Dr. Stylianos Dimou
Research Assistant Professor
Composition, Music theory & analysis, Acoustic/Electroacoustic & Acousmatic music, Music programming & Technology
Office: Office: RRS634
E-mail: http://mus.hkbu.edu.hk/s_dimou_mus@hkbu.edu.hk
Stylianos Dimou is a Greek composer of acoustic, mixed, and electroacoustic music, as well as aconductor and performer. Fulbright Scholar and recipient of numerous awards and grants, hisacademic and artistic activities have drawn the attention of International Festivals andInstitutions in Europe and the USA. His creative work comes directly out of the world ofexperimental avant-garde, embracing the aesthetics of acoustic and electro-acoustic complexity.At the forefront of his research area is the topic of vibrant complexity and live interactivityutilizing technologies aimed at the ultimate blending of instrumental and electroacousticsounds.
Dimou's music engages a?plethora of “metallic" sonic entities, idiomatic frictions, granulatedtextures, and chaotic microtonal clouds. It explores aspects of organic, pitch intricacies inrelationship with the evolution and the eventual exhaustion of repetitive mechanicrhythmicities.?His compositions have been commissioned by Festivals in Europe such as theMixtur 2020, impuls 2019, ISACM/IKI Hamburg 2019, Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival2019, IRCAM/manifeste 2014, 2016 & 2018, Gaudeamus Music Week 2018 – 2015, etc. Hismusic has been performed by major orchestras and ensembles such as the OrchestrePhilharmonique de Radio France, Brussels Philharmonic, Ensemble InterContemporain, theArditti Quartet, the Sigma Project Quartet, the MULTILATeRALE ensemble, Talea ensemble, ICEensemble, International Ensemble Modern Academy 2014/15 & 2019/20, ?etc.? Some of hisawards include the Charles S. Miller Prize (2019) (graduate) from the GSAS of the ColumbiaUniversity, his selection as a promising young Composer from the European-wide UlyssesNetwork/IRCAM 2018-2019, 1st Prize at the 2nd International Composition Competition “Amicidella Musica di Cagliari“, 1st Prize at the International Prize for Composition “Luigi Nono”, etc.
Professor Dimou holds an MMus-BMus in Composition and Music Theory (Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, 2011), MA in Composition (Eastman School of Music, 2013), ?Certificate ofadvanced training, in electroacoustic music and composition (the Cursus program, IRCAM 2018),and a Doctoral Degree in Composition (DMA, 2019) from Columbia University, having pursuedadvanced artistic research and graduate studies as a Deans’s Fellow. Dimou’s endeavors havebeen supported by numerous International Organizations such as the Alexander S. OnassisPublic Benefit Foundation, the ?A.G. Leventis Foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation PublicHumanities Initiative, Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris, Fondation Royaumont, the Federalministry, EU, Culture and Media of Austria, the Artistic residency of the Tragerverein HerrenhausEdenkoben, the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research(OeAD-GmbH – Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) and the Lucerne FestivalAcademy.
Dimou's teaching interests include Composition, Music theory and analysis, andelectronic/electroacoustic music, while his research activities focus on the creative symbiosisamong humans and technologies in various different artistic mediums and performancepractices.
Composer of acoustic, electroacoustic, and acousmatic music
DMA, Columbia University (2019)
MA, Eastman School of Music (2013)
BMus, MMus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2011)
Fulbright Alumni (2011-13)
IRCAM, Cursus (2017-18)
Composer in residence at the Cite international des arts, Paris (2019)
OeAD-GmbH Scholar, Kunstuniversitat Graz (2018-19)
Composer in residence at the Tragerverein Herrenhaus Edenkoben (2020)
香港浸会大学音乐系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. Stylianos Dimou
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
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