
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity传播系老师简介-Vincent Huang 黄磊

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Vincent Huang 黃磊 Lecturer and Programme Director of MA in Communication
PhD (Communication) and MA (Communication) HKBU
(852) 3411-8062
CVA Room 926

Dr. Vincent Huang is a lecturer in Communication and the director of MA in Communication programme at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is also a Graduate Student/Early Career Representative of the Organizational Communication Division of the International Communication Association.
His research examines how information and communication technologies structure, alter, and extend organizational and interpersonal communication. He is particularly interested in social media affordances and their relations to organizational socialization, leadership communication, and workplace relationship development. In addition, he studies digitally mediated interpersonal communication, especially in the context of online dating. Some of his work received the best student paper awards from the International Communication Association (ICA). He is also a recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award from the Chinese Communication Association.
Dr. Huang’s teaching interests include communication research methods, organizational communication, theories of computer-mediated communication, and user experience (UX) research.
播客《去現場》:新年第一課:這節傳播學“概論”不那麼悶 2021年1月
Interview with PR professionals: Public Relations for Technology Companies 科技公司公共關係
Research InterestsSocial media use in organizational communication
Organizational socialization
Leadership communication
Workplace relationships
Digital public relations
Online dating
PublicationsPeer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Chan, K., Tsang, L., Lee, L., Lam, S. S. K., Cheng, B. K. L., Fan, F., Huang, L. V., Ng, T., Wong, J., Wong, M., Yeung, F., Zhan, Q., and Li, Q. (2021). A discipline-based community of practice: Life-long learning of advertising and public relations educators. Learning Communities Journal, 13.
Wang, A. D., Huang, L. V., Guo, S. Z. (2020). Malleable multiplicity and power reliance: Identity presentation by Chinese journalists on social media. Digital Journalism, 8(11), 1280-1297. [SSCI indexed]

Liu, P. L. & Huang, L. V. (2020). Digital disinformation about COVID-19 and the third-person effect: Examining the channel differences and negative emotional outcomes. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (1), 789-793.?[SSCI]
Huang, L. V. & Liu, S. S. (2020). Presenting an ideal self on Weibo: The effects of narcissism and self-presentation valence on uses and gratifications. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-6. [SSCI]
Huang, L. V. & Zhang, K. (2019). Engagement, formality, and visibility: Managing paradoxes of using mobile instant messaging for work. International Journal of Communication, 13, 1919-1938. [SSCI]
Poroli, A. & Huang, L. V. (2018). Spillover effects of a university crisis: A qualitative investigation using situational theory of problem solving. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. [SSCI]
Huang, L. V. & Yeo, T. E. D. (2018). Tweeting #leaders: Social media communication and retweetability of Fortune 1000 chief executive officers on Twitter. Internet Research, 28 (1), 123-142. [SSCI]
Sheer, V. C., Liu, S, & Huang, L. (2018). Ethical leadership: From western foundation to Chinese context. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 28 (1), 20-40. [SCOPUS]
Huang, L. V. & Liu, P. L. (2017). Ties that work: Investigating the relationships among coworker connections, work-related Facebook utility, online social capital, and employee outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 512–524. [SSCI, based on a project that won best student paper award at International Communication Association (ICA) 2017 Conference, San Diego, CA: US]

Conference Proceedings
Huang, L. V. & Wang, D. (2016). What a surprise: Initial connection with coworkers on Facebook and expectancy violations. In Proceedings of CSCW ’16: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion. San Francisco, SF: ACM.
Book Chapters
Huang, L. V. (2021). All in one place? Reluctance in everyday mobile communication in China. In G. B. Yang & W. Wang (Eds.), Engaging Social Media in China: Platforms, Publics, and Production. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.
Huang, L. V. & Zhang, Y. (2018). Chapter 2. User survey of Hong Kong digital media (in English and Chinese). In W. Li & Y. Huang (Eds.), Hong Kong digital media report (pp. 12-36, 172-196). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
Selected Refereed Conference Papers & Presentations?
(*indicate work done with students)
Zhong, L. & Huang, L. V. (2021, August). Mobile phone paradox: A hypothetical two-pathway model connecting mobile phone use and loneliness for the Filipino domestic workers in Hong Kong. Paper to be presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2021 Online Conference.
*Luo, Y. & Huang, L. V. (2021, July). Idolizing the country, entertaining patriotism: Appropriating online fandom for state-level propaganda in China. Paper presented at the International Association for Mass Communication Research Annual Conference (IAMCR) 2021 Online Conference.
*Luo, Y., Huang, L. V. (2021, May). Social resistance in participatory culture: Female fan activism in Chinese online ACG communities. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2021 Virtual Conference.
Huang, L. V., Yeo, T. E. D., Cooper, V. A., Li, M. (2020, May). Dangerous person or dangerous weapon? Media framing of mass shootings in the United States from 1998 to 2018. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2020 Virtual Conference.
Wang, A. D & Huang, L. V. (2020, May). Malleable multiplicity and power reliance: How and why Chinese journalists present their identities on social media. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2020 Virtual Conference.
Huang, L. V. & Chen, R. Y.-R. (2019, May). Information experience of newcomers: Using social media for organizational socialization. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2019 Conference, Washington DC, US.
Huang, L. V. (2018, August). Working on my identity: Social media and identity work of organizational newcomers in China. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 Annual Conference, Washington DC, US.
Huang, L. V. & Zhan, Y. (2018, May). Strategic thinking of social media use for public relations: An affordance perspective. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2018 Preconference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Poroli, A. & Huang, L. V. (2018, May). Employee perception of dialectical tensions in company supported employee volunteerism. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2018 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.**Top Student Paper, Organizational Communication Division.
Huang, L. V. & Zeng, R. Z. (2018, May). Myself in different places: Needs, uses, and self-perception changes in the homosexual dating app ecology. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2018 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.?
Huang, L. V. (2017, November). Exploring the impact of perceiving peer coworkers’ inconsistencies between workplace and social media self-presentation. Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 103rd Annual Convention. Dallas, TX: US.
Huang, L. V. & Liu, P. L. (2017, May). Ties that work: Investigating the relationships among coworker connections, work-related Facebook utility, online social capital, and employee outcomes. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2017 Conference, San Diego, CA: US. **Best Student Paper, Organizational Communication Division.
Huang, L. V. & Zhang, K. (2017, May). Engagement, formality, and openness: Managing paradoxes of using WeChat for work. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2017 Conference, San Diego, CA: US.
Huang, L. V. (2016, June). Exploring practitioners’ stresses from managing agency-client relationships at Hong Kong public relations agencies. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 2016 Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
Huang, L. & Liu S. (2012, December). Presenting an ideal self: A study of narcissism impact on uses and gratifications of microblog in mainland China. Paper presented at the China New Media Communication Association Annual Conference. Macao. **Best Student Paper.
2019, Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, Chinese Communication Association.
2018, Top Student Paper, Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association (ICA) 2018 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
2017, Best Student Paper, Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association (ICA) 2017 Conference, San Diego, CA: US.
Research Grants
Principal Investigator, "Identities, Engagement, and Boundaries: Employee Social Media Use in Hong Kong and Mainland China," Communication-Media-Culture Studies Funding Scheme, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, in progress.
Co-investigator, "Mutual destruction (lam chau) - Public opinion, government response and solutions," Public Policy Research Funding Scheme of the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Government of the HKSAR (SR2020.C9.001), in progress.
Principal Investigator, "Identity experiment and confirmation: Social media and organizational socialization," China Fieldwork Research Fund and Tencent Digital Ethnography Support Program (03029 – 2017014), 2017, completed.
Teaching Grants
Vincent Huang, Angela Wang, and Steve Guo, "Cases in Chinese Internet Studies (CICIS)," Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, University Grants Committee, in progress.
Regina Chen, Florin Serban, and Vincent Huang, "Virtual Learning, Real Education (VLRE): Connecting Faculty and Students to International Experts and Peers via Innovative Engagement," Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, University Grants Committee, in progress.
Member, "Sharing good practices in teaching and learning of advertising and public relations," Hong Kong Baptist University (CoP/1920/02), with 13 members at various higher educational institutes, 2019, in progress. Project website: http://www.coms.hkbu.edu.hk/cop-pra/
Media interviews播客《去現場》:新年第一課:這節傳播學“概論”不那麼悶 2021年1月
Interview with PR professionals: Public Relations for Technology Companies 科技公司公共關係

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