职 务:洞庭湖湿地生态系统观测研究站站长
职 称:研究员学 历:博士
电 话:(86)-**通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号
传 真:(86)-**邮政编码:410125
- 简历 研究员,博士生导师,2000年湖南农业大学获农学硕士学位;2003年武汉大学获植物学博士学位;2005年南京大学生物学博士后,2006.2-2006.5在澳大利亚Flinders大学高级访问学者。现任中国科学院洞庭湖湿地生态实验站站长,世界自然基金会(WWF)-中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所共建洞庭湖湿地国际研究中心副主任。《应用生态学报》编委。曾获得武汉大学“优秀毕业研究生”,吉林省人事厅“人才开发基金”,湖南团省委“省直青年学习奖”,中国科学院广州分院“优秀青年科技工作者”,湖南团省委“省直十大杰出青年提名奖”。主要从事湿地生态研究,以植物生态见长,涉及的领域有湿地植被格局的形成机制,人类重大工程的生态学效应,生物入侵,湿地植被对全球气候变化的响应,湿地植物营养生态与水体富营养化治理,湿地植被修复,湿地生态过程等。近年发表研究论文60余篇(其中SCI收录26篇),参编专著3部,获发明专利授权2项。
联系方式:**;E-mail: xyh@isa.ac.cn
- 承担科研项目近年来主持或参与国家自然基金、中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目、“973”专题等共计15项。
- 代表论著(* 通讯作者)
1Li, Y., Zhang, C., Xie Y. *, Liu, F. 2009. Germination of Deyeuxia angustifolia as affected by soil type, burial depth, water depth and oxygen level. Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change 14,(in press)
2Xie, Y., Ren, B., Li, F. 2009. Increased nutrient supply facilitates acclimation to high water level in the marsh plant Deyeuxia angustifolia: the response of root morphology. Aquat. Bot. 91, 1-5.
3Luo, W., Xie, Y. *. 2009. Growth and morphological responses to water level and nutrient supply in three emergent macrophyte species. Hydrobiologia 624,151-160.
4Luo, W., Song, F., Xie, Y. * 2008. Trade-off between tolerance to drought and tolerance to flooding in three wetland plants. Wetlands 28,866-873.
5Xie, Y., Luo, W., Wang, K., Ren, B. 2008. Root growth dynamics of the marsh plant Deyeuxia angustifolia in response to water level. Aquat. Bot. 89, 292-296.
6Xie, Y., Luo, W., Li, Y., Lu, Y., 2007. Morphological and physiological response to sediment type and light availability in roots of the submerged plant Myriophyllum spicatum. Ann. Bot. 100, 1517-1523
7Li, Y., Xie, Y. *, Ren, B., Luo, W., Huang, J., 2007. Oxygen enhances the recovery of Potamogeton maackianus from prolonged exposure to very low irradiance. Aquat. Bot. 86, 295-299
8Xie, Y., Deng, W., Wang, J., 2007. Root morphology and distribution of Vallisneria natans in heterogentious sediment environments. Aquat. Bot. 86, 9-13.
9Xie, Y., An, S., Wu, B., Wang, W., 2006. Density-dependent root morphology and root distribution in the submerged plant Vallisneria natans. Environ. Exp. Bot.57, 195-200.
10Xie, Y., An, S., Wu, B., 2005. Resource allocation in the submerged plant Vallisneria natans related to sediment type, rather than water-column nutrients. Freshwater Biol. 50, 391-402.
11Xie, Y., An, S., Yao, X., Xiao, K., 2005. Short-time response in root morphology of Vallisneria natans to sediment type and water-column nutrient. Aquat. Bot. 81, 85-96.
12Xie, Y., Yu, D., Ren, B., 2004. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus availability on the decomposition of aquatic plants. Aquat. Bot. 80, 29-37.
13Xie, Y., Wen, M., Yu, D., Li, Y., 2004. Growth and resource allocation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as affected by gradually increasing nutrient concentrations. Aquat. Bot. 79, 257-266.
14Xie, Y., Qin, H., Yu, D., 2004. Nutrient limitation to the decomposition of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Hydrobiologia 529, 105-112.
15Xie, Y., Yu, D., Geng, X., Yang, Y., 2004. Phenotypic plasticity in submerged plant Potamogeton crispus in response to elevated [CO2]. J. Freshwater Ecol. 19, 701-708.
16Xie, Y., Yu, D., 2003. The significance of lateral roots in phosphorus (P) acquisition of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Aquat. Bot. 75, 311-321.
17侯志勇,谢永宏*,于晓英,李峰. 2009. 洞庭湖青山垸退耕地不同水位土壤种子库特征. 应用生态学报. 20(6),(印刷中)
18谢永宏,陈心胜. 2008. 三峡工程运行后对洞庭湖湿地植被演替的影响. 农业现代化研究. 29(6):684-687.
19李峰,谢永宏*,杨刚,任勃,侯志勇,秦先燕. 2008. 白洋淀水生植被初步调查. 应用生态学报. 19(7), 1597-1603.
20罗文泊,谢永宏*,宋凤斌. 2007. 洪水条件下湿地植物的生存策略. 生态学杂志. 26 (10): 1478-1485.