Prof. Jing WANG
Associate Professor, Information Systems
Google Scholar Page
Academic qualification
PhD 2013 New York University, Information Systems
B.Sc. 2008 Tsinghua University, Computer Science
ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEAssociate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2020-present
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013-2020
Research Assistant, Stern Business School, New York University, 2008-2013
Summer Research Intern, HP Labs, 2012
Summer Research Intern, Yahoo! Research, 2011
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL PUBLICATIONSWang, J., Li, G., and Hui, K. L., "Monetary Incentives and Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Management Science, forthcoming.
Li, G., and Wang, J.(Authorship in alphabetical order), “Threshold Effects on Backer Motivations in Reward-Based Crowdfunding,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 36, 2, 2019, 546-573.
Chan, J., and Wang, J. (Equal contribution), "Hiring Preferences in Online Labor Markets: Evidence of a Female Hiring Bias," Management Science, 64, 7, 2018, 2973-2994.
Received ISS Management Science Best Paper Award in 2020
Wang, J., Ipeirotis, P. G., and Provost, F., “Cost-Effective Quality Assurance in Crowd Labeling,”Information Systems Research, 28, 1, 2017, 137-158.
Ipeirotis, P. G., Provost, F., Sheng, V. S., andWang, J.(Authorship in alphabetical order), “Repeated Labeling Using Multiple Noisy Labelers,”Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 28, 2, 2014, 402-441.
Wang, J., Suri, S., and Watts, D. J., “Cooperation and Assortativity with Dynamic Partner Updating,”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 36, 2012, 14363-14368.
One of the top multidisciplinary scientific journals;impact factor: 9.737
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS/ PAPERSWang, J., Li, G., and Hui, K. L., “Do Monetary Incentives Create a Spillover Effect on Free User-Generated Content? Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” inWorkshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2017), Seoul, Korea, December 14-15, 2017.
Li, G., and Wang, J., “Helping or Pre-ordering? Analyzing Backers' Contribution and Referral Patterns in Reward-Based Crowdfunding,” inStatistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR 2017), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 26-28, 2017.
Li, G., and Wang, J., “Helping or Pre-ordering? Analyzing Backers' Contribution and Referral Patterns in Reward-Based Crowdfunding,” inProceedings of the 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2017), Nanjing, China, June 24-25, 2017.
Chan, J., andWang, J., “Hiring Biases in Online Labor Markets: The Case of Gender Stereotyping,” inProceedings of the Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand, December, 2014.
Wang, J., Ghose, A. and Ipeirotis, P. G., “Bonus, Disclosure, and Choice: What Motivates the Creation of High-Quality Paid Reviews?” inProceedings of Thirty Third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, United States, December, 2012.
Wang, J., Suri, S., and Duncan, J. W., “Cooperation and Assortativity with Endogenous Partner Selection,” inProceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), Valencia, Spain, June, 2012.
Top 10% Paper Award
Wang, J., Faridani, S., and Ipeirotis, P. G., “Estimating the Completion Time of Crowdsourced Tasks Using Survival Analysis Models,” inProceedings of the Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Search and Data Mining (CSDM) at the Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Hong Kong, February, 2011.
Ipeirotis, P. G., Provost, F., andWang, J., “Quality Management on Amazon Mechanical Turk,” inProceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Human Computation (HCOMP),Washington, DC, United States, July, 2010.
Aggarwal, C. C., Li, Y. Li, Wang, J.Y., andWang, J., “Frequent Pattern Mining with Uncertain Data,” inProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,Paris, France, June, 2009.
IS PhD Coordinator, 04/2019-present
Search and Appointments Committee, Department of ISOM, 09/2016-present
IS MPhil/PhD Committee, 09/2016-present
Selection Committee on Common Core Teaching Excellence Award, 2019
Judge of the 2017 INFORMS TIMES Best Dissertation Award Competition
Conference Co-organizer:Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP) 2011
Program Committee Member:International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019, 2018, 2017; INFORMS Workshop on Data Science (DS) 2019, 2018, 2017; Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) 2019, 2018, 2017; China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) 2018, 2017; World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2017; Workshop on Information Technology & Systems (WITS) 2016; ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC) 2016, 2013; AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) 2016, 2015; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2018, 2016; International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) 2013
Journal Reviewer:Management Science (MS), Information Systems Research (ISR), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Machine Learning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), Information and Management, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS)
Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
RESEARCH INTERESTS Online knowledge communities
User-generated content
Social networks
Data mining
HONORS AND AWARDSISS Management Science Best Paper Award, 2020
The UGC Early-Career Teaching Award Nominee, 2018
Winner, The Common Core Teaching Excellence Award, HKUST, 2017
Winner, Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST, 2016
Finalist, Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST, 2015, 2014
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence, HKUST, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
General Research Fund (GRF) Research Grant (PI), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2017-2019
General Research Fund (GRF) Research Grant (Co-I), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2016-2018
Early Career Scheme (ECS) Research Grant (PI), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2014-2017
Faculty Initiation Grant, HKUST, 2013
Doctoral Fellowship, Stern School of Business, New York University, 2008-2013
Outstanding Graduate of Tsinghua University, 2008
Outstanding Graduate of Beijing, 2008
Scholarship for Excellent Thesis, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, 2008
National First Level Certificate in Abacus Mental Arithmetic (China)
香港科技大学商业统计管理学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof. Jing WANG
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01
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