Zhang, Xiaohu 張嘯虎
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Xiaohu Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Design. Prior to this, he worked in Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, MIT Senseable City Laboratory and Sun Yat-Sen University. His scholarship bridges the information gap in sustainable urban and transportation policy-making with stochastic simulation and big data analytics. Broadly interested in urban data science, his recent work explores the sustainability of new shared mobility services, such as scooter sharing, carsharing and ridesharing. His research uses multi-source datasets to advance understanding of pressing urban and transportation issues, e.g., urban expansion, emerging mobility services and the interactions between land use and transportation. His research enriches public policy debates in urban and transportation issues with accurate information evidenced by timely datasets. It also provides a base to stimulate discussions among stakeholders. Harnessing digital technology can prevent policymakers from rushing into inappropriate policy-making with obsolete knowledge that is harmful to both public interests and technological advancement. These efforts will utilize new urban data to pave the way for future sustainable cities. His work has been published in top academic journals of GIS, remote sensing, urban planning, and transportation.
Research Areas
Shared Mobility, Urban Simulation, Urban Data Science
Recent Publication
Zhang, X. (2021). Beyond expected regularity of aggregate urban mobility: A case study of ridesourcing service.?Journal of Transport Geography,?95, 103150. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103150
Zhang, X., Shen, Y., & Zhao, J. (2021). The mobility pattern of dockless bike sharing: A four-month study in Singapore. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 98, 102961. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2021.102961
Cao, Z., Zhang, X*, Chua, K., Yu, H., & Zhao, J. (2021). E-scooter sharing to serve short-distance transit trips: A Singapore case. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 147, 177-196.
Kondor, D., Zhang, X*, Meghjani, M., Santi, P., Zhao, J., & Ratti, C. (2021). Estimating the potential for shared autonomous scooters. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Zhang, X, Melbourne, S., Sarkar, C., Chiaradia, A., & Webster, C. (2020). Effects of green space on walking: Does size, shape and density matter?. Urban Studies, 57(16), 3402-3420.
Zhu, R., Zhang, X*, Kondor, D., Santi, P., & Ratti, C. (2020). Understanding spatio-temporal heterogeneity of bike-sharing and scooter-sharing mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 81, 101483.
Kong, H., Zhang, X*, & Zhao, J. (2020). How does ridesourcing substitute for public transit? A geospatial perspective in Chengdu, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102769.
Sun, G., Webster, C., & Zhang, X* (2019). Connecting the city: A three-dimensional pedestrian network of Hong Kong. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science,.
Shen, Y., Zhang, X*, & Zhao, J. (2018). Understanding the usage of dockless bike sharing in Singapore. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 12(9), 686-700.
Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Tu, W., & Ratti, C. (2018). Do different datasets tell the same story about urban mobility—A comparative study of public transit and taxi usage. Journal of Transport Geography, 70, 78-90.