

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

(852) 2948 7789
(852) 2948 7160

Ph.D. in Human Development, Educational Psychology Specialization
University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A
Graduate Certificate in Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation
University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A
M.Ed. in Developmental and Educational Psychology
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
B.Eng. in Automation, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Research Areas
Language Development and Reading Acquisition
English-Chinese Bilingual Reading
Technology-Based Reading Intervention
Text Readability and Leveled Reading
See more details here https://pappl.eduhk.hk/rich/web/person.xhtml?pid=280653&name=LI-Yixun
Selected Funded Projects
Principal Investigator
2021 - 2022 Constructing and validating readability models for Chinese elementary school texts in Hong Kong
Seed Research Fund at EdUHK (#RG 37/2021-2022R), total cost: HKD 124,468

2021 - 2022 Contributions of decoding, vocabulary, and reading motivation to reading comprehension in Chinese
Start-up Research Grant at EdUHK (#RG 35/2021-2022R), total cost: HKD 30,000

2018 - 2020 How do children learn new words through self-teaching?
Spencer Foundation (#18103093)
PI: Dr. Min Wang, University of Maryland, College Park, total cost: USD 49,405

2017- 2019 Self-teaching mechanism and influence factors during reading of Chinese children
Beijing Natural Science Foundation (#5172020)
PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 200,000 (USD 30,000)

2016 - 2017

Internet+ based invention of dyslexia
Education online center, Ministry of Education of the P.R. China (#2016YB113)
PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 50, 000 (USD 7,000)

2014 Pinyin GraphoGame in the Mobile Library
KONE Centennial Foundation
PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 20, 000 (USD 3,000)

Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Accepted 1. Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H., & Liu, X. (Accepted). The use of phonological and semantic strategies in written word learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities.

Accepted 2. Li, Y., Wang, M., Li, C., & Li, M. (Accepted). Phonological training and word learning in a novel language. Frontiers in Communication.


3. Li, Y., Xiao, L., & Li, H. (2021). Self-teaching in Chinese: The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Journal of Research in Reading. http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12379

2021 4. Li, Y., Wang, M., & Espinas, D. (2021). Self-teaching in orthographic learning among learners of English as a second language. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34, 1295-1320. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-020-10115-4

2021 5. Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2021). Compensation for poor character learning: intact visual and phonetic strategies among Chinese children with dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia. ?http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11881-020-00210-0

2021 6. Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2021). Orthographic learning via self-teaching in Chinese: The roles of phonological recoding, context, phonetic, and semantic radicals. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104913

2020 7. Li, Y., Chen X., Li, H., Sheng, X., Chen, L., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H (2020). A computer-based Pinyin intervention for disadvantaged children in China: Effects on Pinyin skills, phonological awareness, and character reading. Dyslexia, 26(4), 377-393. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1654

2020 8. Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2020). The roles of phonological recoding, semantic radicals, and writing practice in orthographic learning in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24(3), 252-263. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888438.2019.1663199

in press 9. Yan, M., Li, Y., Sun, X., Zhou, X., Hui, Y., & Li, H. (in Press). The role of decoding and vocabulary in Chinese reading development: Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12365
Co-principle author

2018 10. Ruan, Y., George, K, G., Song, S., Li, Y., & Shu, H. (2018). Is phonological awareness a stronger correlate of reading in English and morphological awareness a stronger correlate of reading in Chinese? A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110 (2), 180-202. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000216

2017 11. Cui, J., George, K. G., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhou, X., & Shu, H. (2017). Examining the relationship between rapid automatized naming and arithmetic fluency in Chinese kindergarten children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 154, 146-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2016.10.008

2017 12. Li, H., Dronjic, V., Chen, X., Li, Y., Cheng, Y., & Wu, X. (2017). The role of semantic relatedness, phonology, and orthography in the development of Chinese primary school students' morphological awareness. Journal of Child Language, 44(5), 1218-1247. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0477

Accepted 13. Georgiou, G., Cardoso-Martins, C., Das, J. P., Falcón, A., Hosokawa, M., Inoue, T., Li, Y., Martinez, D., Padakannaya, P., Parrila, R., Pollo, T., Salha, S. S., Samantaray, S., Shu, H., Tanji, T., Tibi, S., & Vieira, A. A. P. (Accepted). Within and cross-language contributions of rapid automatized naming to reading accuracy and fluency in young adults: Evidence from eight languages representing three writing systems. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41809-021-00092-7

2021 14. Zhou, T., Li, Y., Li, H., Xu, Z., Zhang, F., Cheng, Y. (2021). The relationship between oral fluency and reading comprehension among Chinese children: A 3-year longitudinal study. Psychological Development and Education, 37(5), 691-700. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.05.10

2020 15. Yan, M., Li, H., Li, Y., Zhou, X., Hui, Y., Cheng, Y., & Wu X. (2020). The importance of decoding skills and vocabulary to reading comprehension in Chinese reading development. Psychological Development and Education, 36(3), 311-317. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.03.08

2019 16. Yue, X., Han, D., Li, H., Yu, L., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Yao, G., Cheng, J., & Li, Y. (2019). Program of pinyin game training as an intervention tool in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and reading disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Chinese Journal of Psychiatry. 52 (2), 117-122. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.1006-7884.2019.02.003

2018 17. Hui, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Y., De, X., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2018). Developmental trends of literacy skills of Chinese lower graders: The predicting effects of reading-related cognitive skills. Psychological Development and Education, 34(1), 73-79. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.01.09

2017 18.Li, Y., Li, H., De, X., Sheng, X., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H. (2017). An evidence-based research on facilitating students' development of individualize learning by game-based learning-pinyin GraphoGame as an example. China Educational Technology, 364, 95-101. (CSSCI in Chinese)

2016 19.Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2016). Orthographic learning in Chinese children: Effects of character type and exposure. Psychological Science, 39(5), 1105-1109. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20160513

2016 20.Zhou, X., Cheng, Y., Li, Y., Han, C. & Li, H. (2016). The role of oral reading fluency in Chinese children’s reading development. Psychological Development and Education, 32(4), 471-477. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.04.11

2016 21.Ding, F., Cheng, Y., Zhang, J., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2016). Influence of collaborative reasoning discussions on written argument of Chinese children. Curriculum, Teaching Material, and Method, 36(3), 108-113. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.19877/j.cnki.kcjcjf.2016.03.020

Refereed Book Chapters
2022 1. Li, Y.*, & Zou, L. (2022). The application of AI teacher in facilitating game-based literacy learning: An introduction to theories and evidence-based tools. In L. Carol-Ann (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (pp. 381-195). Hershey, USA: IGI Global Press. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7271-9.ch020

2020 2.Espinas, D., Wang, M., & Li, Y. (2020). Orthographic learning: A multilingual perspective. In G. Neokleous, A. Krulatz, & R. Farrelly (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms (pp. 82-106). Hershey, USA: IGI Global Press. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-2722-1.ch005


3. Li, H., Li, Y., De, X., & Lyytinen, H. (2016). The role of GraphoGame in pinyin learning for Chinese children. In W.L. Li (Ed.): Research on Children's Reading. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Press. (in Chinese)

2016 4. Lyytinen, H., Erskine, J., Li, Y., Su, M., & Li, H. (2016). Trajectories of reading development and early identification and prevention of difficulties of reading acquisition: evidence from a longitudinal study in Finland and China. In W.L. Li (Ed.): Research on Children's Reading. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Press. (in Chinese)

International Refereed Conference Presentations
2022 1. Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, B., &. Liew, Jeffrey. The relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and academic performance in online context: A meta-analysis. Spoken paper to be presented at the annual conference for the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022), San Diego, USA.

2022 2.Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Choi, D., Joseph, M., & Dunlap., K. Students’ perceived support and motivational impact by transition to online learning during COVID-19. Spoken paper to be presented at the annual conference for the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022), San Diego, USA.


3. Li, Y., & Wang, M. (2021, July). A systematic review of orthographic learning via self-teaching. Spoken paper presented at the 28th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2021), Lancaster, United Kingdom.

2021 4.Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021, May) Contributions of decoding, vocabulary, and reading motivation to reading comprehension in Chinese young children. Poster presented at the 33rd Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2021), Virtual Convention.

2021 5. Yan, M., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021, March). A closer look at the linguistic comprehension construct in the Simple View of Reading in Chinese. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.

2021 6.Li, Y., Espinas, D., Wang, M., & Peng, P. (2021, January). Self-teaching across writing systems: A meta-analysis. Spoken poster presented at the 11st annual Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD21), Budapest, Hungary.

2020 7.Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, November). Intact visual and phonetic strategies in character learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Poster presented at the 61st Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Psychonomics.

2020 8.Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, October). Compensation for poor character learning: Intact visual and phonetic strategies among Chinese children with dyslexia. Spoken paper presented at the Words in the World International Conference 2020.

2020 9.Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, September). The intact use of phonetic and semantic cues in orthographic and semantic learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Spoken paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China.

2020 10.Li, Y., Li, H., &. Xiao, L. (2020, September). Self-teaching in Chinese: The independent roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) Poster Showcase.

2020 11.Li, Y., Li, H., &. Zhou, X. (2020, August). The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals on orthographic learning via self-teaching among Chinese college students. Poster presented at the American Psychology Association 2020 Annual Convention (APA 2020), Washington, DC, USA.

2020 12.Li, Y., Li, H., &. Zhou, X. (2020, July). Self-teaching among Chinese college students: The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals. Poster presented at the 27th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2020), Newport Beach, USA.

2020 13.Li, Y., Li, H., &. Xiao, L. (2020, May). Self-teaching in Chinese: The independent roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Poster presented at the 32nd Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2020), Chicago, USA.

2020 14.Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2020, February). Chinese children self-teach English written words via reading aloud. Poster presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2020 Annual Meeting (AAAS 2020), Seattle, USA.

2019 15.Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2019, November). Orthographic learning via self-teaching among English language learners. Poster presented at the 60th Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

2019 16.Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2019, July). Self-teaching in orthographic learning among learners of English as a second language. Spoken paper presented at the 26th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2019), Toronto, Canada.

2019 17.Li, Y., Wang, M &. Espinas, D. (2019, May). Children learn new words during independent reading: the case of learners of English as a second language. Poster presented at the 31st Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2019), Washington, DC, USA.

2018 18.Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2018, July). The roles of phonological recoding, context, and writing practice in orthographic learning in Chinese. Spoken paper presented in a Symposium on Orthographic Learning at the 25th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2018), Brighton, United Kingdom.

2017 19.Li, Y., Wang, Y., & Li, H. (2017, July). Orthographic learning in Chinese with and without phonological recoding, in and out of context. Poster presented at the 24th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2017), Halifax, Canada.

2016 20.Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., & Li, H. (2016, July). Orthographic learning during stories reading aloud of Chinese children. Poster presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.

2016 21.Li, Y., Li, H., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H (2016, July). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training in Chinese using Pinyin GraphoGame: results from disadvantaged children in Mainland. Poster presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan.

2016 22. Li, H., Zhang, J., Xiao, L., & Li, Y. (2016, July). Transparent semantic radicals facilitate orthographic learning in Chinese. Spoken paper presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.

2016 23. Ruan, Y., George, K, G., Song, S., Li, Y., & Shu, H. (2016, July). Does writing system influence the association between phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and reading? A meta-analysis. Spoken paper presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.

2016 24.Li, Y., Li, H., Lyytinen, H., Richardson, U (2016, April). The facilitative effect of Computer-based Pinyin intervention on Chinese children with poor pinyin skills. Spoken paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of Chinese Applied Psychology (ICCAP2016), Beijing, China.

2015 25. Li, H., Li, Y., Richardson U., Lyytinen, H. (2015, October). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training with Pinyin GraphoGame in China. Spoken paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Child Development, Beijing, China.

2013 26. Li, H., Li, Y., De, X., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H. (2013, July). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training in Chinese using Pinyin GraphoGame: results from a pilot study in the Mainland. Symposium spoken paper presented at the 20th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2013), Hong Kong, China.

National Refereed Conference Presentations
2017 1. Yan, M., Li, H., Hui, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Y., & Liu, X. (2017, November). The Relative Importance of Literacy and Spoken Words in Reading Development. Spoken paper presented at the 20th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Chongqing, China.

2016 2.Wang, Y., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2016, October). Mechanism and influential factors of the process of self-teaching among Chinese children. Spoken paper presented at the 19th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Xi’an, China.


3. Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., & Li, H. (2015, October). Orthographic learning and influential factors of the process of reading stories aloud among Chinese children. Spoken paper presented at the 18th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Tianjin, China.

Professional Activities
Journal Editor
Languages (Guest Editor for the Special Issue Second Language Reading Acquisition in Languages with Different Writing Systems) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/languages/special_issues/second_language_reading
Journal Reviewer
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Contemporary Educational Psychology
Scientific Studies of Reading
Applied Psycholinguistics
Annals of Dyslexia
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
International Multilingual Research Journal
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science
Frontiers in Psychology
Award Reviewer
Student Research Award, Association for Psychological Science 2020; 2021
Conference Reviewer
Division 15 (Educational Psychology), American Psychology Association 2021
Departmental Research and Higher Degrees Committee, ECE Department, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2021-2023
Board of Examiners (Departmental Representative) for Professional Development Programmes, ECE Department, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2021-2022
Review Committee on Research, Maryland Language Science Center, 2021
Internal Self-study Committee, Maryland Language Science Center, 2019
Outreach Committee, Maryland Language Science Center, 2018

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