香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity市场学系老师简介-Dr.Candy K.Y.Ho何嘉恩 博士
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
Dr.Candy K.Y.Ho何嘉恩 博士WLB 511B, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, H.K. candyho@hkbu.edu.hk
(852) 3411 2149
Associate Professor,Department of Marketing
Research Interests
Consumer Psychology, Counterfactual Thinking, Services Marketing, Service Failures and Recovery, Relationship Marketing
Wong, V. C., Fock, H., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2020). Toward a Process-Transfer Model of the Endorser Effect. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(3), 565-581.
Ho, Candy K. Y., Ke, W., Liu, H., & Chau, Patrick Y. K. (2020). Separate Versus Joint Evaluation: The Roles of Evaluation Mode and Construal Level In Technology Adoption. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 725-746.
Siu, N., Kwan, H., Zhang, J., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2016). Arts Consumption, Customer Satisfaction and Personal Well-being: A Study of Performing Arts in Hong Kong. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 28(2), 77 - 91.
Ho, Candy K. Y., Ke, W., & Liu, H. (2015). Choice Decision of E-Learning System: Implications from Construal Level Theory. Information and Management, 52(2), 160-169.
Kwong, Jessica Y. Y., Soman, D., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2011). The Role of Computational Ease on the Decision to Spend Loyalty Program Points. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(2), 146-156.
Hiu, Michael K., Ho, Candy K. Y., & Wan, Lisa C. (2011). Prior Relationships and Consumer Responses to Service Failures: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Marketing, 19(1), 59-81.
Ho, Candy K. Y., & Kwong, Jessica Y. Y. (2010). Promoting the Effective Use of Counterfactual Generation to Tackle Negative Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research, 38, 489.
Ho, Candy K. Y., & Kwong, Jessica Y. Y. (2010). Examining the Paradoxical Effects of Counterfactual Generation in Negative Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 587-588.
Kwong, Jessica Y. Y., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2009). Counterfactural Thinking as a Post-hoc Consumption Expectation. Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 559-560.
Kwong, Jessica Y. Y., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2008). Consumers' Evaluation After A Service Encounter: the Effects of the Actions of Company Unrelated Party. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 859.
Chau, Patrick Y. K., & Ho, Candy K. Y. (2008). Developing Consumer-based Service Brand Equity via the Internet: the Role of Personalization and Trialability. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 18(3), 197-223.
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