报告题目:Make it, Mix it and Shake it — a recipe for cold gas in circumgalactic medium
报告人:季索清 博士 (University of California, Santa Barbara)
报告摘要:Multiphase gas structure is ubiquitous in our universe. Recent results from COS suggest that large quantities of cold gas with temperature of a few 10^4 K are found in circumgalactic medium (CGM), which extends up to galactic virial radius (~ 100 kpc). However, the origin and fate of such cold gas still remain unclear. In this talk, I will mainly explore magnetized thermal instability as a promising mechanism for cold gas formation. In addition, I will briefly discuss warm gas generation from MHD turbulent mixing layers, and preferential concentration of cold droplets in hot winds in CGM.
7月20日 Make it, Mix it and Shake it — a recipe for cold gas in circumgalactic medium_紫金山天文台
紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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