LAI Po-Yan, Pauli
Computers and IT
: DE621
: Tel: +852 2766 6217 / Fax: +852 2362 8439
Dr Pauli P.Y. Lai received the B.Eng.(Hons.) degree in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and both of the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from The University of Hong Kong. She joined the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2007. Prior to joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she had served as Software Engineer in a listed I.T. company in Hong Kong and Lecturer in a non-profit-making self-finance institution in Hong Kong. In 2011, she was awarded both the Champion of the Postgraduate Section and the Overall Champion at the Young Members Exhibition and Conference (YMEC) 2011 organized by the Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong (IET(HK)). In the same year, she was also awarded the Best Presentation Award (Web Intelligence and Social Computing) at the 6th Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctoral Forum 2011 organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. Her research interests include Web content adaptation, Web accessibility and information retrieval from the Web.
香港理工大学电子及资讯工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-LAI Po-Yan, Pauli
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03
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