Prof. Lo Chun-lap, Samuel Head(ABCT) & Professor
Location Y826a
Phone +852 3400 8669
Open Platform for University Scholars
Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University
Bachelor of Science, The University of New England
Diploma in Biology, Hong Kong Baptist College
Research Overview My major research focus is using proteomic technologies to compare protein expressions in various situations in various biological models. These include comparative proteomic studies between (a) normal and cancerous tissues, (b) MeHg intoxication brain samples and normal, (c) fabrication of bacterial biosensor (d) responses of dinoflagellates in various nutritional and environmental conditions and (e) promotor of algae growth for production of algal biofuel.
Academic and Professional Experiences Chairman of the Hong Kong Proteomic Society
Associated Editor – Asia, The Integrated Journal of the OMICS technology
Research Interests
Methylmercury Poisoning
Cancer Biomakers
Harmful Algal Blooms and Dinoflagellates
A silver medal invention award for the "HaiDex System, a diffusion-characterized indexing technology to forecast regional Harmful Algal Bloom" by Liu JJ, Ho KC, Lo SCL, Yan J and Yip TL. In the 36th International Exhibition of Inventions held in 2nd to 6th April, 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A Bronze medal award for the invention by Lo SCL, Leung MCP, Leung WFF, Cheng CH and Mo Y entitled: "Smart Therapy" in The 60th International Trade Fair "Ideas - Inventions – New Products" held from 30th October to 2nd November 2008 in Nuremberg, Germany.
A gold medal invention award for the "Portable real time DNA biosensor" in the 39th International Exhibition of Inventions held in 6th to 10th April, 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Lo SCL, Chan LL and Hodgkiss JI. Biomarkers for toxic algae. US patent #7,109,297 (Issued on 19/9/2006); US patent #7,425,412 (Issued on 16/9/2008); US patent #7,714,117 (Issued on 11/9/2010); US patent #7,927,788 (Issued on 29/9/2011).
Leung WWF and Lo SCL. Medical device for delivering drug and/or performing physical therapy. US patent #7,998,110, Issued on August 26th 2011.
Lo SCL and Or SWD. Method and apparatus for detecting specific DNA sequences. US patent no. 8,263,388 B2, Issued on 11th Sept., 2012.
Leung MCP and Lo SCL. Method of treating a rheumatic disorder using combination of Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and a ginsenosides. US patent #8,855,759 B2. Issued on 7th Oct., 2014.
Representative Publications
Bowazolo C, Tse SPK, Beauchemin M, Lo SCL, Rivoal J, Morse D. Label-free MS/MS analyses of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium identifies rhythmic proteins facilitating adaptation to a diurnal LD cycle. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 704: 135430.
Kong HK, Gan CF, Xiong M, Kwok KWH, Lui GCS, Li P, Chan HM, Lo SCL. Chronic MethylmercuryExposure Induces Production Of Prostaglandins: Evidence From A Population Study And A Rat Dosing Experiment. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53: 7782-7791.
Morse D, Tse SPK and Lo SCL. Exploring dinoflagellate biology with high-throughput proteomics. Harmful Algae 2018, 75: 16–26.
Tse PKS, Beauchemin M, Morse D and Lo SCL. Refining Transcriptome Gene Catalogs by MS-Validation of Expressed Proteins. Proteomics 2018, Jan 18(1). DOI:10.1002/pmic.201700271.
Tse PK and Lo SCL. Comparative proteomic studies of a Scrippsiella acuminata bloom with its laboratory-grown culture using a 15N-metabolic labeling approach. Harmful Algae 2017, 67: 26–35.
Kong HK, Wong KH and Lo SCL. Identification of peptides released from hot water insoluble fraction of edible bird's nest under simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. Food Research International 2016, 85: 19-25.
Kong HK, Wong MH, Chan HM and Lo SCL. Chronic exposure of adult rats to low doses of methyl-mercury induced a state of metabolic deficit in the somatosensory cortex. Journal of Proteome Research 2013, 12: 5233-5245.
Lee FWF, Ho KC, Mak YL and Lo SCL. Authentication of the protein expression profiles (PEPs) identification methodology in a bloom of Karenia digitata, the most damaging harmful algal bloom causative agent in the history of Hong Kong. Harmful Algae 2011, 12: 1-10.
Lee FWF, Morse D and Lo SCL. Identification of two plastid proteins in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium affine that are substantially down-regulated by nitrogen-depletion. Journal of Proteome Research 2009, 8:5080-5092.
Butt YKC and Lo SCL. Detecting nitrated proteins by proteomic technologies. Methods in Enzymology 2008 ,440:17-31.
香港理工大学应用生物及化学科技学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof. Lo Chun-lap, Samuel
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01
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