Senior Lecturer of Division of Building Science and Technology
Contact InformationOffice:MMW-5436
Web:Personal Homepage
Research InterestsConstruction management
Productivity analysis
Site layout planning
Research GrantGRF Grant (2008) Unsupervised Clustering Model for Evaluating the Complexity of Building Production: Building Production Impact Model (BPIM) and Building Production Impact Index (BPI)
PublicationsJournal Articles In last 5 yearsLeung WT Arthur and Tam C M (2010). Assessment of impacts of project technical complexity on building production using clustering and knowledge-based system, CIB W78 2010 Conference, Cairo, Egypt on 16-18 November 2010.
Tam C M and Leung WT Arthur (2010). Using construction process simulation to assess productivity of laying water mains in Hong Kong, CIB W78 2010 Conference, Cairo, Egypt on 16-18 November 2010.
Leung WT Arthur and Tam C M (2010). Assessing the impacts of spatial profile on site production using clustering techniques, The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering - icccbe2010, Nottingham, UK, paper 133, July 2010.
Leung WT Arthur and Tam C M (2008). Assessing project staffing requirements using unsupervised Clustering Techniques, Proceedings of 16th annual conference of the International group for lean construction, Manchester, UK, pp. 613-622.
Leung WT Arthur, Tam C M (2007). Factor Analysis Model For Defining Project Natures of Modern Multi-Function Building Development, Congress Proceedings XXXV IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, September 2007, Melbourne, Australia.
Tam C M and Leung WT Arthur (2007). Outranking Model For Managing Land Reclamation Problems In Hong Kong, Congress Proceedings XXXV IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, September 2007, Melbourne, Australia.
Tam C M , Chan K K and Leung WT Arthur, (2006). Highlighting Effective Site Safety Measures by Rough Set Approach, Tenth East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10), August (Accepted for presentation).
Leung WT Arthur, Tam C M (2006). Comparative Study On The Complexity and Scale Of Building Projects, Tenth East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10), August (Accepted for presentation).
Leung W T Arthur and Tam C M (2005). Factors Affecting the Complexity of Construction Projects, Proceeding of 11th Joint CIB International Symposium, Combining Forces, Advancing Facilities Management and Construction through Innovation, June 2005 Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, Vol. (III), P370-382.
Kwan SF Anna, Mo K.W Julie, Leung WT Arthur and Yuen WL Yuen (2005). Using Formative Assessment To Improve Students' Learning, Proceeding of the First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment, 13~15 June 2005
香港城市大学建筑科技学部老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Arthur W T LEUNG
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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