

中国科学院 免费考研网/2015-12-17

  • 姓 名:谭支良性 别:男
    职 务:中科院亚热带农业生态研究所副所长
    职 称:国家二级研究员学 历:博士
    电 话:(86)-**通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号
    传 真:(86)-**邮政编码:410125
        • 简历研究员二级,博士生导师,副所长。1989年毕业于华中农业大学畜牧系,获农学学士学位;1995-1998年在内蒙古农牧大学攻读动物营养学博士学位,1998年7月获博士学位;2000年7月至2001年7月在美国University of Illinois动物科学系从事高级访问研究。现任中国科学院亚热带农业生态系统过程重点实验室主任,所学术委员会和学位委员会委员;兼任联合国国际原子能组织农业项目科学顾问,中国畜牧兽医学会家畜生态学分会副理事长,中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会常务理事,湖南省动物营养与环境学会常务副理事长。长期从事反刍动物营养生理与代谢方面的研究工作,曾获国家科技进步二等奖2项,湖南省科技进步一等奖3项,中国科学院科技进步二等奖和三等奖各1项;2005年获国务院政府特殊津贴,2010年入选湖南省新世纪121人才工程第一层次。先后主持湖南省重大科技专项、国家支撑计划课题、科技部国际合作项目、中国科学院先导专项、国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目和中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目30余项。发表研究论文200余篇,其中在Journal of Endocrinology、British Journal of Nutrition、Journal of Animal Science、Journal of Dairy Science、Small Ruminant Research、Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 和Animal Feed Science and Technology 等优秀SCI 收录期刊发表研究论文76 篇。

          联系方式:**;E-mail: zltan@isa.ac.cn


            承担科研项目 目前主要研究动物蛋白质周转与氨基酸调控重要基因表达、碳水化合物与能量代谢及相关生物活性酶的表达、动物胃肠道发育与消化道微生物营养代谢功能等。
              代表论著1) Shaoxun Tang, Yong Zou, Min Wang, A.Z.M. Salem, N.E. Odongo, Chuanshe Zhou, Xuefeng Han, Zhiliangliang Tan?, M. Zhang, Y.F. Fu, S.Q. Huang, Z.X. He, J.H. Kang. Effects of Exogenous Cellulase Source on In Vitro Fermentation Characteristics and Methane Production of Crop Straws and Grasses. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 2013, 13:111-126. (Corresponding author)

              2) Salem, A. Z. M., Zhou. C. S., Tan, Z. L., Mellado, M., Odongo, N.E. In vitro Ruminal Gas Production Kinetics of Four Fodder Trees Ensiled with or without Molasses and Urea. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2013, 12(7): 101-108.

              3) Duanqin Wu, Shaoxun Tang , Zhixiong He, Edwin Nicholas Odongo, Zhiliang Tan, Xuefeng Han, Chuanshe Zhou, Jinhe Kang, Min Wang. Oleic and linoleic acids alter fermentation characteristics, methane and fatty acid isomers production during in vitro incubation with mixed ruminal microbes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013.11 (2): 464-469. (Corresponding author)

              4) M. Wang, P.H. Janssen, X.Z. Sun, S. Muetzel, M. Tavendale, Z.L. Tan, D. Pacheco. A mathematical model to describe in vitro kinetics of H2 gas. Accumulation. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2013, 184:1-6(Corresponding author).

              5) Z.X. He, D.Q. Wu, Z.H. Sun, Z.L. Tan, J.Y. Qiao, T. Ran, S.X. Tang, C.S. Zhou, X.F. Han, M. Wang, J.H. Kang, K.A. Beauchemin. Protein or energy restriction during late gestation alters fetal growth and visceral organ mass: An evidence of intrauterine programming in goats. Animal Reproduction Science. 2013, 137 177-182. (Corresponding author)

              6) Bo Lin, Zhiliang Tan, Guoying Xiao, Junying Zeng, Shaoxun Tang, Xuefeng Han, Min Wang, Shimin Liu. Qualitative observation on persistence and microbial transformation of recombinant DNA from transgenic rice biomass incubated in in vitro rumen system. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2013, 41(1):14-22. (Corresponding author)

              7) Y. Liu, L.M.Camacho, S. Tang, Z.Tan, A.Z.M. Salem. Advances in nutritional manipulation rumen functions of surfactants. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2013. 7(16): 1451-1458. (Corresponding author)

              8) M. Wang, X. Z. Sun, S. X. Tang, Z. L. Tan, D. Pacheco. Deriving fractional rate of degradation of logistic-exponential (LE) model to evaluate early in vitro fermentation. Animal. 2013, 7:6, 920–929. (Corresponding author)

              9) Wang Pengpeng, Zhiliang Tan. Ammonia assimilation in Rumen Bacteria: A review. Animal Biotechnology, 2013, 24: 107–128. (Corresponding author)

              10) Y.L. Pang, X.F. Han, M.A. Bamikole, Z.H. Gong, S.X. Tang, Z.L. Tan, W.J. Xiao, C.S. Zhou, M. Wang, Y.L. Deng. Anti-diarrhea and anti-oxidant properties of magnolol. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research February. 2013, 12(1):85-91. (Corresponding author).

              11) Zhixiong He, Shuai Ding, Long Xu, Karen Anne Beauchemin and Wenzhu Yang. Using exogenous enzymes to increase the rumen degradability of wheat dried distillers grains with solubles. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2013. 67(05):381 - 392.

              12) Zhixiong He, Zhiliang Tan, Zhihong Sun, Karen A Beauchemin, Shaoxun Tang, Chuanshe Zhou, Xuefeng Han, Min Wang and Duanqin Wu. 2012. Unchanged interleukin 6 level of protein and energy restricted goats during late gestation: the role of elevated blood nitric oxide. Journal of Endocrinology. 213 (1): 59–65. (Corresponding author)

              13) O. M. ARIGBEDE, Z. L. TAN, U. Y. ANELE, Z.H. SUN, S. X. TANG, X. F. HAN, C. S. ZHOU AND B. ZENG. Effects of age and species on agronomic performance, chemical composition and in vitro gas production of some tropical multi-purpose tree species. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012, 150(6): 725-737. (Corresponding author)

              14) Bo Zeng, Zhiliang Tan, Junying Zeng, Shaoxun Tang, Chuanyan Tana, Chuanshe Zhou, Xuefeng Han, Rongzhen Zhong. 2012. Effects of dietary non-ionic surfactant and forage to concentrate ratio on bacterial population and fatty acid composition of rumen bacteria and plasma of goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 173 (3-4) 167–176. (Corresponding author)

              15) S. X. Tang , K. Q. Wang, Z. H. Cong, M. Wang, X. F. Han, C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan and Z. H. Sun. Changes in chemical composition and in vitro fermentation characters of rice straw due to gamma irradiation. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.10 (2): 459-462. 2012. (Corresponding author)

              16) Shimin Liu, Yunbo Cai, Haiyan Zhu and Zhiliang Tan. Potential and constraints in the development of animal industries in China. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2012; 92: 1025–1030.

              17) Z. X. He, Z. H. Sun, Z. L. Tan, S. X. Tang, C. S. Zhou, X. F. Han, M. Wang, D. Q. Wu, J. H. Kang, and K. A. Beauchemin. Effects of maternal protein or energy restriction during late gestation on antioxidant status of plasma and immune tissues in postnatal goats. Journal of Animal Science. 2012, 90(12): 4319-4326. (Corresponding author)

              18) C.S. Zhou, W.J. Xiao, Z.L. Tan, A.Z.M. Salem, M.M. Geng, S.X. Tang, M. Wang, X.F. Han, J.H. Kang. Effects of dietary supplementation of tea saponins (Ilex kudingcha C.J. Tseng) on ruminal fermentation, digestibility and plasma antioxidant parameters in goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2012, 176: 163– 169. (Corresponding author)

              19) Shuiping Wang, Wenjuan Wang, Zhiliang Tan, Shimin Liu, Zhixiong He, Rongzhen Zhong, Shaoxun Tang, Chuanshe Zhou, Xuefeng Han, Min Wang, Jinhe Kang. Effects of ruminally degradable dietary protein level on nitrogen metabolism in wethers.Small Ruminant Research. 2012,108:59–66. (Corresponding author)

              20) Z.H. Sun, Z.X. He, Q.L. Zhang, Z.L. Tan, X.F. Han, S.X. Tang, C.S. Zhou, M. Wang, E.P. Zhang. Effects of protein and/or energy restriction for six weeks on antioxidation capacity of plasma and gastrointestinal epithelial tissues of weaned kids. Livestock Science 2012, 149: 232–241. (Corresponding author)

              21) R. Z. Zhong, D. W. Zhou, C. Y. Tan, X. F. Han, C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan. Effect of Tea Catechins on Regulation of Antioxidant Enzyme Expression in H(2)O(2)-Induced Skeletal Muscle Cells of Goat in Vitro. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 59(20): 11338-11343. (Corresponding author)

              22) S. M. Liu, H. X. Sun, C. Jose, A. Murray, Z. H. Sun, J. R. Briegel, R. Jacob, Z. L. Tan. Phenotypic blood glutathione concentration and selenium supplementation interactions on meat colour stability and fatty acid concentrations in Merino lambs. Meat Science, 2011, 87(2): 130-139.

              23) M. Wang, X. G. Zhao, H. Y. Liao, Z. L. Tan, S. X. Tang, Z. H. Sun, C. S. Zhou, X. F. Han. Effects of rice straw particle size on digesta particle size distribution, nitrogen metabolism, blood biochemical parameters, microbial amino acid composition and intestinal amino acid digestibility in goats. Animal Science Journal, 2011, 82: 78-85. (Corresponding author)

              24) Tan, C.Y., Zhong, R.Z., Tan, Z.L., Han, X.F., Tang, S.X., Xiao, W.J., Sun, Z.H., Wang, M. Dietary inclusion of tea catechins changes fatty acid composition of muscle in goats. Lipids, 2011, 239-247. (Corresponding author)

              25) X. F. Han, F. J. Feng, J. P. Yu,, S. X. Tang, M. Wang, M. A. Bamikole, Z. L. Tan, B. Zeng, C. S. Zhou. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on growth, carcass characteristics and fatty acid profiles of muscle and fat in growing-finishing pigs. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2011, 20(2): 171-185. (Corresponding author)

              26) Z. H. Sun, Y. Hu, S. M. Liu, S. X. Tang, X. F. Han, Z. L. Tan. Net nutrient flux in visceral tissues of goats fed diets based on maize or wheat. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2011, 20(1): 26-35. (Corresponding author)

              27) S. X. Tang, F. W. Li, J. Gan, M. Wang, C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan. Effects of Sown Season and Maturity Stage on In vitro Fermentation and In sacco Degradation Characteristics of New Variety Maize Stover. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2011, 24(6): 781-790. (Corresponding author)

              28) M. Wang, S. X. Tang, Z. L. Tan. Modeling in vitro gas production kinetics: Derivation of Logistic-Exponential (LE) equations and comparison of models. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2011, 165(3-4): 137-150. (Corresponding author)

              29) W. J. Xiao, X. F. Han, Z. L. Tan, S. X. Tang, Z. H. Gong, M. A. Bamikole. Milk powder induced lipid peroxidation reduction using Ku Ding tea (Lactuca taiwaniana Maxim) in rats. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 2011, 48(4): 447-453. (Corresponding author)

              30) Q. X. Yan, S. X. Tang, M. A. Bamikole, X. F. Han, Z. L. Tan. Influences of dietary phosphorus variation on nutrient digestion, fecal endogenous phosphorus output and plasma parameters of goats. Livestock Science, 2011, 142(1-3): 63-69. (Corresponding author)

              31) B. Zeng, Z. L. Tan, O. M. Arigbede, S. X. Tang. Effects of alkyl polyglycoside, a nonionic surfactant, and forage-to-concentrate ratio on rumen fermentation, amino acid composition of rumen content, bacteria and plasma in goats. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2011, 65(3): 229-241, 2011. (Corresponding author)

              32) R. Z. Zhong, W. J. Xiao, G. P. Ren, D. W. Zhou, C. Y. Tan, Z. L. Tan. Dietary Tea Catechin Inclusion Changes Plasma Biochemical Parameters, Hormone Concentrations and Glutathione Redox Status in Goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2011, 24(12): 1681-1689. (Corresponding author)

              33) Z. Q. Yuan, S. X. Tang, B. Zeng, M. Wang, Z. L. Tan, Z. H. Sun, C. S. Zhou, X. F. Han, M. A. Bamikole. Effects of dietary supplementation with alkyl polyglycoside, a nonionic surfactant, on nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentation in goats. Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88(12): 3984-3991. (Corresponding author)

              34) C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan, S. X. Tang, Z. H. Sun, X. F. Han, M. Wang, G. O. Tayo. The effect of dietary methionine levels on endogenous nitrogen and endogenous amino acids flows in growing goats. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION, 2010, 94(5): 594-604. (Corresponding author)

              35) C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan, Y. F. Pan, S. M. Liu, S. X. Tang, Z. H. Sun, X. F. Han, M. Wang. Dietary starch source influences in growing goats: the intestinal losses of endogenous nitrogen and amino acids. 2010. British Journal of Nutrition. 103(12): 1755-1761. (Corresponding author)

              36) S. X. Tang, L. X. Sheng, C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan, H. Y. Liao, M. Wang, Z. H. Sun, X. F. Han, M. A. Bamikole. Effects of variety, sowing season and maturity stage on ruminal phosphorus release from whole maize stover and its morphological fractions. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION, 2010, 94(5): e49-e58. (Corresponding author)

              37) M. Wang, X. G. Zhao, Z. L. Tan, S. X. Tang, C. S. Zhou, Z. H. Sun, X. F. Han, C. W. Wang. Effects of Increasing Level of Dietary Rice Straw on Chewing Activity, Ruminal Fermentation and Fibrolytic Enzyme Activity in Growing Goats. ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES, 2010, 23(8): 1022-1027. (Corresponding author)

              38) C. S. Zhou, Z. L. Tan, Y. F. Pan, S. X. Tang, Z. H. Sun, X. F. Han, M. Wang. Comparison of different methods for determination of the duodenal and ileal flows of endogenous nitrogen and amino acids in growing goats. ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION, 2009, 63(6): 479-490. (Corresponding author)

              39) Z. H. Sun, Z. R. Tang, Y. L. Yin, R. L. Huang, T. J. Li, S. X. Tang, Z. L. Tan. Effect of dietary supplementation of galacto-mannan-oligosaccharides and chitosan on performance and serum immune parameters of 28-day weaned piglets challenged with pathogenic E.coli. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2009, 36(2): 207-211. (Corresponding author)

              40) Grace Oluwatoyin Tayo, Shao Xun Tanga, Zhi Liang Tan, Zhi Hong Sun, Min Wang, Chuan She Zhou and Xue Feng Han. Determination of endogenous faecal phosphorus loss in goats. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2009. 63(2): 104-111. (Corresponding author)

              41) S.X. Tang, L.X. Sheng, Z.L. Tan, G.O. Tayo, H.Y. Liao, Z.H. Sun, B. Zeng, X.F. Han, C.S. Zhou and G.P. Ren. Morphological fractions and in vitro fermentation characteristics of five endosperm types maize stover harvested at two maturity stages. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2009, 18:582–598. (Corresponding author)

              42) Bo Lin, Zhiliang Tan, Guoying Xiao, MinWang, Zhihui Cong, Shuiping Wang, Shaoxun Tang, Chuanshe Zhou, Zhihong Sun and Wenjuan Wang. Evaluation of compositional and nutritional equivalence of genetically modified rice to conventional rice using in situ and in vitro techniques. J. Sci. Food Agric. 2009. 89:1490–1497. (Corresponding author)

              43) Cong, Z.H., Tang, S.X., Tan, Z.L., Sun, Z.H., Zhou, C.S., Han, X.F., Wang, M. and Ren, G.P. Effects of different nonionic surfactants on in vitro fermentation characteristics of cereal straws. Journal of Animal Science. 2009. 87: 1085–1096. (Corresponding author)

              44) Tang, S.X., Tan, Z.L., Sun, Z.H., Shen, L.X., Zhou, C.S., Xiao, W.J., Ren, G.P., Han X.F. and Shen, S.B. Effects of yeast culture and fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on in vitro fermentation characteristics of low-quality cereal straws. Journal of Animal Science. 2008. 86:1164–1172. (Corresponding author)

              45) Wang, M., Hu, Y., Tan, Z.L., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H. and Han, X.F. In situ ruminal phosphorus degradation of selected three classes of feedstuffs in goats. Livestock Science. 2008. 117: 233–237. (Corresponding author)

              46) Zhong, R.Z., Li, J.G., Gao, Y.X., Tan, Z.L. and Ren, G.P. Effects of substitution of different levels of steam-flaked corn for finely ground corn on lactation and digestion in early-lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2008. 91: 3931-3937. (Corresponding author)

              47) Tang, S.X., Gan, J., Shen, L.X., Tan, Z.L., Tayo, G.O., Sun, Z.H., Wang, M., and Ren, G. P. Morphological fractions, chemical composition and in vitro fermentation characteristics of maize stover of five genotypes. Animal. 2008. 2: 1772–1779. (Corresponding author)

              48) Zhou, C.S., Jiang, H.L., Tan, Z.L., Zhao, X.G., Sun, Z.H., Tang, S.X. and Wang, M. Estimation of endogenous nitrogen and amino acids flow at the duodenum and ileum in growing goats fed on different NDF level diets. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2008. 33: 137-144. (Corresponding author)

              49) Tang, S.X., Tayo, G.O., Tan, Z.L., Sun, Z.H., Wang, M., Ren, G.P. and Han, X.F. Use of in vitro gas production technique to investigate interactions between rice straw, wheat straw, maize stover and alfalfa or clover. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2008. 21(9): 1278-1285. (Corresponding author)

              50) Tan, Z.L., Tang, S.X., Liao, Y.P., Zhou, C.S., Jiang, H.L., Sun, Z.H., Tayo, G.O., Xiao, W.J. and Chen, F.H.. Effect of dietary supply of cysteamine on sites of digestion, small intestinal amino acid disappearance in growing goats. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2008. 34: 71-76.

              51) Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L., Liu, S.M., Tayo, G.O., Lin, B., Zeng, B., Tang, S.X., Wang, W.J., Liao, Y.P., Pan, Y.F., Wang, J.R., Zhao, X.G. and Hu, Y. Effects of dietary methionine and lysine sources on nutrient digestion, nitrogen utilization and duodenal amino acid flow in growing goats. Journal of Animal Science. 2007. 85: 3340-3347. (Corresponding author)

              52) Shan, J.G., Tan, Z.L., Sun, Z.H., Hu, J.P., Tang, S.X., Jiang, H.L., Zhou, C.S., Wang, M. and Tayo, G.O. Limiting amino acids for growing goats fed a corn grain, soybean meal and maize stover based diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2007. 139: 159-169. (Corresponding author)

              53) Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L., Yao, J.H., Tang, Z.R., Shan, J.G., Hu, J.P. and Tang, S.X. Effects of intra-duodenal limiting amino acids on immunoreaction, total DNA and RNA contents of skeletal muscles and jejunal mucous membrane for growing goat fed a mixture of maize stover and concentrate. Small Ruminant Research. 2007. 69:159-166. (Corresponding author)

              54) Zhan, X.A., Wang, M., Ren, H., Zhao, R.Q., Li, J.X. and Tan Z.L. Effect of early feed restriction on metabolic programming and compensatory growth in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 2007. 86(4): 654-660.

              55) Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L., Yao, J.H., Tang, Z.R., Shan, J.G., Hu, J.P. and Tang, S.X. Effects of intra-duodenal limiting amino acids on plasma IGF-I, GH, insulin and liver IGF-I mRNA for growing goat fed a mixture of maize stover and concentrate. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2007. 20: 733-741. (Corresponding author)

              56) Tayo, G.O. and Tan, Z.L. Endogenous phosphorus loss in ruminants: A review. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 2007. 5: 264-270. (Corresponding author)

              57) Wang, W.J., Wang, S.P., Gong, Y.S., Wang, J.Q. and Tan, Z.L. Effects of vitamin A supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in Limosin×Luxi crossbreed steers fed a wheat straw-based diet. Meat Science. 2007. 77: 450-458. (Corresponding author)

              58) Zhao, X.G., Jiang, H.L., Sun, Z.H., Tang, S.X., Zhou, C.S., Cong, Z.H., Tayo, G.O., Tan, Z.L. Effect of rice straw in the diet for growing goats on site and extent of digestion and N balance. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2007. 16 (3): 379-388. (Corresponding author)

              59) Zhao, X.G., An, J., Luo, Q.J. and Tan, Z.L. Effect of method and level of urea supplementation on nutrient utilization and ruminal fermentation in sheep fed a maize stover-based diet. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2007. 31: 125-130. (Corresponding author)

              60) Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L. and Tang, S.X. Effect of fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on fermentation characteristics of ensiled maize stover morphological fractions. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 293-293. (Corresponding author)

              61) Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L., Tayo, G.O., Lin, B. and Tang, S.X. Effects of dietary methionine and lysine sources on particular blood parameters in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 291-291. (Corresponding author)

              62) Tang, S.X., Tan, Z.L., Cong, Z.H., Hu, Y., Sun, Z.H. and Wang, M. Evaluation of associative effects of different proportion forage species using the in vitro gas production technique. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 46-46. (Corresponding author)

              63) Wang, S.P., Wang, W.J., Lin, B., Tan, Z.L., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H. and Zeng, J.Y. Effects of dietary starch sources on intake, growth and blood variables in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 45-45. (Corresponding author)

              64) Wang, S.P., Wang, W.J., Lin, B., Tan, Z.L., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H. and Zeng, J.Y.. Effects of dietary starch sources on meat quality and serum hormonal concentrations in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 45-46. (Corresponding author)

              65) Zhao, X.G., Zeng, B., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L., Cong, Z.H., and Tayo, G.O. Digestibility and blood parameters in young goats offered high concentrate diets with different rice straw particle size. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 570-570. (Corresponding author)

              66) Zhou, C.S., Tan, Z.L., Jiang, H.L., Sun, Z.H. and Tang, S.X. Effects of dietary NDF level on the duodenal and ileal ?ows of endogenous nitrogen and amino acids in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 291-292. (Corresponding author)

              67) Zhao, X.G., Jiang, H.L., Cong, Z.H., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H., Tan, Z.L. and Tayo, G.O. Effects of dietary NDF levels on digestion, serum biochemical parameters and hormonal concentrations in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 292-292. (Corresponding author)

              68) Hu, Y., Tan, Z.L., Tang, S.X., Sun, Z.H., Wang, M. and Tayo, G.O. Comparison of ruminal in situ crude protein degradability of selected feedstuffs in growing goats. Journal of Dairy Science (Suppl.1). 2007. 90: 99-100. (Corresponding author)

              69) Tang, S.X., Tan, Z.L., Zhou, C.S., Jiang, H.L., Jiang, Y.M. and Sheng, L.X. A comparison of in vitro fermentation characteristics of different botanical fractions of mature maize stover. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2006. 15: 507–517. (Corresponding author)

              70) Tan, Z.L. and Murphy, M.R. Ammonia production, ammonia absorption, and urea recycling in ruminants (A review). Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2004. 13: 389-404.

              71) Tan, Z.L., Lu, D.X., Hu, M., Niu, W.Y., Han, C.Y., Ren, X.P., Na, R. and Lin, S.L. Effect of dietary structural to nonstructural carbohydrate ratio on rumen degradability and digestibility of fiber fractions of wheat straw in sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sicences. 2002. 15: 1591-1598.

              72) Z.L.Tan, D.X.Lu, M.Hu, W.Y.Niu, C.Y.Han, X.P.Ren, R.Na and S.L.Lin. Effects of dietary nitrogen sources on fiber digestion and ruminal fluid characteristics in sheep fed wheat straw. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2001. 14: 1374-1382.

              73) Huang, R.L., Tan, Z.L., Xing, T.X., Pan, Y.F. and Li, T.J. An in vitro method for the estimation of ileal crude protein and amino acids digestibility using the dialysis tubing for pig feedstuffs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2000. 88(1-2): 87-97.

              74) Han, C.Y., Lu, D.X., Hu, M. and Tan, Z.L. Influence of Controlling Protozoa on the Degradation and Utilization of Dietary Fibre and Protein in the Rumen and Nitrogenous Flow Entering the Duodenum of Sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 1999. 12(8): 1241-1245.

              75) Tan, Z.L., Chen, H.P. and Xing, T.X. Comparative study on fibre characteristics of rice and wheat straw. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 1996. 9(1): 51~56.

              76) Tan, Z.L., Chen, H.P., He, L.H., Fang, R.J. and Xing, T.X. Variation in the nutritional characteristics of wheat straw. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 1995. 53: 337~344.

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    • 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究生导师简介-谢小立
      谢小立姓 名:谢小立性 别:男职 务:职 称:研究员学 历:本科电 话:(86)-**通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号传 真:(86)-**邮政编码:410125电子邮件:xlx@isa.ac.cn简历 研究员,硕士生导师。一直从事农田生态学领域的科学研究工作,以农业生态学为研究方向,农 ...
      中国科学院 免费考研网 2015-12-17
    • 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究生导师简介-黄瑞林
      黄瑞林姓 名:黄瑞林性 别:男职 务:职 称:研究员学 历:本科电 话:(86)-**通迅地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号传 真:(86)-**邮政编码:410125电子邮件:huangrl@isa.ac.cn简历研究员,硕士生导师。1985年毕业于华中农业大学畜牧系,获农学学士学位,毕业后 ...
      中国科学院 免费考研网 2015-12-17
    • 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究生导师简介-*刘世民
      刘世民姓 名:刘世民性 别:男职 务:职 称:研究员学 历:博士电 话:通迅地址:传 真:邮政编码:电子邮件:简历undefined承担科研项目 代表论著1、Liu SM & Zhang L. 1993. Chap 7 - Nutrition. In Handbook of Rabbit Prod ...
      中国科学院 免费考研网 2015-12-17
    • 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究生导师简介-*伍国耀
      伍国耀姓 名:伍国耀性 别:男职 务:职 称:教授学 历:博士电 话:通迅地址:传 真:邮政编码:电子邮件:简历 1962年出生,广东台山,动物生物化学专业博士,教授,博导。中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所客座研究员、兼职博士生导师,海外杰出青年基金获得者,中国科学院海外评审专家。美国Texas A& ...
      中国科学院 免费考研网 2015-12-17
    • 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究生导师简介-*张友明
      张友明姓 名:张友明性 别:男职 务:职 称:教授学 历:博士电 话:通迅地址:传 真:邮政编码:电子邮件:简历 分子生物学家,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所客座研究员,硕、博士导师(联合培养),中国科学院海外杰出青年基金获得者,现为山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室主任,国家第10批“千人计划”获得 ...
      中国科学院 免费考研网 2015-12-17
    • 关于更新《食品化学》和《农业知识综合三》考试范围的通知
      有关考生:因故更新中南林业科技大学2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试《食品化学》(科目代码:826)和《农业知识综合三》(科目代码:341)考试范围,更新后的考试范围如下: 一、食品化学《食品化学》 阚建全主编,中国农业大学出版社二、农业知识综合三1、《机械设计》(第八版),濮良贵、纪名刚,高等教育出版社,2013年出 ...
      本站小编 免费考研网 2015-12-16
    • 湖南农业大学研究生导师简介-王晓光
      王晓光 老师 (,年月)博士生导师 职称:行政职务:最高学历:最高学位:学术团体任职: 办公邮箱:xiaoguangwang126@126.com办公电话:通信地址:湖南农业大学生安院 410128主要研究方向 招收博士生学科个人简历论文著作课题项目获奖情况重点学科国家、省级重点学科校级重点学科校级 ...
      湖南农业大学 免费考研网 2015-12-15
    • 湖南农业大学研究生导师简介-
      刘卫东 老师 (男,1967年04月)博士生导师 职称:行政职务:最高学历:最高学位:学术团体任职: 办公邮箱:liuweidonghn@yahoo.com.cn办公电话:通信地址:湖南农业大学生安院 410128主要研究方向 招收博士生学科个人简历为国家百千万人才,湖南农业大学理学博士,研究员,湖 ...
      湖南农业大学 免费考研网 2015-12-15
    • 湖南农业大学研究生导师简介-
      孙松林 老师 (男,1963年08月)博士生导师 职称:行政职务:最高学历:最高学位:学术团体任职: 办公邮箱:hnndssl@163.com办公电话:**通信地址:湖南农业大学农学院 410128主要研究方向 招收博士生学科个人简历工学博士,教授,博硕士生导师。中国农业机械学会理事,中国农业机械教 ...
      湖南农业大学 免费考研网 2015-12-15
    • 湖南农业大学研究生导师简介-陈岳堂
      陈岳堂 老师 (男,1963年09月)博士生导师 职称:行政职务:最高学历:最高学位:学术团体任职: 办公邮箱:cyt@hunau.net办公电话:通信地址:湖南农业大学人文院 410128主要研究方向 招收博士生学科个人简历陈岳堂,1963年出生。教授,博士,教育生态学博士生导师,教育经济与管理硕 ...
      湖南农业大学 免费考研网 2015-12-15