
7月4日 Gas Accretion and High-Mass Star Formation in Filamentary Molecular Clouds_紫金山天文台

紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14

报告题目:Gas Accretion and High-Mass Star Formation in Filamentary Molecular Clouds

  报告人:吕行 博士(日本国立天文台ALMA项目组博士后)

  报告摘要:High-mass star forming clouds often exhibit filamentary structures in which dense cores of ~10 Msun are embedded. In order to form high-mass protostars, these dense cores must accrete gas from the environment. Such a picture, if proven universal, will inform the current high-mass star formation models. To obtain critical evidence of accretion onto dense cores through filaments and its relation to star formation, high angular resolution kinematic information is necessary. Here we select 8 massive filamentary clouds in a variety of evolutionary phases, and obtain VLA/SMA spectral line and continuum data. We aim to search for correlation between accretion along filaments and star formation in dense cores. We measure the accretion rates into dense cores through filaments using VLA NH3 lines, and compare with gas mass and star formation activities in each dense core based on the SMA observations. This will provide clues of dense core growth via filamentary accretion.





相关话题/博士 日本 紫金山天文台 博士后 学术