

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14


徐岚,1977年12月生,教授、博士生导师。2006年1月获清华大学博士学位。近年来发表学术论文70多篇,被SCI收录65篇(其中第一作者35篇,通讯作者14篇),总被SCI他引1000多次;获得国家发明专利10项;担任了两本国际期刊的编委和五期特刊的Guest Editor,并被一些国际会议邀请作报告;此外还担任过三届国际非线性动力学学术研讨会总秘书及分会主席;入选上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师计划和东华大学优秀青年教师后备人选;曾获2009年度届“Scopus寻找未来科学之星”活动中的纳米科学类的青年科学之星称号。迄今为止主持项目10项,申请发明专利20项,获省部级奖4项,市厅级奖2项。







1. 国家自然科学基金项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料过程中多相射流的机理研究,主持。
2. 2017年江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划项目,主持。
3. 2015年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,静电纺载药多孔纳米纤维膜的制备及其性能研究,指导老师;
4. 国家自然科学基金项目,多场耦合作用下静电纺丝两相流的机理研究,主持。
5. 2009年度“上海市青年科技启明星计划(A类)”,多场耦合静电纺纳米纤维的制备与机理研究,主持。
6. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,多场耦合作用下静电纺丝的机理研究,主持。
7. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,气泡静电纺丝两相流的机理研究,主持。
8. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料的机理研究,主持。
9. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料制备过程的力学机理研究,主持。
10. 苏州市科技计划项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料的制备机理及应用研究,主持。
11. 南通市应用研究计划项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料的制备机理及应用研究,主持。



1. Song YH, *Xu L, Permeability, thermal and wettingproperties of aligned composite nanofiber membranes containing carbonnanotubes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42: 19961-19966.
2. Shao ZB, Yu L, *Xu L, Wang MD, High-throughput fabricationof quality nanofibers using a modified free surface electrospinning, NanoscaleResearch Letters, 2017, 12: 470-478.
3. Fan CX, Sun ZY, *Xu L, Fluid-mechanic model forfabrication of nanoporous fibers by electrospinning, 2017, Thermal Science, 21(4):1621-1625.
4. Song YH, Sun ZY, *Xu L, Shao ZB, Preparation and characterizationof highly aligned carbon nanotubes/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofibers,Polymers, 2017, 9(1): 1-13.
5. Sun ZY, Fan CX, Tang XP, Zhao JH, Song YH, Shao ZB, *Xu L,Characterization and antibacterial properties of porous fiberscontaining silverions, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387: 828–838.
6. Zhao JH, Sun ZY, Shao ZB, *Xu L, Effect of Surface-ActiveAgent on Morphology and Properties of Electrospun PVA Nanofibres, Fibers andPolymers, 2016, 17(6): 896-901.
7. Zhao JH, Si N, *Xu L, Tang XP, Experimental andtheoretical study on the electrospinning nanoporous fibers process, MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 2016, 170: 294-302.
8. Zhao JH, Liu HY,*Xu L, Preparation and formation mechanism of highly aligned electrospunnanofibers using a modified parallel electrode method,Materials & Design, 2016, 90: 1-6.
9. Xu, L, Liu, FJ,et al., Fabrication and applications of electrospun nanofibers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 697236, 2015.
10. Xu, L, Zhao, JH,Liu, HY, Numerical simulation for the single-bubble electrospinning process, Thermal Science, 19(4): 1255-1259, 2015.
11. Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Sun, QL, Highly aligned electrospun nanofibers byhot-drawing, Thermal Science, 19(4): 1357-1360, 2015.
12. Xu, L, Liu, HY,Si, N, Lee, EWM, Numerical simulation of a two-phase flow in the electrospinning process,International Journal ofNumerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(8): 1755-1761, 2014.
13. Tang, XP, Si, N,*Xu, L, Liu, HY, Effect of flow rate on diameter of electrospun nanoporous fibers, Thermal Science, 18(5): 1439-1441, 2014.
14. Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Si, N, Effect of magnetic intensity on diameter of charged jets in electrospinning, Thermal Science, 18(5): 1443-1446, 2014.
15. Liu, HY,*Xu, L, Tang, XP, Sun, ZQ, Effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles onmagnetic electrospun nanofibers, The Journal of The Textile Institute, ArticleID 927127, 2014.
16. Xu, L, Si, N, Liu,HY, Fabrication and Characterization of Chinese Drug-loaded Nanoporous Materials, Journal of Nano Research, 27: 103-109, 2014.
17. Xu L, Lee EWM. Variational Iteration Method for the Magnetohydrodynamic Flow over a Nonlinear Stretching Sheet, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Article ID 585716, 2013.
18. Xu L, Si N, Lee EWM, Liu HY.A Multi-PhaseFlow Model for Electrospinning Process, Thermal Science, 17 (5): 1299-1304,2013.
19. Xu L, Wang L. Effectof Magnetic Field on Charged Jet, Heat Transfer Research, 44 (5) : 417-421,2013.
20. Xu L, Si N,Lee EWM, Effect of Humidity on the Surface Morphology of a Charged Jet, Heat Transfer Research, 44 (5) : 441-445, 2013.
21. Xu L, Liu FJ, Faraz N. Theoretical model for the electrospinning nanoporous materials process, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64(5): 1017-1021, 2012.
22. Xu L, Wu Y,Nawaz Y. Numerical Study on Magnetic-Electrospinning Process, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61: 2116-2119, 2011.
23. Xu L, Wang L,Faraz N. A thermo-electro-hydrodynamic model for vibration- electrospinning process, Thermal Science, 15 (Suppl. 1): S131-S135, 2011.
24. Xu L, He JH,Wang L. Drug-loaded nano materials by electrospinning, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22 (1): S44-S44, 2011.
25. Xu L. AHamiltonian approach for a plasma physics problem, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 61(8): 1909-1911, 2011.
26. Xu L. Estimationof the length constant of a long cooling fin by an ancient Chinese algorithm,Thermal Science, 15(SI): S149-S152, 2011.
27. Xu L, Wu Y, LiuY, Electrospun nanoporous materials: reality, potential and challenges, Materials Science and Technology, 26 (11): 1304-1308, 2010.
28. Xu L. Applicationof hamiltonian approach to an oscillation of a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire, Mathematical & Computational Applications, 15(5): 901-906,2010.
29. Xu L, He JH. Determination of Limit Cycle by Hamiltonian Approach for Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11(12): 1097-1101, 2010.
30. Xu L.Hamiltonian Approach for a Nonlinear Pendulum, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11 (S): 41-42, 2010.
31. Xu L, A mathematical model for electrospinning process under coupled field forces, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 42(3): 1463-1465, 2009.
32. Xu L, The variational iteration method for fourth order boundary value problems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 39(3): 1386-1394, 2009.
33. Xu L, Dynamics of two-strand yarn spinning in forced vibration, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71 (12): e827-e829, 2009.
34. Xu L, Zhang N, A variational approach to analyzing catalytic reactions in short monoliths, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 58 (11-12): 2460-2463, 2009.
35. Xu L, Variational approach to solitons of nonlinear dispersive K(m, n) equations, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 37 (1): 137-143, 2008.
36. Xu L, Ren ZF, Drug-loaded PBS Micro Spheres with Chinese Drug by Electrospinning, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 28(1-2): 27-32, 2008.
37. Xu L, Zhang N, Variational Approach for the Lane-Emden Equation, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal of Physical Sciences, 63 (10-11): 637-640, 2008.
38. Xu L, He's homotopy perturbation method for the temperature distribution in convective straight fins with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 31 (2): 253-261, 2008.
39. Xu L, He JH, Wazwaz AM, Variational iteration method - Reality, potential, and challenges, Journal of computational and applied mathematics 207 (1): 1-2, 2007.
40. Xu, He's parameter-expanding methods for strongly nonlinear oscillators, Journal of computational and applied mathematics 207 (1): 148-154, 2007.
41. Xu L, Determination of limit cycle by He's parameter-expanding method for strongly nonlinear oscillators, Journal of Sound and Vibration 302 (1-2): 178-184, 2007.
42. Xu L,He JH, Liu Y, Electrospun Nanoporous Spheres with Chinese Drug, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 8 (2): 199-202, 2007.
43. Xu L, Application of He's parameter-expansion method to an oscillation of a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire, Physics Letters A, 368 (3-4): 259-262,2007.
44. Xu L, He's homotopy perturbation method for a boundary layer equation in unbounded domain, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 54 (7-8): 1067-1070, 2007.
45. Xu L,Variational iteration method for solving integral equations, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 54 (7-8): 1071-1078, 2007.
46. Zhang LN, Xu L*, Determination of the limit cycle by He's parameter- expansion for oscillators in a u(3)/(1+u(2)) potential, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal of Physical Sciences, 62 (7-8): 396-398, 2007.
47. Xu L, Cui GX, Xu CX, et al., High Accurate Finite Volume Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows, International Journal of TURBO & JET-ENGINES, 23: 191 -210, 2006.
48. Xu L, Variational principles for coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Physics Letters A 359 (6): 627-629, 2006.
49. Liu Y, Xu L*. Controlling Air Vortex in Air Vortex Spinning by Zeng-He Model, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 7 (4): 389-392, 2006.

1、徐岚,王亮,何吉欢. 静电纺丝装置,ZL 2011 1 **.0
2、徐岚,司娜,刘福娟,何吉欢. 静电纺丝装置,ZL 2012 1 **.2
3、徐岚,司娜,刘福娟,何吉欢. 静电纺丝装置,ZL 2012 1 **.4
4、徐岚,刘洪莹,司娜,唐晓鹏,何吉欢,利用静电纺丝技术制备有序纳米磁性复合材料的方法,ZL 2013 1 **.X
5、徐岚、刘洪莹、司娜、唐晓鹏、刘福娟、何吉欢,可调聚合物溶液粘度的静电纺丝装置,ZL 2013 1 **.9
6、徐岚、司娜、刘洪莹、唐晓鹏、刘福娟、何吉欢,用于制备纳米多孔纤维的静电纺丝装置,ZL 2.7
7、徐岚、刘洪莹、司娜、刘福娟、何吉欢,可调节聚合物射流速度的静电纺丝装置,ZL 2.1
8、徐岚,司娜,刘洪莹,刘福娟,何吉欢,利用静电纺丝技术制备纳米多孔材料的方法,ZL 2.9
9、徐岚、刘洪莹、司娜、唐晓鹏、何吉欢,利用静电纺丝技术制备有序纳米磁性复合材料的方法,ZL 2013 1 **.X
10、徐岚、刘洪莹、司娜、唐晓鹏、何吉欢,电磁场耦合法制备纳米纤维的静电纺丝装置,ZL 5.9


1、 2017年江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才
7、 2012年苏州市科学技术进步奖二等奖(2/2)




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