题目: Star Formation in the Extended Disks of Spiral Galaxies and what it tells us about the Disk Mass Distribution
报告人:Mousumi Das (Associate ProfessorI, Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
摘要:A large fraction of spiral galaxies show filamentary or diffuse star formation well beyond their optical disks, in regions where the disk surface density lies below the threshold for star formation. Cold gas accretion onto the outer disks is thought to drive this star formation. The nature of star formation in such adverse environments where the dark matter halo dominates the mass content, is not well understood. In this talk I will first present some preliminary UV observations of extended disk star formation done with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) in two galaxies. Using observations and modelling of another galaxy NGC4701, I discuss how the disk dark matter also plays a role in supporting the extended disk star formation in galaxies. We also briefly describe how this phenomenon can be used to trace dark matter in our low redshift Universe.
报告地点:紫台办公大楼 619 会议室
9月4日 Star Formation in the Extended Disks of Spiral Galaxies and what it tells us about the Disk Mas
紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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