

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18

张小刚,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。湖南大学电气与信息工程学院副书记,全国高等学校自动化专业教学指导委员会委员,电子信息与电气工程类工程教育专业认证专家,湖南省自动化学会秘书长,中国自动化学会理事。手机:**,邮箱: zhangxg@hnu.edu.cn

1996年本科毕业于湖南大学电气工程系自动化专业,1999年、2003年获湖南大学控制理论与控制工程专业硕士、博士学位后留校任教。2015,9-2016,6美国Brandeis University, Computer Science Department访问****。主讲《自动控制原理》和《现代控制理论》课程。

长期从事复杂系统智能控制、数据挖掘和模式识别领域的研究工作,具有丰富的控制系统现场开发经验。主持国家重点研发计划1项,完成国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,其他省部级和企业委托项目50余项。在“IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics”“IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics”,“Signal Processing”,“Nonlinear Dynamics”“Applied Thermal Engineering”,《自动化学报》,《通信学报》等控制工程领域的国内外权威刊物发表论文多篇,获省部级科技进步奖和技术发明奖2项。研发的工业燃煤炉窑专家控制系统在中国大唐内蒙古分公司,中国铝业中州和贵州分公司等多所大型国有企业推广应用,两项成果被中国有色金属工业协会鉴定为国际先进,获得良好的社会经济效益。

3.“ 燃煤窑炉工况识别中的关键技术及其并行实现方法研究” 国家自然科学基金( **),2011-2015。
4.”煤粉燃烧的图像与数据融合检测及其控制方法研究”, 国家自然科学基金( **),面上项目,2009-2011。

[1] Dingxiang Wang,Xiaogang Zhang,Hua Chen etc. A Sintering State Recognition Framework to Integrate Prior Knowledge and Hidden Information considering Class Imbalance, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020 online. (SCI 1区,9.65,TOP期刊).
[2] Leyuan Wu, Xiaogang Zhang, Hua Chen, Yicong Zhou. Unsupervised Quaternion Model for Blind Colour Image Quality Assessment, Signal Processing, 2020 online (SCI 1区,4.73,TOP期刊)
[3] Mingyang Lv, Xiaogang Zhang, Hua Chen, Yicong Zhou,etc. Chaotic and multifractal characteristic analysis of noise of thermal variables from rotary kiln, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 99(4):3089-3111 (SCI 2区,5.05,TOP期刊)
[4]Xiaogang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Hua Chen,Bowang Dai.Prediction of coal feeding during sintering in a rotary kiln based on statistical learning in the phase space, ISA Transactions, 2018,83:248-260.(SCI 2区,3.370)
[5] Wu, Leyuan,Zhang, Xiaogang,Chen, Hua.Effective quality metric for contrast-distorted images based on SVD. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION, 2019(78):254-262. (SCI 3区,2.81)
[6] Zhou, Chao; Zhang, Xiaogang; Chen, Hua, A new robust method for blood vessel segmentation in retinal fundus images based on weighted line detector and hidden Markov model. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine,2020,(187)105-213. (SCI 3区,2.81)
[7] Zhang, XG, Wang, DX, Zhou, YC,Chen, H ,etc. Kernel modified optimal margin distribution machine for imbalanced data classification. Pattern Recognition Letter, 2019:(125)325-332.(SCI 3区,2.81)
[8] Xiaogang Zhang, Mingyang Lv, Hua Chen. Chaotic characteristics analysis of the sintering process system with unknown dynamic functions based on phase space reconstruction and chaotic invariables, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2018,93(2):395-412.(SCI 2区,5.05,TOP)
[9] Lei Zhang, Xiaogang Zhang,Hua Chen,Hongzhong Tang.A robust temperature prediction model of shuttle kiln based on ensemble random vector functional link network, Applied Thermal Engineering,150(2019):99-110.(SCI 2区,3.419,TOP)
[10] Hua Chen, Xiaogang Zhang, Pengyu Hong, Hongping Hu, Xiang Yin. Recognition of the Temperature Condition of a Rotary Kiln Using Dynamic Features of a Series of Blurry Flame Images[J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2016,12(1):148-157.(SCI 1区,5.43,TOP期刊)
[11]张雷,张小刚,陈华.基于 Gath-Geva 算法和核极限学习机的多阶段间歇过程软测量,化工学报,2018,69(6):2576-2585.
[13]汤红忠,张小刚,陈华,等. 带边界条件约束的非相干字典学习方法及其稀疏表示[J], 自动化学报, 2015,41(2): 312-319.

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