

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-20



姓名: 黄云清
职称: 教授
电子信箱: huangyq@xtu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://math.xtu.edu.cn/myphp/math/personal/huangyq/



黄云清,男,1962年生,汉族,湖南澧县人,1982年、1984年在湘潭大学分别获得学士和硕士学位,1987年在中国科学院系统科学所获博士学位。 是湘潭大学二级教授、博士生导师。是国家****基金获得者、国家首批“****”百千万工程领军人才、教育部跨世纪人才计划人选、享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴、湖南省科技领军人才。兼任任教育部高校数学类专业教指委副主任,教育部科技委第五、六届数理学部委员,中国工业与应用数学学会第七届副理事长,中国计算数学学会第七、八届理事会副理事长,湖南省数学会理事长;创办数学SCI期刊《Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》并担任主编。长期从事微分方程数值解及其软件方面的研究工作,在有限元高精度理论与应用、多层网格法等领域做出了突出成绩,得到了国内外同行****的高度评价,并且将理论成果成功地应用于生产实践,获得了很好的社会与经济效益。主持国家****科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目、中德科学基金国际合作研究项目、国家攀登计划子项目、国家973计划子项目、国家教委资助优秀年轻教师基金项目、国防科技重点实验室项目、教育部骨干教师基金项目等20余项。先后获得湖南省自然科学一等奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、“冯康科学计算奖”等科研奖励。出版专著2部,在SIAM. J. Numer. Anal, Math. Comput等国际计算数学顶级刊物和国内外重要学术刊物发表SCI论文100余篇,论文引用700余次,其中他引500余次。曾到美国、英国、荷兰、香港等国家和地区的科研院校作学术访问。多次作为特邀代表参加国际学术会议,其中受邀在2019年国际工业与应用数学大会上作大会报告。














1. 陈传淼、黄云清,有限元高精度理论,湖南科技出版社,1995.
2. Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang,Time-Domain FiniteElement Methodsfor Maxwell'sEquations inMetamaterials, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-33788-8. 2012.

1.T. Chan, Y. Huang, T. Tang, J. Xu and L. Ying eds, Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDEs , Kluwer, 2002.
2.Y. Huang, O. Widlund, J. Xu and R. Kornhuber edites, Domain Decomposition Methods in Sceince and Engineering XIX, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 78, Springer, 2010. ISBN:978-3-642-11303-1.

3. 龚曙光、谢桂兰、黄云清,ANSYS操作命令与参数化编程,机械工业出版社,2004年.

[1].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Dan Li, Developing Weak Galerkin Finite Element Methods for the Wave Equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, DOI: 10.1002/num.22127
[2].Yunqing Huang and Kai Jiang, Hill-Climbing Algorithm with a Stick for Unconstrained Optimization Problems, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 307-323, April 2017
[3].Qili Tang, Yunqing Huang. Local and parallel finite element algorithm based on Oseen-type iteration for the stationary incompressible MHD flow. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017, 70(1): 149-174.
[4].Zhenhua Yang, Zhijuan Zhang, Yanjun Pan, Shu Zhao, Yunqing Huang, Xianyou Wang, Xiaoying Chen, Shuangying Wei, First-principles investigation of the effects of Sb doping on the LiNiO2,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 244, December 2016, Pages 52–60.
[5].Shan Jiang, Michael Presho, Yunqing Huang, An adapted Petrov-Galerkin multi-scale finite element method for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 93, No. 7, 1200–1211,2016
[6].Hongen Jia, Huiyong Jia, Yunqing Huang, A modified two-grid decoupling method for the mixed Navier–Stokes/Darcy Model,Computers & Mathematics with Applications,Volume 72, Issue 4, August 2016, Pages 1142–1152
[7].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Wei Yang, Theoretical and numerical analysis of a non-local dispersion model for light interaction with metallic nanostructures, Computers & Mathematics with Applications,Volume 72, Issue 4, August 2016, Pages 921–932
[8].Wei Yang, Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang, Modeling and analysis of the optical black hole in metamaterials by the finite element time-domain method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,Volume 304, 1 June 2016, Pages 501–520
[9].Jianyun Wang, Yunqing Huang, Zhikun Tian, Jie Zhou, Superconvergence analysis of finite element method time-dependent Schr?dinger equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 71 (2016) 1960–1972
[10].Jie Zhou, Long Chen,Yunqing Huang, Wansheng Wang, An Efficient Two-Grid Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, Commun. Comput. Phys.17(1), pp.127-145, 2015.
[12].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Total Reflection and Cloaking by Triangular Defects Embedded in Zero Index Metamaterials, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7 (2) , pp 135 - 144, April 2015
[13].Yunqing Huang, Jichun. Li, Chao Wu, Wei Yang, Superconvergence analysis for linear tetrahedral edge elements, Journal of Scientific Computing, 62(1), 122-145, 2015.
[14].Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang, Wei Yang, Well-posedness study and finite element simulation of time-domain cylindrical and elliptical cloaks, Mathematics of Computation, 84, 543-562, 2015.
[15].Wenying Lu, Yunqing Huang, Hailiang Liu, Mass preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for Schr?dinger equations, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 282, 1 February 2015, Pages 210–226
[16].Hu Jun; Huang, Yunqing; Lin, Qun, Lower bounds for eigenvalues of elliptic operators: by nonconforming finite element methods. J. Sci. Comput. 61 (2014), no. 1, 196–221.
[17].Liu Hailiang; Huang Yunqing; Yi Nianyu, A conservative discontinuous Galerkin method for the Degasperis-Procesi equation. Methods Appl. Anal. 21 (2014), no. 1, 67–89.
[18].Chen, Jie; Huang, Yunqing; Wang, Desheng; Xie, Xiaoping Adaptive tetrahedral mesh generation by constrained centroidal Voronoi-Delaunay tessellations for finite element methods. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 30 (2014), no. 5, 1633–1653.
[19].Huang, Yunqing; Li, Jichun; Yang, Wei Mathematical analysis of a PML model obtained with stretched coordinates and its application to backward wave propagation in metamaterials. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 30 (2014), no. 5, 1558–1574.
[20].Li Jichun; Huang Yunqing; Yang Wei; Wood Aihua, Mathematical analysis and time-domain finite element simulation of carpet cloak. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 74 (2014), no. 4, 1136–1151.
[21].Wei Huayi, Chen Long, Huang Yunqing, Zheng Bin, Adaptive mesh refinement and superconvergence for two-dimensional interface problems. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36 (2014), no. 4, A1478–A1499.
[22].Yin Peimeng; Huang, Yunqing; Liu, Hailiang An iterative discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the nonlinear Poisson Boltzmann equation. Commun. Comput. Phys. 16 (2014), no. 2, 491–515.
[23].Yang Yin; Chen Yanping; Huang Yunqing, Convergence analysis of the Jacobi spectral-collocation method for fractional integro-differential equations. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 34 (2014), no. 3, 673–690.
[24].Luo Xianbing; Chen Yanping; Huang Yunqing; Hou Tianliang, Some error estimates of finite volume element method for parabolic optimal control problems. Optimal Control Appl. Methods 35 (2014), no. 2, 145–165.
[25].Hu Jun; Huang Yunqing; Shen Quan, The lower/upper bound property of approximate eigenvalues by nonconforming finite element methods for elliptic operators. J. Sci. Comput. 58 (2014), no. 3, 574–591.
[26].Huang Yunqing; Yang Wei; Yi Nianyu, Superconvergence analysis for the explicit polynomial recovery method. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 265 (2014), 187–198.
[27].Yang Yin; Chen Yanping; Huang Yunqing, Spectral-collocation method for fractional Fredholm integro-differential equations. J. Korean Math. Soc. 51 (2014), no. 1, 203–224.
[28].Xu Jian-Jun; Huang Yunqing; Lai Ming-Chih; Li Zhilin, A coupled immersed interface and level set method for three-dimensional interfacial flows with insoluble surfactant. Commun. Comput. Phys. 15 (2014), no. 2, 451–469.
[29].Nianyu Yi, Yunqing Huang, Hailiang Liu, A direct discontinuous Galerkin method for the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation: Energy conservation and boundary effect, Journal of Computational Physics 242 (2013) 351–366
[30].Yunqing Huang, Yifan Su, Huayi Wei, Nianyu Yi, Anisotropic mesh generation methods based on ACVT and natural metric for anisotropic elliptic equation, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2013, Vol. 56 No. 12: 2615–2630
[31].Jun Hu and Yunqing Huang, Lower Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Stokes Operator, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2013, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-18
[32].Xianbing Luo, Yanping Chen, and Yunqing Huang, A priori error estimates of Crank-Nicolson finite volume element method for parabolic optimal control problems, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2013, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 688-704.
[33].Xianbing Luo, Yanping Chen, and Yunqing Huang, Some error estimates of finite volume element approximation for elliptic optimal control problems, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2013, pp. 697–711.
[34].Xianbing Luo, Yanping Chen, and Yunqing Huang, A priori error estimates of finite volume element method for hyperbolic optimal control problems, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2013, pp. 901–914.
[35].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, and Yanping Lin, Finite element analysis of maxwell's equations in dispersive lossy bi-isotropic media, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,V5, N4, p49?-509, 2013
[36].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, and Wei Yang, Modeling Backward Wave Propagation in Metamaterials by the Finite Element Time-Domain Method, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 35(1), B248–B274, 2013
[37].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Chao Wu, Averaging for superconvergence: Verification and application of 2D edge elements to Maxwell’s equations in metamaterials, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 255 (2013) 121–132
[38].Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang, Wei Yang, Numerical Study of the Plasma-Lorentz Model in Metamaterials, J Sci Comput , (2013) 54:121–144
[39].Kai Jiang, Chu Wang, Yunqing Huang, Pingwen Zhang, Discovery of new metastable patterns in diblock copolymers, Communications in Computational Physics, 14:443–460, 2013.
[40].Yunqing Huang, Shangyou Zhang, Supercloseness of the Divergence-Free Finite Element Solutions on Rectangular Grids, Commun Math Stat (2013) 1:143–162
[41].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Qun Lin, Superconvergence Analysis for Time-Dependent Maxwell’s Equations in Metamaterials, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 28(6): 794–1816,November 2012
[42].Yunqing Huang, Kai Jiang and Nianyu Yi, Some Weighted Averaging Methods for Gradient Recovery, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 131-155, 2012
[43].Jichun Li and Yunqing Huang, Mathematical Simulation of Cloaking Metamaterial Structures, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 93-101, 2012
[44].Haiyuan Yu,Yunqing Huang, asymptotic expansion and superconvergence for triangular linear finite element on a class of typical mesh international journal of numerical analysis and modeling, 2012,Volume 9, Number 4, Pages 892–906
[45].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li,Wei Yang,Solving metamaterial Maxwell’s equations via a vector wave integro-differential equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 63 (2012) 1597–1606
[46].Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang and Wei Yang, Developing a time-domain finite-element method for modeling of electromagnetic cylindrical cloaks, Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2012) 2880–2891
[47].Jun Hu, Yunqing Huang, Quan Shen, A High Accuracy Post-processing Algorithm for the Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators, ,J Sci Comput . Volume 52, Number 2 (2012), 426-445
[48].Yunqing Huang, Hailiang Liu, Nianyu Yi, Recovery of normal derivatives from the piecewise L2 projection,Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (4), 2012.1230-1243, SCI.
[49].Jun Hu and Yunqing Huang, The correction operator for the canonical interpolation operator of the Adini element and the lower bounds of eigenvalues, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 55(1) 1 (2012), 187-196
[50].Jun Hu and Yunqing Huang, A priori and a posteriori error analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin methods for Reissner-Mindlin plates, Adv. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 649-662.2011
[51].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Numerical analysis of a PML model for time-dependent Maxwell’s equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235 (2011) 3932–3942
[52].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Wei Yang , Shuyu Sun, Superconvergence of mixed finite element approximations to 3-D Maxwell’s equations in metamaterials,Journal of Computational Physics 230,8275–8289,2011
[53].Jichun Li, Yunqing Huang, and Yanping Lin,Developing Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations in a Cole–Cole Dispersive Medium,SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 33, pp. 3153-3174,2011
[54].Jun Hu, Yunqing Huang, and Shangyou Zhang,The Lowest Order Differentiable Finite Element on Rectangular Grids , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. ,2011.7, 49, pp. 1350-1368
[55].Yunqing Huang,, Hengfeng Qin, DeshengWang and Qiang Du,Convergent Adaptive Finite ElementMethod Based on CentroidalVoronoi Tessellations and Superconvergence,Commun. Comput. Phys. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 339-370,August 2011
[56].Tianliang Hou, Yanping Chen*, and Yunqing Huang, A posteriori error estimates of mixed methods for quadratic optimal control problems governed by parabolic equations, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2011, pp. 439-458.
[57].Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Wei Yang, Interior penalty DG methods for Maxwell’s equations in dispersive media, Journal of Computational Physics, 230, 4559–4570, 2011
[58].Yunqing Huang, Huayi Wei, Wei Yang, Nianyu Yi, A New a Posteriori Error Estimate for Adaptive Finite Element Methods,by Springer:, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XIX, Series: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 78,Huang, Y.; Kornhuber, R.; Widlund, O.; Xu, J. (Eds.),1st Edition., 2011, XV, 460 p., Hardcover,ISBN: 978-3-642-11303-1
[59].Yunqing Huang, Shangyou Zhang, A lowest order divergence-free finite element on rectangular grids, Frontiers of Mathematics in China , Vol 6(2), 253-270, 2011.2
[60].Huayi Wei, Long Chen, and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence and gradient recovery of the linear finite elements for the Laplace–Beltrami operator on general surfaces, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2010.11, 48(5): 1920-1943
[61].Ruilin Chen, Qinyuan Zeng, Yunqing Huang, Analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind,SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2010.4, 53(4): 751–757
[62].Kai Jiang, Yunqing Huang, Pingwen Zhang, Spectral method for exploring patterns of diblock copolymers, Journal of Computational Physics, 2010.10, 229(20): 7796-7805
[63].Yunqing Huang and Nianyu Yi, The superconvergent cluster recovery method, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2010, 44: 301-322.
[64].Yunqing Huang and Jichun Li, Recent advances in time-domain Maxwell’s equations in metamaterials. submitted to High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA 2009) Shanghai, August 3--5, 2009 (eds. By W.Zhang et al.),conference proceeding as LNCS 5938 by Springer, 2010, 48-57
[65].Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Wenbin Liu, and Ningning Yan, Error estimatesand superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for convexoptimal control problems, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2010, 42: 382-403
[66].Yunqing Huang, Qin Liang, and Nianyu Yi, High order compact schemes for gradient approximation, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2010, 53(7): 1903-1918.
[67].Jianmei Yuan, Yunqing Huang, Structural, electronic and optical properties of smallest (2,2) carbon nanotube: A plane-wave pseudopotential total energy calculation, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2010.2, 942(1-3): 88-92
[68].Jun Hu and Yunqing Huang, A posteriori error analysis of finite element methods for Reissner_Mindlin plates, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2010, 47(6): 4446-4472
[69].Ruilin Chen, Qinyuan Zeng, Yunqing Huang, A Sttudy of long –Span Railway Cable-Stayed Bridges,Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2010, 29(2): 7-10
[70].Yunqing Huang and Jichun Li, Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Maxwell's Equations in Cold Plasma, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2009.12, 41(3): 321-340
[71].Jianmei Yuan, Yunqing Huang, First-principles study of a new type nanojunction: Finite length carbon chain inserted into half of a carbon nanotube, J of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEM, 2009, 915: 63–68
[72].Jichun Li, Todd Arbogast and Yunqing Huang, Mixed Methods Using Standard Conforming Finite Elements,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2009, 198(5-8): 680-692
[73].Zhengsu Wan, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Legendre spectral Galerkin method for second-kind Volterra integral equations, Front. Math. China, 2009, 4(1),: 181-193
[74].Shan Jiang and Yunqing Huang, Numerical investigation on the boundary conditions for the multiscal base functions, Communications in Computational Physics, 2009, 5(5): 928-941
[75].Yin Yang, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Moving mesh method for a model of turbulentflow in circular tubes, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2009,27(2-3): 388-399
[76].Yunqing Huang, Hengfeng Qin and Desheng Wang;Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation-based Finite Element Superconvergence, Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng. 2008, 76: 1819-1839
[77].Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang and Nianyu Yi, A posteriori error estimates of spectral method for optimal control problems governed by parabolic equations, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2008, 51(8): 1376-1390,
[78].Yunqing Huang and Jinchao Xu, Superconvergence of quadratic finite elements on mildly structured grids,Math. Comp., 77, 1253-1268, March 4, 2008
[79].Renke Chen, Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang and Zhang Jianping, Structural Shape Optimization Using Element-free Galerkin Method and Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, Mechanical Science and Technology, 2008, 27(6): 827-833, (In Chinese)
[80].Jianping Zhang, Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang, Renke Chen and Nie Songhui, Applied Research of Reproducing Kernel Particle Methods to Structural Dynamics Response Analysis, China Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 19(8): 900-904 (In Chinese)
[81].Jun Jiang, Yunqing Huang, Shi Shu and Shi Zeng, Some new discretization and adaptation and multigrid methods for 2-D 3-T diffusion equations, J Computational Physics, 2009.5, 224(1): 168-181
[82].Yunqing Huang, Li Ruo and Liu Wenbin, Preconditioned Descent Algorithms for p-Laplacian, J Scientific Computing, 2007.8, 32(2): 343-371
[83].Zhongci Shi, Xuejun Xu and Yunqing Huang, Economical cascadic multigrid method (ECMG), Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2007.12, 50 (12): 1765-1780
[84].Haiyuan Yu and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence and Asymptotic Expansion for Criss-Cross Linear Finite Approximation with Variable coefficient, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. English Series, 2007, 29(3): 325-336,
[85].Jun Jiang, Shi Shu, Yunqing Huang and Long Chen, A Mesh Adaptive Method for Two-Dimensional Three-Temperature Heat Conduction Equations}, JCP (chinese), 2007, 24(1): 19-28, (In Chinese)
[86].Kang Deng, Zhiguang Xiong and Yunqing Huang, The Galerkin continuous finite element method for delay-differential equation with a variable term, Applied Math Comp, 2007, 186: 1488-1496,
[87].Qisheng Wang, Kang Deng, Zhiguang Xiong and Yunqing Huang, Partition of unity for a class of nonlinear parabolic equation on overlapping nonmatching grids, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. English Series, 2007, 16 (1 ): 1-13,
[88].Qisheng Wang, Kang Deng, Zhiguang Xiong and Yunqing Huang, The Convergence Analysis of Finite Element Method for Parabolic Equation on Overlapping Nonmatching Grids. Advances in Mathematics (China), 2007, 36(6): 1-12,
[89].Jianping Zhang, Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang, Songhui Nie and Renke Chen ,Modal Analysis of Perforated Thin Plate Based on Reproducing Kernel Particle Method(RKPM), Mechanical Science and Technology, 2007, 26(10): 1366-1370 (In Chinese)
[90].Shuguang Gong, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Songhui Nie and Yingming Li, Applied Research on Element-free Galerkin Method for Linear Elastic Structural Shape Optimization, Mechanical Science and Technology, 2007, 26(3): 373-377, (In Chinese)
[91].Aihong Qiu, Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang and Songhui Nie, A Study on Meshless Shape Optimiozation Based on Fictitious Variables, Engineering Mechanics, 2007, 24(9): 26-30 (In Chinese)
[92].Yunqing Huang, Shi Shu and Xijun Yu , Preconditioning higher order finite element systems by algebraic multigrid method of linear element, J Computational Mathematics, 2006, 24(5): 657-664
[93].Yunqing Huang, Wei Li and Su Fang, Optimal Error Estimates of the Partition of Unity Method with Local Polynomial Approximation Spaces. J Computational Mathematics, 2006, 24(3): 365-372
[94].Shi Shu, Haiyuan Yu, Yunqing Huang and Chunyuan Nie, A symetric finite volume element scheme on quadralateral grids and superconvergence, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modelling, 2006, 3: 348-360,
[95].Jun Jiang, Shi Shu, Yunqing Huang,Symmetric Finite Volume Element Method in ICF Sumulation,J. System of Simulation, 2006, 18: 3354-3357. (EI)
[96].Jianzhou Liu, Yunqing Huang and Anping Liao, Some inequalities for eigenvalues of Schur complements of Hermitian matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2006, 196: 439-451
[97].Shuguang Gong, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang,Shape Optimization and Sensitivity Analsis Based on Element-Free Galerkin Methods}, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 42(6): 199-204, (In Chinese)
[98].Shuguang Gong, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Application Research of Meshless Method in Shape Optimization, China Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 17(12): 1290-1293 (In Chinese)
[99].Bacuta Constantin, Jinru Chen, Yunqing Huang, Jinchao Xu and Zikatanov Ludmil T., Partition of unity for the Stokes problem on overlapping nonmatching grids. J. Numerical Mathematics, 2005, 13(3): 157-169,
[100].Guangming Zhou, Yunqing Huang and Chunsheng Feng, Preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for P-Laplacian, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modelling, 2005, 2: 123-130,
[101].Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang, Guilan Xie and Aihong Qiu, Shape optimization and sensitivity analysis based on fictitious load variables,Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2005, 22 (2): 183-188, (In Chinese)
[102].Wei Li and Yunqing Huang, A modified adaptive algebraic multigrid algorithm for elliptic obstacle problems, in Frontiers and prospects of contemporary applied mathematics, Series in contemporary applied mathematics CAM 6, 2005, 160-178, T.Li and P. Zhang eds, World Scientific
[103].Yong Zhou, B.G. Zhang and Huang Yunqing, Existence for nonoscillatory solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral differential equations, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2005, 55(1): 237-253
[104].Shuguang Gong, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Study on design sensitivity analysis based on EFG method in mechanical shape optimization, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Proceedings of ICMEM2005, Nanjing, China: 2005.10, 26- 28, 876-881
[105].Shi Shu, Yunqing Huang and Ying Yang, A Class of Algebraic Multigrid Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Grids with Equal Algebraic, Structure on Each Lay}, JCP (chinese), 2005, 22(6): 488-492
[106].Jun Jiang, Shi Shu and Yunqing Huang, Symmetric Finite Volume Element Method in ICF, Simulation. J. of System Simulation. 2006, 18(12): 3354-3357
[107].Yunqing Huang, Zhongci Shi, Tang Tao and Xue Weimin, A multilevel successive iteration method for nonlinear elliptic problems. Math Comp, 2004, 73 (246): 525-539
[108].Zhijun Tan, Zhengru Zhang, Yunqing Huang and Tao Tang, Moving mesh methods with locally varying time steps, Journal of Computational Physics, 2004, 200: 347- 367
[109].Yunqing Huang, shi Shu and Haiyuan Yu, Superconvergence and asymptotic expansions for linear finite element approximations on criss-cross mesh, Science in China A , 2004, 47: 136-145,
[110].Jun Hu and Huang Yunqing,The lower approximation of eigenvalue by lumped mass finite element method, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2004, 22(4): 545-556
[111].Jianzhou Liu and Yunqing Huang and Fuzhen Zhang, The Schur complements of generalized doubly diagonally dominant matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2004.12, 378: 231-244
[112].Jinzhou Liu and Yunqing Huang, Some properties on Schur complements of H-matrices and diagonally dominant matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2004.4, 389: 365- 380
[113].Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang and Dehao Yu, A two grid method of expended mixed finite element method for reaction diffusion equations, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2003, 57: 193-209,
[114].Yong Zhou and Yunqing Huang, Existence for nonoscillatory solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003, 280: 63-76
[115].Yunqing Huang and XU Jinchao, A conforming finite element method for overlapping and nonmatching grids, Math Comp., 2003, 72(243): 1057-1066
[116].Jianzhou Liu, Yunqing Huang and Yanping Chen, Some estimates for eigenvalues and singular value of schur complements of normal matrices, Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Proceedings of the 2001’ International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Science Press, 2003, 133- 138,
[117].Zhijun Tan and Yunqing Huang, An adaptive grid method with local time stepping for one dimensional conservation laws, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 2003, 25(2): 110-116 (In Chinese)
[118].Yong Zhou and Yunqing Huang, Existence of positive solutions for certain nonlinear partial difference equations, Math and Comput. Modelling , 2003, 38: 331-337
[119].Yunqing Huang, and Weimin Xue, Convergence of finite element approximations and multilevel linearization for Ginzburg-Landau model of D-wave superconductors, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2002.10, 17: 309-330
[120].Jun Hu and Yunqing Huang, An optimal error estimate for an h-p clouds method. , Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDEs, T. Chan, Y. HUANG, T. Tang, J. Xu and L. Ying eds, Kluwer, 2002.
[121].Shuguang Gong, Yunqing Huang, Guilan Xie and Bo Hong, The shape optimization of axisymmetric structures based on fictitious loads variables, Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDEs, T. Chan, Y. HUANG, T. Tang, J. Xu and L. Ying eds, Kluwer, 2002.
[122].Jie Xiao, Yunqing Huang and Wenbin Liu, Some multigrid methods for solving P-Laplacian, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 2002, 24(3): 1-8 (In Chinese)
[123].Yanping Chen Yunqing Huang and Zhuhe Shen, Least square fixed finite element methods for degenerate elliptic problems, Numer. Math. Sinica, 2001, 23(1): 87-94
[124].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Improved error estimates for mixed finite element method for nonlinear hyperbolic equations:The continous time case, J. Comput Math, 2001, 19(4): 385-392
[125].Mo Mu and Yunqing Huang, Partition property of Domain Decomposition without ellipticity, J. Comput Math, 2001, 19(4), 423-432
[126].Yong Zhou and Yunqing Huang, Existance of non-oscillatory solutions of second order Neutral Delay equations, ZAA (Zeitschrift fur Analysis and ihre An wendungen), 2001, 20(4): 1065-1074
[127].Yunqing Huang and Jinchao Xu, A partition of unity finite element method for elliptic problems with highly oscillating coefficients, Proceedings of Workshop on Scientific Computing 99, 2001, Science Press
[128].Shi Shu, Yunqing Huang and Haiyuan Yu, A Generalized interpolation and its application to a generalized finite element method, Numer Math Sinica, 2000, 22(1): 113-120
[129].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Mixed finite element method for nonlinear hyperbolic equations, Numer. Math. J. of Chinese Universities, 2000, 22(1): 63-69
[130].Xiaojin Liu, Yunqing Huang and Kako Takashi, Iteration method for the Holmholtz equation based on domain decomposition with cross point, Proceedings of Japanese Applied Mathematics conference, 2000
[131].Shuhua Zhou and Yunqing Huang, Higher order expansion of a modified finite element approximations elliptic problems, Natural science J of Xiangtan university, 1999, 21(1): 17-21
[132].Mo Mu and Yunqing Huang, An alternating Crank-Nicolsion method for decoupling the Ginzburg-Landou equations, SIAM J Numer Anal, 1998.10, 35(5): 1740- 1761
[133].Shi Shu, Haiyuan Yu and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence and high accuracy combination formula of bicubic spline element for plate problems, Numer Math Sinica, 1998, 20(2): 167-174
[134].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, The superconvergence of mixed finite element method for nonlinear hyperbolic equation, Comm in Nonli Sci & Numer Simul, 1998, 3(3): 155-158
[135].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, The full discrete mixed finite element method for nonlinear hyperbolic equations, Comm in Nonli Sci & Numer Simul, 1998, 3(3): 152-155
[136].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence of time-discretization procedure for compressible miscible displacement, Natrual science J of Xiangtan university, 1998, 20(3): 41-50 (In Chinese)
[137].Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence of finite element method on domains with reentrant corners, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1997: 196,169-182
[138].Yunqing Huang and Yaoxing Li, The convergence of multigrid methods for solving finite element equations in the presence of singularities, J of Comput Math, 1995, 13(4)
[139].Chuanmiao Chen, Yunqing Huang, Jicheng JIn and Shi Shu, The application of high accuracy method in the analysis of concrete faced rockfill dams, Numer Math J of Chinese Universities, 1995, 17(4): 345-351
[140].Shi Shu, Haiyuan Yu and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence of C2-spline Galerkin approximation for 4th order equations. with Academic Letters of Chinese Journals, 3, 1995
[141].Yunqing Huang and Yanping Chen, The superconvergence and asymptotic exact a posteriori error estimates of finite element on K-mesh, Numer Math Sinica, 6(3), 278-285, 1994, & Chin. J of Numer.Math. & Appl., 16(4), 1994, Allerton Press Inc.
[142].Yunqing Huang and Qun Lin, Green’s function and some estimate of F.E.M approximations on polygonal domains, J Sys Sci & Math Sci., 1994, 14(1): 1-8,
[143].Yunqing Huang, Time discretization schemes for an integro-differential equation of parabolic type, J of Comput Math, 1994, 12(3): 259-264
[144].Yunqing Huang, Shi Shu and Jicheng Jin, A preconditioned conjugate gradient method for the analysis of concrete faced rockfill dams, Proceedings of Conference of scientific and engineering computing for young Chinese scientists, National Defence Industry Press, 1994, 27-33
[145].Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Global high accuracy for nonsymmetric singular two point boundary value problems, Numer Math J of Chinese Universities, 1994, 16,(3): 271-278
[146].Yunqing Huang and Yanping Chen, A multilevel iterate correction method for solving nonlinear singular problems, Natural Science J of Xiangtan Univ., 16(1), 23- 26, 1994 (In Chinese)
[147].Shi Shu and Yunqing Huang, Asymptotic expansions of nonstandard bilinear element approximation for elliptic problems, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1994, 16(1): 11-22
[148].Yunqing Huang and Yanping Chen, A lower bound estimate of condition number for finite element equations on highly refined meshes, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1993, 5, Suppl Issue: 92-96
[149].Jicheng Jin and Yunqing Huang, Superconvergence of biquadratic element approximations, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1993, 15(2): 8-14 (In Chinese)
[150].Chuanmiao Chen and Yunqing Huang, Corrections of finite element method, Numer Math J of Chinese Universities, 1992, 14(4): 354-362
[151].Yunqing Huang and Qun Lin, Elliptic boundary value problems and F.E.M approximations on polygonal domains, J Sys Sci & Math Sci., 1992, 12(3): 263-268
[152].Yunqing Huang, A new argument for the asymptotic expansions of F.E.M and its application in the equations of elasticity, Proceedings of first annual meeting of Youths, China Association, Science and Technology Press of China, Science Edition, 1992, 4: 84-91,
[153].Yunqing Huang, Term by term asymptotic expansions of standard and nonstandard F.E.M for two point boundary value problems, Numer Math J of Chinese Universities, 1991, 13(2): 180-190,
[154].Chuanmiao Chen, Yunqing Huang, Jicheng Jin and Shi Shu, The analysis of ZhuShuQiao concrete faced rockfill dams, Research Report, Dept of Math, Xiangtan University , 1991,9
[155].Yunqing Huang and Qun Lin, Superconvergence and asymtotic expansions of F.E.M for parabolic problems, J Sys Sci & Math Sci., 1991, 11(4): 27-335,
[156].Yunqing Huang and Qun Lin, Finite element methods and extrapolations on polygonal domains , Numer Math Sinica, 1990, 12(3): 239-249,
[157].Chuanmiao Chen and Yunqing Huang, Correction method for linear triangular elements, Hunan Annals of Mathematics, 1990, 10(2): 117-121
[158].Yunqing Huang and HA van der VORST, Some observations on the convergence behavior of GMRES(II), Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1990, 12(2): 135- 149 (In Chinese)
[159].Yunqing Huang and HA van der VORST, Some observations on the convergence behavior of GMRES(I), Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1989, 11(4): 103- 116, (In Chinese)
[160].Chuanmiao Chen and Yunqing Huang, Extrapolation of triangular linear elements in general domains , Numer Math J of Chinese Universities, 1989, 11(1): 1-16,
[161].Yunqing Huang and HA van der VORST, Some observations on the convergence behavior of GMRES, Report 89-09 of Delft Univ., 1989, ISSN 0922-5641,
[162].Yunqing Huang, Asymptotic expansion and extrapolation of finite element approximations for the parabolic problems, J Eng Math., 1989, 6(3): 16-24,
[163].Michael KRIZ.EK, Qun Lin, Yunqing Huang, A nodal superconvergence arising from combination of linear and bilinear elements, J. Sys Sci & Math Sci, 1988, 1(2),: 191-197,
[164].Yunqing Huang, High order expansion and extrapolation for finite element eigenvalues, Natural Science J of Xiangtan University, 1988, 10(1): 19-29
[165].Yunqing Huang, Finite element Method – Extrapolations and Superconvergence. Ph.D thesis, Institute of System Science and Mathematics Science, 1987, 4
[166].Chuanmiao Chen and Yunqing Huang, W^{1,p}-Stability of finite element method for elliptic problems, Hunan Annals of Mathematics, 1986, 6(2): 81-89, (In Chinese)


4.湖南省数学学会,理事长(2005 - 至今)
6.教育部高等学校数学与统计学教学指导委员会,委员,2008-2012;副主任,2013 - 至今

1.Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (AAMM),主编,2008 - 至今
2.Mathematical Theory and Application (MTA),主编,2005 -至今
3.《湘潭大学自然科学学报》,主编,2004- 2015,编委会主任,2016 - 至今
4.Numerical Mathematics Theory,Methods and Applications(NMTMA),编委,2002 - 至今
5.Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (DCDS-S),编委,2008 - 2010
6.《计算数学》,编委,2002 -2010
7.《高校计算数学学报》,编委,2002 - 至今

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