刘常宏 教授 博士生导师
邮政编码: 210023
电子邮件: chliu@nju.edu.cn
江苏省微生物学会理事,教学委员会主任;Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences (HJAS)编委;Journal of Applied Life Sciences International编委;The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences编委
1.M. Zain Ul Arifeen# , Xinyi Yang# , Fangfang Li, Yarong Xue, Pixian Gong, Changhong Liu. Growth behaviors of deep subseafloor Schizophyllum communein response to various environmental conditions. Acta Microbiologica Sinica2020, 60(9): 1882-1892.
2.Muhammad Zain ul Arifeen, Yu-Nan Ma, Ya-Rong Xue and Chang-Hong Liu *. Deep-sea fungi could be the new arsenal for bioactive molecules. Marine Drugs2020, 18(1): 9.
3.Jia S, Bian K, Shi P*, Ye L, Liu C-H. Metagenomic profiling of antibiotic resistance genes and their associations with bacterial community during multiple disinfection regimes in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant. Water Research2020, 176: 115721
4.Liqun Xing, Meng Tao, Qin Zhang, Ming Kong, Jie Sun, Shuyu Jia, Chang-Hong Liu. Occurrence, spatial distribution and risk assessment of organophosphate esters in surface water from the lower Yangtze River Basin. Science of the Total Environment2020, 734: 139380.
5.Jun Li, Ying Liang, Yu Miao, Depeng Wang, Shuyu Jia, Chang-Hong Liu. Metagenomic insights into aniline effects on microbial community and biological sulfate reduction pathways during anaerobic treatment of high-sulfate wastewater. Science of The Total Environment2020, 742: 140537.
6.Kang XX, Wang LH, Guo Y, Muhammad Zain ul Arifeen, Cai XC, Xue YR*, Bu YQ, Wang G, Liu CH*. A comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of hexaploid wheat’s responses to colonization byBacillus velezensisand Gaeumannomyces graminis, both separately and combined. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions2019, 32(110): 1336-1347.
7.Kang XX, Guo Y, Leng S, Xiao L, Wang LH, Xue YR*, Liu CH*. Comparative transcriptome pro?ling of Gaeumannomyces graminisvar. triticiin wheat roots in the absence and presence of biocontrol Bacillus velezensis CC09. Frontiers in Microbiology2019, 10: 1474.
8.Wang YT*, Shi TQ, Zhu HL*, Liu CH*. Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular docking of benzimidazole grafted benzsulfamide-containing pyrazole ring derivatives as novel tubulin polymerization inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry2019, 27(3): 502-515.
9.Arifeen M.Z.U., Xue YR., Liu CH. Deep-Sea Fungi: Diversity, Enzymes, and Bioactive Metabolites. In: Tiquia-Arashiro S., Grube M. (eds) Fungi in Extreme Environments: Ecological Role and Biotechnological Significance. Springer, Cham. 2019, pp 331-347.
10.Arifeen MZU, Xue YR, Liu CH. Deep-Sea Fungi: Diversity, Enzymes, and Bioactive Metabolites. In: Tiquia-Arashiro S., Grube M. (eds) Fungi in Extreme Environments: Ecological Role and Biotechnological Significance. Springer, Cham. 2019, pp 331-347.
11.Kang XX, Zhang WL, Cai XC, Zhu T, Xue YR*, and Liu CH*. Bacillus velezensisCC09: A potential ‘vaccine’ for controlling wheat diseases. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2018, 31(6): 623-632.
12.HuangX, Duan N, Xu H, Xie TN, Xue YR, and Liu CH*. CTAB-PEG DNA extraction from fungi with high contents of polysaccharides. Molecular Biology2018, 52(4): 621-628.
13.Li J, Du M, Lv G, Zhou L, Li X, Bertoluzzi L, Liu CH, Zhu S, Zhu J*. Interfacial solar steam generation enables fast-responsive, energy-efficient and low-cost off-grid sterilization. Advanced Materials2018, 30(49): **.
14.Muhammad Zain Ul Arifeen, Chang-Hong Liu. Novel Enzymes Isolated from Marine-derived Fungi and its Potential Applications. Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering2018, 2(4): 1-12.
15.Liu CH*, Huang X, Xie TN, Duan N, Xue YR, Zhao TX, Lever MA, Hinrichs K-U, Inagaki F. Exploration of cultivable fungal communities in deep coal-bearing sediments from ~1.3 to 2.5 km below the ocean floor. Environmental Microbiology2017, 19(2): 803-818.
16.Cai XC, Liu CH*, Wang BT, Xue YR*. Genomic and metabolic traits endow Bacillus velezensisCC09 with a potential biocontrol agent in control of wheat powdery mildew disease. Microbiological Research2017, 196: 89-94.
17.Cai XC, Xi H, Liang L, Liu JD, Liu CH*, Xue YR, Yu XY. Rifampicin-resistance mutations in the rpoB gene in Bacillus velezensisCC09 have pleiotropic effects. Frontiers in Microbiology2017, 8: 178.
18.Wang YT, Cai XC, Shi TQ, Zhang YL, Wang ZC*, Liu CH*, Zhu HL*. Synthesis, molecular docking and biological evaluation of 1-phenylsulphonyl-2-(1-methylindol-3-yl)-benzimidazole derivatives as novel potential tubulin assembling inhibitors. Chemical Biology & Drug Design2017, 90: 112-118.
19.Chen RQ, Li FF, Liu JD, Zheng HY, Shen F, Xue YR*, Liu CH*. The combined effects of Dolichospermum flos-aquae, light, and temperature on microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology2016, 34: 1173-1182.
20.Wang YT, Liu CH, Zhu HL. Fatty acid binding protein (FABP) inhibitors: a patent review (2012-2015). Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 2016, 26(7): 767-76.
21.Zeng LW, Zhou CX, Liu JD, Liu CH, Mo JX, Hou AF, Yao W, Wang ZZ, Gan LS. Design, synthesis, and antimicrobial activities of new tanshinone IIA esters. Natural Product Research2016, 1: 1-7.
22.Cai XC, Kang XX, Xi H, Liu CH*, Xue YR*. Complete genome sequence of the endophytic biocontrol strain Bacillus velezensis CC09.Genome Announcement2016, 4(5): e01048-16.
23.Fumio Inagaki, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Yusuke Kubo, and the IODP Expedition 337 Scientists. IODP Expedition 337: Deep Coalbed Biosphere off Shimokita - Microbial processes and hydrocarbon system associated with deeply buried coalbed in the ocean. Scientific Drilling. 2016, 21: 17-28.
24.Inagaki F, Hinrichs K-U, Kubo Y, Bowles MW, Heuer VB, Hong W-L, Hoshino T, Ijiri A, Imachi H, Ito M, Kaneko M, Lever MA, Lin Y-S, Methé BA, Morita S, Morono Y, Tanikawa W, Bihan M, Bowden SA, Elvert M, Glombitza C, Gross D, Harrington GJ, Hori T, Li K, Limmer D, Liu CH, Murayama M, Ohkouchi N, Ono S, Park Y-S, Phillips SC, Prieto-Mollar X, Purkey M, Riedinger N, Sanada Y, Sauvage J, Snyder G, Susilawat R, Takano Y, Tasumi E, Terada T, Tomaru H, Trembath-Reichert E, Wang DT, Yamada Y. Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to ~2.5 km below the ocean floor. Science2015, 349(6246): 420-424.
25.Wang YT, Qin YJ, Yang N, Zhang YL, Liu CH*, Zhu HL*. Synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular docking studies of novel 1-benzene acyl-2-(1-methylindol- 3-yl)-benzimidazole derivatives as potential tubulin polymerization inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2015, 99: 125-137.
26.Wang YT, Xue YR, Liu CH*. A brief review of bioactive metabolites derived from deep-sea fungi. Marine Drugs2015, 13: 4594-4616.
27.Zheng YT, Jia RN, Qian YQ, Ye Y, Liu CH*. Correlation between electric potential and peristaltic behavior in Physarum polycephalum.BioSystems 2015, 132: 13-19.
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