景键 教授 博士生导师
邮政编码: 210046
电子邮件: jingj01@live.com
Jian Jing is a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Nanjing University in China. He is a leading expert in systems neuroscience, with extensive experience in circuitry studies in invertebrate model systems at the University of Illinois and Mount Sinai School of Medicine at New York. He graduated from Peking University with B.Sc. in 1987, and had studied hypoxia/ischemia in rat hippocampal slices at Beijing Neurosurgical Institute and Duke University. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Illinois in 1998. He has published extensively in journals such as Curr Biol, J Neurosci, Anal Chem, ACS Chem Biol, ACS Chem Neurosci, JBC, J Neurophysiol, PLOS ONE, and has edited a book titled “Network Functions and Plasticity: Perspectives from Studying Neuronal Electrical Coupling in Microcircuits” published by Academic Press/Elsevier in 2017. He currently directs a research program that examines neural circuits underlying motivated behaviors and neuromodulation at Nanjing University.
Academic Editor: PLOS ONE (2015-present)
行为/系统和细胞神经科学(Behavioral/Systems and Cellular Neuroscience) – 利用动物模型系统研究行为的神经机理 (Studying neural basis of behavior using model systems): 感觉运动整合(sensorimotor integration), 运动协调(movement coordination), 神经调节(neuromodulation), 行为和环路可塑性(behavioral and circuit plasticity); 动机 (motivation), 觉醒 (arousal), 决策(decision making) 等的神经机制
Recently completed and ongoing projects:
1. Newly identified Aplysia SPTR-gene family-derived peptides: localization and function
2. Synaptic and circuitry mechanisms for motor variability in a feedforward circuit
3. Two higher-order neurons drive either exploratory-like or escape locomotion in Aplysia
4. Regulation of command-like interneurons controlling Aplysia feeding behavior by learning
编著(edited book)
Jing J, Ed, Network Functions and Plasticity: Perspectives from Studying Neuronal Electrical Coupling in Microcircuits, Academic Press, London, UK, 2017
Checco J.W., Zhang G., Yuan W-D., Le Z-W., Jing J.*,Sweedler J.V.*, Aplysia allatotropin-related peptide and its newly identified d-amino acid–containing epimer both activate a receptor and a neuronal target, J. Biol. Chem., 293, 16862?16873, (2018).
Checco J.W., Zhang G., Yuan W-D., Yu K., Yin S-Y., Roberts-GalbraithR.H., Yau P.M., Romanova E.V., Jing J.*,Sweedler J.V.*, Molecular and physiological characterization of a receptor for D?amino acid-containing neuropeptides, ACS Chem.Biol., 13, 1343-1352, (2018).
Zhang G., Yuan W-D., Vilim F.S., Romanova E.V., Yu K., Yin S-Y., Le Z-W., Xue Y-Y., Chen T-T., Chen G-K., Chen S-A., Cropper E.C., Sweedler J.V., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Newly identified AplysiaSPTR-Gene Family-Derived Peptides:localization and function, Aplysia, ACS Chem.Neurosci., 9, 2041-2053, (2018).
Zhang G., Vilim F.S., Liu D-D, Romanova E.V., Yu K., Yuan W-D., Xiao H., Chen T-T., Alexeeva V.Y., Yin S-Y., Chen S-A., Cropper E.C., Sweedler J.V., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Discovery of leucokinin-like neuropeptides that modulate a specific parameter of feeding motor programs in the molluscan model, Aplysia, J. Biol. Chem., 292, 18775?18789, (2017).
Livnat I., Tai H-C., Jansson E. T., Bai L., Romanova E.V., Chen T-T., Yu K., Chen S-A., Zhang Y., WangZ-Y., Liu D-D., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*,Sweedler J.V.*, A D-amino acid-containing neuropeptidediscovery funnel, Anal. Chem., 88, 11868?11876, (2016).
Siniscalchi M.J., Cropper E.C., Jing J., Weiss K.R., Repetition priming of motor activity mediated by a central pattern generator:the importance of extrinsic vs. intrinsic program initiators, J. Neurophysiol.,116, 1821–1830, (2016).
Yang C-Y., Yu K., Wang Y., Chen S-A., Liu D-D., WangZ-Y., Su Y-N., Yang S-Z., Chen T-T., Livnat I., Vilim F.S., Cropper E.C., Weiss K.R., Sweedler J.V., Jing J.*, Aplysialocomotion: network and behavioral actions of GdFFD, a D-amino acid-containing neuropeptide, PloS One, 11, e**, (2016).
Jing J.*, Alexeeva V.Y., Chen S-A., Yu K., Due M.R., Tan L-N., Chen T-T., Liu D-D., Cropper E.C., Vilim F.S., Weiss K.R., Functional characterization of a vesicular glutamate transporter in an interneuron that makes excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections in a molluscan neural circuit, J. Neurosci., 35, 9137–9149, (2015).
Wu J-S., Wang N, Siniscalchi M.J., Perkins M.H., Zheng Y-T., Yu W., Chen S-A., Jia R-N., Gu J-W., Qian Y-Q., Ye Y., Vilim F.S., Cropper E.C., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Complementary interactions between command-like interneurons that function to activate and specify motor programs, J. Neurosci., 34, 6510–6521, (2014). (Featuredin THIS WEEK IN THE JOURNAL)
Bai L., Livnat I., Romanova E.V., Alexeeva V.Y., Yau P.M., Vilim F.S., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Sweedler J.V.*, Characterization of GdFFD, a D-amino acid-containing neuropeptide that functions as an extrinsic modulator of the Aplysiafeeding circuit, J. Biol. Chem., 288, 32837–32851, (2013).
Sasaki K., Cropper E.C., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Functional differentiation of a population of electrically coupled heterogeneous elements in a microcircuit, J. Neurosci., 33, 93-105, (2013). (Featuredin THIS WEEK IN THE JOURNAL)
Jing J.*, Sweedler J.V., Cropper E.C., Alexeeva V., Park J.H., Romanova E., Xie F., Dembrow N.C., Ludwar B.C., Weiss K.R., Vilim F.S., Feedforward compensation mediated by the central and peripheral actions of a single neuropeptide discovered using representational differences analysis, J. Neurosci., 30, 16545-16558, (2010). On the COVERof Dec 8 issue of J Neurosci.
Sasaki K., Brezina V., Weiss K.R., Jing J.*, Distinct inhibitory neurons exert temporally specific control over activity of a motoneuron receiving concurrent excitation and inhibition, J. Neurosci., 29, 11732-11744, (2009). (Featuredin THIS WEEK IN THE JOURNALand FACULTY OF 1000BIOLOGY)
Jing J.*, Vilim F.S., Cropper E.C., Weiss K.R., Neural analog of arousal: persistent conditional activation of a feeding modulator by serotonergic initiators of locomotion, J. Neurosci., 28, 12349-12361, (2008).
Jing J.*, Vilim F.S., Horn C., Alexeeva V.Y., Hatcher N.G., Sasaki K., Yashina I., Zhurov Y., Kupfermann I., Sweedler J.V., Weiss K.R., From hunger to satiety: reconfiguration of a feeding network by Aplysianeuropeptide Y, J. Neurosci., 27, 3490–3502, (2007). (Recommendedby FACULTY OF 1000BIOLOGY)
Jing J.*, Weiss K.R., Generation of variants of a motor act in a modular and hierarchical motor network, Curr. Biol., 15, 1712–1721, (2005). (Featuredin BBCNEWSand EurekAlert!)
Jing J.*, Cropper E.C., Hurwitz I., Weiss K.R., The construction of movement with behavior-specific and behavior-independent modules, J. Neurosci., 24, 6315-6325, (2004).
Jing J.*, Gillette R., Directional avoidance turns encoded by single interneurons and sustained by multifunctional serotonergic cells, J. Neurosci., 23, 3039-3051, (2003).
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