Hsuan-Chih CHEN
Emeritus Professor
Rm 427, Esther Lee Building
3943 6485
2603 5019
Research InterestsHuman cognition; language processing in Chinese; bilingualism; learning and memory.
My research investigates language processing, with a specific focus on the processing of spoken and written Chinese. Because of its salient differences in structure from European languages, the Chinese language provides challenging opportunities to explore both language-specific processes involved in comprehension and communication, and the universality of theories developed from the study of European languages.
我的研究主要是探讨语言加工处理, 特别是对於口头与书面形式的中文认知加工。中文与欧洲语言在结构上非常不同,因此为研究语言理解和对话中的特定认知加工、以及探索由欧洲语言研究所发展出的理论的普遍性提供了具有挑战性的机会。
PublicationsSelected Recent
Wong, A.W.-K., Wang, J., Wong, S.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). Syllable retrieval precedes sub-syllabic encoding in Cantonese spoken word production. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0207617. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207617)
Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., Lui, M., Xue, M., Chan, Y.-W., Wang, S., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). MELD-SCH: A megastudy of lexical decision in simplified Chinese. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1763-1777.
Wang, J., Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). Time course of syllabic and sub-syllabic processing in Mandarin word production: Evidence from the picture-word interference paradigm. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 1147-1152.
Wang, J., Wong, A.W.K., Wang, S., & Chen, H.-C. (2017). Primary phonological planning units in spoken word production are language-specific: Evidence from an ERP study. Scientific Reports, 7:5815. (DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06186-z)
Wong, A.W.K., Chiu, H.-C., Wang, J., Cao, J., Wong, S.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2017). An early locus of associative and categorical context effects in speech production: Evidence from an ERP study using the picture-word interference paradigm. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI:10.1080/23273798.2017.1355060.
Wong, A. W. K., Wang, J., Ng, T. Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). Syllabic encoding during overt speech production in Cantonese: Evidence from temporal brain responses. Brain Research, 1648, 101-109.
Wu, Y., Tsang, Y.-K., Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). The processing of homographic morphemes in Chinese: An ERP study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1227857
Tsang, Y.-K., Wu, Y., Ng. T.Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). Semantic activation of phonetic radicals in Chinese. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1246744
Jia, S., Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2015). Processing Cantonese lexical tones: Evidence from oddball paradigms. Neuroscience, 305, 351-360.
Feng, G., Chen, H.-C., Zhu, Z., He, Y., & Wang, S. (2015). Dynamic brain architectures in local brain activity and functional network efficiency associate with efficient reading in bilinguals.NeuroImage, 119,103-118.
Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Activation of morphemic meanings in processing opaque words.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1281-1286.
Wong, A. W. K., Wu, Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Limited role of phonology in reading Chinese two-character compounds: Evidence from an ERP study.Neuroscience, 256, 342-351.
Tsang, Y.-K., Wong, A.W.K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Morpho-orthographic and morpho-semantic processing in word recognition and production: Evidence from ambiguous morphemes.Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 543-560.
Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Morpho-semantic processing in word recognition: Evidence from balanced and biased ambiguous morphemes.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 39,1990-2001.
Huang, J., Wang, S., Jia, S., Mo, D., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Cortical Dynamics of semantic processing during sentence comprehension: Evidence from event-related optical signals.PLoS ONE, 8(8): e70671. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070671).
Jia, S., Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Right hemisphere advantage in processing Cantonese level and contour tones: Evidence from dichotic listening.Neuroscience Letters, 556,135-139.
Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Early morphological processing is sensitive to morphemic meanings: Evidence from processing ambiguous morphemes.Journal of Memory and Language, 68,223-239.
Wong, A.W.K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). Phonological units in spoken word production: Insights from Cantonese.PLoS ONE, 7(11): e48776. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048776).
Chou, T.-L., Lee, S.-H., Hung, S.-M., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). The role of inferior frontal gyrus in processing Chinese classifiers.Neuropsychologia, 50, 1408-1415.
Wang, S., Mo, D., Xiang, M., Hsu, R., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). The Time Course of Semantic and Syntactic Processing in Reading Chinese: Evidence from ERPs.Language and Cognitive Processes. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036156)
Qiu, L., Swaab, T.Y., Chen, H.-C., & Wang, S. (2012). The role of gender information in pronoun resolution: Evidence from Chinese.PLoS ONE, 7(5): e36156. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036156)
Wu, Y., Mo, D., Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). ERPs reveal sub-lexical processing in Chinese character recognition.Neuroscience Letters, 514,164-168.
Ma, L., Jiang, Y., Bai, J., Gong, Q., Liu, H., Chen, H.-C., He, S., & Weng, X. (2011). Robust and task independent profile of the visual word form activation in fusiform cortex.PLoS ONE, 6(10): e26310. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026310)
Lin, S., Chen, H.-C., Zhao, J., Li, S., He, S., & Weng, X. (2011). Left-lateralized N170 response to unpronounceable pseudo but not false Chinese characters.Neuroscience, 190, 200-206.
Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2011). Is syntactic-category processing obligatgory in visual word recognition? Evidence from Chinese.Language and Cognitive Processes(doi: 10.1080/01690965.2011.603931).
Tsang, Y.-K., Jia, S., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2011). ERP correlates of pre-attentive processing of Cantonese lexical tones: The effects of pitch contour and pitch height.Neuroscience Letters, 487, 268-272.
Zhou, X., Ye, Z., Cheung, H., & Chen, H.-C. (2009).Processing the Chinese language. London: Psychology Press.
陈烜之 (2007). 《认知心理学》. 台北: 五南出版社. 广州: 广东高教出版社.
Jing, Q., Rosenzweig, M. R., d'Ydewalle, G., Zhang, H., Chen, H.-C., & Zhang, K. (2006).Progress in psychological science around the world: Neural, cognitive and developmental issues. London: Psychology Press
Jing, Q., Rosenzweig, M. R., d'Ydewalle, G., Zhang, H., Chen, H.-C., & Zhang, K. (2006).Progress in psychological science around the world: Social and applied issues. London: Psychology Press.
McBride-Chang, C., & Chen, H.-C. (2003).Reading development in Chinese children.Westport, CT: Praeger.
朱滢, 陈烜之等 (2001). 《21世纪的心理科学和脑科学》. 北京: 北京大学出版社.
Chen, H.-C. (2001). Speech Processing in Chinese. HK: Chinese University Press.
陈烜之, 梁觉 (2000). 《迈进中的华人心理学》. 香港:中文大学出版社.
Chen, H.-C., & Zhou, X. (1999).Processing East Asian languages.London: Psychology Press.
Wang, J., Inhoff, A. W., & Chen, H.-C. (1999).Reading Chinese script: A cognitive analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum..
Chen, H.-C. (1997).Cognitive processing of Chinese and related Asian Languages.Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
彭聃龄, 舒华, 陈烜之 (1997). 《汉语认知研究》济南:山东教育出版社。.
Chen, H.-C., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (1992).Language processing in Chinese.Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Lee, H. C. B., Woo, J., & Chen, H.-C. (1991).Preliminary development of the Chinese Anomalous Sentences Test: A screening tool for the Hong Kong Elderly. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Liu, I.-M., Chen, H.-C., & Chen, M. J. (1988).Cognitive aspects of the Chinese language.Hong Kong: Asian Research Service.
香港中文大学心理学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Hsuan-Chih CHEN
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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