Prof. Xuhu WAN
Associate Professor, Business Statistics
Academic qualification
PhD 2005 University of Southern California, Financial Math
M.Sc. 2003 Universityof Southern California, Statistics
M.Sc. 2000 ShanghaiInstitute ofMateriaMedica,CAS,Pharmacology
B.Sc. 1997 Nanjing University, Biology
ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEAssociateProfessor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST),July2012 - present
Assistant Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST),July2005 -June2012
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Sung, J., andWan, X., "A General Equilibrium Model of a Multi-Firm Moral-Hazard Economy with Financial Markets
Dynamics of Contract Design with Screening
Optimal Compensation and Pay-Performance Sensitivity in a Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Model
Optimal Incentive Contracts Under Relative Income Concerns
Optimal Compensation with Hidden Action and Lump-Sum Payment in a Continuous-time Model
Principal-Agent Problems with Exit Options
Optimal Contracts in Continuous-time Models
Continuous-time Delegated Investment Under Adverse Selection
Multiple-Player Games in Continuous Time with Imperfect Monitoring," revise and resubmit at Review of Economics Studies ( Jaksa Cvitanic)
"Dynamic Agency, Costly Project Search and Repeated Private Shocks
Dynamic Partnership Game
Equilibrium Equity Premium, Interest Rate and the Cost of Capital in a Moral-Hazard Economy
Dynamic Agency Model with Finite Horizon
research-interests">RESEARCH INTERESTS Dynamic inventive in contract design
Financial contracts
Private equity investment
Financial Engineering
HONORS AND AWARDSGeneral Research Fund, 2009-2012 (PI). Project number:GRF 620909 , grant amount HK$582,156
University Grant Council – School-based Initiatives, 2007-2009, (co-PI) . Project number: SBI06/07.BM13, grant amount HK$148,000
HKUST direct allocation grant, 2006-2007 (PI). Project number: DAG05/06.BM28, grant amount HK$90,000
香港科技大学商业统计管理学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof. Xuhu WAN
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01
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