盧耀博士Dip MEng Sheff., PhD CityU, MHKIE, CEng, MICE, RPE, FHKICA
Associate Professor
Contact InformationOffice:FW-465
Research InterestsBuilding materials, high performance concrete, testing methods, quality and safety management, lightweight structural concrete.
Dr. Tommy Lo is Associate Professor in the Architecture and Civil Engineering Department at the City University of Hong Kong. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Building, Civil and Materials Discipline. He is a specialist in concrete materials and his main research interests include microscopic study of materials, high strength lightweight concrete, durability of materials, quality and safety assurance.
Departmental Duty[available after login]
Course Leader Duty BC2001: Building Technology BC2624: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics I BC2624F: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics I BC2624P: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics I BC2625F: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics II BC2625P: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics II BC2784: Building Technology BC4517F: Final Year Project BC4617: Temporary Works Design BC4617F: Temporary Works Design BC4617P: Temporary Works Design BC4670F: Maintenance Technology and Assessment Methods for Buildings CA2624: Construction Materials & Structural Mechanics I CA4180: Maintenance Technology and Assessment Methods for Buildings CA4517: Final Year Project CA4522: Integrated Building Project Development (Construction Engineering and Management) CA5015: Advanced Temporary Works Design for Building Engineers
Research InterestsBuilding materials, high performance concrete, testing methods, quality and safety management, lightweight structural concrete.
Selected PublicationsNadeem, A., Memon, Shazim Ali,. and LO YT (2014),The Performance of Fly ash and Metakaolin Concrete at Elevated Temperatures.,Construction and Building Materials,62: 67-76.LO YT and Memon, S.A., Barbhuiya, S.A., Xu, W, (2013),Development of form-stable composite phase change material by incorporation of dodecyl alcohol into ground granulated blast furnace slag.,Energy and Buildings.,July, 62: 360-367.Memon, S. A. , LO YT, Shi, X., , Barbhuiya, S., and Cui,H.Z. (2013),Preparation, characterization and thermal properties of Lauryl alcohol/Kaolin as novel form-stable composite phase change material for thermal energy storage in buildings.,Applied Thermal Engineering,59: 336-347.Memon, Shazim Ali,, LO YT, Cui, H.Z, and Barbhuiyaca, S. (2013),Preparation, characterization and thermal properties of dodecanol/cement as novel form-stable composite phase change material. ,Energy and Buildings ,66: 697-705.Memon,S.A.,, LO YT and Cui, H. (2013),Utilization of waste glass powder for latent heat storage application in buildings.,Energy and Buildings,66: 405-414.Nadeem, A; Memon, S. A; and LO YT (2013),Mechanical Performance, Durability, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Microstructure of Fly ash and Metakaolin Mortar at Elevated Temperatures. ,Construction and Building Materials,January, 38: 338-347.Nadeem, A; Memon, S. A; and LO YT (2013),Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Identification of Flaws in the Microstructure of Fly ash and Metakaolin Blended High Performance Concrete After Exposure to Elevated Temperatures.,Construction and Building Materials,January, 38: 731-741.Nadeem, A; Memon, S. A; and LO YT (2013),Evaluation of Fly ash and Metakaolin Concrete at Elevated Temperatures through Stiffness Damage Test.,Construction and Building Materials,January, 38: 1058-1065.Sham, Janet F.C., Memon, S.A. and LO YT (2013),Application of Continuous Surface Temperature Monitoring Technique for Investigation of Nocturnal Sensible Heat Release Characteristics by Building Fabrics in Hong Kong.,Energy and Buildings Journal.,March, 58: 1-10.LO YT (2012),The effect of standard curing, accelerated curing and coating protection for anti-carbonation of concrete : testing and assessment.,10th Cross Strait Two Coasts and Four Places Engineers conference. ,Hong Kong Institution of Engineers., Hong Kong, November Cui, H.Z., , LO YT, Memon, S.A., , Xing, F., and Shi, X., (2012),Experimental investigation and development of analytical model for pre-peak stress-strain curve of structural lightweight aggregate concrete.,Construction and Building Materials,November, 36: 845-859.Cui, H.Z., Tang,W.C., and LO YT (2012),Investigation of permeability of structural lightweight aggregate concrete.,Advanced Science Letters.,August, 15(1): 176-178.Cui, H.Z.,, LO YT, Memon, S.A.; , Xing, F., and Shi, X. (2012),Analytical model for compressive strength, elastic modulus and peak strain of structural lightweight aggregate concrete.,Construction and Building Materials.,November, 36: 1036-1043.Cui, H.Z.,, LO YT and Xu, Weiting (2012),Effect of lightweight aggregates on the mechanical properties and brittleness of lightweight aggregate concrete,Construction and Building Materials,Oct., 35: 149-158.FUNG IWH, LO YT and Tung, K.C.F., (2012),Towards a better reliability of risk assessment: Development of a qualitative & quantitative risk evaluation model (Q2REM) for different trades of construction works in Hong Kong. ,Accident Analysis and Prevention,48: 167-184.Memon, S.A., , Arsalan, R., , Khan, S., and LO YT (2012),Utilization of Pakistani bentonite as partial replacement of cement in concrete,Construction and Building Materials ,30: 237-242.Sham, Janet F.C., LO YT and Memon. S.A. (2012),Verification and application of continuous surface temperature monitoring technique for investigation of nocturnal sensible heat release characteristics by building fabrics. ,Energy and Buildings,October, 53: 108-116.Tang, W.C., LO YT and Cui, H.Z. (2012),Size effect of Waste Compact Disc Shred on Properties of Concrete. ,Advanced Materials Research ,346: 40-46.Tang, W.C., Cui, H.Z. and LO YT (2012),Properties of Concrete Containing Scrap-tire Chips. ,Advanced Materials Research ,399-401: 1251-1256.Xu, W.T., , LO YT and Memon, S.A, (2012),Microstructure and reactivity of rich husk ash. ,Construction and Building Materials ,29: 541-547.Ouyang, D,, Xu W.T. , LO YT and Sham, J.F.C. (2011),Increasing Mortar Strength with the Use of Activated Kaolin By-products from Paper Industry. ,Construction and Building Materials,25(4): 1537-1545.Sham, J.F.C., , LO YT and Xu, W.T., (2011),Continuous Surface Temperature Monitoring to Estimate Sensible Heat Loss by Building Finishes.,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal.,February, 10(2): 311-317.Sham. J.F.C. , Xu, W.T. and LO YT (2011),Application of Flash Thermography for Crack Identification in Concrete Materials.,Journal of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,52(9): 494-497.Cui H. Z, Sham, F.C., LO YT and Lum H. T (2010),Appraisal of alternative building materials for reduction of CO2 Emissions by Case modeling. ,International Journal of Environmental Research. ,5(1): 93-100.Cui,H.Z., LO YT and Xing, F (2010),Properties of Self-compacting Lightweight Concrete,Materials Research Innovations,14(5): 392-396.Fung Ivan W. H., Tam V.W.Y., LO YT and Lu Lori L.H. (2010),Developing a risk assessment model for construction safety. ,International Journal of Project Management. ,28(6): 593-600.FUNG IWH, TAM VWY, LO YT and LU LLH (2010),Developing a risk assessment model for construction safety,International Journal of Project Management,28(6): 593-600.Sham,F.C. , Huang, Y.H. , Liu, L. , Chen, Y.S. , Hung, Y.Y. and LO YT (2010),Computerized tomography technique for reconstruction of obstructed temperature field in infrared thermography.,Infrared Physics & Technology,January, 53(1): 1-9.Tang W.C, and LO YT (2010),Shear Strengthening of Polystyrene Aggregate Concrete Beams with Near-Surface Mounted GERP Bars.,Materials Research Innovations,April, 14(2): 138-145.LO YT, A. Nadeem, TANG WCP and P.C. Yu (2009),The effect of high temperature curing on the strength and carbonation of pozzolanic structural lightweight concretes,Construction and Building Materials,March, 23(3): 1306-1310.Sham, F.C. , LO YT, Chen,Y.S. and Hung, Y.Y. (2009),Subsurface Water Path Detection in Concrete Structures Using Active Thermography. ,Materials Evaluation,January, 67(1): 28-31.Tang, W.C. and LO YT (2009),Mechanical and fracture properties of normal and high strength concretes with fly ash after exposure to high temperatures,Magazine of Concrete Research,June, 61(5): 323-330.LO YT, Cui H. Z., TANG WCP and Leung H. C. (2008),Strength analysis of bamboo by microscopic investigation of bamboo fibre,Construction and Building Materials,July, 22(7): 1532-1535.LO YT, CUI H and TANG WCP (2008),Phase Constitution at Interfacial between Lightweight Aggregate/Concrete Cement Paste Composite,Materials Research Innovations,September, 12(3): 123-126.LO YT, Cui, H. Z., TANG WCP and Leung W.M. (2008),The Effect of Aggregate Absorption on Pore Area at Interfacial Zone of Lightweight Concrete,Construction and Building Materials,April, 22(4): 623-628.LO YT, Sham, F.C, CUI H and TANG WCP (2008),Study of Short-term Shrinkage and Creep of Lightweight Concrete,Materials Research Innovations,September, 12(3): 151-154.LO YT, TANG WCP and A. Nadeem (2008),Comparison of carbonation of lightweight concrete with normal weight concrete at similar strength levels,Construction and Building Materials,August, 22(8): 1648-1655.TANG WCP, LO YT and CHAN WKR (2008),Fracture Properties of Normal and Lightweight High-Strength Concrete,Magazine of Concrete Research,May, 60(4): 237-244.TANG WCP, LO YT and Nadeem A. (2008),Mechanical and Drying Shrinkage Properties of Polystyrene Aggregate Concrete,Cement & Concrete Composites,May, 30(5): 403-409.TANG WCP, LO YT and R.V. Balendran (2008),Bond performance of polystyrene aggregate concrete (PAC) reinforced with glass-fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars,Building and Environment,January , 43(1): 98-107.Tang, W.C., Ng, K.M., LO YT and Tam, C.M. (2008),Fracture Properties of Concrete with Waste Compact Disc Shred. ,Materials Research Innovations,12(4)LO YT, TANG WCP, Cui H.Z and Nadeem A (2007),Comparison of workability and mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete and normal self-compacting concrete,Materials Research Innovations,March, 11(1): 45-50.LO YT, TANG WCP and Cui HZ (2007),The effects of aggregate properties on lightweight concrete,Building and Environment,August, 42(8): 3025-3029.LO YT, Cui H. Z., Nadeem,A. and Li Z.G. (2006),The Effects of Air Content on Permeability of Lightweight Concrete,Cement and Concrete Research,October, 36(10): 1874-1878.LO YT, FUNG IWH and Tung, K.C.F. (2006),Construction Delays in Hong Kong Civil Engineering Projects,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. ASCE ,June, 132: 636-649.Fung, W.H., Man, A.S.K. , LO YT and Fan, Y. K. (2006),A Study of Construction Managers’ Perceptions and Actions in Relation to Accident Causation Theories and Accident Preventive Management Measures,Journal of Bldg & Construction Management,10(1): 20-27.LO YT and Cui,H.Z. (2005),Interfacial Zone Microstructure of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete.,Materials Research Innovations. ,June, 9(2): 242-245.LO YT, Leung, W.M. and Cui,H.Z. (2005),Roof construction defects of medium-rise buildings in sub-tropical climates,Structural Survey,23(3): 203-209.LO YT (2004),環保型輕集料混凝土力學性能研究,6th Sino-Japan Building Structure Seminar,HangZhou, PRC, 15-18 June 2004 LO YT (2004),Alternative Construction-Precasting & the Use of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete,YMC & PSDAS [Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme] Seminar,Materials Division, HKIE, Hong Kong, PRC, 13 March 2004 LO YT (2004),Lightweight Concrete: Quality Material for Light, Green & Efficient Construction,SCCT Annual Concrete Seminar,Hong Kong, PRC, 17 February 2004 LO YT (2004),Investigation of cracks on concrete block wall for a residential development project, China Overseas Building Construction Ltd LO YT (2004),Investigation report of floor cracks at podium levels of composite development site, Hyundai Engineering Construction Ltd LO YT (2004),Investigation Report of Water Damage of a Business Centre at Mid-Level, McLarens Young International LO YT (2004),Buildings Diagnosis by Infrared Thermography. ,Structural Survey,22(5): 259-263.LO YT and CUI HZ (2004),Effect of Porous Lightweight Aggregate on Strength of Concrete,Materials Letters,58: 916-919.LO YT and CUI HZ (2004),Properties of Green Lightweight Aggregate Concrete,International Workshop on Sustainable Development and Concrete Technology,Iowa State University/Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC, 20-21 May 2004 LO YT and Cui,H.Z. (2004),Spectrum Analysis of the Interfacial Zone of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete.,Materials Letter.,58(25): 3089-3095.LO YT, Cui,H.Z. and Leung, H.C. (2004),The Effect of Fiber Density on Strength Capacity of Bamboo. ,Materials Letter. ,58(21): 2595-2598.LEUNG AWT, TAM CM and LO YT (2004),Project Surveillance and Monitoring through an Internet-based Remote Imaging System,The 1st International Conference on World of Construction Project Management (WCPM 2004),Toronto, Canada, 27-28 May 2004 p.401-410LO YT (2003),Structural Check of Concrete Manholes, Ridgid Plumbing Limited LO YT (2003),Investigation Accident Report for Dismantling of a Tower Crane, Hip Hing Construction Co Ltd LO YT, CUI HZ and LI ZG (2003),Influence of Aggregate Prewetting and Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concrete,Waste Management,24(4): 333-338.LO YT, LEE CH and LI ZG (2003),The Effect of Aggregate Absorption on the Sorptivity of Lightweight Concrete,Journal of Materials Science and Technology,11(4): 1LO YT (2002),Quality Culture: a product of motivation within organization,Quality Management,January, 29: 24-26.LO YT and Lee, H.M. (2002),Curing Effects on Carbonation of Concrete using a Phenolphthalein indicator and Fourier-Transfer Infrared Spectroscopy.,Building and Environment. ,May, 37(5): 507-514.Gao, X.F., LO YT and Tam, C.M. (2002),Investigation of Micro-cracks and Microstructure of High Performance Lightweight Aggregate Concrete.,Building and Environment.,March, 37(5): 485-490.Gao, X.F., Tam, C.M., Gao, W.Z. and LO YT (2001),Use of Composite Mortar in Mitigation Radon Gas Contamination within Concrete Building Structures.,Radiation Protection Bulletin. ,21(1): 15-19.LO YT, Gao, X.F. and Jeary, A.P. (1999),Microstructure of Pre-wetted Aggregate on Lightweight Concrete.,Building and Environment. ,34(6): 648-653.Gao, X.F., LO YT, Tam, C.M. and Chung, C.Y. (1999),Analysis of the Infrared Spectrum and Microstructure of Hardened Cement Paste.,Cement and Concrete Research,June, 29(6): 805-812.LO YT (1998),Training Programme For Supervisors - An Element in Quality Assurance of The Construction Industry.,Journal of Management Development.,17(8): 576-582.Yu, K.N., Young, E.C.M., Chan, T.F., LO YT and Balendran, R.V. (1996),The Variation of Radon Exhalation Rates from Concrete Surfaces of Different Ages. ,Building and Environment.,31(3): 255-257.
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