
6月19日 Indirect Search Aspects of Right Handed Neutrinos_紫金山天文台

紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14

报告题目:Indirect Search Aspects of Right Handed Neutrinos

  报告人:高宇Yu Gao (Wayne State Univ., USA)

  报告人简历:2010年 University of Wisconsin - Madison 物理学博士,现任是Wayne State University 博士后。主要研究方向是粒子物理的理论研究。近期研究重点在暗物质的直接、间接测量,涉及暗物质、中微子的在对撞机上的新物理搜寻,以及惰性中微子在高能宇宙射线和中微子振荡实验中的唯像研究。已发表期刊文章35篇。

  报告摘要:A beyond the Standard Model neutrino sector can give arise to both Dark Matter candidates and mechanisms that explains the origin of the finite neutrino masses. When the dark matter hails from the neutrino sector, its annihilation and decay can be differentiated from those of typical weakly interacting candidate, giving unique signals in high energy cosmic ray observations, like Fermi-LAT and IceCube. In this talk I will discuss two topics: (1) how the combination of direct and indirect search results can differentiate a neutrino-originated dark matter from a `conventional' WIMP dark matter in the content of a popular supersymmetric U(1)' model, (2) in light of light right-handed neutrino(s), the constraint on the associated dark matter's scattering cross-section from Solar gamma ray and neutrino measurements, which can be very competitive to direct detection results over a significant range of dark matter mass. I will also comment on the current collider bounds on the right-handed neutrino properties.





相关话题/物理 博士 物理学 实验 博士后