
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity传播系老师简介-Christopher Young

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Christopher Young Lecturer - GE Public Speaking
MA, University of Leicester (Applied Linguistics and TESOL); BSc Hons, Oxford Brookes University (Sociology and Psychology); Dip, University College London (TESOL)
(852) 3411 6551

Christopher started his career teaching English as a Second Language in Hong Kong. Since then, he has worked in colleges and universities in the United Kingdom, Italy and Singapore, specializing in Professional Skills and English for Specific Purposes. He has returned to Hong Kong and is a lecturer on the GE Public Speaking course at Baptist University.
Research InterestsAcademic and Professional Skills
English for Specific Purposes
Intercultural Communication
Language Anxiety
PublicationsConference Presentations
Team Based Learning In: 55th SEAMEO RELC Conference, Singapore 2020.
Planning and Revising Strategies for Discursive Essays; Cohesion and Coherence: An analysis of written communication In: Foreign Languages Today, Surgut State University, Russian Federation 2010.

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