011)
103.Y.X. Ni, D.L. Gao, Z.F.Sang, and L. Gao. “Influence ofspherical anisotropy on the optical properties of plasmon resonant metallicnanoparticles”Appl. Phys. A 102(3), 673-679(2011)
102. Y.D.Xu,L. Gao,and H.Y. Chen,“Cloak an illusion”Frontiers of Physics in China,6(1),61-64(2011)
101. Y.Y.Huang, W.T. Dong, and L. Gao,“Large positive andnegative lateral shifts near pseudo-Brewster dip on reflection from a chiralmetamaterial slab”,Opt. Express,19(2),1310-1323(2011)
100. H.L. Fu and L. Gao,”Theoryfor anisotropic thermal conductivity of magnetic nanofluids”, Phys. Lett. A377, 3588 (2011).
99. J. Luo, P. Xu, T.T. Sun, andL. Gao, “Tunable beam splitting and negative refraction in heterostructure withmetamaterial”, Appl. Phys. A 104, 1137 (2011).
98. T.T. sun, J. Luo, P. Xu, andL. Gao, “Independently tunable transmission-type magneto-optical isolatorsbased on multilayers containing magnetic materials”, Phys. Lett. A 375, 2185(2011).
97. J. Luo, P. Xu, and L. Gao, “Controllableswitching behavior of optical Tamm state based on nematic liquid crystal”,Solid State Commun. 151, 993 (2011).
96. Y.Gao, J.P. Huang, Y.M. Liu, L. Gao, K.W. Yu, and X. Zhang, “Optical negativerefraction in ferrofluids with magnetocontrollability”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,034501 (2010).
95. Y.X.Ni, L. Gao, and C.W. Qiu, “Achieving invisibility of homogeneous cylindricallyanisotropiccylinders”, Plasmonics 5,251 (2010).
94. C.W.Qiu, L. Gao, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic, “light scattering fromanisotropic particles: propagation, localization , and nonlinearity”, Laser& Photon. Rev. 4, 268 (2010).
93. Y.W.Jin, D.L. Gao, and L. Gao, “Plasmonics resonant light scattering by a cylinderwith radial anisotropy”, Prog. Electromagnetic Research, PIER 106, 335 (2010).
92. C.W.Qiu, A. Novitsky, and L. Gao, “Inverse design mechanism of cylindrical cloakswithout knowledge of the required coordinate transformation”, J. Opt. Soc. Am.A 27, 1079 (2010).
91. D.L.Gao and L. Gao, “Goos-Hanchen shift of the reflection from nonlinearnanocomposites with electric field tunability”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041903(2010).
90. B.Zhao and L. Gao, “Temperature dependent Goos-Hanchen shift on the interface ofmetal/dielectric composites”, Opt. Express 17, 21433 (2009).
89. Y.Y.Huang and L. Gao, “Effective negative refraction in anisotropic layeredcomposites”, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 013512 (2009).
88. D.L.Gao and L. Gao, “Tunable lateral shift through nonlinear composites ofnonspherical particles”, Prog. Electromagnetic Research, PIER 99, 273 (2009).
87. W.T.Dong, L. Gao, and C.W. Qiu, “Goos-Hanchen shift at the surface of chiralnegative refractive media”, Prog. Electromagnetic Research, PIER 90, 255(2009).
86. X.P.Miao, L. Gao, and P. Xu, “Faraday magneto-optical rotation in compositionallygraded films”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 023512 (2008).
85. X.F.Zhou and L. Gao, “Thermal conductivity of nanofluids: Effects of gradednanolayers and mutual interation”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083503 (2008).
84. W.T.Dong and L. Gao, “Negative refraction in chiral composite materials”, J. Appl.Phys. 104, 023537 (2008).
83. L.Gao, T.H. Fung, K.W. Yu, and C.W. Qiu, “Electromagnetic transparency by coatedspheres with radial anisotropy”, Phys. Rev. E 78, 046609 (2008).
82. C.W.Qiu and L. Gao, “Resonant light scattering by small coated nonmagnetic spheres:magnetic resonances, negative refraction, and prediction”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B25, 1728 (2008).
81.L.H. Shi and L. Gao, “Subwavelength imagingfrom a multilayered structure containing interleaved nonsphericalmetal-dielectric composites”, Phys. Rev. B 77, 195121 (2008).
80.L.H. Shi, S.M. Wang, C.J. Tang, and L. Gao, “Omnidirectionalsurface guided modes from one-dimensional photonic crystal formed bysingle-negative materials”, J.M.M.M. 311, 609 (2007).
79.L.H. Shi, L. Gao, S.L. He, and B.W. Li, “Superlensfrom metal/dielectric composites ofnonsphericalparticles”, Phys. Rev. B 76, 045116 (2007).
78.L. Gao, Y. Huang, and C. Tang, “Surfacepolaritons and transmission in multi-layerstructures containing anisotropic left-handed materials”, Appl. Phys. A87, 199 (2007).
77.L. Gao, and X.P. Yu, “Second and thirdharmonic generations for a nondilute suspension of coated particles with radialdielectric anisotropy”, Eur. Phys. J. B 55, 402 (2007).
76. L. Gao, X.F. Zhou, and Y.L. Ding, “Effective thermaland electrical conductivity of carbon nanotubecomposites”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 434,297 (2007).
75. Y. Ma and L. Gao, “Subluminal and superluminal pulsepropagation in inhomogeneous media of nonspherical particles”, Phys. Lett. A355,413(2006).
74. X.F. Zhou and L. Gao, “Effectivethermal conductivity in nanofluids of nonspherical particles with interfacialthermal resistance: Differential?effectivemedium theory”, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 024913(2006).
73.S.M. Wang andL. Gao, “Nonlinear responses of the periodic structure composed of singlenegative materials”, Opt. Commun. 267, 197 (2006).
72. X.P. Yu and L. Gao, “Nonlinear dielectric responsesin partially resonant composites withradial dielectric anisotropy”, Phys. Lett. A 359, 516 (2006).
71. L. Gao, “Decreased group velocity in compositionallygraded films”, Phys. Rev. E73, 036602(2006)
70. S.M. Wang, C.J. Tang, T. Pan and L. Gao, “Nonlinearresponses in the defect structures containing single negative materials”, Phys.Lett. A348, 424 (2006).
69.S.M. Wang, C.J. Tang, T. Pan and L. Gao, “Effectivelynegatively refractive material made of negative-permittivity and negativepermeability bilayer”, Phys. Lett. A 351, 391 (2006).
68. L. Gao and X.F. Zhou, “Differential effective mediumtheory forthermal conductivity innanofluids”, Phys. Lett. A 348, 355 (2006).
67. L. Gao, C.J. Tang and S.M. Wang, “Photonic Band Gapfrom a Stack of Single-negative Materials”, J.M.M.M. 301, 371 (2006).
66. B. Liu, L. Gao and K.W. Yu, “Effective nonlinearoptical properties in compositionally graded films: Analytical and numericalcalculations”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 214208 (2005).
65. S.M. Wang, C.J. Tang, T. Pan and L. Gao, “Nonlinearresponses in the defect structures containing single negative materials”, Phys.Lett. A (in press) 2005
64. S.M. WangandL. Gao, “Omnidirectional reflection from the one-dimensional photonic crystalcontaining anisotropic left-handed material”, Eur. Phys. J. B 48, 29 (2005).
63. L.P. Gu and L. Gao, “Optical bistability of anondilute suspension of nonlinear coated particles”, Physica B368, 279 (2005).
62. B. Liu and L. Gao, “Second and third harmonicgenerations in random composite of spheroidal particles”, Phys. Sta. Sol. B242, 1307 (2005).
61.T. Pan, C.J. Tang, L. Gao and Z.Y. Li, “Opticalbistability of nonlinear multilayer structure containing left-handed material”,Phys. Lett. A 337, 473 (2005).
60. L. Gao and K.W. Yu, “Second and third-harmonicgenerations in random composites of graded spherical particles”, Phys. Rev. B72, 075111 (2005).
59. L.P. Gu and L. Gao, “Higher-order nonlinearresponses in weakly nonlinear composite materials within the effective mediumapproximation”, Acta Physica Sinica 54, 987 (2005).
58.L. Gao and Y. Ma, “Enhanced group velocity incomposite media with shape or shape distribution”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38,7765 (2005).
57.L. Gao, “Optical nonlinearity enhancement ofcompositionally graded films”, Eur. Phys. J. B 44, 481 (2005).
56.L. Gao, “Second and third harmonic generations incompositionally graded films”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 067601 (2005).
55. L. Gao and X.P. Yu, “Optical bistability innonlinear mixtures of coated inclusions with dielectric anisotropy”, Phys.Lett. A 335, 457 (2005).
54. L. Gao and K.W. Yu,“Theory of nondegenerate nonlinear optical susceptibilities of gradedcomposites with high volume fractions”, Phys. Rev. E 71, 017601 (2005).
53. L. Gao, B. Liu and D.L. Yao, “Effective nonlinearresponse of random resistor networks with anomalous distribution ofconductances”, Solid State Commun. 132, 821 (2004).
52.B. Liu andLei Gao, “Numerical study of effective optical nonlinear properties incomposites with anomalous distribution”, Phys. Lett. A332, 147 (2004)
51.J.P. Huang,L. Gao, K.W. Yu, and G.Q. Gu,“Nonlinear alternating current response of graded materials”, Phys. Rev. E 69, 036605 (2004)
50.Y.Y. Huangand L. Gao,“left-handedmaterial containing spherical and nonspherical metallic and magnetic particles”, Phys. Lett. A 328, 225(2004)
49. L. Gao and Y.Y. Huang,“Extinction properties of a coatedsphere containing a left-handed material”, Opt. Commun. 239, 25 (2004)
48.L.P. Gu, L. Gao,and Z.Y. Li,“spectral representation theory for higher-order nonlinear responsein random composites with arbitrary nonlinearity”,Phys. Stat. Solidi B241, 1115(2004).
47.L. Gao,“spectral representation theory forhigher-order nonlinear response in random composites”,Phys. Lett. A 322, 250 (2004).
46. L. Gao,J.P. Huang and K.W. Yu,“Effective nonlinear optical properties of composite media of gradedinclusions”,Phys. Rev. B69,075105(2004).
45.L. Gao,L.P. Gu and Y.Y. Huang,“Effective medium approximation for optical bistabilityin nonlinear metal/dielectric composites”,Solid State Commun129, 593 (2004).
44.C.J. Tang andLei Gao, “Surface polaritons and imaging properties of a multi-layer structurecontaining negative refractive index materials”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16,4743 (2004).
43. L. Gao and C.J. Tang, “Near field imaging by amultilayer structure consisting of alternate right-handed and left-handedmaterials,” Phys. Lett. A 322, 390 (2004).
42.L.Gao,J.P. Huang and K.W. Yu,“Giant enhancement of opticalnonlinearity in mixtures of graded particles with dielectric anisotropy”,Eur. Phys. Journ. B 36,475 (2003).
41.L. Gao,L.P. Gu and Z.Y. Li,“Optical bistabilityand tristability in nonlinearmetal/dielectriccomposite media withnonspherical inclusions”,Phys. Rev. E 68,066601(2003).
40.L. Gao,J.P. Huangand K.W. Yu,“Theory of acelectrokinetic behavior
of spheroidal cell suspensions with an intrinsic dispersion”,Phys. Rev. E 67,021910 (2003).
39. L. Gao,X.Q. Luo,S.Q. Zhu and Bambi Hu,“Dispersive anomalous diffusivetransport in rachets with long-range correlated spatial disorder”,Phys. Rev. E 67,062104 (2003).
38. L. Gao and Y.Y. Huang,“Effective nonlinear optical properties of shape distributedcomposite media”,EuropeanPhys. Journ. B 33,165 (2003).
37. L. Gao and Z.Y. Li,“Effective medium approximation for two-component nonlinearcomposites with shape distribution”,J. Phys. Condens. Matter15,4397 (2003).
36. L. Gao,Yanyan Huang and Z.Y. Li,“Effective medium approximation forstrongly nonlinear composite media with shape distribution”,Phys. Lett. A306,337 (2003).
35. L. Gao,“Effective medium approximation forweakly nonlinear metal/dielectric composites with shape distribution”,Phys. Lett. A 309, 407 (2003).
34. Y.Y. Huang and L. Gao,“Negative refractive index in composite media with metallic magneticinclusions”,Phys. Lett.A318,592 (2003).
33. L. Gao,“Optical bistability in compositemedia with nonlinear coated inclusions”,Phys. Lett. A 318,119 (2003).
32.L. Gao,“Effective nonlinear response in random mxiture of coated granularcylinders”,Phys. StatusSolid B 236,182 (2003).
31. L. Gao,“Maxwell-Garnett type approximationfor nonlinear composites with shape
distribution”,Phys. Lett. A309,435 (2003).
30. J.P. Huang,L. Gao and Z.Y. Li,“AC response of ER fluid with aintrinsic dispersion”,J. Appl. Phys. 93,2871 (2003).
29. L. Gao and Z.Y. Li,“Effect of Temperature on Nonlinear Optical Properties of CompositeMedia with Shape Distribution”,J. Appl. Phys.91,2045 (2002).
28. L. Gao and J.Z. Gu,“Effective Dielectric Constant of a two Component Material with ShapeDistribution”,J. Phys. D:AppliedPhys. 35,267 (2002).
27. L. Gao,J.Z. Gu and Bambi Hu,“Driven dynamics in an undampedFrenkel Kontorova model in the presence of a quasiperiodic potential and athermal bath”,Phys. Rev. B66,064309 (2002).
26. J.Z. Gu,L. Gao and Bambi Hu,“Fluctuation of the strengthfunction”,Phys. Rev.E66,026208 (2002).
25. J. Z. Gu,L. Gao and Bambi Hu,“Finite size effect on the strengthfunction in a random matrix analysis”,Phys. Rev. C 66,054312 (2002).
24. L. Gao,K.W. Yu,Z.Y. Li and Bambi Hu,“Effective nonlinear optical properties of metal-dielectric compositemedia with shape distribution”,Phys. Rev. E 64,036615 (2001).
23. L. Gao,Z.Y. Li and K.W. Yu,“Enhancement of optical nonlinearity through shape distribution”,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13,7271 (2001).
22. J.P. Huang,L. Gao and Z.Y. Li,“Optical Response of Metal/Dielectric Composite ContainingInterfacial Layers”,Commun. Theor. Phys. 36,251(2001).
21. L. Gao,J.T.K. Wan,K.W. Yu and Z.Y. Li,“Force between two spherical inclusions in a nonlinear host medium”,Phys. Rev. E 61,6011 (2000).
20. L. Gao,J.T.K. Wan,K.W. Yu and Z.Y. Li,“Effect of interfacial property and particle size distribution onoptical nonlinearity in granular composite”,J. Appl. Phys. 88,1893(2000).
19. L. Gao,J.T.K. Wan,K.W. Yu and Z.Y. Li,“Effect nonlinear optical properties of fmetal/dielectric compositesof spheroidal particles”,J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12,6825(2000).
18. L. Gao and Z.Y. Li,“Third-order nonlinear optical response of metal/dielectric composite”,J. Appl. Phys. 87,1620 (2000).
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1、金属颗粒复合介质的非线性光学 省科技进步二等奖,江苏省科技厅,2001
2、第二期计划中青年学术带头人培养人选 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”,江苏省教育厅,2002





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