Ir. Dr. Peter W.T. TSE B.Eng, M.Eng (U of Sask., Canada); Ph. D. (U. of Sussex, United Kingdom); C.Eng. (Engineering Council, United Kingdom), P. Eng. (APEGGA, Canada), FASME, FFISEAM, FBSOMES, FHKIUS
Associate ProfessorLeader of the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM)
Director of the Croucher Optical Non-destructive Testing and Quality Inspection Laboratory (CNDT)
Fellow, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS and HONORS Fellow, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Leader, the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM?)
Director, the Croucher Foundation - Optical Nondestructive Testing Laboratory (CNDT)
Adjunct Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Founding Fellow, the International Society of Engineering Asset Management
Fellow, the Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society
Fellow, the Hong Kong Institute of Utility Surveyors (HKIUS)
Fellow, the Community & Construction Professionals’ Development Centre
Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, United Kingdom (C. Eng.)
Professional Engineer (by examinations) in Canada (P. Eng.)
Chartered Electrical Engineer, Institute of Electrical Engineer, United Kingdom (C. Eng. in Electrical Engineer)
ISO O-Member in Technical Committees of TC108, 135 & 199
Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineer (M, HKIE, Hong Kong SAR)
Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer (M, IEEE, USA)
Committee Member - Rotordynamics of the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering, China
Committee Chair, Professional Service Development Assistant Scheme (PSDAS) of the HKIUS
Former Adjunct Professor, Beijing University of Technology
Former Guest Professor, Wuhan University of Technology
Expertise Ir Dr. Peter W. Tse is currently the Group Leader of the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM) and the Director of Croucher Optical Nondestructive Testing Laboratory in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). SEAM was established through generous donations from the industry of Hong Kong. The mission of SEAM is to provide support to industry for achieving near-zero breakdown of equipment and maintaining high quality services through the smart management of assets. As of today, SEAM has research collaboration/consultancy projects with over 30 international and local companies. Dr. Tse is the O-Committee Member of the Technical Committees of Non-Destructive Testing (TC 199), Safety of Machinery (TC 135) and Mechanical Vibration and Shock (TC 108) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently he is a registered Professional Engineer in Canada, a Chartered Engineer in United Kingdom. He has been awarded the PCN (Personnel Certification in Non-Destructive Testing) Certificate of Competence in Condition Monitoring from the British Institute in Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) and completed the Vibration Training Course - Vibration Analysis Level 2 in according with ISO 18436 Part 2. As of today, he has published over 250 articles in various international journals, proceedings, and professional reports.
Research Achievements My conference paper has won best paper award. Some of those published in SCI-ranked journals have won most downloaded and cited paper awards. As of August 2011, I had secured around HK$ 45 million (around US$5.8 million) in research grants, industry sponsorship and consultancy, generated around 250 research-related articles, provided knowledge transfers and licensing arrangements to 9 companies, and obtained 7 different kinds of awards. My research outcomes have been adopted by over 30 local and overseas companies, including the world largest oil sand exploration and production company, the Syncrude Canada Ltd. I have been recognized as a world-renowned expert in equipment fault diagnosis, signal processing, sensory design and engineering asset management.
Because of the high caliber of my foundation and applied researches, I have been invited by numerous conferences and professional organizations to be the Closing Keynote Speaker, Distinguished Speaker or Keynote Speaker. A number of them have provided honorariums/travelling expenses. I have also served as a conference co-organizer, international steering committee, scientific advisory committee and editorial committee member, and as chairman of a structured session for many local and international conferences. Moreover, SEAM? has enjoyed international recognition since forming the first global consortium on fault diagnosis and prognosis, which is linked with five renowned international research centers: in the USA, Canada, China and Australia (two centers). My research on signal processing, fault diagnosis and non-destructive testing has created impacts on research community and industry by prompting them to change their usual codes of practice in equipment maintenance and engineering asset management.
RESEARCH GRANTS OBTAINED (as of August 2011, in HK$) Received research grants from the General Research Fund, National Science Foundation Council of China and the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong SAR Government.
As the Principal Investigator, the total fund obtained is over $17,000,000.
Consultancy and external donations etc. is over $5,300,000.
As the Co-Investigator, the total fund obtained is over $22,000,000.
A total of around $45,000,000.
INDUSTRIAL DONATIONS AND SPONSORSHIPS RECEIVED (in HK$)Under my management, today the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM?) and the Croucher Optical Nondestructive Testing (CNDT) Laboratory have received donations, sponsorship and consultancy income from various industries. A total of around $5,300,000 has been acquired from various industries to support the research works and industrial activities organized by SEAM? and CNDT.
Awards Winner of the Mansour Best Paper Award, World Automation Congress (WAC ’96).
Merit Award of HKIE Student Project Competition 1997, Home Intelligent Security & Surveillance System.
Asia-Pacific Competition to represent the Asia-Pacific region in the FIRA 4th Robot Soccer World Cup, 1999.
Awarded the Most Read and Most Cited Papers in 2006 (with 632 Science Direct downloads from Jan. to Dec. 2006), Elsevier Publisher, in SCI rated Journal of Sound and Vibration.
First of the Top 25 Articles Read in 2005, Elsevier Publisher, in SCI rated journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
The second Most Downloaded Paper as of Sept 2009 in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, July 2009.
CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY O-Committee Member, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee Member - TC135: Non-Destructive Testing. Representing the Hong Kong SAR Government.
O-Committee Member, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee Member - TC199: Safety of Machinery. Representing the Hong Kong SAR Government.
O-Committee Member, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee Member - TC108 Mechanical Vibration and Shock. Representing the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Sub-Committee Member, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee - TC 108 SC 5: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Machines. Representing the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Committee Chair – PCS, Professional Service Development Assistant Scheme (PSDAS), Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS).
Executive Committee Member, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Division, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
Committee Member of the Training Review Sub-Committee – Group III, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
The Honorable Executive Committee Member of the Society for Promotion of Mechatronics.
Federation of International Robot-soccer Association (FIRA) SFU, Local Chapter Representative (Hong Kong).
Former Executive Committee Member of Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (AIIB).
Former Committee Member in the Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPDC), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
Former Member of the Customer Liaison Group (2007-09) for the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government (CLG 2007/09).
Former Secretary and the Executive Committee Member. The Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executive Society (BSOMES).
Former Task Force Member. The Task Force of Innovation and Technology Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE).
Former Advisor, Design and Technology – Simplify, Intensify & Realise (SiR), Kwun Tong Kung Lok Government Secondary School.
Former Vice-chairman, Education Committee, the ASME - Hong Kong Section.
Former Secretary, Public Affairs and Liaison Committee, the ASME - Hong Kong Section.
PUBLICATIONSAs of today, I have published over 50 referred journal papers. Most of them are in SCI with high impact factors and at top 20%. Two SCI papers have been ranked ‘first of the top 25 articles’ in the review list with bibliography. I have published over 75 referred conference papers. Nearly one-third of them are invited papers. I have also edited or published chapters in 8 books and two theses, as well as over 40 various consultancy and research reports. For publicity and news, my research and works have been reported in 72 various newspapers, magazine, bulletins, TV interview, and radio broadcasting. The total publication as of today is over 250 articles.
SOME SELECTED PUBLICATIONSA) Some Selected Refereed Publications in Journals Tse P., Liu X., Liu Z., Wu B., He C., and Wang X., “An Innovative Design of Using Flexible Printed Coil for Magnetostrictive-based Longitudinal Guided Wave Sensor in Steel Strand Inspection”, Smart Materials and Structures. 20 (2011) 055001, May, 2011.
Wang X., Tse P., and Djordjevich A., “Evaluation of pipeline defect’s characteristic axial length via model-based parameter estimation in ultrasonic guided-waves based inspection”, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 22. On-line Dec.23, 2010.
Wang D., Tse P., Guo W., and Miao Q., “Support vector data description for fusion of multiple health indicators for enhancing gearbox fault diagnosis and prognosis”, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 22. (Published on-line Dec.23, 2010)
Djordjevich A., Savovic S., Tse P., Drljaca B., and Simovic A., “Mode Coupling in Strained and Unstrained Step-Index Glass Optical Fibers”, Applied Optics, Vol. 49(27), Sept. 2010, pp. 5076- 5080.
Wang X., Tse P., Mechefske C. and M. Hua, “Experimental investigation of reflection in guided wave-based inspection for the characterization of pipeline defects”, the Journal of NDT&E International, Vol. 43(4), June 2010, pp. 365-374.
Rafiee, J., Rafiee M., Tse P.W., “Application of Mother Wavelet Functions for Automatic Gear and bearing Fault Diagnosis
, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36(3P1), April 2009, pp.4862-4875.
Li Y, Tse P., and Wang X., “Recovery of Vibration Signal Based on a Super-Exponential Algorithm”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 311, Issues 1-2, 18 March 2008, pp. 537-553.
Tse P., Gontarz S., and Wang W., “Enhanced Eigenvector Algorithm for Recovering Multiple Sources of Vibration Signals in Machine Fault Diagnosis”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 21, No. 7, October, 2007, pp. 2794-2813.
Leung J. and Tse P., “An Economical Engineering Monitoring System with Embedded Advanced Fault Diagnostic Features”, Industrial Engineering Research, Vol. 4(1), June 2007, pp. 38-50.
Wang W., Tse P., and Lee J, “Remote Machine Maintenance System Through Internet and Mobile Communication”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 31, No. 7-8, Jan. 2007 pp. 783-789.
Peng Z., Chu F., Tse P., “Singularity Analysis of the Vibration Signals Using Wavelet Modulus Maxima Method”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 21, issue 2, Feb. 2007. pp. 780-794.
Tse P., “The Use of Cylindrical Guided Waves for Inspecting Defects in Surface/Buried Pipelines”, Journal of Hong Kong Engineer, Vol. 34(12), Dec. 2006, p. 17.
Tse P., Zhang J., and Wang X., “Blind-Source-Separation and Blind Equalization Algorithms for Mechanical Signal Separation and Identification”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 12 issue 4, April 2006. pp. 395-423.
Peng Z., Tse P., and Chu F., “An Improved Hilbert - Huang Transform and Its Application for Vibration Signals Analysis”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 286, August 2005, pp. 187-205.
Peng Z., Tse P., and Chu F., “A Comparison Study of Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform and Wavelet Transform: Application to Fault Diagnosis for Rolling Bearing”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 19(5), Sept. 2005, pp. 974-988.
Yang W. X. and Tse P., “An Advanced Strategy for Detecting Impulses in Mechanical Signals”, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - Transactions of the ASME, 127 (3), June 2005, pp. 280-284. (ISSN 1048-9002).
Peng. Z., Chu F., and Tse P., “Detection of the Rubbing Caused Impacts for Rotor-Stator Fault Diagnosis Using Reassigned Scalogram”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 19(2), March 2005, pp. 391-409.
Wang J., Tse P., He L., Yeung R., “Remote Sensing, Diagnosis and Collaborative Maintenance with Web-enabled Virtual Instruments and Mini-Servers”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 24(9-10), Nov. 2004, pp. 764-772.
Tse P., Yang W.X., and Tam H. Y., “Machine Fault Diagnosis Through an Effective Exact Wavelet Analysis”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 277(4-5), Nov. 5, 2004, pp.1005-1024.
Ip K. H., Tse P., and Tam H. Y. “Extraction of Patch-Induced Lamb Waves Using Wavelet Transform”, Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 13(4), June 16, 2004, pp. 861 - 872.
Lai W.X., Tse P., Zhang G.C., and Shi T.L., “Classification of Gear Faults Using Cumulants and the Radial Basis Function Network”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 18(2), March 2004, pp. 381-389.
Yang W. X. and Tse P., “Development of an advanced noise reduction method for vibration analysis based on singular value decomposition”, NDT&E International, Vol. 36(6), September, 2003, pp. 419-432.
Tam H.Y., Xu H., and Tse P., “An Algorithm for the Interpolation of Hybrid Curves”, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 35(3), March 2003, pp. 267-277.
Tse P., “Maintenance Practices in Hong Kong and the Use of the Intelligent Scheduler”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 8(4), Oct. 2002, pp. 369-380.
B) Some Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings Tse P., Liu X., and Wang X., “Innovative and Flexible Magnetostrictive Sensor for Strand Rope Defect Inspection”, the 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC), Dec. 5-8, 2011, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Tse P. and Wang D., “The Sparsogram: A New and Effective Method for Extracting Bearing Fault Features”, the 2011 Prognostics & System Health Management Conference, May 23-25, Shenzhen, China, paper no. MU3178.
F. Di Maio, E. Zio1, M. Pecht, P. Tse & K. Tsui, “Ensemble of Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means classifiers for clustering health status of oil sand pumps”, ESREL 2011, organized by the European Safety and Reliability Association, Sept. 18-22, 2011, Troyes, France.
Tse P., Liu X., Wang X., and Wang D., “A Novel and Flexible Design of Magnetostrictive Sensor for Strand/Rope Defect Inspection”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2011), August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA.
Tse P., and Wang X., “Quantitative Survey for Determining the Sizes of Defects in Pipes through Signal Separation Processes”, The 2nd International Conference on Utility Management and Safety, March 6-9, Hong Kong, pp. 118-125.
Tse P., and Guo W., “A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Rolling Bearing Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition”, Advances in Maintenance and Condition Diagnosis Technologies towards Sustainable Society (COMADEM 2010), June 28–July 2, 2010, Nara, Japan. pp.797-800.
Guo W. and Tse P., “Enhancing the Ability of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition in Machine Fault Diagnosis”, 2010 Prognostics & System Health Management Conference (PHM2010) Jan. 12-14, 2010, Macau, Paper MU3070.
Tse P., Li, Y., Chan C., and Leung J., “Automatic Generator Health Assessment System that Embedded with Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Expert System”, 2010 Prognostics & System Health Management Conference (PHM2010) Jan. 12-14, 2010, Macau, Paper MU3068.
Tse P., “Advancement in Condition Monitoring and Its Management”, Proceedings of the Building Management Systems: Modern Application, Education and Training Developments in China(Mainland), Hong Kong and Macau, Paper 12-1, Nov. 24, 2009, Hong Kong.
Xiaojuan Wang and Peter W. Tse, "Parameter estimation of guided-wave reflection signal for quantitative characterization of defect in pipeline
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香港城市大学先进设计及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Ir. Dr. Peter W.T. TSE
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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