

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14



孙宝全教授 博士生导师

Researcher ID:N-7225-2013 (link)


2008/10- 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质材料研究院 (FUNSOM), 教授,博士生导师;
2007/05-2008/10 美国能源部洛斯安洛莫斯国家实验室(LANL)-再生能源实验室(NREL)先进光物理中心(CASP),博士后;
2002/08-2007/04 英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室(物理系),博士后;
1997/09-2002/07 北京清华大学化学系,硕博研究生;
1993/09-1997/07 山东青岛科技大学应用化学系,本科生。


2015-现在,pss-physica status solidi (a) (WILEY-VCH IF 3.7) 编委 (Link), WILEY-VCH, Germany
2019-现在,SN Applied Science 编委 (Link), Springer, 德国
2015-现在,Frontiers Optics and Photonics编委(Link), Lausanne, Switzerland
2020-现在,Frontiers in Electronics编委(Link), Lausanne, Switzerland
2020-现在,Coating 编委(Link), Basel, Switzerland


2016年获得Nano Research 最佳论文奖;
2018年-连续两年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引****(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单 (材料科学);


2019 年入选国家级人才计划

Baoquan (Sam) Sun
Professor in Materials Science
Google Scholar Citation Report (link)
Researcher ID:N-7225-2013 (link)

Education and Work Experience
2008/10-Professor in FUNSOM, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
2007/05-2008/10Research Scientist Los Alamos National Laboratory (Hosted by Dr. Victor Klimov), USA
2002/08-2007/04Research Associate in Cavendish Lab., Cambridge University (Advisor Prof. Henning Sirringhaus), UK
1997/09-2002/07Ph.D in Chemistry Materials, Tsinghua University, (Advisor: Prof. D P Chen), China
1993/09-1997/07B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China


柔性电子材料与器件; 共轭高分子和纳米结构材料;光伏电池; 发光二极管; 光电薄膜表面和界面物理。

1) 新型光伏电池的器件性质及相关的物理机制,主要包括基于半导体纳米结构的有机-无机杂化光伏电池和薄膜场效应管、基于有机共轭高分子的有机太阳电池和薄膜场效应管的性能研究以及相关器件的表面与界面分析;
2) 半导体纳米结构的光电性质界面调控,通过控制半导体纳米结构的形貌和表面修饰,调控其光诱导的电荷产生、解离、复合和电荷迁移机制。

Research Interests:

(1) Flexible Electronics, Conjugated Polymer, Nanostructrued Semiconductor Materials,Colloidal Quantum Dots
(2) Charge Separation and Transport; Interface Engineering for High Efficient Optoelectronic Devices
(3) Solar Cell; Silicon Solar Cell, Organic Solar Cell
(4) Light emitting diode
(5) Electronics ink


毕业学校:清华大学 (Tsinghua)
毕业专业:化学 (Chemistry)


办公地点:功能纳米与软物质研究院 909楼302A



孙宝全教授入选爱思唯尔的Scopus数据库2018年中国高被引****(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单。


韩玉洁和加拿大国家科学研究院Dongling Ma教授的合作研究成果最近被Advanced Science News作为亮点工作报道(链接)。

刘玉强和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被Nature Climate Change,2018, May,Vol 8, Page 359 作为亮点工作报道

刘玉强(第一作者)和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被《新华社》《泰晤士报》和《The Guardian》等近百家媒体宣传报道


孙宝全教授被RSC评为高引用作者(2017年) 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院2位教授成功入选英国皇家化学会期刊“Top 1% 高被引中国作者”榜单

课题组刘瑞远同学的光伏-电容器复合器件发表在Nano Letters上的工作被eeNews Europe新闻报道。

课题组邹亚涛同学的量子点发光二极管工作发表在Nanoscale Horizons上的工作被英国皇家化学会中国快报报道 (RSC China Quarterly Newsletter)(http://mailchi.mp/rsc/rsc-20176?e=94ff71f659


课题组吴仲伟同学与浙江大学金一政教授合作的文章获得2016年Nano Reseach 最佳论文奖。

课题组吴珊同学的工作“Nanostructured Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage via Improving Junction Quality”,以中文简讯的形式发表在了微信公众账号X-MOL资讯(微信号:X-molNews)以及X-MOL化学资讯平台(网址:www.x-mol.com)上http://www.x-mol.com/news/3112

题组王玉生同学的钙钛矿探测器工作(Advanced Optical Materials 2015, 3 (10), 1389-1396.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。

课题组袁忠诚同学与廖良生教授课题组的合作的 钙钛矿电池工作(Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道,进入Wiley公司热点文章排行榜Top 10。

2015 年

课题组袁忠诚同学的钙钛矿电池工作(Adv Energy Mater 2015, 5 (10), **.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。


宋涛 副教授


王玉生 博士


李雅娟 博士


邹亚涛 博士

邮箱: YataoZouSuda@163.com












































In those sunny days, we are still young but active, happy and ...


成立课题组以来,已经发表“SCI”收录文章140余篇,其中影响因子大于10的文章通讯作者文章50余篇文章他引次数超过13000余次, H-index=60。相关工作曾经被Science、 Nature Photonics、Nature Climate Change, 泰晤士报、the Guardian、美国化学化学会、新华网等国内外200多家科学杂志或媒体报道。

171.Liu, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, Y.; Yang, G.; Mazzarella, L.; Procel-Moya, P.; Tamboli, A. C.; Weber, K.; Boccard, M.; Isabella, O.; Yang, X.*; Sun, B.*, High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Materials, Devices and Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 2020, 142, 100579.

170. Cai, L.; Yang, F.; Xu, Y.; Fan, J.; Li, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Liang, D.; Zou, Y.; Li, P.; Wang, L.; Wang, C.; Li, Y.; Fan, J.*; Sun, B.*, Dual Functionalization of Electron Transport Layer via Tailoring Molecular Structure for High-Performance Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12 (33), 37346-37353.

169. Hu, Z.; García-Martín, J. M.; Li, Y.; Billot, L.; Sun, B.; Fresno, F.; García-Martín, A.; González, M. U.; Aigouy, L.; Chen, Z.*, TiO2 Nanocolumn Arrays for More Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (5), 5979-5989.

168. Huang, S. Y.; Zhang, Q. Z.; Yang, F.; Gangadharan, D. T.; Li, P. D.; Ren, F. Q.; Sun, B. Q.; Ma, D. L., A facile way for scalable fabrication of silver nanowire network electrodes for high-performance and foldable smart windows. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (17), 8620-8628.

167. Li, J.; Pan, T.; Wang, J.; Cao, S.; Lin, Y.; Hoex, B.; Ma, Z.; Lu, L.; Yang, L.; Sun, B.; Li, D.*, Bilayer MoOX/CrOX Passivating Contact Targeting Highly Stable Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (32), 36778-36786.

166. Yang, X. B*.; Xu, H.; Liu, W. Z.; Bi, Q. Y.; Xu, L. J.; Kang, J. X.; Hedhili, M. N.; Sun, B. Q.; Zhang, X. H.; De Wolf*, S., Atomic Layer Deposition of Vanadium Oxide as Hole-Selective Contact for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Advanced Electronic Materials 2020, 6 (8), **.

165. Li, R.; Cai, L.; Zou, Y.; Xu, H.; Tan, Y.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Li, Y.; Qin, Y.; Liang, D.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, High-Efficiency Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes with Improved Interfacial Contact. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2020, 12 (32), 36681-36687.

164. Liu, Y.; Cai, L.; Xu, Y.; Li, J.; Qin, Y.; Song, T.; Wang, L.; Li, Y.; Ono, L. K.; Qi, Y.*; Sun, B*., In-situ passivation perovskite targeting efficient light-emitting diodes via spontaneously formed silica network. Nano Energy2020,78, 105134.

163. Qin, Y.; Wang, Y.; Sun, X.; Li, Y.; Xu, H.; Tan, Y.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Sun, B*., Constant Electricity Generation in Nanostructured Silicon via Evaporation-driven Water Flow. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2020, 9 (26), 10619-10625.

162. Xu, H.; Wang, X.; Li, Y.; Cai, L.; Tan, Y.; Zhang, G.; Wang, Y.; Li, R.; Liang, D.; Song, T.*; Sun, B*., Prominent Heat Dissipation in Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes with Reduced Efficiency Droop for Silicon-Based Display. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2020, 1 (9), 3689-3698.

161. Hu, Z.; García-Martín, J. M.; Li, Y.; Billot, L.; Sun, B.; Fresno, F.; García-Martín, A.; González, M. U.; Aigouy, L.; Chen, Z., TiO2 Nanocolumn Arrays for More Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12 (5), 5979-5989.

160. R. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Wu, T. Zhai, J. Yang,B. Sun*, S. Duhm*, N. Koch*, Direct Observation of Conductive Polymer Induced Inversion Layer in n‐Si and Correlation to Solar Cell Performance, Advanced Functional Materials2020, 30 (4), **..

159. T. Wu, J. Li, Y. Zou, H. Xu, K. Wen, S. Wan, S. Bai*, T. Song*, J.A. McLeod*, S. Duhm, F. Gao, Sun, B.*, High-Performance Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode with Enhanced Operational Stability Using Lithium Halide Passivation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition2020, 59 (10), 4099-4105.


158. Li, P.; Yang, D.; Tan, Y.; Cao, M.*; Zhong, Q.; Chen, M.; Hu, H.; Sun, B.*; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Q.*, Consecutive Interfacial Transformation of Cesium Lead Halide Nanocubes to Ultrathin Nanowires with Improved Stability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (3), 3351-3359.

157.Zou, Y.; Xu, H.; Li, S.; Song, T.; Kuai, L.; Bai, S.*; Gao, F.; Sun, B.*, Spectral-Stable Blue Emission from Moisture Treated Low-Dimensional Lead Bromide-Based Perovskite Films. ACS Photonics2019, 6 (7), 1728-1735.

156. Liu, H.; Tan, Y.; Cao, M.*; Hu, H.; Wu, L.; Yu, X.; Wang, L.;Sun, B.*,; Zhang, Q.*, Fabricating CsPbX3-Based Type I and Type II Heterostructures by Tuning the Halide Composition of Janus CsPbX3/ZrO2 Nanocrystals. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (5), 5366-5374.

155. Liu, Y.; Cheng, P.; Yuan, J.; Huang, T.; Wang, R.; Meng, D.; Ndefru, B.; Zou, Y.; Sun, B.*; Yang, Y.*, Enabling Efficient Tandem Organic Photovoltaics with High Fill Factor via Reduced Charge Recombination. ACS Energy Letters2019, 1535-1540.

154. Liu, Y.; Wu, T.; Liu, Y.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, Suppression of non-radiative recombination toward high efficiency perovskite light-emitting diodes. APL Materials2019, 7 (2), 021102.

153. Shen, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhou, S.; Han, Y.; Gao, P.; Sun, B.; Zhao, N.*; Wong, C.-P.*, Nanostructured Silicon-Based Heterojunction Solar Cells with Double Hole-Transporting Layers. Advanced Electronic Materials 2019, 5 (2), **.

152. Tan, Y.; Li, R.; Xu, H.; Qin, Y.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, Ultrastable and Reversible Fluorescent Perovskite Films Used for Flexible Instantaneous Display. Advanced Functional Materials2019, 29 (23), **.

151.Yang, D.; Li, P. L.; Zou, Y. T.; Cao, M. H.*; Hu, H. C.; Zhong, Q. X.; Hu, J. X.; Sun, B.*; Duhm, S.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Q.*, Interfacial Synthesis of Monodisperse CsPbBr3 Nanorods with Tunable Aspect Ratio and Clean Surface for Efficient Light-Emitting Diode Applications.Chemistry of Materials2019, 31 (5), 1575-1583.

150. Zou, K.; Gao, P.; Ling, X.; Song, B.; Ding, L.; Sun, B.*; Fan, J.*, Phenanthrenone-based hole transport material for efficient dopant-free perovskite solar cells. Organic Electronics2019, 65, 135-140.

149. Zou, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Bai, S.*; Gao, F.; Sun, B.*, Recent progress toward perovskite light-emitting diodes with enhanced spectral and operational stability. Materials Today Nano2019, 5, 100028.

148. Wu, C.; Wu, T.; Yang, Y.; McLeod, J. A.; Wang, Y.; Zou, Y.; Zhai, T.; Li, J.; Ban, M.; Song, T.*; Gao, X.; Duhm, S.; Sirringhaus, H.*; Sun, B.*, Alternative Type 2D-3D Lead Halide Perovskite with Inorganic Sodium Ions as Spacer for High Performance Light Emitting Diodes. ACS Nano2019, 13 (2), 1645-1654.

147. Liu, Y.; Cheng, P.; Li, T.; Wang, R.; Li, Y.; Chang, S.-Y.; Zhu, Y.; Cheng, H.-W.; Wei, K.-H.; Zhan, X.; Sun, B.*; Yang, Y.*, Unraveling Sunlight by Transparent Organic Semiconductors toward Photovoltaic and Photosynthesis. ACS Nano2019, 13 (2), 1071-1077.

146. Li, P.; Mainville, M.; Zhang, Y.; Leclerc, M.; Sun, B*.; Izquierdo, R.*; Ma, D.*, Air-Processed, Stable Organic Solar Cells with High Power Conversion Efficiency of 7.41%. Small2019, 15 (7), e**.


145. Ban, M.; Zou, Y.; Rivett, J. P. H.; Yang, Y.; Thomas, T. H.; Tan, Y.; Song, T.; Gao, X.; Credington, D.; Deschler, F.*; Sirringhaus*, H.; Sun, B.*, Solution-processed perovskite light emitting diodes with efficiency exceeding 15% through additive-controlled nanostructure tailoring. Nature Communications2018, 9 (1), 3892.

144. Xia, Z.; Gao, P.; Sun, T.; Wu, H.; Tan, Y.; Song, T.; Lee, S.-T.; B. Sun*, Buried MoOx/Ag Electrode Enables High-Efficiency Organic/Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with a High Fill Factor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (16), 13767-13773.

143. Yang, Y.; Feng, S.; Li, M.; Li, F.; Zhang, C.; Han, Y.; Li, L.; Yuan, J.; Cao, L.; Wang, Z.; Sun, B.*; Gao, X.*, Enormously improved CH3NH3PbI3 film surface for environmentally stable planar perovskite solar cells with PCE exceeding 19.9%. Nano Energy 2018, 48, 10-19.

142. Tuo, M. F.; Xu, C.; Mu, H. R.; Bao, X. Z.; Wang, Y. W.; Xiao, S.; Ma, W. L.; Li, L.; Tang, D. Y.; Zhang, H.; Premaratne, M.; Sun, B. Q.; Cheng, H. M.; Li, S. J.; Ren, W. C.*; Bao, Q. L.*, Ultrathin 2D Transition Metal Carbides for Ultrafast Pulsed Fiber Lasers. ACS Photonics 2018, 5 (5), 1808-1816.

141. Chen, M.; Hu, H.; Tan, Y.; Yao, N.; Zhong, Q.;Sun, B.*; Cao, M.; Zhang, Q.*; Yin, Y.*, Controlled growth of dodecapod-branched CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and their application in white light emitting diodes. Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 559-566.

140. Yang, D.; Zou, Y.; Li, P.; Liu, Q.; Wu, L.; Hu, H.; Xu, Y.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*; Lee, S.-T.*, Large-Scale Synthesis of Ultrathin Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanoplates with Precisely Tunable Dimensions and Their Application in Blue Light-Emitting Diodes. Nano Energy, 2018 47, 235-242.

139. Rivett, J. P. H.; Tan, L. Z.; Price, M. B.; Bourelle, S. A.; Davis, N. J. L. K.; Xiao, J.; Zou, Y.; Middleton, R.; Sun, B. ; Rappe, A. M.; Credgington, D.; Deschler, F.*, Long-lived polarization memory in the electronic states of lead-halide perovskites from local structural dynamics.Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), 3531.

138. Gangadharan, D. T.; Han, Y.; Dubey, A.; Gao, X.; Sun, B.; Qiao, Q.; Izquierdo, R.; Ma, D.*, Aromatic Alkylammonium Spacer Cations for Efficient Two‐Dimensional Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Moisture and Thermal Stability. Solar RRL 2018, 2 (4), **.

137. Zou, Y.; Huang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Ban, M.; Li, S.; Han, Y.; Wu, T.; Tan, Y.; Gao, X.; Song, T.;Sun, B.*, Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes via Tuning Nanoplatelet Distribution and Crystallinity Orientation. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 0 (0), **.

136. Zou, Y.; Ban, M.; Yang, Y.; Bai, S.; Wu, C.; Han, Y.; Wu, T.; Tan, Y.; Huang, Q.; Gao, X.; Song, T.; Zhang, Q.; Sun, B., Boosting Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode Performance via Tailoring Interfacial Contact. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2018, 10 (28), 24320-24326.

135. Liu, Y.; Sun, N.; Liu, J.; Wen, Z.*; Sun, X.*; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Integrating Silicon Solar Cell with Triboelectric Nanogenerator via a Mutual Electrode for Harvesting Energy from Sunlight and Raindrop. ACS Nano 2018,12 (2018) 2893-2899.. (High light by Nature Climate Change, the Times, the Gaardian, Science Daily..)

134. Liu, R.; Kuang, X.; Deng, J.; Wang, Y.-C.; Wang, A. C.; Ding,W.; Lai, Y.-C.; Chen, J.; Wang, P.; Lin, Z.; Qi, H. J.; Sun, B.*; Wang, Z. L.*, Shape Memory Polymers for Body MotionEnergy Harvesting and Self-Powered Mechanosensing Adv. Mater. 2018, 170595

133. Hu, H.; Wu, L.; Tan, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Chen, M.; Qiu, Y.; Yang, D.;Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.; Yin, Y.,Interfacial Synthesis of Highly Stable CsPbX3/Oxide Janus Nanoparticles.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140 (1), 406-412.

132. Tan, Y.; Zou, Y.; Wu, L.; Huang, Q.; Yang,D.; Chen, M.; Ban, M.; Wu, C.; Wu, T.; Bai, S.; Song, T.*; Zhang, Q.*; Sun, B.*,Highly Luminescent and Stable Perovskite Nanocrystals with Octylphosphonic Acidas a Ligand for Efficient Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter. 2018, 10.1021/acsami.7b17166.


131. Liu, R.; Wang, J.; Sun, T.; Wang, M.; Wu, C.; Zou, H.; Song, T.; Liu, R.; Wang, J.; Sun, T.; Wang, M.; Wu, C.; Zou, H.; Song, T.; Zhang, X.; Lee, S.-T.; Wang, Z. L.*; Sun, B.,*, Silicon Nanowire/Polymer Hybrid Solar Cell-Supercapacitor: A Self-Charging Power Unit with a Total Efficiency of 10.5%.Nano Lett.2017, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01154.

130. Wu, L.; Hu, H.; Xu, Y.; Jiang, S.; Chen, M.; Zhong, Q.; Yang, D.; Liu, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*; Yin, Y.*, From Nonluminescent Cs4PbX6 (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanocrystals to Highly Luminescent CsPbX3 Nanocrystals: Water-Triggered Transformation through a CsX-Stripping Mechanism.Nano Lett. 2017, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02896.

129. Wang, Y.; Xia, Z.; Liu, L.; Xu, W.; Yuan, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Sirringhaus, H.; Lifshitz, Y.; Lee, S.-T.; Bao, Q.*; Sun, B.* The light induced field-effect solar cell concept - perovskite nanoparticle coating introduces polarization enhancing cell efficiency. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29 (18), **.

128. Han, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, J.*; Dong, H.; Li, Y.; Ma, W.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Naphthalene Diimide-Based n-Type Polymers: Efficient Rear Interlayers for High Performance Silicon-Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells. ACS Nano 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03090

127. Wu, C.; Zou, Y.; Wu, T.; Ban, M.; Pecunia, V.; Han, Y.; Liu, Q.; Song, T.; Duhm, S*.; Sun, B.*, Improved Performance and Stability of All-Inorganic Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by Anti-Solvent Vapor Treatmen. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 10.1002/adfm..

126. Liu, J.; Ji, Y.; Yuqiang, L.; Xia, Z.; Han, Y.; Li, Y.*; Sun, B.*, Doping-free Asymmetrical Silicon Heterocontact Achieved by Integrating Conjugated Molecules for High Efficient Solar Cell. Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/aenm. .

125.Chen, M.; Pan, Q.; Zou, Y.; Wu, L.; Yang, D.; Hu, H.; Xu, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Liu, H.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*, Solvothermal Synthesis of High-Quality All-Inorganic Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: From Nanocube to Ultrathin Nanowire. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/adfm..

124. Xia, Z.; Li, P.; Liu, Y.; Song, T.; Bao, Q.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Black phosphorus induced photo-doping for high performance organic-silicon heterojunction photovoltaics. Nano Research2017, DOI 10.1007/NARE-D-17-00295.

123. Zou, Y.; Liu, Y.; Ban, M.; Huang, Q.; Sun, T.; Zhang*, Q.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, Crosslinked conjugated polymers as hole transport layers in high-performance quantum dot light-emitting diodes. Nanoscale Horizons 2017, DOI:10.1039/c6nh00217j.

122. Xu, Y.; Chen, L.; Ye, X.; Wang, X.; Yu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Cao, M.; Xia, Z.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*, Cooperative interactions among CTA+, Br– and Ag+ during seeded growth of gold nanorods. Nano Research 2017, 10 (3), 10.1007/s12274-016-1404-3.

121. Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wu, H.; Cui, W.; Wang, R.; Ding, K.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Low-Temperature Synthesis TiOx Passivation Layer for Organic-Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell with a Record Open-Circuit Voltage. Nano Energy 2017, 10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.02.015.

120. Liu, R.; Liu, Y.; Zou, H.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, Integrated solar capacitors for energy conversion and storage. Nano Research2017, DOI 10.1007/s12274‐017‐1450‐5.

119. Wu, Z.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.* Carbon-Based Materials Used for Perovskite Solar Cells. ChemNanoMat 2017, DOI: 10.1002/cnma..

118. Tan, L.; Li, P.; Sun, B.; Chaker, M.; Ma, D.*, Stabilities Related to Near-Infrared Quantum Dot-Based Solar Cells: The Role of Surface Engineering. ACS Energy Letters 2017, 1573-1585.

117. Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Song, T.; Shen, X.; Yu, X.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*; Jia, B.*, High-Performance Ultrathin Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Silicon Solar Cells via Solution-Processed Interface Modification. ACS Appl . Mater.Interfaces 2017, 10.1021/acsami.7b02140.

116. Liang, F.; Liu, Y.; Hu, Y.; Shi, Y.-L.; Liu, Y.-Q.; Wang, Z.-K.; Wang, X.-D.; Sun, B.-Q.; Liao, L.-S.*, Polymer as an Additive in the Emitting Layer for High-Performance Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (23), 20239-20246.

115. Yang, Y.; Feng, S.; Xu, W.; Li, M.; Li, L.; Zhang, X.; Ji, G.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Z.-K.; Xiong, Y.; Cao, L.; Sun, B.*; Gao, X.*, Enhanced Crystalline Phase Purity of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx Film for High Efficiency Hysteresis-free Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl . Mater.Interfaces , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b03941

114. Yang, Y.; Feng, S.; Li, M.; Xu, W.; Yin, G.; Wang, Z.; Sun, B.*; Gao, X.*, Annealing Induced Re-crystallization in CH(3)NH(3)PbI(3?x)Cl(x) for High Performance Perovskite Solar Cells. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 46724.

113. Sun, T.; Wang, R.; Liu, R.; Wu, C.; Zhong, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Han, Y.; Xia, Z.; Zou, Y.; Song, T.; Koch, N.; Duhm, S.; Sun, B., Investigation of MoOx/n-Si strong inversion layer interfaces via dopant-free heterocontact. physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters 2017, 10.1002/pssr..

112. Zou, Y.; Ban, M.; Huang, Q.; Cui, W.; Song, T.*; Sun, B.*, A General Solvent Selection Strategy for Solution Processed Quantum Dots Targeting High Performance Light-Emitting Diode. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27 (1), **. (Cover)


111. Sun, B.*; Shao, M*.; Lee, S.-T. Nanostructured Silicon Used for Flexible and Mobile Electricity Generation, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 10539-10547.

110. Cui, W.; Wu, S.; Chen, F.; Xia, Z.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.-H.; Song, T.*; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B*., Silicon/Organic Heterojunction for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion Photoanode With A Record Photovoltage. ACS Nano 2016, 10 (10), 9411-9419

109. Xu, W.; McLeod*, J. A.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wu, Z.; Bai, S.; Yuan, Z.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.; Si, J.; Wang, R.; Gao, X.; Zhang, X.; Liu, L.*; Sun, B*., Iodomethane-Mediated Organometal Halide Perovskite with Record Photoluminescence Lifetime. ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter. 2016, 8 (35), 23181-23189..

108. Zhao, S.; Pi, X.*; Mercier, C.; Yuan, Z.; Sun, B*.; Yang, D*. Silicon-nanocrystal-incorporated ternary hybrid solar cells, Nano Energy 2016, 26, 305-312.

107. Xu, W.; Liu, L*.; Yang, L.; Shen, P.; Sun, B.; McLeod, J. A*. Dissociation of Methylammonium Cations in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells, Nano Lett. 2016, 16 (7), 4720-4725..

106. Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Xu, Z.-q.; Liu, J.; Song, J.; Xue, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, J.; Jiang, L.; Zheng, C.; Huang, F.; Sun, B.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Bao, Q.* Reversible Structural Swell-Shrink and Recoverable Optical Properties in Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Perovskite, ACS Nano 2016, 10 (7), 7031-7038

105. Wang, Y.; Ding, K.; Sun, B.; Lee, S.-T.; Jie, J*. Two-dimensional layered material/silicon heterojunctions for energy and optoelectronic applications, Nano Research 2016,9 (1), 72-93.

104. Tan, L.; Li, P.; Sun, B.; Chaker, M.; Ma, D.* Development of Photovoltaic Devices Based on Near Infrared Quantum Dots and Conjugated Polymers, ChemNanoMat 2016, 2 (7), 601-615.

103. Liu, R.; Sun, T.; Liu, J.; Wu, S.; Sun, B*. Hybrid silicon honeycomb/organic solar cells with enhanced efficiency using surface etching, Nanotechnology 2016, 27, (25), 254006.

102. Duan, X.; Han, J.; Xia, Z.; Song, T.; Li, Q.; Li, H.; Sun, B.*, Semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes as interfacial modification layers for organic-Si solar cells. Org. Electron. 2016, 28, 205-209.

101.Zhao, M.; Zhang, J.; Gao, N.; Song, P.; Bosman, M.; Peng, B.; Sun, B.; Qiu, C. W.; Xu, Q. H.; Bao, Q.*, Actively Tunable Visible Surface Plasmons in Bi2Te3 and their Energy‐Harvesting Applications. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28 (16), 3138-3144..

100. Wang, Y.-K.; Yuan, Z.-C.; Shi, G.-Z.; Li, Y.-X.;Li, Q.; Hui, F.; Sun, B.-Q*.; Jiang, Z.-Q*.; Liao, L.-S*., Dopant-FreeSpiro-Triphenylamine/Fluorene as Hole-Transporting Material for PerovskiteSolar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency and Stability. Adv. Fun. Mater. 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381.

99. Zhang, B.-C.; Wang, H*.; He, L.; Duan, C.-Y.; Li, F.; Ou, X.-M.; Sun, B.-Q.; Zhang, X.-H*., The diameter-dependent photoelectrochemical performance of silicon nanowires. Chem. Comm. 2016, 52 (7), 1369-1372.

98. Zhang, B.-C.; Wang, H*.; Zhao, Y.; Li, F.; Ou, X.-M.; Sun, B.-Q.; Zhang*, X.-H.,Large-scale assembly of highly sensitive Si-based flexible strain sensors forhuman motion monitoring. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (4), 2123-2128.

97. McLeod, J. A.; Wu, Z.; Sun, B.*; Liu, L*., The influence of the I/Cl ratio on the performance of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx-based solarcells: why is CH3NH3I : PbCl2 = 3 : 1 the magic ratio? Nanoscale2016, 18 (12), 6361-6368。

96. Liu, Y.; Zhang, Z. G.; Xia, Z.; Zhang,J.; Liang, F.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Yu, X.; Lee, S. T.; Sun, B.*, High PerformanceNanostructured Silicon-Organic Quasi p-n Junction Solar Cells viaLow-Temperature Deposited Hole and Electron Selective Layer. ACS Nano 2016, 10(1), 704-712

95. Wu, S.; Cui, W.; Aghdassi, N.; Song, T.; Duhm, S.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B*., Nanostructured Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage via Improving Junction Quality. Adv. Fun. Mater. 2016, 26 (28), 5035-5041.


94. Cui, W.; Xia, Z.; Wu, S.; Chen, F.; Li, Y.; Sun, B*., Controllably Interfacing with Ferroelectric Layer: A Strategy forEnhancing Water Oxidation on Silicon by Surface Polarization. ACS Appl . Mater.Interfaces 2015, 7(46), 25601-25607

93. Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, Y.; Xu, W.; Mu, H.; Chen, C.; Qiao, H.; Song, J.; Li, S.; Sun, B*.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Bao, Q*., Hybrid Graphene–Perovskite Phototransistors with Ultrahigh Responsivity and Gain. Adv. Optical Mater. 2015, 3(10), 1389-1396

92. Mu, X.; Yu, X*.; Xu, D.; Shen, X.; Xia, Z.; He, H.; Zhu, H.; Xie, J.; Sun, B.; Yang, D*., High efficiency organic/silicon hybrid solar cells with doping-free selective emitter structure induced by a WO3 thin interlayer. Nano Energy2015, 16, 54-61.

91. Ma, S.; Wang, D.; Liang, Y.; Sun, B.; Gorb, S. N.; Zhou, F.*, Gecko-Inspired but Chemically Switched Friction and Adhesion on Nanofibrillar Surfaces. Small 2015, 11 (9-10), 1131-1137

90. Liu, R.; Sun, B*., Silicon-based Organic/inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells. ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2015, 73 (3), 225-236. (Chinese Review)

89. Z. Yuan; Z. Wu; S. Bai; Z. Xia; W. Xu; T. Song; H. Wu; L. Xu; J. Si; Y. Jin; B. Sun*, Hot-Electron Injection in Sandwiched TiOx-Au-TiOx Structure for High Performance Planar Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2015,5 (10), 5(5), **. (IF: 14.385)

88. Zhang, Y.; Cui, W.; Zhu, Y.; Zu, F.; Liao, L.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, High Efficiency Hybrid PEDOT:PSS/Nanostructured Silicon Schottky Junction Solar Cells by Doping-Free Rear Contact. Energ. Environ. Sci. 2015, 8, 297 (IF:15.490)

87. Q. Xu; T. Song; W.Cui; Y. Liu; W. Xu; S. T. Lee; B. Sun*, Solution-Processed Highly ConductivePEDOT:PSS/AgNW/GO Transparent Film for Efficient Organic-Si Hybrid Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 3272-3279.

86. Zhang, J.; Song, T.; Zhang, Z.; Ding, K.; Huang, F.*; Sun, B*., Layered ultrathin PbI 2 single crystals for high sensitivity flexible photodetectors. J. Materi. Chem. C 2015, 3 (17), 4402-4406.


85. J. Zhang; S. Tao; X. Shen; X. Yu; S.-T. Lee; B. Sun*, A 12%-Efficient Upgraded Metallurgical Grade Silicon-Organic Heterojuction Solar Cell Achieved by Self-Purifying Process. ACS Nano 2014, 8, 11369(IF: 12.033)

84. Bai, S.; Jin, Y.*; Liang, X.; Ye, Z.; Wu, Z.; Sun, B.*; Ma, Z.; Tang, Z.; Wang, J.; Würfel, U.; Gao, F.*; Zhang, F., Ethanedithiol treatment on solution-processed ZnO thin films: controlling the intragap states of electron transporting interlayers for efficient and stable inverted organic solar cells Adv. Energy Mater. 2014, 4, **. (IF: 14.385)

83. Zhang, J.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Effect of Series and Shunt Resistance on the Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells Performance. Electrochim. Acta 2014, 146 (0), 845-849

82. Wu, Z.; Bai, S.; Xiang, J.; Yuan, Z.; Yang, Y.; Cui, W.; Gao, X.; Liu, Z.; Jin, Y.;Sun, B.*, Efficient planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells employing graphene oxide as hole conductor. Nanoscale2014, 6 (18), 10505.

81. R. Liu; S. Lee; B. Sun*, 13.8% Efficiency Hybrid Si/Organic Heterojuction Solar Cells with MoO3 Film as Antireflection and Inversion Induced Layer. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26 (34), 6007.PDF (IF:15.409)

80. X. Liang; Q. Yi; S. Bai; X. Dai; X. Wang; Z. Ye; F. Gao; F. Zhang; B. Sun; Y. Jin*, Synthesis of Unstable Colloidal Inorganic Nanocrystals through the Introduction of a Protecting Ligand. Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 3117. PDF (IF:12.940)

79. Z. Zhang; Z. Yang; Z. Wu; G. Guan; S. Pan; Y. Zhang; H. Li; J. Deng; B. Sun; H. Peng*, Weaving Efficient Polymer Solar Cell Wires into Flexible Power Textiles. Adv. Energy Mater. 2014, 10.1002/aenm..(IF:14.385)

78.T. Liu; C. Wang; X. Gu; H. Gong; L. Cheng; X. Shi; L. Feng; B. Sun; Z. Liu*, Drug Delivery with PEGylated MoS2 Nano‐sheets for Combined Photothermal and Chemotherapy of Cancer. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26 (21), 3433-40.(IF: 15.409)

77.L. Cheng; J. Liu; X. Gu; H. Gong; X. Shi; T. Liu; C. Wang; X. Wang; G. Liu; H. Xing; W. Bu; B. Sun; Z. Liu*, Imaging: PEGylated WS2 Nanosheets as a Multifunctional Theranostic Agent for in vivo Dual‐Modal CT/Photoacoustic Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26 (12), 1786-1793. (IF: 15.409)

76.Y. Zhu; Z. Yuan; W. Cui; Z. Wu; Q. Sun; S. Wang; Z. Kang; B. Sun*, A cost-effective commercial soluble oxide cluster for highly effcient and stable organic solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2 (5), 1436-1442. PDF

75.Y. Zhang; F. Zu; S.-T. Lee; L. Liao; N. Zhao; B. Sun*, Heterojunction with Organic Thin Layers on Silicon for Record Efficiency Hybrid Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2014, 4, . PDF (IF:14.389)

74.Y. Zhang; R. Liu; S.-T. Lee; B. Sun*, The role of a LiF layer on the performance of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)/Si organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 104, 083514.

73. X. Gu; W. Cui; T. Song; C. Liu; X. Shi; S. Wang; B. Sun*, Solution-processed Two-dimensional NbSe2 Nanosheets: an Efficient Alternative Hole Transporting Layer in Organic Solar Cel. ChemSusChem2014, 7 (2), 416-420. PDF.

72.W. Cui; W. Zhongwei; C. Liu; M. Wu; T. Ma; S. Wang; S.-T. Lee; B. Sun*, Room Temperature Solution Processed Tungsten Carbide as An Efficient Hole Extraction Layer for Organic Photovoltaics. J. Mater. Chem. A2014, (11), 3734-3740. PDF


71.P. Deng; Z. Wu; K. Cao; Q. Zhang; B. Sun*; S. R. Marder, Trifluoromethylated thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-2-ethyl carboxylate as a building block for conjugated polymers. Polymer Chem. 2013, 4 (20), 5275-5282.

70. Y. Zhu; T. Song; F. Zhang; S.-T. Lee; B. Sun*, Efficient organic-inorganic hybrid Schottky solar cell: The role of built-in potential. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102, 113504.

69. J. Zhang; Y. Zhang; F. Zhang;B. Sun*, Electrical characterization of inorganic-organic hybrid photovoltaic devices based on silicon-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate).Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102, 013501.

68. F. Zhang; D. Liu; Y. Zhang; H. Wei; T. Song;B. Sun*, Methyl/Allyl Monolayer on Silicon: Efficient Surface Passivation for Silicon-Conjugated Polymer Hybrid Solar Cell. ACS Appl Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5, 4678.

67.Q. Yi; X. Dai; J. Zhao; Y. Sun; Y. Lou; X. Su; Q. Li; B. Sun; H. Zheng; M. Shen; Q. Wang; G. Zou*, Enhanced mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of carbon-nanotube/TiC hybrid fibers.Nanoscale 2013, 5, 6923.

66.Z. Wu; T. Song; Z. Xia; H. Wei; B. Sun*, Enhanced performance of polymer solar cell with ZnO nanoparticle electron transporting layer passivated by in situ cross-linked three-dimensional polymer network. Nanotechnology 2013, 24, 484012.

65. Y. Wu; X. Zhang; J. Jie; C. Xie; X. Zhang;B. Sun;* Y. Wang; P. Gao, Graphene Transparent Conductive Electrodes for Highly Efficient Silicon Nanostructures-Based Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cells. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 11968.

64. T. Song; B. Sun*, Towards photo-rechargeable textiles integrating power conversion and energy storage functions: can we kill two birds with one stone? ChemSusChem 2013, 6, 408.

63. X. Shen; Y. Zhu; T. Song; S.-T. Lee; B. Sun*, Hole electrical transporting properties in organic-Si Schottky solar cell. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 103, 013504.

62. R. Liu; F. Zhang; C. Con; B. Cui; B, Sun*, Lithography-free fabrication of silicon nanowire and nanohole arrays by metal-assisted chemical etching. Nanoscale Research Lett. 2013, 8, 155.

61. D. Liu; Y. Zhang; X. Fang; F. Zhang; T. Song; B. Sun*, An 11%-Power-Conversion-Efficiency Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cell Achieved by Facile Organic Passivation. Electron Device Letters, IEEE 2013, 34, 345.

60. D. Liu; X. Shen; T. Song; J. Hu; B. Sun*, Low temperature solution-processed high performance photodiode based on Si-ZnO core-shell structure. PCCP 2013, 15, 4970.

59. C. Hu; Z. Wu; K. Cao; B. Sun*; Q. Zhang*, Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of new conjugated polymers based on di(2-furyl)thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole and benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene.Polymer 2013, 54, 1098.

58. X. Gu; W. Cui; H. Li; Z. Wu; Z. Zeng; S.-T. Lee; H. Zhang; B. Sun*, A Solution-Processed Hole Extraction Layer Made from Ultrathin MoS2Nanosheets for Efficient Organic Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 3, 1262. PDF Highlighting in Materials View (IF:14.389)

57. J. Di; Z. Yong; X. Zheng; B. Sun; Q. Li*, Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for High-Efficiency Schottky Solar Cells. Small 2013, 9, 1367.

56. J. Di; Z. Yong; Z. Yao; X. Liu; X. Shen; B, Sun; Z. Zhao; H. He; Q. Li*, Robust and Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Titania Core/Shell Films for Flexible TCO-Free Photoelectrodes. Small 2013, 9, 148.

55. P. Deng; Z. Wu; K. Cao; Q. Zhang*; B. Sun*; S. R. Marder, Trifluoromethylated thieno [3, 4-b] thiophene-2-ethyl carboxylate as a building block for conjugated polymers. Polymer Chem. 2013, 4 (20), 5275-5282..

54. K. Cao; Z. Wu; S. Li; B. Sun*; G. Zhang; Q. Zhang*, A low bandgap polymer based on isoindigo and bis(dialkylthienyl)benzodithiophene for organic photovoltaic applications. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 94.

53. S. Bai; M. Cao; Y. Jin*; X. Dai; X. Liang; Z. Ye; M. Li; J. Cheng; X. Xiao; Z. Wu; Z. Xia; B. Sun*; E. Wang; Y. Mo; F. Gao; F. Zhang, Low-Temperature Combustion-Synthesized Nickel Oxide Thin Films as Hole-Transport Interlayers for Solution-Processed Optoelectronic Devices. Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 4 (6)10.1002/aenm.. highlighted by materials view. (IF: 14.389)


52.J. Zhao; B. Sun; L. Qiu; H. Caocen; Q. Li; X. Chen; F. Yan*, Efficient light-scattering functionalized TiO2 photoanodes modified with cyanobiphenyl-based benzimidazole for dye-sensitized solar cells with additive-free electrolytes. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 18380.

51. Y. Zhang; J. Zhao; B. Sun; X. Chen; Q. Li; L. Qiu; F. Yan*, Performance enhancement for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells by using acid-oxidized carbon nanotube-based gel electrolytes. Electrochim. Acta 2012, 61, 185.

50.F. Zhang; X. Han; S.-t. Lee;B. Sun*, Heterojunction with organic thin layer for three dimensional high performance hybrid solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 5362.

49. B. Sun*, Solar & Alternative Energy Hybrid photovoltaics for eco-friendly solar cells. SPIE Newsroom 2012, 10.1117/2.**.004313.

48. T. Song; F. Zhang; X. Lei; Y. Xu; S. Lee; B. Sun*, Core-shell structured photovoltaic devices based on PbS quantum dots and silicon nanopillar arrays. Nanoscale 2012, 4, 1336.

47. T. Song; S.-T. Lee;B. Sun*, Prospects and challenges of organic/group IV nanomaterial solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 4216.

46. T. Song; S. T. Lee; B. Sun*, Silicon Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications: The Progress and Challenge. Nano Energy 2012, 1, 654. (IF: 10.211)

45. Q. Li; J. Zhao; B. Sun; B. Lin; L. Qiu; Y. Zhang; X. Chen; J. Lu; F. Yan*, High-Temperature Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal Electrolytes. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 945.

44. Q. Li; X. Chen; J. Zhao; L. Qiu; Y. Zhang; B. Sun*; F. Yan*, Organic ionic plastic crystal-based electrolytes for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 6674.

43.J. Hu; Z. Wu; H. Wei; T. Song; B. Sun*, Effects of ZnO fabricating process on the performance of inverted organic solar cells. Org. Electron. 2012, 13, 1171.

42. Zhang,F.; Song, T.; Sun, B.*, Conjugated polymer–silicon nanowire array hybrid Schottky diode for solar cell application. Nanotechnology 2012, 23, 194006.

41.X. Chen; J. Zhao; J. Zhang; L. Qiu; D. Xu; H. Zhang; X. Han; B. Sun*; G. Fu; Y. Zhang; F. Yan*, Bis-imidazolium based poly(ionic liquid) electrolytes for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 18018.

40.X. Chen; Q. Li; J. Zhao; L. Qiu; Y. Zhang; B. Sun; F. Yan*, Ionic liquid-tethered nanoparticle/poly(ionic liquid) electrolytes for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. J. Power Sources 2012, 207, 216.

39.S. Bai; Z. Wu; X. Xu; Y. Jin*; B. Sun*; X. Guo; S. He; X. Wang; Z. Ye; H. Wei; X. Han; W. Ma, Inverted organic solar cells based on aqueous processed ZnO interlayers at low temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012, 100, 203906.


38.X. Zhu; N. Zhou; Z. Zhang; B. Sun; Y. Yang; J. Zhu; X. Zhu*, Cyclic Polymers with Pendent Carbazole Units: Enhanced Fluorescence and Redox Behavior. Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 6745.(IF: 11.336)

37.J. Zhao; F. Yan; L. Qiu; Y. Zhang; X. Chen; B. Sun*, Benzimidazolyl functionalized ionic liquids as an additive for high performance dye-sensitized solar cells. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 11516.

36.J. Zhao; X. Shen; F. Yan; L. Qiu; S. Lee; B. Sun*, Solvent-free ionic liquid/poly(ionic liquid) electrolytes for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 7326.

35.F. Zhang; B. Sun*; T. Song; X. Zhu; S. Lee, Air Stable, Efficient Hybrid Photovoltaic Devices Based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Silicon Nanostructures. Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 2084.

34.Z. Wu; T. Song; Y. Jin; B. Sun*, High performance solar cell based on ultra-thin poly(3-hexylthiophene): Fullerene film without thermal and solvent annealing. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99, 143306.

33. Song,T.; Wu, Z.; Tu, Y.; Jin, Y.; Sun, B*. , Vertical phase segregation of hybrid poly(3-hexylthiophene) and fullerene derivative composites controlled via velocity of solvent drying. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 2011, 26, 034009.

32.X. Shen; B. Sun; D. Liu; S.-T. Lee, Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cell Based on Organic–Inorganic Silicon Nanowire Array Architecture. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 19408. (IF: 11.444)31.X. Lei; F. Zhang; T. Song; B. Sun, p-type doping effect on the performance of organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99, 233305.


30.G. Zou*; H. Luo; F. Ronning; B. Sun*; T. M. McCleskey; A. K. Burrell; E. Bauer; Q. X. Jia*, Facile Chemical Solution Deposition of High-Mobility Epitaxial Germanium Films on Silicon. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 1782. (IF:11.336)

29.J. Wang; B. Sun; F. Gao; N. C. Greenham*, Memristive devices based on solution-processed ZnO nanocrystals. physica status solidi (a) 2010, 207, 484.28.

28. X. Shen; B. Sun*; F. Yan; J. Zhao; F. Zhang; S. Wang; X. Zhu; S. Lee, High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Cells from Ionic Liquid Electrolyte in Methyl-Terminated Silicon Nanowire Arrays. ACS Nano 2010, 4, 5869. (IF: 12.033)


27.B. Sun*; G. Zou; X. Shen; X. Zhang, Exciton dissociation and photovoltaic effect in germanium nanocrystals and poly(3-hexylthiophene) composites. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94, 233504.

26.B. Sun; A. T. Findikoglu; M. Sykora; D. J. Werder; V. I. Klimov*, Hybrid Photovoltaics Based on Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Amorphous Silicon. Nano Lett. 2009, 9, 1235.

25.T. Song; F. Zhang; X. Shen; X. Zhang; X. Zhu; B. Sun*, Amorphous silicon as electron transport layer for colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals light emitting diode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009,95, 233502.

Before Joinning Soochow University (2000-2008)

24.X. Zhang; B. Sun; J. M. Hodgkiss; R. H. Friend*, Tunable Ultrafast Optical Switching via Waveguided Gold Nanowires. Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 4455.

23.Y. Jin; J. Wang; B. Sun; J. C. Blakesley; N. C. Greenham*, Solution-Processed Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Colloidal ZnO Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 2008, 8, 1649.

22.X. Zhang; B. Sun; H. Guo; J. Tian; Y. Song; L. Wang, Self-assembly of gold nanoparticles into nanoholes through annealing in the fabrication of square lattices of nanocylinders. Chin. Opt. Lett. 2007, 5, 657.

21.X. Zhang; B. Sun; H. Guo; N. Tetreault; H. Giessen; R. H. Friend, Large-area two-dimensional photonic crystals of metallic nanocylinders based on colloidal gold nanoparticles. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 133114.

20.X. Zhang; B. Sun, Organic Crystal Fibers Aligned into Oriented Bundles with Polarized Emission. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007, 111, 10881.

19.B. Sun*; R. L. Peterson; H. Sirringhaus; K. Mori, Low-Temperature Sintering of In-Plane Self-Assembled ZnO Nanorods for Solution-Processed High-Performance Thin Film Transistors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111, 18831.

18.X. Zhang; B. Sun; R. H. Friend; H. Guo; D. Nau; H. Giessen, Metallic Photonic Crystals Based on Solution-Processible Gold Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 2006, 6, 651.

17.B. Sun; H. Sirringhaus, Surface Tension and Fluid Flow Driven Self-Assembly of Ordered ZnO Nanorod Films for High-Performance Field Effect Transistors. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 16231.

16.B. Sun; N. C. Greenham, Improved efficiency of photovoltaics based on CdSe nanorods and poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanofibers. PCCP 2006, 8, 3557.

15.B. Sun; H. J. Snaith; A. S. Dhoot; S. Westenhoff; N. C. Greenham, Vertically segregated hybrid blends for photovoltaic devices with improved efficiency. J. Appl. Phys. 2005, 97, 014914.

14.B. Sun; H. Sirringhaus, Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Field-Effect Transistors Based on Self-Assembly of Colloidal Nanorods. Nano Lett. 2005, 5, 2408.

13.H. J. Snaith; G. L. Whiting; B. Sun; N. C. Greenham; W. T. S. Huck; R. H. Friend, Self-Organization of Nanocrystals in Polymer Brushes. Application in Heterojunction Photovoltaic Diodes.Nano Lett. 2005, 5, 1653.

12.H.-M. Liu; J. He; P.-F. Wang; H.-Z. Xie; X.-H. Zhang; C.-S. Lee; B.-Q. Sun; Y.-J. Xia, High-efficiency polymer electrophosphorescent diodes based on an Ir (III) complex. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005, 87, 221103.

11.Q. Li; B. Sun; I. A. Kinloch; D. Zhi; H. Sirringhaus; A. H. Windle, Enhanced Self-Assembly of Pyridine-Capped CdSe Nanocrystals on Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Chem. Mater. 2005, 18, 164.

10.B. Sun; S. Westenhoff; A. S. Dhoot; C. Silva; N. C. Greenham, Charge transfer and recombination at conjugated polymer-semiconductor nanoparticle interfaces. Proc. SPIE 5513, Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials III, 76 2004, 5513, 76.

9.J.-F. Chang; B. Sun; D. W. Breiby; M. M. Nielsen; T. I. S?lling; M. Giles; I. McCulloch; H. Sirringhaus, Enhanced Mobility of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Transistors by Spin-Coating from High-Boiling-Point Solvents. Chem. Mater. 2004, 16, 4772.

8.B. Sun; E. Marx; N. C. Greenham, Photovoltaic Devices Using Blends of Branched CdSe Nanoparticles and Conjugated Polymers. Nano Lett. 2003, 3, 961.

7.G. Yi; B. Sun; F. Yang; D. Chen; Y. Zhou; J. Cheng, Synthesis and Characterization of High-Efficiency Nanocrystal Up-Conversion Phosphors:? Ytterbium and Erbium Codoped Lanthanum Molybdate. Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 2910.

6.W. Xie; B. Sun; Y. Zhou; J. Cheng, Immobilization and hybridization of cDNA arrays on the glass surface. Tsinghua Science and Technology 2002, 7, 421.

5.B. Sun; G. Yi; D. Chen; Y. Zhou; J. Cheng, Synthesis and characterization of strongly fluorescent europium-doped calcium sulfide nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. 2002, 12, 1194.

4.G. Yi; B. Sun; F. Yang; D. Chen, Bionic synthesis of ZnS[ratio]Mn nanocrystals and their optical properties. J. Mater. Chem. 2001, 11, 2928.

3.B. Sun; G. Yi; S. Zhao; D. Chen; Y. Zhou; J. Cheng, Solid Substrate Phosphorescent Immunoassay Based on Bioconjugated Nanoparticles. Anal. Lett. 2001, 34, 1627.

2.B. Sun; W. Xie; G. Yi; D. Chen; Y. Zhou; J. Cheng, Microminiaturized immunoassays using quantum dots as fluorescent label by laser confocal scanning fluorescence detection. Journal of Immunological Methods 2001, 249, 85.

1.D. Chen; B. Sun, New tissue engineering material copolymers of derivatives of cellulose and lactide: their synthesis and characterization. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2000, 11, 57

课题组硕士生韩玉洁和加拿大国家科学研究院Dongling Ma教授的合作研究成果最近被Advanced Science News作为亮点工作报道(链接)。

课题组博士生刘玉强和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被Nature Climate Change,2018, May,Vol 8, Page 359 作为亮点工作报道

课题组博士生刘玉强(第一作者)和孙旭辉教授课题组合作研究成果被《新华社》《泰晤士报》和《The Guardian》等近百家媒体宣传报道




TheGuardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/mar/13/rain-or-shine-new-solar-cell-captures-energy-from-raindrops


AmericanChemical Society: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/pressroom/presspacs/2018/acs-presspac-march-7-2018/with-a-teng-solar-cells-could-work-come-rain-or-shine.html

Phys.Org: https://phys.org/news/2018-03-teng-solar-cells.html

Seeker: https://www.seeker.com/energy/harvesting-energy-from-solar-panels-rain-or-shine

Laboratory: https://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2018/03/teng-solar-cells-could-work-come-rain-or-shine

InnovationToronto: http://www.innovationtoronto.com/2018/03/a-better-hybrid-energy-harvesting-system-using-sun-and-rain/

BrightSurf: https://www.brightsurf.com/news/article//with-a-teng-solar-cells-could-work-come-rain-or-shine.html


ceBeta: https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/science/704989.htm
ScienceDaily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/**8.htm

LongRoom: https://www.longroom.com/discussion/921852/with-a-teng-solar-cells-could-work-come-rain-or-shine

ChemEdX: https://www.chemedx.org/blog/acs-discoveries-making-science-more-accessible

TechBee Press:http://www.techbeepress.com/with-a-teng-solar-cells-could-work-come-rain-or-shine/

EurekAlertScience News: https://sciencesources.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-03/acs-wat030718.php






课题组刘瑞远同学的光伏-电容器复合器件发表在Nano Letters上的工作被eeNews Europe新闻报道。

课题组邹亚涛同学的量子点发光二极管工作发表在Nanoscale Horizons上的工作被英国皇家化学会中国快报报道 (RSC China Quarterly Newsletter)(http://mailchi.mp/rsc/rsc-20176?e=94ff71f659

课题组吴仲伟同学与浙江大学金一政教授合作的文章获得2016年Nano Reseach 最佳论文奖。

课题组吴珊同学的工作“Nanostructured Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage via Improving Junction Quality”,以中文简讯的形式发表在了微信公众账号X-MOL资讯(微信号:X-molNews)以及X-MOL化学资讯平台(网址:www.x-mol.com)上

l X-MOL化学资讯平台文章链接:http://www.x-mol.com/news/3112

苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院2位教授成功入选英国皇家化学会期刊“Top 1% 高被引中国作者”榜单,名单如下(不分先后):


General Chemistry
Chem. Soc. Rev.


该榜单由英国皇家化学会发布,为彰显中国作者对国际化学研究领域的突出贡献,英国皇家化学会将旗下四十多本期刊(分为八个领域:Materials, Organic & medicinal, General chemistry, Biological, Analytical, Energy & Sustainability, Inorganic, Physical)发表论文的引用情况进行统计,将2013、2014年发表的文章在2015年他引次数在所属领域全球排名前1%的名单进行筛选,整理出通讯作者第一单位是中国机构的作者名单。2015年度共有118 位中国作者入选该榜单。

英国皇家化学会发布“Top 1% 高被引中国作者”榜单链接:



Highlight by Media

课题组王玉生同学的钙钛矿探测器工作(Advanced Optical Materials 2015, 3 (10), 1389-1396.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。

课题组袁忠诚同学与廖良生教授课题组的合作的 钙钛矿电池工作(Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。

课题组袁忠诚同学与廖良生课教授题组的合作的钙钛矿电池工作(Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26 (9), 1375-1381.)进入Wiley公司热点文章排行榜Top 10

课题组袁忠诚同学的钙钛矿电池工作(Adv Energy Mater 2015, 5 (10), **.)被Wiley公司Materilasview 新闻报道。


2、2016年获得Nano Reseach 最佳论文奖
4、2018年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2018年中国高被引****(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单(材料科学)


1. Renewable Materials and Device (Undergraduate, Spring Term)

2. Physcis of Photovoltaic Device (Postgraduate, Spring Term)













University College London









































Link?ping University







Swinburne University of Technology





















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