(852) 2948 7758
(852) 2948 7794
Teacher Certificate, Sir Robert Black College of Education
Certificate for Teachers of Slow Learning Children, Education Department
B.Phil. in Education, (Children and Adults with Learning and Behaviour Difficulties), Exeter University
Advanced Diploma in Education, (Special Education), University of Hong Kong
Master of Education, (Special Education), University of Hong Kong
University Certificate in School Counseling and Guidance, University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology, City University of Hong Kong
Master of Social Science, City University of Hong Kong
Doctor of Education, Leicester University
Chief Investigator,Post-school outcomes of senior secondary graduates with special educational needs(1/2013-12/2014)
Chief Investigator,SMILE Project to support students with SEN (10/2013-10/2016)
Co-Investigator,A Pilot Investigation on the Roles of Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) as a Document, a Practice and a Process for Students with Special Educational Needs: Meeting the Challenges of the Inclusive Education Policy in Hong Kong(2/2012-2/2013)
Co-Investigator,Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Ordinary Schools: Design and Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Holistic Inclusive Model(11/2012-5/2015)
Chief Investigator,Examining the services for Persons with Autism in Mainland China(9/2011-3/2012)
Chief Investigator,Exploratory Study in Enhancing the Pedagogical Practices in Hong Kong Special Schools(9/2010-8/2012)
Chief Investigator,Study on equal learning opportunities for students with special educational needs under the integrated education system (3/2010-3/2011)
Co-Investigator,The Role and Impact of Teaching Assistants in the Implementation of Inclusive Practices in the Hong Kong Schools(2/2010-5/2011)
Co-Investigator,Transitions for Students with Special Education Needs within a Whole School Approach to Inclusion(8/2010-11/2011)
Chief Investigator,澳門特殊教育專項評鑑(12/2010-12/2012)
Chief Investigator,Study on Equal Learning Opportunities for Students with Disabilities under the Integrated Education System(11/2009-3/2011)
Ho, F. C., Sin, K. F., Chiu-Ching, T. L., and Yip-Ng S. Y.,Using a collaborative mode to strengthen the professional skills of teachers in special schools,Quality Education Fund (1/2008-3/2010)
Pearson, V., and Sin, K. F.,Inquiry into King Geogre V School provision for children with special educational needs, HK Private Fund-Charities/Foundations(11/2007-4/2008)
Chief investigator,Enhancing teachers in addressing the diverse learning needs, Quality Education Fund (9/2006-8/2007)
Chief Investigator,Preparing teachers for inclusion, HKIEd-Additional Departmental Fund (11/2008-6/2009)
Ho, F. C., Sin, K. F., Chiu-Ching, T. L., and Yip-Ng S. Y.,Using a collaborative mode to strengthen the professional skills of teachers in special schools,Quality Education Fund (1/2008-3/2010)
Pearson, V., and Sin, K. F.,Inquiry into King Geogre V School provision for children with special educational needs, HK Private Fund-Charities/Foundations(11/2007-4/2008)
Chief investigator,Enhancing teachers in addressing the diverse learning needs, Quality Education Fund (9/2006-8/2007)
Keppell, M. J., Ng, M. W., Sin, K. F., Chen, S., Leung, P. W., and Bodycott, P. T., Blended learning, learning design and peer learning: Eight departmental approaches, HKIEd-Internal Research Grant (8/2005-1/2007)
徐國棟、余煊、容家駒、冼權鋒、黄婉冰、謝宗義,融合教育在香港推行的情況,HK Private Fund-Others (4/2004-8/2006)
Core member,Teaching Children with Autism: Home-School Partnerships, HKIEd, Quality Education Fund ($720,000)(9/2001-31/1/2003)
Steering Committee, The joint schools supporting network for children with maladjusted problems, Hong Kong Student Aids Society, Quality Education Fund, (9/2001-8/2003) ($595,900)
Project leader,Supporting teachers in using information technology in special education, HKIEd, Quality Education Fund ($900,000)(9/2000-2/2002)
Hui, L. H. and Sin, K. F. (2002). Performance indicators for special education teachers in Macau , research commissioned by Macau Government.
Core member,Dyslexia: awareness and teaching, HKIEd, Quality Education Fund ($502,700)(9/2000-8/2001)
Consultant, "Creating a dynamic learning environment for teachers", Education Convergence and HK Polytechnic University (Department of Applied Social Studies), funded by QEF ($200,000) (7/2000-12/2001).
Project coordinator, "Curriculum development of General Studies", HKSYC&IA Chan Nam Cheong Memorial School (Special Section), funded by QEF ($990,900)( (9/1998-8/2001).
Deputy Principal Investigator, "Consultancy Study on the Multiplicity of Handicaps among Students of Aided Special Schools, Practical Schools and Skills Opportunity Schools", 2.7 million funded by Education Department, 1999-2002.
Project leader,Making integration successful, HKIEd, Quality Education Fund ($700,000)(6/1998-5/2001)School-based workshops on "A whole school approach to integration."funded by the Education and Manpower Bureau, 2002-2005
Consultant, "Fostering a harmonious and rational learning environment", Yan Chai Hospital / Education Convergence, funded by QEF ($3,618,100) (9/1998-8/1999).
Member,Case Studies of Local Integrated Schools for Children with and without Disabilities, funded by the Support Group for Integration ($400,000)
Consultants,The development of co-teaching skills for primary teachers of resource classes, funded by the Education Development ($100,000)
Sin, K.F. (2003). Practices and development of gifted and talent education. In J. P. Keeves and R. Watanabe (Eds.).International handbook of educational research in the Asia-Pacific region. Part 1, pp. 189-202. The Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers.
冼權鋒、陳洪基、陳繼宇 (2003):《特殊教育資訊科技: 從認識到實踐》,香港,香港教育學院。
The Centre for Special Needs and Studies in Inclusive Education (2003).Case studies of four integrated schools in Hong Kong. Hong Kong : The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
何福全、冼權鋒、鄭劉麗霞、趙程德蘭、馮馮詠儀、葉吳素如 (2003) :《如何教導自閉症兒童解讀別人的想法》,香港,香港教育學院,優質教育基金。
何福全、香煥瓊、冼權鋒、葉吳素如 (2003) :《讀寫障礙: 認識與教導》,香港,香港教育學院,優質教育基金。
Sin, K.F., Hui, L.H., Kwok, C., Chan, H.K., Ho, F.C., Yip, N.S.Y., Tsui, K.T., Tong, C.L. & Doswon, C. (2002).Final Report on Consultancy Study on the Multiplicity of Handicaps among Students of Aided special Schools, Practical Schools and Skills Opportunity Schools (English version). Hong Kong ; Hong Kong Institute of Education.
冼權鋒 (2002): 共融活動: 「齊參與、齊體驗」,刊於鄭慕賢主編,《開發教學創造力》,135-142頁,香港,明窗出版社有限公司。
冼權鋒(2002): 「澳門的聽力殘疾兒童教育」,刊於張寧生主編 :《聽力殘疾兒童心理與教育》,216-217頁,中國: 遼寧師範大學出版社。
冼權鋒(2002) : 「弱能學生的離校課程設計」,刊於許令嫻、李立志,《邁向成長路- 智能障礙青少年的職業訓練》,93-97頁,香港: 香港教育學院。
Sin, K.F. (2001). Developing remedial support in Hong Kong secondary schools. In Y.C. Cheng, M.C. Mok, and K.T. Tsui.Teaching effectiveness and teacher development: Towards a new knowledge base. pp.275-296. The Hong Kong Institute of Education & Kluwer Academic Publishers.
冼權鋒 (2000) :「適應有困難學生的品德教育」,刊於香港教育工作者聯會編,《香港教育----青少年品德和公民教育》,82-90頁。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。
冼權鋒 (2000):「協助成績稍遜學生學習成功」,刊於李榮安主編,《學與教的喜悅》,243-256頁。香港:,朗文香港教育。
冼權鋒 杜秀慧合編 (2000):《邁向成功之融合教育計劃: 從認識到實踐》香港: 香港教育學院。
Sin, K.F. (1999). "Resources and strategies in using the multimedia technology in special education" In Robin Bradbeer (Ed.) "Current practices in multimedia education". Hong Kong : City University of Hong Kong Press.
Sin, K. F. & Chan, H.K. (1999). Improving the teaching and learning quality of "Technology in Special Education" in special education teacher education course. In Jeff Jame (Ed.),Quality in teaching & learning in higher education. The University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region , China . p.168-173. Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Polytechnic University . (ISBN 962-367-267-5).
冼權鋒(1999):「視障學生之電腦教育」。刊於陳梁悅明主編,《視障教育培訓課程》,153-164頁。北京: 中國盲文出版社。
Tsang, K. L. Vicky & Sin, K. F. Kenneth. (2014). IEP development in Hong Kong: Implications for the future.CAISE Review (Online), 2, pending.
Yang L., Sin K. F., Li X. Y., Guo, J. S. & Lui, M. (2014). Understanding the power of feedback in education: A validation study of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS) in Classrooms.The International Journal of Psychological and Educational Assessment (TIJEPA), 16 (2), 20-46.
冼權鋒 (2013) : 香港特教師資培訓不同模式的實踐經驗及困難,《香港特殊教育論壇》,15,頁88-95。
潘頌兒、呂明、冼權鋒、高鳳展、楊蘭和黃婉冰 (2013):智障學生中學後持續教育課程的需求,《香港特殊教育論壇》,15,頁36-47。
冼權鋒、呂明、晏子、何福全、區美蘭和霍艾蓮 (2013) : 「融合教育制度下殘疾學生的平等學習機會研究」的啟示,《香港特殊教育論壇》,15,頁106-110。
Tsang, K. W., Tam, H. Y., Au, M. L &Sin, K. F. (2013). Enhancing the pedagogical practices in Hong Kong special schools by the collaborative mode of lesson study.Hong Kong Special Education Forum,15, 21-35.
Forlin, C., Sin, K.F.,& MaClean, R. (2013, In press). Transition for a student with special educational needs from primary to secondary school in Hong Kong.Australasian Journal of Special Education.
Sin, K. F.,& Yan, Z. (2013). Inclusive education: Teachers’ intentions andbehaviouranalyzed from the viewpoint of the Theory of Planned Behaviour.International Journal of Inclusive Education, doi:10.1080/13603116.2012.757811.
Swet, V. J. & Sin,K.F. (2011). Preparing master-students of the ErasmusMundusprogramme in special education needs for international collaboration: An insight for Hong Kong teacher education in SEN.Hong Kong Special Education Forum, Vol. 13,1-12. The Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
Sin, K. F. (2011). Initiating positive practices for diversity in Hong Kong schools.SangSaeng, Asic-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), UNESCO, 29, 22-24.
Forlin, C., & Sin, K. F. (2010). Developing support for inclusion: A professional learning approach for teachers in Hong Kong.International Journal for Whole Schooling, 6(1), 7-26.
冼權鋒 (2007). 理想與現況:從「融合教育在香港小學推行的情況」的研究報告看香港融合教育的發展,《香港特殊教育論壇》第 9 期, 頁 105-110.
冼權鋒 (1999) : 「如何發揮多感官室的功能」,《香港特殊教育論壇》,2(2),45-55頁。 冼權鋒、麥志洪、陳洪基(1999): 「聾童學習倉頡輸入法的可行性」,《中國特殊教育》,1(21),20-24頁。
Sin, K.F. & Chan, H.K. (1998). The feasibility of implementing school-based curriculum scheme in special schools in China .Research on Special Education, Vol 1, 25, 13-15.
Sin, K.F., Lyon , P.E. & Chan, H.K. (1998). The education of gifted education in Hong Kong . In J.L. Fortson (Ed.).Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. VI. p.153-168. USA : Society of Educators and Scholars.
育智中心、丁錫全、冼權鋒合著(2013):《我家有一個A仔——自閉症個案與專家分析指引》,香港,紅出版 (圓桌文化)。
冼權鋒、林鎮威等編(2013):《讓愛閃亮: 全港特殊學校學生才藝大匯演紀念特刋》,香港,香港教育學院、教育局、香港特殊學校議會。。
區美蘭、冼權鋒合編(2013):《「適異教學」在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 數學科「乘法規律」教學》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
冼權鋒、高鳳展(2013):「華南地區自閉症人士服務現狀調查及訪談報告」,刊於深圳市自閉症研究會主編,《中國自閉症人士服務現狀調查:華南地區》,(1-95),中國,華夏出版社 (Huaxia Publishing House)。
區美蘭、冼權鋒合編(2012):《「適異教學」在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 通識科示例──「環境保護」》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
Sin, K. F., & Law, S. Y. (2012). The construction of an Institute-School-Community partnership of teacher education for inclusion. In C. Forlin (Ed.),Future directions for inclusive teacher education: An international perspective(pp.203-211). New York: Routledge.
嚴明慧著、冼權鋒編譯(2012):《與自閉症兒童一起的旅程: 家長及行為治療師的勵志故事》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「促進教師知能發展、支持自閉症融合生」,刊於上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心編,《2011年上海第二屇自閉症康復論壇暨公益系列講座: 「自閉症融合教育的探索」論文集》,(15-19),上海, 中國,上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「香港學齡期自閉症兒童的支援政策及服務發展」,刊於上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心編,《2011年上海第二屇自閉症康復論壇暨公益系列講座: 「自閉症融合教育的探索」論文集》,(1-3),上海, 中國,上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「落實共融、辨難析需、助幼成長」,刊於協康會社工團隊編,《青蔥教室系列之融入主流: 學童全方位適應錦囊》,(3-5頁),香港,協康會。
刊於鄭敏敏主編(2011):「在融合教育下,如何照顧學生個別差異」,刊於鄭敏敏主編,《2011兩岸四地學生輔導研討會蛻變中的你我他論文集》,(61-64頁),澳門, 中國,澳門街坊會聯合總會、澳門理工學院、教育暨青年局。
冼權鋒(2011):「利用「想法解讀」策略教導自閉症學生」,刊於冼權鋒、余秀螢合編,《自閉症學童教育: 「粵港研討會」文集》,(6-9),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「學障教師培訓的「3P」模式」,刊於吳淑櫻、冼權鋒合編,《關懷學障大使計劃 : 學障之路?匡扶之道》,(13-16),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「面對全體學生、照顧個別差異」,刊於民建聯研究部編,《愛建家園: 民建聯建港方略研究論集二》,(111-114),香港,中華書局。
冼權鋒(編)(2011):「從澳門及香港的融合教育發展,檢視融合教育的困難與挑戰」; 刊於2011年“融合教育國際論壇•中國寧波海曙”研討會,會議資料匯編,72-78頁,中國,寧波市海曙區人民政府、寧波市教育局、華東師範大學學前教育與特殊教育學院。
冼權鋒、余秀螢合編(2011):《自閉症學童教育: 「粵港研討會」文集》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
冼權鋒(2011):「香港自閉症兒童教育及教師培訓新發展」,刊於冼權鋒、余秀螢合編,《自閉症學童教育: 「粵港研討會」文集》,(10-14),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
吳淑櫻、冼權鋒合編(2011):《關懷學障大使計劃 : 學障之路?匡扶之道》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
Sin, K. F. (2010). The practice of inclusive education in an Asian city: Hong Kong SAR. In V. Timmons and P. N. Walsh (Eds.),A long walk to school: Global perspectives on inclusive education(63-82). The Netherlands: Sense Publisher.
Sin, K. F., Tsang, K. W., Poon, C. Y., & Lai, C. L. (2010). Upskilling all mainstream teachers. What is viable?. In C. Forlin (Ed),Teacher Education for Inclusion, Changing Paradigms and Innovative Approaches(236-245). London, New York: Routledge.
李萍英、蕭敏康、文偉光、區美蘭及冼權鋒 (編)(2009):《輕中智障學生整體學習成效》,香港,禮賢會恩慈學校、優質教育基金。
冼權鋒(2006):移情導緒:自閉兒的心「侍」,輯於郭正、李文玉清編《輔導個案:示例與啟迪》,(頁37-43),新加坡,McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)。
冼權鋒(2005):利用 “想法解讀” 策略教導自閉症學生,輯於資料滙編《第五屆家長與專業人士交流會》,(頁148-150),中國,廣東省婦幼保健院。
冼權鋒(2013,7):「融合教育制度下殘疾學生的平等學習機會研究 -重點及建議」,文章發表於融合教育研討會, 教育局及平等機會委員會合辦,香港。
Sin, K. F. (2013, June).Updates of teaching students with ADHD and ASD students. Paper presented in the First Guangzhou International Symposium on Special Education, organized by Bureau of Education of the City of Guangzhou, Guangzhou.
Sin, K. F. (2013, January).The Practice and Critical Issues on Inclusive Education in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 6th Chang-Pha International Symposium, organized by Daegu University, Korea.
冼權鋒(2013,1):「香港特教師資培訓不同模式的實踐經驗及困難,文章發表於香港特殊教育學會第十五屆周年研討會,「變幻才是永恒? 香港特教師資培訓與融合/特殊教育的互動發展」,香港。
Sin, K.F. (2012, August).Upskilling all mainstream teachers for optimizing the full potentials of students with disabilities. Paper presented in The 12th Asian Society of Adapted Physical Education and Exercise Symposium, organized by the Asian Society of Adapted Physical Education and Exercise (ASAPE) and the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2012,7):「在共融概念下,教師特教知能的迷思與反思」,文章發表於「共融角度多面體研討會2012: 社會融合的實踐:平等機會與多元選擇」。香港傷健協會主辦,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心、香港樹仁大學輔導及心理學系與多間社會福利團體協辦,香港。
Sin, K. F. (2012, April).The services and support of Autism in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Autism Conference organized by China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, Beijing.
Sin, K. F. (2012, March).Contextual analysis of ASD services in Mainland China. Paper presented in the Autism Summit, “The Economic Cost of Autism: Invest in the Future”, organized by Goldman Sachs, in collaboration with the Child Development Centre at Matilda and Autism Speaks, Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2012,3):「香港自閉症兒童的支援政策及服務發展」,文章發表於2012年「第五屆“世界自閉症關愛日” 廣東省康復教育系列講座,廣東省殘疾人康復協會、香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心、及香港自閉症聯盟主辦,廣州,中國。
Au, M. L., Sin, K. F., Yan, Z., F.C. Ho & Leung, K. W. (2011, December).The knowledge transfer in enhancing the pedagogical practices in special schools. Poster presented in the “Knowledge Exchange Conference: Knowledge Transforming Society”, jointly organized by HKIEd with the other seven UGC-funded institutions, Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2011,12):「香港學齡期自閉症兒童的支援政策及服務發展」,文章發表於2011年上海第二屇自閉症康復論壇暨公益系列講座: 「自閉症融合教育的探索」,上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心主辦,上海閩行區殘疾人聯合會協辦,上海,中國。
冼權鋒(2011,11):「促進教師知能發展、支持自閉症融合生」,文章發表於2011年上海第二屇自閉症康復論壇暨公益系列講座: 「自閉症融合教育的探索」,上海愛好兒童康復培訓中心主辦,上海閩行區殘疾人聯合會協辦,上海,中國。
Au, M. L., Sin, K. F., Yan, Z. & Leung, K. W. (2011, April).The effect of lesson study on mathematics instructions for children with severe intellectual disabilities. Poster presented in the SAALED Congress: From Inclusion to Belonging, organized by The Southern African Association for Learning and Educational Differences, South Africa.
Au, M. L., Sin, K. F., Yan, Z. & Leung, K. W. (2011, April).The knowledge transfer in enhancing the pedagogical practices in special schools for students with intellectual disabilities. Poster presented in the SAALED Congress: From Inclusion to Belonging, organized by The Southern African Association for Learning and Educational Differences, South Africa.
Sin, K. F. (2011, February).Mainstreaming students with special needs in Hong Kong. Keynote presented in the “Children with Special Education Needs: Updates on management of Children with Handwriting Difficulties”, A one-day symposium to share on recent local studies on Chinese handwriting difficulties encountered by mainstream primary students, organized by Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of The Polytechnic University, Department of Computer Science of The City University of Hong Kong and QEF, Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2011,1):「學障教師培訓的「3 P」模式」,專題演講及文章表於「華文國際學習障礙研討會暨第七屆台灣學障學會年會」,台北師範大學,台灣。
Sin, K. F. (2010, December).The empowerment of teachers with the knowledge and skills of Conductive Education in teacher education. Paper presented in the “East meets West: Adaptation and development ”, The 7th World Congress on Conductive Education, organized by The Spastics Association of Hong Kong and Peto Association, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. (2010, June).Supporting student with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenges and difficulties in the road to inclusion. Invited keynote presentation in “Global Solution in Research and Clinical Practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders Conference”, organized by The 28th World Congress by American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Greece.
Sin, K. F. (2010, June).The difficulties and support of students with hearing impairment in Hong Kong mainstreaming schools. Paper presented at the 3rd EMSENIC - Erasmus Mundus Special Education Needs International Conference, Towards inclusion: Being with others, London, United Kingdom.
Sin, K. F. (2009, December).Challenges and opportunity of inclusive education. Paper presented at the “Managing Human Capital in World Cities: Education Reform, Nurturing Talent and Student Learning in a Globalizing World” . Managing World Cities Symposium Series & The 25th Anniversary Conference for the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., & Au, M. L. (2009, May).Supporting pre-services teachers to address the needs of students with specific learning disabilities in Hong Kong schools. Paper presented at The First International Conference on Reading and Writing - "Updates on Managing Dyslexia", Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2009,3):聯合國世界自閉症關顧日及香港現況,論文發表於2009年聯合國“世界自閉症關愛日”-- 全國自閉症康復教育研討會,廣州,中國。
Sin, K. F. (2008, December).Assisting autistic children to overcome the difficulties faced in integrated educational settings. Paper presented at International Forum on Supporting Children with Autism and Specific Learning Disabilities, Macau.
Sin, K. F. (2008, December).Inclusive education - Implications for "334". Paper presented at The "3+3+4" Symposium: Partnering for Excellence in Education, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. (2008, November).Empowering teachers in addressing diverse learning needs. Paper presented at the Conference on "Teacher Education for Inclusion: Changing Paradigms and Innovative Approaches", Hong Kong.
冼權鋒(2008,11):實踐融合教育的困難與機遇,論文發表於2008中國杭州名師名校長論壇 - - 特殊教育的機遇與挑戰,杭州,中國。
Sin, K. F. (2008, June).Teacher empowerment, through a systemic training and re-training teacher education program in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 3rd symposium of the Asia-Pacific Professional Network for Inclusive Education, Hong Kong.
Forlin, C., Sin, K., & Phillipson, S. (2008, March).Education reform and teacher education for inclusion in the Asia-Pacific region. Paper presented at the 1st East Asian International Symposium on Teacher Education Research, Tokyo, Japan.
Sin, K. F. (2008, March).Education reform and teacher education for inclusion in the Asian-Pacific region. Paper presented at the 1st East-Asian Symposium on Teacher Education Research, Japan.
Tse, C. Y., & Sin, K. F. (2007, June).Integration: Is it really working in Hong Kong?. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Conference organized by the International Association of Special Education, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. (2006, November).Overview of catering for diversity in Hong Kong schools: Successful inclusive practices. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the SENIA, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Ho, F. C., & Leung, Y. W. (2006, November).The analysis of parental expectations and preferences for further education and career placement after the graduation of their children with disabilities. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. (2006, June).Stakeholders survey of the implementation of integrated education in Hong Kong (in Chinese). Paper presented at the International Conference on Special Education in Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Fok, S. C., Chan, K. W., Sin, K. F. K., Ng, H. S. A., & Yeung, S. S. A. (2005, November).In-service teacher training needs in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia.
Sin, K. F. K. (2005, August).The development of inclusive education in Chinese Society. Paper presented at the International Special Education Conference: Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity, United Kingdom.
Sin, K. F., H, W.K. & Ho, F.C. (19-21 December , 2002). One classroom with two teachers. Paper presented at the 2002 Special Education Conference, organized by Beijing Normal University, Beijing , China.
Sin, K. F. & Hui, L. H. (27/7/-2/8 , 2002).Supporting teachers and students with special needs in Hong Kong regular school settings. Paper presented at the 11th International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment “New visions: Moving towards an inclusive community” , the Leeuwenhorst Congress Centre in Noordwijkerhout , Netherlands.
Sin, K. F. (1-5 June, 2002).Information technology in special education. Keynote paper presented at the Seminar for Special Education Teachers in China , organized by The Hong Kong Society for the Blind and the Jiangsu Insitute of Education, Nanjing , China.
Sin, K. F. (20-21 May , 2002).Empowering teachers for inclusive practices: Hong Kong experience, Paper presented at "Learning from difference" Seminar organized by The Enabling Education Network – EENET , in Portugal.
Sin, K. F. (1-7 May , 2002).Information technology training for special education teachers. Paper presented at the National Computer Training Course for Teachers of Blind Schools in China , organized by The Hong Kong Society for the Blind, the China Education Commission, Special Education Branch and the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, East Asia Region, o Qingdao , China . Seminar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Sin, K. F. and Hui, L. H. (3-6 April, 2002).School-Institute Partnership in Curriculum Innovation, Project presented at the Hall of Excellence in the ACEI Annual International Conference & Exhibition by the Association for Childhood Education International , USA.
Sin, K. F. (29/3-1/4 , 2002).Information technology in special education. Paper presented at the National Conference on ICT in Special Education organized by China National Institute of Educational Research (CNIER) , Honzhou , China
Sin, K. F. (11-14 December , 2001).Supporting teachers in using information technology in special education. Paper presented in the Seventh UNESCO-ACEID International Conference on Education Using ICT for Quality Teaching, Learning and Effective Management, Thailand.
Sin, K. F. (23-26 July, 2001).The impact of information technology on special education in Hong Kong SAR. Paper presented in the Seventh Biennial International Conference of International Association of Special Education (IASE)(2001) , University of Warsaw, Poland.
Sin, K. F. & el. al. (25-27/June, 2001)Institute and school partnership. Paper presented at the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, East Asia Regional Assembly organized by The International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, East Asia Region, Shanghai, China.
Sin, K.F. & Hui, L.H. (4-16 February, 2001).Education for children with multiple disabilities. Paper presented in the International Forum on Education Reforms in the Asia-Pacific Region: Globalization, Location, and Individualization for the Future at Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Sin, K.F. & Chan, H.K. (24-28 July, 2000).Empowering teachers for inclusive practices.Paper presented in the International Special Education Congress (ISEC 2000): Including the Excluded at University of Manchester , United Kingdom.
Sin, K.F. (18-19 July, 2000).The utilization of multi-sensory room for students with multiple handicaps: The experience of school-institute collaboration. Paper presented in the HK Red Cross 50th Anniversary International
Sin, K. F. (15 April, 2000).The education and teacher training of children with specific learning disabilities. Paper presented in the Seminar of Specific Learning Disabilities at Fung Hon Chu Gifted Education Centre, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. (20th-21st August, 1999).The challenges in educating maladjusted and socially deprived children in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Symposium on “Children's Agenda for Hong Kong in the 21st Century” which was organized by The Save the Children Fund (Hong Kong) in co-operation with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. & Chan, H.K. (19-22 July , 1999).Sensory integration in the multisensory room for severely mentally handicapped students. Paper presented in the Sixth Biennial International Conference of International Association of Special Education (IASE)(1999) , University of Sydney.
冼權鋒、林鎮威等編(2013):《讓愛閃亮: 全港特殊學校學生才藝大匯演紀念特刋》,香港,香港教育學院、教育局、香港特殊學校議會。。
Curriculum Development Council Committee on Gifted Education 1/9/2003 to 31/8/2005
Member of School Management Board, Hong Kong Student Aid Society Tung Wan Mok Law Shui Wah School (03-04)
Consultant, School Development Advisory Committee, Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor See College , 2002-
Keynote Speech Speaker, ICT in special education, Seminar for special education teachers in WeiHoi District, Amity Foundation, 18-20/8/2002. (專題講者,「特殊兒童的多媒體電腦教育」,愛德基金會淮海經濟區聾校教務主任培訓班研討會,2002年8月18-20日。)
Keynote Speech Speaker, ICT in special education, Amity Foundation Special Education Schools Principal Conference, 22/8/2001. (專題講者,「特殊兒童的多媒體電腦教育」,愛德基金會特殊教育學校校長研討會,2001年8月22日。)
Keynote Speech Speaker, Assistive technology in special education. Course for Special Education Teachers in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Special Education School, 21/6/2001. (專題講者,「特殊兒童的多媒體電腦教育」,江蘇省特殊教師培訓班,南京特殊教育學校, 2001年8月21日。)
Consultant, School-based support for schools implementing co-teaching in IRTP 2000-2001/7/9 24/5, 29/5, 31/5 Bonham Government Primary School.
Maths (SEN) working Group (數學科(特殊教育需要)專責委員會), Curriculum Development Institute, 1999-2002
Consultant, Resource school project, Po Leung Kuk Yu Lee Mo Fan Memorial School, 1999-
Member, Working Group on the Development of TOC(SEN) Mathematics, Curriculum Development Institute, 1998-1999
Member, Discussion Group on Gifted Education in Hong Kong , Fung Hon Chu Gifted Education Center, Curriculum Development Institute,1998-2000
Member, Working Group to develop Curriculum Guide for Maladjusted Children, Curriculum Development Institute, 1996-1998
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