

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

王根林 详细介绍
性别 男
职称 教授
最高学历 博士
毕业院校 南京农业大学
专业领域 畜牧学
研究方向 养牛学,动物生殖生理
及任职情况 国家动物遗传资源委员会牛马驼分会委员,中国畜牧兽医学会养牛学分会副理事长,中国奶业协会常务理事。
承担项目 “十五”至“十二五”科技部南方奶业支撑计划(专项)课题首席专家;国家自然科学基金课题(2014-17)主持;江苏省科技厅“十五”至“十二五”支撑计划奶业课题技术负责人;江苏省农委“三新工程”奶业课题主持。
奖励及荣誉 全国普通高等农业院校优秀教材《养牛学》二等奖(主编);江苏省政府科学技术奖2等奖(第1名)。
1. 王根林 主编:养牛学,中国农业出版社(普通高等教育农业部和全国高等农林院校“十二五”规划教材),2014年7月第3版。
2. 奶牛围产期外周血淋巴细胞亚群动态及细胞因子IL-2、IL-4基因转录水平分析。畜牧兽医学报,2011,42(11):1615-1619.
3. Novel SNPs in the ATP1B2 gene and their associations with milk yield, milk composition and heat-resistance traits in Chinese Holstein cows. Mol Biol Rep,2011,38(3):1749-55.
4. Identification and characterization of goose prolactin receptor. Poultry Science, 2011,90(5):1050-1057.
5. Delivery of CatSper2 siRNA into Rats Sperms by Electroporation Repressed Ca2+ Influx During Sperm Hyperactivation. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10(12): 1958-1967.
6. Regulation of fertilization in male rats by CatSper2 knockdown. Asian Journal of Andrology,2012,14, 301–309.
7. Delivery of AP-2α siRNA into cultured bovine trophoblast cells by electroporation repressed key placenta-specific gene expression. Gene, 2012, 499, 169-175.
8. Upregulation of heat shock protein 32 in Sertoli cells alleviates the impairments caused by heat shock-induced apoptosis in mouse testis. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2013, 18(3):333-351.
9. Knockdown of sAC affects sperm hyperactivation by cAMP-signaling pathway in male rat (Rattus norvegicus). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(26):3256-3265.
10. Correlation between heat shock protein 32 and chronic heat-induced liver injury in developing mice. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2013,38:513–519.
11. Comparative Proteomic Analysis of the Hepatic Response to Heat Stress in Muscovy and Pekin Ducks: Insight into Thermal Tolerance Related to Energy Metabolism. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(10): e76917.
12. Heat shock protein 32 /heme oxygenase-1 protects mouse Sertoli cells from hyperthermia-induced apoptosis by its derivated CO activation of sGC signaling pathways. Cell Biol Int 38 (2014) 64-71.

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