
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity传播系老师简介-Olivia TSANG 曾海茵

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Olivia TSANG 曾海茵 Lecturer
BA (Hons), MA
(852) 3411-6553
CVA Room 925

Olivia Tsang is a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies. She graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in English Language Studies. Prior to joining Hong Kong Baptist University, she worked at various institutes teaching communication courses and researching communication resources used in media and classroom contexts. She teaches a General Education course, the Art of Persuasion, to students from different disciplines.
Apart from teaching, Olivia is also working towards her doctorate at the University of Birmingham, conducting research exploring the resources people use to establish their identities in social media contexts.
Research InterestsCorpus linguistics
Computer-mediated communication
Social media
Social semiotics
Discourse analysis

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