
香港城市大学建筑科技学部老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Alan M L FONG

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Dr Alan M L FONGBEng, MSc HKPU, PhD De Montfort
Instructor I of Division of Building Science and Technology
Contact InformationOffice:MMW-5439
Web:Personal Homepage

Research InterestsThermal comfort achievement through various ventilation methods
Smoke control system analysis in large volume building
Chiller optimization through data analysis
Life cycle assessment of building system

Ir Dr Alan Fong obtained his bachelor (1996) & master degree (2004) in Hong Kong Polytechnic University and his PhD (2015) in De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Before he has joined City University of Hong Kong in August 2007, he has over fifteen years practical experiences in the building services consultancy and contracting industry. He is expert in system design and project management of building services systems installation involving institutional, infrastructural projects, hotel, industrial, offices, commercial and residential development in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.
Teaching His mission is to broaden student’s interest and horizon on aspect of building services engineering by means of his academic knowledge, intensive design practical experience, management and real-life industrial worldwide practices related to building development services engineering.
Research He started research work concerning thermal comfort survey and field measurement work related to energy saving aspects since 2009 supported by Divisional Research Grant (DRG). He has involved in different consultancy work in resolving various building services engineering problems.
Education Grants2/2012-1/2013, Development of a discovery-enriched teaching and learning system for engineering students of energy audit by in-class and out-class learning activities, Project number: 6000367, Teaching Development Grant (Principle investigator)
9/2011-9/2012, Environmental sustainability "Headcount Index for CityU's air conditioned area for engineering students in project studio 2, Project number: 6986002, Campus Sustainability Fund, Communities of Practice (Principle investigator)
Research Grants4/2019-1/2021, Study on Immersion Cooling System for Data Centre. Project no: 9211180, Contract Research (Co-Investigator)
10/2019-6/2020, Study and Installation of Condensing Water System of Immersion Cooling System. Project no. 9211185, Contract Research (Principle Investigator)
1/2018-12/2020, 深圳市基础研究计划,优化空调方案设计的生命周期评价法的开发研究,项目负责人:林 章 ,研究团队: 方赵嵩,孔祥飞,方铭麟。
8/2016-7/2018, 香港城市大学成都研究院研究启动经费资助金, R-LAAD004。项目负责人:林 章 ,研究团队: 方赵嵩 方铭麟。
2/2009-4/2010, Full scale experimental investigation on comparison of the mixing ventilation system and localized ventilation system, BST Divisional Research Grant (DRG) for small scale projects (Principle Investigator)
12/2007-6/2008, BST20542 Course Teaching Material Development to upgrade the course material and develop new teaching and learning activities and assessment task for implementation in the OBTL approach. (Principle Investigator)
Other Grants 3/2013-3/2014, Real-time mobile App to discover Energy Management Opportunity, DEC Mobile App Development Grant (Principle investigator)
PublicationsFong, Alan, Lin, Zhang, CHOW Tin Tai, Fire services engineering and performance-based design, Development Trends in Building Services Engineering, Chow TT, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp 143-172, 2/2009.
Journal and Conference Articles Fong, M.L. (2021), Sustainable Ventilation Strategies for a Medium-Sized Space with Regional Effect. Sustainability 2021, 13(9), 4651. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094651
Fong, M.L., Virtual Reality Immersion Engineering Education with Case Study, 19th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning (ICE20), 14 to 16 February 2020, Bangkok, Thailand
Fang, Z., Zhang, S., Cheng, Y., Fong, A. M. L., Oladokunb, M. O., Lin, Z., & Wu, H. (2018). Field study on adaptive thermal comfort in typical air conditioned classrooms. Building and Environment, 133, 73-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.02.005
Fong M.L., Lin Z., Fong K.F., Hanby V., Greenough R., Life cycle assessment for three ventilation methods, Building and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.02.006
Chow T. T. , Lee C. K., Fong M.L., Leung C. F., Hung Alan, Wan Martin, Wong Wommy, Chung Colin, Sat Paul, Tsang Isaac, Retrofitting existing buildings: a quantitative approach to energy project evaluation, The 7th Greater Pearl River Delta Conference on Building Operation and Maintenance, 6 December 2016.
Fong M. L., What happened to Sub-Degree Engineering Students under Education Reform in Hong Kong?2016 International Conference on Humanistic Education and Law (ICHEL2016), 19/8/2016 - 21/8/2016.
Cheng Y, Lin Z, Fong M.L, Fang Z., Experimental study of thermal comfort in a stratum-ventilated classroom with laptops, 14th international conference on indoor air quality and climate, 3/7/2016 - 8/7/2016.
Fong M.L., Hanby V., Greenough R., Lin Z., Cheng Y., Acceptance of thermal conditions and energy use of three ventilation strategies with six exhaust configurations for the classroom, Building and Environment, 94 (2), pp 606-619
Fong M.L., Yao T., Cheng Y., Wu W., Lin Z.,Uniformity of Stratum Ventilated Thermal Environment and Mechanism (in Chinese) 层式通风圴匀热环境及其机理” (Best paper award), National Conference on Ventilation全国通风技术学术年会论文集., Chengdu, China, 24-26 August 2015, CD-ROM, pp 138-143
Cheng Y., Lin Z., Fong M.L., Effects of temperature and supply airflow rate on thermal comfort in a stratum-ventilated room, Building and Environment, 2015, 92, 1-9
Fong M.L., Chan C.W., Unique Experience of Sub-degree Engineering Students under 3-3-4 Education Reform in Hong Kong, the 3rd Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS) 29/12/2014-31/12/2014. (Hong Kong Best Paper Award)
Fong K.F., C.K. Lee C.K., Lee F., Fong M.L., Preliminary study of internal-combustion-engine primed trigeneration systems for high-rise office building application in Hong Kong. Innovation in construction, Inaugural Issue, Construction Industry Council, Research Journal 2014, July, pp52-56, ISSN 2312-8291.
Cheng Y., Fong M.L., Yao, T., Lin Z., Fong, K.F., Uniformity of stratum ventilated thermal environment and thermal sensation. Indoor Air, Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2014, Pages: 521–532. Article first published online: 17 MAR 2014, DOI: 10.1111/ina.12097.
FONG M. L., CHUI H.L. Development of a Discovery-Enriched Teaching and Learning System for Engineering Students of Energy Audit. The 10th International Conference on Modern Industrial Training, pp 318-320, 20/10/2012 - 23/10/2012.
LIN Z., FONG, M. L., Wang, J., Stratum Ventilation ― a Solution to Elevated Room Temperatures. The 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Proceedings of Clima 2013, 16/6/2013 – 19/7/2013.
Lin Z., FONG M. L., Design of Thermal Comfort in a Stratum Ventilated Classroom. The 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, 16/6/2013 - 19/7/2013.
FONG M. L., TSE C.M., Wong H.C., Man T.M., Intelligent Building System in Project Studio with energy saving case study by Headcount Index. The 12th International Conference on Clean Energy, 26/10/2012 - 30/10/2012.
FONG M. L., LEUNG M.C., MOK Y.K., TSE C. F., LAI L.L., New MVAC control by making use of Human Behavioral Based Technique to achieve Energy Efficiency. The 9th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2012), 18/11/2012 - 21/11/2012.
Fong, M.L., Lin, Z., Fong, K.F., Chow, T.T., Yao, T., Evaluation of thermal comfort conditions in a classroom with three ventilation methods, Indoor Air, 21(3), pp 231-239, 2011(Scopus).
FONG, M.L., FONG, K.F., LIN, Z., Experimental study of determining neutral temperatures for conventional mixing and stratum ventilation modes in environmental chamber, 5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (ACRA 2010), 7/6/2010 - 9/6/2010.
CHOW, T.T., FONG, K.F., TSE, N., FONG, A., LIN, Z., CHAN, A.,Studying energy audit via intelligent project studio, Clima 2010, 9/5/2010 - 12/5/2010.
FONG, Kwong Fai, Fong, Ming Lun, Chow, Tin Tai, Measurement and verification for performance contract of HVAC energy conservation in Hong Kong, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 20/5/2009 - 22/5/2009.
Consultancy ReportCHOW, Tin Tai, Fong, SKF, Fong, AML, Report on Energy Consumption Review of Existing Chiller Plant in Nan Fung Centre, Tsuen Wan, Nan Fung Centre, Hon Hing Enterprises Ltd., Hong Kong, PRC, 1/2009.
Installation for Teaching & Research work in City University of Hong KongHe has in-charge-of developing BST existing project studios with some latest technologies and building systems, Through demonstrations and small projects, students would be able to familiar with the operation of intelligent building systems; to have hands-on experiences on monitoring and controlling building service systems; and to appreciate various energy saving initiatives. The development work consists of a building management system with BACnet protocol, a power quality monitoring system, various addressable lighting systems, an automatic fire alarm system, an actual innovative ventilation systems installed inside Project Studio 2 and a virtual central air-conditioning plant simulator.
Award 08/2015, Best Paper Award for “Fong M.L., Yao T., Cheng Y., Wu W., Lin Z., Uniformity of Stratum Ventilated Thermal Environment and Mechanism (in Chinese)” in National Conference on Ventilation, Chengdu, China.
12/2014, Hong Kong Best Paper Award for “Fong M.L., Chan C.W., Unique Experience of Sub-degree Engineering Students under 3-3-4 Education Reform” in HKICEPS.
5/2014, As supervisor of Graduate- Mr. Lai Chun Tak (2011 cohort) won the first prize (Tertiary Institution Category) of Samsung Smart Education competition named "Samsung Solve for Tomorrow" contest by designing new energy-saving ventilation and air conditioning system and awarded a total HK$350,000 of cash and Samsung's product.
Others CityU Scholars

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