报告题目:Temperature of source regions of 3He-rich impulsive solar energetic particle events
报告人:N.-H. Chen(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
报告摘要:Impulsive solar energetic particle (SEP) events originate from the energy dissipation process in small solar flares. Anomalous abundances in impulsive SEP events provide an evidence on unique, yet unclear, acceleration mechanism. The pattern of heavy-ion enhancements indicates that the temperature of the source plasma that is accelerated is lower and not flare-like. We examine solar source of 3He-rich SEPs in 2012 November 20 event using Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/ Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images and investigate its thermal variation. The examined event is associated with recurrent coronal jets. The differential emission measure (DEM) analysis is applied to study the temperature evolution/distribution of the source regions. Preliminary results show the temperature of associated solar source is ranged between 1.2-3.1 MK.
9月2日 Temperature of source regions of 3He-rich impulsive solar energetic particle events_紫金山天文台
紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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