

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14



学术经历:清华大学理学学士、硕士学位;香港城市大学超金刚石及先进薄膜研究中心及化学和生物系博士学位;2003-2005年加拿大西安大略大学化学系博士后;2005-2007年美国国家宇航局(NASA)Ames研究中心纳米技术中心博士后;2007-2009年NASA Ames研究中心先进研究实验室研究员及美国圣塔克拉拉大学兼职助理教授;2009年加入苏州大学功能纳米与软物质材料实验室,任****,博士生导师,副院长。

























103. XinkaiXie, Zhen Wen*, Qingqing Shen, Chen Chen, Mingfa Peng, Yanqin Yang, Na Sun,Ping Cheng, Huiyun Shao, Yi Zhang, Qianqian Zhu, Xiaoping Chen, andXuhui Sun*, “Impedance Matching Effectbetween a Triboelectric Nanogenerator and a Piezoresistive Pressure SensorInduced Self-Powered Weighing”, Adv. Mater. Technol.,2018, **
102. HuiwenLan, Aimin Wei, Hechuang Zheng,XuhuiSunand Jun Zhong* “Boron-passivated surface Fe (IV) defects in hematitefor highly efficient water oxidation” Nanoscale,2018, 10, 7033
101. HechuangZheng, Kun Feng, Yunpeng Shang, Zhenhui Kang*,Xuhui Sunand Jun Zhong* “Cube-like CuCoO nanostructures on reducedgraphene oxide for H2generation from ammonia borane”, Inorg. Chem.Front., DOI: 10.1039/C8QI00183A
100. Yuqiang Liu, Na Sun, Jiawei Liu, ZhenWen*,Xuhui Sun*, Shuit-Tong Lee,and Baoquan Sun*, “Integrating a Silicon Solar Cell with a TriboelectricNanogenerator via a Mutual Electrode for Harvesting Energy from Sunlight andRaindrops”, ACS Nano,2018, 12,2893?2899.
99. Yanqin Yang, Na Sun, Zhen Wen*, PingCheng, Hechuang Zheng, Huiyun Shao, Yujian Xia, Chen Chen, Huiwen Lan, XinkaiXie, Changjie Zhou, Jun Zhong,XuhuiSun*, and Shuit-Tong Lee*, “Liquid-Metal-Based Super-Stretchable andStructure-Designable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wearable Electronics”, ACSNano,2018,12 (2), 2027–2034
98. Changjie Zhou, Yanqin Yang, Na Sun,Zhen Wen*, Ping Cheng, Xinkai Xie, Huiyun Shao, Qingqing Shen, Xiaoping Chen,Yina Liu, Zhong Lin Wang* andXuhui Sun*,“All Folded Carbon-Paper Based Flexible Self-charging Power Unit for PortableElectronics”, Nano Research,2018,DOI:10.1007/s12274 -018-2018-8
97. Shuijian He, Matthew J. Turnbull, YutingNie,Xuhui Sun*, Zhifeng Ding*,“Band structures of blue luminescent nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots bysynchrotron-based XPS”, Surface Science, 01 (2018) 013.
96. Qingqing Shen, Xinkai Xie, Mingfa Peng,Na Sun, Huiyun Shao, Hechuang Zheng, Zhen Wen*, andXuhui Sun*, “Self-Powered Vehicle Emission Testing System Based onCoupling of Triboelectric and Chemoresistive Effects”, Advanced FunctionalMaterials, 28 (2018) **,(Back cover).

95. Xuejie Gao, Jiwei Wang, Duo Zhang,Keegan Adair, Kun Feng, Na Sun, Hechuang Zheng, Huiyun Shao, Jun Zhong, YanyunMa*, Xueliang (Andy) Sun* andXuhui Sun*,“Carbon Coated Bimetallic Sulfide Nanodots/Carbon Nanorod HeterostructureEnabling Long-life Lithium-ion Batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(2017) 25625-25631
94. Zhangping Shi, Kaiqi Nie, Zheng-JiangShao, Boxu Gao, Huanlei Lin, Hongbin Zhang, Bolun Liu, Yangxia Wang, YahongZhang,Xuhui Sun*, Xiao-Ming Cao*,P. Hu, Qingsheng Gao* and Yi Tang*, Phosphorus-Mo2C@carbon nanowirestoward efficient electrochemical hydrogen evolution: composition, structuraland electronic regulation, Energy & Environmental Science, 10.5 (2017) 1262-1271.
93. Yuting Nie, Zhiqiang Wang, Jian Wang,Feng Bao, Jinping Zhang, Yanyun Ma*, Tsun-Kong Sham*,Xuhui Sun*, Synthesis and Structure-Dependent Optical Properties ofZnO Nanocomb and ZnO Nanoflag. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2017, 121 (46), 26076-26085.
92. Zhen Wen, Qingqing Shen andXuhui Sun*, Nanogenerators forSelf-Powered Gas Sensing. Nano-Micro Letters, 94 (2017) 45.
91. Na Sun, Zhen Wen*, Feipeng Zhao, YanqinYang, Huiyun Shao, Changjie Zhou, Qingqing Shen, Kun Feng, Mingfa Peng,Yanguang Li andXuhui Sun*, AllFlexible Electrospun Papers Based Self-Charging Power System. Nano Energy, 38 (2017) 210-217.
90. Huiyun Shao, Zhen Wen*, Ping Cheng, NaSun, Qingqing Shen, Changjie Zhou, Mingfa Peng, Yanqin Yang, Xinkai Xie andXuhui Sun*, Multifunctional Power Unitby Hybridizing Contact-Separate Triboelectric Nanogenerator, ElectromagneticGenerator and Solar Cell for Harvesting Blue Energy. Nano Energy, 39 (2017) 608–615.
89. Mingfa Peng, Zhen Wen*, Mingwang ShaoandXuhui Sun*, “One-dimensionalCdSxSe1?x nanoribbons for high-performance rigid and flexible photodetectors”,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5 (2017)7521-7526.
88. Jing Gao, Yujin Ji, Youyong Li, JunZhong* andXuhui Sun*, “Themorphological effect on electronic structure and electrical transportproperties of one-dimensional carbon nanostructures”, RSC Advances, 7.34 (2017), 21079-21084.
87. Binhua Zhao, Kun Feng, Yun Wang,Xiaoxin Lv, Hechuang Zheng, Yanyun Ma*, Wensheng Yan,Xuhui Sun*and Jun Zhong* “PtxNi10?xO nanoparticles supported onN-doped graphene oxide with a synergetic effect for highly efficient hydrolysisof ammonia borane” Catal. Sci. Technol.,2017,7, 5135-5142
86. Jiujun Deng, Xiaoxin Lv, Kaiqi Nie,Xiaolin Lv,Xuhui Sunand Jun Zhong*“Lowering the Onset Potential of Fe2TiO5/Fe2O3Photoanodes by Interface Structures: F- and Rh-Based Treatments” ACS Catal,2017, 7, 4062?4069
85. Xiaoxin Lv, Jiujun Deng, Biqiong Wang,Jun Zhong, Tsun-Kong Sham,Xuhui Sun*and Xueliang Sun*, “g-Fe2O3@CNTs Anode Materials forLithium Ion Batteries Investigated by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy”, Chemistryof Materials, 29, 8 (2017)3499-3506.
84. Mo Sha, Hui Zhang, Yuting Nie, KaiqiNie, Xiaoxin Lv, Na Sun, Xinkai Xie, Yanyun Ma* andXuhui Sun*, “Sn nanoparticles@nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibercomposites as high-performance anodes for sodium-ion batteries”, Journal of MaterialsChemistry A, 5 (2017) 6277-6283.
83. Xuejie Gao, Jiwei Wang, Duo Zhang,Kaiqi Nie, Yanyun Ma*, Jun Zhong andXuhuiSun*, “Hollow NiFe2O4nanospheres on carbon nanorodsasa highly efficient anode material for lithium ionbatteries”, Journal of MaterialsChemistry A, 5 (2017) 5007-5012.
82. Xiaolin Lv, Kaiqi Nie, Huiwen Lan, XinLi, Youyong Li,Xuhui Sun*, JunZhong* and Shuit-Tong Lee*, “Fe2TiO5-incorporatedhematite with surface P-modification for high-efficiency solar watersplitting”, Nano Energy, 32 (2017),525-532.
81. Kun Feng, Jun Zhong,* Binhua Zhao, HuiZhang, Lai Xu,Xuhui Sun*andShuit-Tong Lee*, ”CuxCo1-xO Nanoparticles on GrapheneOxide as A Synergistic Catalyst for High-Efficiency Hydrolysis of Ammonia–Borane”, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., 55 (2016) 11950-11954.
80. Duo Zhang, John Mcleod, Lei Hu,Shuanglong Lu, Yanyun Ma, Jun Zhong, Zheng Jiang*, Hongwei Gu*, andXuhui Sun*, “Structural Dependence ofPlatinum Nanostructures on Catalytic Performance in Aromatic Azo CompoundReaction Investigated by X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy”, Journalof Physical Chemistry C, 120 (2016),14712–14718.
79. Hui Zhang, Liwei Fan, Huilong Dong,Pingping Zhang, Kaiqi Nie, Jun Zhong, Youyong Li, Jinghua Guo, andXuhui Sun*, “SpectroscopicInvestigation of Plasma-Fluorinated Monolayer Graphene and Application for GasSensing”, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 8 (2016) 8652–8661.
78. Hui Zhang, Xin Li, Duo Zhang, LiangZhang, Mukes Kapilashrami, Tao Sun, Per-Anders Glans, Junfa Zhu, Jun Zhong,Zheng Hu*, Jinghua Guo*,Xuhui Sun*,“Comprehensive electronic structure characterization of pristine andnitrogen/phosphorus doped carbon nanocages”, Carbon, 103 (2016) 480-487.
77. Yun Wang, Hui Zhang,Xuhui Sun*, “Electrospun nanowebs ofNiO/SnO2p-n heterojunctions for enhanced gas sensing”, AppliedSurface Science, 389 (2016) 514-520.
76. Xiaoxin Lv, Jiujun Deng,Xuhui Sun*, “Cumulative effect of Fe2O3on TiO2nanotubes via atomic layer deposition with enhanced lithiumion storage performance”, Applied Surface Science, 369 (2016) 314-319.
75. Duo Zhang, Hui Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Tsun-KongSham,*Yongfeng Hu*andXuhui Sun*,“The origin of luminescence from di[4-(4- diphenylaminophenyl) phenyl]sulfone(DAPSF), a blue light emitter: an X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) andX-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) study”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,18 (2016) 6406-6410.
74. Pingping Zhang, Hui Zhang,Xuhui Sun*, “Uniform PorousMultilayer-Junction Thin Film for Enhanced Gas-Sensing Performance”, Nanoscale,8 (2016) 1430-1436.
73. Jiwei Wang, Hui Zhang, Xiaoxin Lv,Kaiqi Nie, Xuejie Gao, Jun Zhong,XuhuiSun*, “Self-supported ultrathin mesoporous CoFe2O4/CoOnanosheet arrays assembled from nanowires with enhanced lithium storageperformance”, Journal of Materials Science, 51 (2016) 6590-6599.
72. Guanqi Zhao, Jun Zhong*, Jian Wang, Tsun-KongSham, Xuhui Sun*and Shuit-Tong Lee,“Revealing the synergetic effects in Ni nanoparticle-carbon nanotube hybrids byscanning transmission X-ray microscopy and their application in the hydrolysisof ammonia borane”, Nanoscale, 7 (2015)9715-9722.
71. Yiping Zhang, Qiqi Zhuo, Xiaoxin Lv,Yanyun Ma, Jun Zhong,Xuhui Sun*,“NiO-Co3O4 nanoplate composite as efficient anode in Li-ion battery”, ElectrochimicaActa, 178 (2015) 590–596.
70. Qi Wang, Pingping Zhang, Qiqi Zhuo,Xiaoxin Lv, Jiwei Wang andXuhui Sun*,“Direct Synthesis of Co-doped Graphene on Dielectric Substrates Using SolidCarbon Sources”, Nano-Micro Letters, 7 (2015),368-371.
69. Jiujun Deng, Xiaoxin Lv, Jinyin Liu,Hui Zhang, Kaiqi Nie, C. Hong, Jian Wang,XuhuiSun*, Jun Zhong*, Shuit-Tong Lee, “Thin-Layer Fe2TiO5on Hematite for Efficient Solar Water Oxidation”, ACS Nano,2015,9, 5348-5356.
68. Xiaoxin Lv, Jiujun Deng, Jian Wang, JunZhong* andXuhui Sun*,“Carbon-coated a-Fe2O3 Nanostructures for Efficient Anode of Li-ionBattery”Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 5183-5188.
67. Pingping Zhang, Jiwei Wang, Xiaoxin Lv,Hui Zhang andXuhui Sun*, “Facilesynthesis of Cr-decorated hexagonal Co3O4nanosheets forultrasensitive ethanol detection”, Nanotechnology, 26 (2015) 275501.
66. Pingping Zhang, Jin Gao,Xuhui Sun*, “An ultrasensitive, uniformand large-area surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate based on Ag or Ag/Aunanoparticles decorated Si nanocone arrays”, Applied Physics Letters, 106 (2015) 043103.
65. Qi-Qi Zhuo, Qi Wang, Yi-Ping Zhang, DuoZhang, Qin-Liang Li, Chun-Hong Gao, Yan-Qiu Sun, Lei Ding, Qi-Jun Sun, Sui-DongWang, Jun Zhong,Xu-Hui Sun*andShuit-Tong Lee, “Transfer-Free Synthesis of Doped and Patterned GrapheneFilms”, ACS Nano, 9 (2015) 594-601.
64. Jian Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Hyunjin Cho,Myung Jong Kim, T. K. Sham,Xuhui Sun*,“Layer speciation and electronic structure investigation of freestandinghexagonal boron nitride nanosheets”, Nanoscale, 7 (2015) 1718-1724.
63. Saghar Khoshmashrab, Matthew J.Turnbull, Daniel Vaccarello, Yuting Nie, Spencer Martin, David A. Love, Po K.Lau,Xuhui Sun*, Zhifeng Ding*,“Effects of Cu content on the photoelectrochemistry of Cu2ZnSnS4nanocrystalthin films”, Electrochimica Acta 162 (2015)176–184.
62. Liwei Fan, Hui Zhang, Pingping Zhang,Xuhui Sun*, “One-step synthesis ofchlorinated graphene by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, AppliedSurface Science, 347 (2015) 632–635.
61. Jun Li, Yongcheng Wang, Tong Zhou, HuiZhang,Xuhui Sun, Jing Tang, LijuanZhang, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi, Zhongqin Yang, and Gengfeng Zheng*, “NanoparticleSuperlattices as Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting”,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015), 14305–14312.
60. Nikolay Kornienko, Joaquin Resasco,Nigel Becknell, Chang-Ming Jiang, Yi-Sheng Liu, Kaiqi Nie,Xuhui Sun, Jinghua Guo, Stephen R. Leone, and Peidong Yang*,“Operando Spectroscopic Analysis of an Amorphous Cobalt Sulfide HydrogenEvolution Electrocatalyst”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015), 7448–7455.
59. Jun Zhong, Hui Zhang,Xuhui Sun*, Shuit-Tong Lee*,“Synchrotron Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Carbon and SiliconNanostructures for Energy Applications”, Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 7786-7806.
58. Qin-Liang Li, Chang-Hai Liu, Yu-TingNie, Wen-Hua Chen, Xu Gao,Xu-Hui Sun*and Sui-Dong Wang*, “Phototransistor based on single In2Se3nanosheets”, Nanoscale, 6 (2014)14538-14542.
57. Hui Zhang, Wei-Cheng Wang, Per-AndersGlans-Suzuki, Yi-Sheng Liu, Mukes Kapilashrami, Jen-Lung Chen, Chinglin Chang,Miquel Salmeron, Carlos Escudero, Elzbieta Pach, Anders Tuxen, MahatiChintapalli, Sophie Carenco,Xuhui Sun*,Jinghua Guo*, “Developing soft X-ray spectroscopy for in situ characterizationof nanocatalysts in catalytic reactions”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy andRelated Phenomena, 197 (2014)118-123.
56. Yan-Qiu Sun, Yi-Long Lei, Jing Gao,Xu-Hui Sun*, Sheng-Huang Lin,Qiao-Liang Bao, Qing Liao, Shuit-Tong Lee and Liang-ShengLiao*,“Two-dimensional optical waveguiding and luminescence vapochromismproperties of 8-hydroxyquinoline zinc (Znq2) hexagonal microsheets”,ChemicalCommunications, 50 (2014)10812-10814.
55. Shumin Zhang, Pingping Zhang, Yun Wang,Yanyun Ma, Jun Zhong, andXuhui Sun*,“Facile Fabrication of Well-Ordered Porous Cu-doped SnO2Thin Filmfor H2S Sensing”, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 6 (2014) 14975-14980.
54. Suai Wang, Duo Zhang, Yanyun Ma*, HuiZhang, Jin Gao, Yuting Nie,Xuhui Sun*,“Aqueous Solution Synthesis of Pt?M (M = Fe, Co, Ni) Bimetallic Nanoparticlesand Their Catalysis for the Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane”, ACSApplied Materials & Interface, 6 (2014)12429?12435.
53. Huamin Zhang, Xiaohui Yu, John A.McLeod*,Xuhui Sun*,“First-principles study of Cu-doping and oxygen vacancy effects on TiO2for water splitting”, Chemical Physics Letters, 612 (2014) 106–110.
52. Jinyin Liu, Lili Bai, Jian Wang, GuanqiZhao,Xuhui Sun*, and Jun Zhong*“Measuring inside damage of individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes usingscanning transmission X-ray microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, 104 (2014) 241602.
51. Pingping Zhang, Shumin Yang, LianshengWang, Jun Zhao, Zhichao Zhu, Bo Liu, Jun Zhong andXuhui Sun*, “Large-scale uniform Au nanodisk arrays fabricated viax-ray interference lithography for reproducible and sensitive SERS substrate”, Nanotechnology,25 (2014) 245301.
50. Ming Li, Jiujun Deng, Aiwu Pu, PingingZhang, Hui Zhang, Jing Gao, Yuanyun Hao, Jun Zhong* andXuhui Sun*, Hydrogen-Treated Hematite Nanostructures with Low OnsetPotential for Highly Efficient Solar Water Oxidation, Journal of MaterialsChemistry A, 2 (2014) 6727–6733(FrontCover).

49. Aiwu Pu, Jiujun Deng, Ming Li, JingGao, Hui Zhang, Yuanyuan Hao,Jun Zhong* andXuhui Sun*, “Coupling Ti-doping and Oxygen Vacancies in HematiteNanostructures for Solar Water Oxidation with High Efficiency”, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A, 2 (2014) 2491(Back cover).

48. Jing Gao, Jun Zhong*, Lili Bai, JinyinLiu, Guanqi Zhao,Xuhui Sun*,“Revealing the Role of Catalysts in Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers by ScanningTransmission X-ray Microscopy”, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 3606.
47. Lili Bai, Jinyin Liu, Guanqi Zhao, JingGao,Xuhui Sun*and Jun Zhong*,“Probing the electronic structure of graphene sheets with various thicknessesby scanning transmission X-ray microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, 103 (2013) 253110.
46. Xiaohui Yu, Tingjun Hou, Youyong Li*,Xuhui Sun*and Shuit-Tong Lee,“Effective Band Gap Reduction of Titanium Oxide Semiconductors by Codoping fromFirst-Principles Calculations” International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 113(2013) 2546-2553.
45. Jiujun Deng, Xiaoxin Lv, Jing Gao, AiwuPu, Ming Li,Xuhui Sun*and JunZhong* “Facile synthesis of carbon-coated hematite nanostructures for solarwater splitting”, Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (2013) 1965–1970.
44. Xiaohui Yu, TingjunHou,Xuhui Sun*, Youyong Li*, “Atomisticstructures and phase transition of In2Se3 nanowires studied by DFT calculationsand synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction”, Solid State Communications, 162 (2013) 28–33.
43. Qiqi Zhuo, Jing Gao, Mingfa Peng, LiliBai, Jiujun Deng, Yujian Xia, Yanyun Ma, Jun Zhong,Xuhui Sun*“Large-scale synthesis of graphene by the reduction ofgraphene oxide at room temperature using metal nanoparticles as catalyst”,Carbon, 53 (2013) 559–564.
42. Qiqi Zhuo, Yanyun Ma, Jing Gao,Pingping Zhang, Yujian Xia, Yiming Tian, Xiuxiao Sun, Jun Zhong,Xuhui Sun*, “Facile Synthesis of Graphene/MetalNanoparticles Composite via Self-Catalysis Reduction at Room Temperature”,Inorganic Chemistry, 52 (2013)3141-3147.
41. Lili Bai, Jian Wang, Tian Xie, GuanqiZhao, Jinyin Liu, Jun Zhong*, andXuhuiSun*, “Probing Disordered Structure and Tube-Tube Interaction in CarbonNanotubes by Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy”, Journal of PhysicalChemistry C, 117 (2013), 1969?1973.
40. Jun Zhong, Jian Wang, Jigang Zhou,Baohua Mao, Changhai Liu, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li, Tsun-kong Sham*,Xuhui Sun*, S. D. Wang*, “ElectronicStructure of Graphdiyne Probed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and ScanningTransmission X-ray Microscopy”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 5931-5936.
39. Guo-Qiang Fan, Qi-Qi Zhuo, Jun-Jun Zhu,Zai-Quan Xu, Pan-Pan Cheng, Yan-Qing Li*,Xu-HuiSun*, Shuit-Tong Lee, Jian-Xin Tang*, “Plasmonic-enhanced polymer solarcells incorporating solution-processable Au nanoparticle-adhered grapheneoxide”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(2012)15614-15619.
38. Lei Hu, Xueqin Cao, Liang Chen, JunweiZheng, JianmeiLu,Xuhui Sun*,Hongwei Gu*, “Highly efficient synthesis of aromatic azos catalyzed byunsupported ultra-thin Pt nanowires”, Chemical Communications, 48 (2012) 3445-3447.
37. Jiujun Deng, Jun Zhong*, Aiwu Pu, DuoZhang, Ming Li,Xuhui Sun*,Shuit-Tong Lee, “Ti-doped hematite nanostructures for solar water splittingwith high efficiency”, Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (2012), 084312.
36. Chang-Hai Liu, Bao-Hua Mao, Jing Gao,Shuai Zhang, Xu Gao, Zhuang Liu, Shuit-Tong Lee,Xu-Hui Sun*, Sui-Dong Wang*, “Size-controllable self-assembly ofmetal nanoparticles on carbon nanostructures in room-temperature ionic liquidsby simple sputtering deposition” Carbon, 50 (2012) 3008-3014.
35. Tian Xie, Yu Zhao, Jun Zhong*, Zheng Hu,Xuhui Sun*, “Scanning transmissionX-ray microscopy and X-ray absorption near-edge structure studies of N-dopedcarbon nanotubes sealed with N2gas”, Journal of Applied Physics,111 (2012) 124318.
34. Xiaohui Yu, Tingjun Hou,Xuhui Sun*, Youyong Li* “The influenceof defect on Mo-doped TiO2 by First Principles Studies”, ChemPhysChem, 2012, 13(2012) 1514-1521
33. Mingfa Peng, Yang Li, Jing Gao, DuoZhang, Zheng Jiang,Xuhui Sun*,“Electronic Structure and Photoluminescence Origin of Single-Crystalline GermaniumOxide Nanowires with Green Light Emission”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,115 (2011) 11420-11426.
32. Yang Li, Jing Gao, Qinliang Li, MingfaPeng,Xuhui Sun*, Youyong Li*, GangYuan, Wen Wen and M. Meyyappan, “Thermal phase transformation of In2Se3nanowires studied by in situ synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction”, Journalof Materials Chemistry, 21 (2011)6944-6947.
31. Mingfa Peng, Jing Gao, Pingping Zhang,Yang Li,Xuhui Sun*, Shuit Tong Lee, “Reductive Self-Assembling of Ag Nanoparticles on Germanium Nanowires andTheir Application in Ultrasensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”,Chemistry of Materials, 23 (2011)3296-3301.
30. Qinliang Li, Yang Li, Jing Gao, SuidongWang*, andXuhui Sun*, “Highperformance single In2Se3nanowire photodetector”,Applied Physics Letters, 99 (2011)243105.
29. Chunzeng Peng, Jing Gao, Suidong Wang,Xiaohong Zhang, Xinping Zhang andXuhuiSun*“Stability of Hydrogen-Terminated Surfaces of Silicon Nanowires inAqueous Solutions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(2011) 3866–3871.
28.XuhuiSun*, Ke Li, Raymond Wu, Patrick Wilhite, Tsutomu Saito, Jing Gao and CaryY Yang, “The effect of catalysts and underlayer metals on the properties ofPECVD-grown carbon nanostructures”, Nanotechnology, 21 (2010) 045201.
27. Ke Li, Raymond Wu, Patrick Wilhite,Vinit Khera, Shoba Krishnan,Xuhui Sun*,and Cary Y. Yang, “Extraction of contact resistance in carbon nanofiber viainterconnects with varying lengths”, Applied Physics Letters, 97 (2010) 253109.
26. Boon K. Teo*,X. H. Sun*, C. P. Lee, N. B. Wong, S. T. Lee, “Observation ofHybrid Carbon Nanostructures as Intermediates in the Transformation fromHydrocarbon Nanotubes and Nano-onions to Carbon Nanotubes and Nano-onions viaSonolysis on Silicon Nanowires and Nanodots, Respectively”, Chemistry ofMaterials, 22 (2010) 1297–1308.
25.X.H. Sun*, B. Yu, G. Ng, S. Ju, and D. B. Janes, “Germanium AntimonidePhase-Change Nanowires for Memory Applications”, IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, 55 (2008) 3131.
24. B. Yu*,X. H. Sun*, S. Ju, D. B. Janesand M. Meyyappan, “ChalcogenideNanowire based Phase Change Memory”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 7 (2008) 496-502.
23.X.H. Sun*, B. Yu*, M. Meyyappan, “Synthesis and Nanoscale Thermal Encoding ofPhase-Change Nanowires”, Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007) 183116.
22.X.H. Sun*, T. K. Sham*, R.A. Rosenberg and G.K. Shenoy, “One DimensionalSilicon–Cadmium Selenide Heterostructures”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,111 (2007) 8475-8482.
21. Boon K. Teo,X. H. Sun, “Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials andNanodevices”, Chemical Reviews, 107 (2007)1454-1532.
20. B. Yu*, S.Ju,X. H. Sun*, G. Ng, T. D. Nguyen, D. B. Janes, M. Meyyappan, “Indiumselenide nanowire phase-change memory”, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007) 133119.
19.X.H. Sun*, G. Calebotta, B. Yu, G. Selvaduray, and M. Meyyappan, “Synthesisof germanium nanowires-on-insulator (GeNOI) catalyzed by indium or antimony”,Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 25 (2007) 415-420.
18.X.H. Sun*, B. Yu*, G. Ng, and M. Meyyappan, “One-Dimensional Phase-ChangeNanostructure: Germanium Telluride Nanowire”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,111 (2007) 2421-2425.
17. Boon K. Teo*,X. H. Sun*, Classification and Representations of Low-DimensionalNanomaterials: Terms and Symbols, Journal of Cluster Science, 18 (2007), 346-357.
16.X.H. Sun, B. Yu, G. Ng, T. D. Ng, and M. Meyyappan, “III-VI Compound SemiconductorIndium Selenide (In2Se3) Nanowires: Synthesis andCharacterization”, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006) 233121.
15.X. H. Sun*, C. Didychuk, T. K. Sham*, N.B. Wong, “Germanium Nanowires:Synthesis, Morphology and Local Structures Studies”, Nanotechnology, 17 (2006) 2925 -2930.
14. B. Yu,X. H. Sun*, G. A. Calebotta, G. R. Dholakia, M. Meyyappan,“One-dimensional Germanium Nanowires for Future Electronics”, Journal ofCluster Science (invited review), 17 (2006)579-597.
13. Boon K. Teo*,X. H. Sun*, “From Top-Down to Bottom-Up to HybridNanotechnologies: Road to Nanodevices”, Journal of Cluster Science (invitedreview) 17 (2006) 529-540.
12.X.H. Sunn, S. Lam, T.K. Sham, F. Heigl, A. Jürgensen, N.B. Wong, “Synthesisand Synchrotron light induced luminescence of ZnO nanostructures: nanowires,nano-needles, nanoflowers and tubular whiskers”, Journal of Physical ChemistryB, 109 (2005), 3120-3125.
11.X.H. Sun, N.B. Wong, C.P. Li, S.T. Lee, T.K. Sham, “Chain-like siliconnanowires: Morphology, electronic structure and luminescence studies”,Journalof Applied Physics, 96 (2004)3447-3451.
10.X.H. Sun, N.B. Wong, C.P. Li, S.T. Lee, P.S.G. Kim, T.K. Sham, “Reductiveself-assembling of Pd and Rh nanoparticles on silicon nanowire templates”,Chemistry of Materials, 16 (2004)1143.
9.X.H. Sun, B.K. Teo, “Zero-dimensional nanodots on one-dimensional nanowires:Reductive deposition of metal nanoparticles on silicon nanowires”, Journal ofCluster Science (invited review), 15 (2004)199.
8.X.H. Sun, S. D. Wang, N. B. Wong, D. D. D Ma, S. T. Lee, B. K. Teo, “FTIRSpectroscopic Studies of the Stabilities and Reactivities ofHydrogen-Terminated Surfaces of Silicon Nanowires”, Inorganic Chemistry, 42 (2003) 2398.
7.X.H. Sun, L. F. Cheng, M. W. Liu, L. S. Liao, N. B. Wong, C. S. Lee, S. T.Lee, “Photoelectron spectroscopy study on indium tin oxide treatment by iodine,bromine and their interface with organic films”, Chemical Physics Letters, 370(2003) 425.
6.X.H. Sun, C.P. Li, N. B. Wong, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, B.K. Teo, “TemplatingEffect of Hydrogen-Passivated Silicon Nanowires in the Production ofHydrocarbon Nanotubes and Nanoonions via Sonochemical Reactions with CommonOrganic Solvents under Ambient Conditions”, Journal of the American ChemicalSociety, 124 (2002) 14856.
5.X.H. Sun, C.P. Li, W. K. Wong, N.B. Wong, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, B.K. Teo,“Formation of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes and Nanowires via DisproportionationReaction of Silicon Monoxide with Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of the AmericanChemical Society, 124 (2002) 14464.
4.X.H. Sun, C.P. Li, N.B. Wong, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, B.K. Teo, “Reductive Growthof Nanosized Ligated Metal Clusters on Silicon Nanowires”,Inorganic Chemistry,41 (2002) 4331.
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2.S. T. Lee, C. P. Li,X. H. Sun, N. B. Wong, C. S. Lee, BoonK. Teo, “Room temperature solutions synthesis of multiwalled Carbonnanotubes and carbon nanoonions”USpatent, No. 7,132,126
1.B. Yu,X. H. Sun, and M.Meyyappan, “Growth method for chalcongenide phase-change nanostructures” USpatent, No. 7,655,497




孙旭辉教授主要成果和技术贡献:现已在SCI收录国际期刊如J.Am.Soc. Chem.Adv. Mater.Angew. Chem.Int. Ed.Chem. Rev.ACS NanoEnergyEnviron. Sci.等上发表论文160余篇,已被SCI他引3600余次, “SCI”H-index为35。撰写英文书(章节)3章。并受邀在世界著名综述杂志Chemical Reviews上撰写关于硅纳米材料及器件研究的综述一篇。获得授权美国专利3项,中国专利11项。在国际会议上做学术报告40余次,其中大会报告、邀请报告15次。担任多个国际期刊和会议的审稿人和评委,以及美国能源部特邀项目评审。是中国物理学会同步辐射专业委员会常委,国际材料学会、国际电子电工学会、国际X射线吸收学会会员,和国际电子电工学会SFBA纳米技术委员会(IEEESFBANanotechnology Council)顾问,以及国家同步辐射实验室用户委员会委员、上海光源用户委员会委员、首批光束线站(XAFS和STXM线站)用户专家工作组专家成员。2010年入选“苏州市紧缺人才计划”。2011年入选江苏省“333”人才工程计划。2012年入选苏州工业园区科技领军人才。

孙旭辉教授课题组在国际知名期刊《ACS Nano》上发表的研究成果“Liquid-Metal-Based Super-Stretchable and Structure-Designable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wearable Electronics”被《Chemical & Engineering News》报道。


孙宝全教授和孙旭辉教授课题组合作,在助理研究员文震博士(通讯作者)、博士生刘玉强(第一作者)和硕士生孙娜(共同一作)的共同努力下,成功研制了一种共享电极的太阳能电池和摩擦纳米发电机的集成器件,实现了晴天和雨天同时发电,相关成果发表在国际知名期刊《ACS Nano》上,题为“Integrating a Silicon Solar Cell with a Triboelectric Nanogenerator via a Mutual Electrode for Harvesting Energy from Sunlight and Raindrops”。该成果引起科学界和商业界关注,被《The Guardian》(又称卫报,英国三大报刊之一)、《新华社》、《American Chemical Society》、《Phys.Org》等数十家知名媒体报道,并被《Science Daily》、《网易》、《凤凰网》等近百家主流新闻杂志网站广泛转载刊登。


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