Dr. Giovanni Santini
Giovanni Santini holds a PhD in Music Composition at Hong Kong Baptist University. His research focuses on the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) for musical performance and education. Has been awarded of the Hong Kong Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 2021, with a project based on VR/AR development for musical applications. Has previously worked as Assistant Researcher at City University of Hong Kong where he taught Python and machine learning. Has been Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley. Has presented his research at Conferences and workshop at Universities and research institutions around the world (Harvard, McGill, UCBerkeley Universities and IRCAM – Paris, to cite a few). Articles about his research have been published or accepted for publication in NIME, TENOR and SMC conference proceedings and in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science. He is also founder of the company Santini Digital which partners with other companies for the realization of software based solution for business.
Previously obtained BA and MA in music composition in Italy and Switzerland. Frequented international courses such as Chigiana academy, Harvard Summer Composition Institute, and Electronic Music courses at Scuola Civica in Milan and Elektronisches Studio in Basel.Also obtained a Diploma and an MA in Piano performance.
Website: www.giovannisantini.com
香港浸会大学音乐系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. Giovanni Santini
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04
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