Dr. NG, Yau Nang William
Associate Professor
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CEC 807
Qualification & Experience
Research Fellow, Centre for Sino-Christian Studies
Recipient, Faculty Performance Award in Service, 2019
Degrees: BA, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
MA, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan
Ph.D., University of Toronto, Canada
Work Experience: University of Toronto
National Tsinghua University
National Chang-hua University
Courses Taught: GDAR 1057 Chinese Thoughts through Films
GDAR/GDSS 1926 Service Leadership and Meaning of Life and Death
GFVM1045 Matters of Life and Death
LSE 7040 Values and Socio-cultural Issues in Hong Kong Today
LSE 7080 Science, Technology and Environmental Ethics
LSE 7150 Human Rights in a Multicultural World
RELI2027 Introduction to Chinese Philosophy and Religion
REL 2350 Philosophical Issues in Chinese Religion
RELI 3006 Major Streams in Chinese Philosophy
RELI 3135 Buddhism
RELI 3117 Service Leadership and Meaning of Life and Death
RELI4016 Selected Topics/ Readings in Philosophical Studies
Teaching Areas: Matters of Life and Death
Major Streams in Chinese Philosophy
Socio-cultural issues in Hong Kong Today
Chinese Thoughts through Films
Zen Buddhism and Modern Life
Ethics of Life and Death
Service Learning Leadership and the Meaning of Life
Research Areas: Chinese Philosophy and Religion; Comparative Philosophy; Buddhism, Ethics
Current Projects: Animals in Buddhist Text
Disciplining the Body: Vegetarianism and Ideologies
Selected Outputs: William Ng ed. (6/2016) 朵朵蓮生 [Lotus Blossoming: A Collection of Essays on True Buddha School]. Taipei: Liberal Arts Press, pp. 308. [Chinese].
William Ng and Keith Chan ed. (2018), Tillich and Asian Religions. Germany: De Gruyter. [English]
William Ng, Kwan Kaiman and Ip King-tek ed. (2018), Whole Person Education: East and West. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University Press. [English]
William Ng (2009), Comparative Horizon: A Study of Contemporary Philosophy in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Liberal Arts Press. [Chinese]
William Ng (2016) “先秦儒學與艾資安尼新社群主義初探” [An Examination of Pre-Qin Confucianism and A. Etzioni’s Responsive Communitarianism], in 《鵝湖學誌》[Legein Semi-Annual Journal], No. 56, pp. 141-183. [Chinese Article]
Knowledge Transfer Activities / Projects: A KT project was carried out with the financial support of the Knowledge Transfer Offices on the Chih Lin Complex in Diamond Hill, Kowloon. Together with Dr. Jack Lee and support staff such as Dr. Kenneth Yeung, I have finished a teaching package that can be used in teaching Liberal Studies in local secondary school. I also finished a paper entitled “Representing the Sacred and the Profane: A Preliminary Reflection on the Spatial Design and Sculptures of the Chi Lin Complex.”
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity宗教及哲学系老师简介-Dr. NG, Yau Nang William
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
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