香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity市场学系老师简介-Dr.Frederick H.K.Yim严康杰 博士
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
Dr.Frederick H.K.Yim嚴康傑 博士WLB 511A, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, H.K. fredyim@hkbu.edu.hk
(852) 3411 7528
Associate Professor,Department of Marketing
Research Interests
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales Management, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Cross-Cultural Marketing/ Management
Ng, Thomas W. H., Lucianetti, L., Hsu, Dennis Y., Yim, H., & Sorensen, Kelly L. (2021). You Speak, I Speak: The Social-Cognitive Mechanisms of Voice Contagion. Journal of Management Studies, 58(6), 1569-1608.
Lee, A. L.Y., Prendergast, G., Yim, F., & Choi, L. (2019). A social dilemma perspective on recycling. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(9), 585-595.
Ng, Thomas W.H., Sorensen, Kelly L., Zhang, Y., & Yim, F. (2019). Anger, anxiety, depression, and negative affect: Convergent or divergent?. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110(A), 186-202.
Xin, J., Chen, S., Kwan, H., Chiu, R., & Yim, F. (2018). Work-Family Spillover and Crossover Effects of Sexual Harassment: The Moderating Role of Work-Home Segmentation Preference. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(3), 619-629.
Wu, X., Kwan, H., Ma, Y., Lai, G., & Yim, F. (2017). Lone wolves reciprocate less deviance: a moral identity model of abusive supervision. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(7), 859-885.
Huang, J., Li, W., Qiu, C., Yim, F., & Wan, J. (2016). The impact of CEO servant leadership on firm performance in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(5), 945 - 968.
Kwan, H., Yim, F., & Zhou, X. (2015). Effects of mentoring on customer orientation: the moderating role of gender. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(1), 124–140.
Wu, L., Kwan, H., Yim, F., Chiu, R., & He, X. (2015). CEO Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(4), 819-831.
Yim, F., Forman, H., & Kwak, H. (2013). Factors Affecting New Product Post-Adoption Behavior in a Major U.S. Automotive Supply Chain: An Examination of Antecedents to Technology internalization. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(2), 147-159.
Yim, F., & Fock, H. (2013). Social Responsibility Climate as a Double-Edged Sword: How Employee-Perceived Social Responsibility Climate Shapes the Meaning of Their Voluntary Work. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(4), 665-674.
Wu, L., Yim, F., Kwan, H., & Zhang, X. (2012). Coping with Workplace Ostracism: The Roles of Ingratiation and Political Skill in Employee Psychological Distress. Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), 178-199.
Jian, Z., Kwan, H., Qiu, Q., Liu, Z., & Yim, F. (2012). Abusive Supervision and Frontline Employees' Service Performance. Service Industries Journal, 32(5), 683-698.
Kwan, H., Liu, J., & Yim, F. (2011). Effects of Mentoring Functions on Receivers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Chinese Context: A Two-Study Investigation. Journal of Business Research, 64(4), 363-370.
Rodriguez, M., & Yim, F. (2011). Utiization of CRM and its Impact on Sales Performance: A Study of Sales Professionals Working in a Virtual Environment. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 5(3/4), 203-219.
Fock, H., Yim, F., & Rodriguez, M. (2010). The Effects of Sales Supervisor Relationships on Work Meaning: The Case of Canadian and Chinese Salespersons. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(7), 1069-1077.
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