

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-23

摘要:面对传统小农经营方式无法满足农业可持续发展的现实困境, 激励新型农业经营主体从事绿色生产具有重要研究价值和时代意义。本文在计划行为理论(TPB)基础上, 构建“外部环境→内在认知→行为意向→行为实施”的绿色生产决策机制框架, 并利用山东省293家蔬菜家庭农场的微观数据进行了实证检验。结果显示: 1)从作用机制来看, 外部环境通过内在认知和行为意向的中介作用对行为实施产生影响, 相关假设均通过显著性检验, 决策模型具有较好的解释力。2)从影响效应来看, 市场激励、政府规制、行为态度、控制认知和行为意向对行为实施的影响效应分别为0.393、0.177、0.260、0.423和0.296, 总体来看, 市场激励和控制认知2类因素的影响效应最大, 其次为行为态度。3)从因素载荷来看, 产业合作和消费需求、生态补偿和技术培训、经济价值认知和行为障碍感知, 分别是形成市场激励、政府规制、行为态度和控制认知的关键因素。4)从组群分析来看, 不同规模和不同代际的家庭农场, 其绿色生产决策机制有一定差异性。应从培育市场环境、降低禀赋约束、立足经济导向和坚持分类施策等方面引导家庭农场的绿色生产转型。
Abstract:Increasing demand for green agricultural products means that the traditional smallholder farm industry cannot meet customers’ requirements, which has encouraged new agrarian business entities to engage in green production. This study used micro survey data from 293 vegetable family farms in Shandong Province to construct a model and empirically test the decision-making mechanism of green production for new agrarian business entities. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study added the decision-making process of “environment → cognition” to the TPB to investigate the premise that the “external environment is consistent and stable,” and constructed a decision-making framework mechanism of “external environment → internal cognition → behavioral intention → behavior implementation”. We tested the decision-making framework using structural equation modeling (SEM) and a multi-group analysis method. The conclusions were as follows: 1) from the perspective of the mechanism of action, the external environment (market incentive and government regulation) impacted behavior implementation through the mediating role of internal cognition (behavior attitude and control cognition) and behavioral intention. The relevant hypotheses were significant, and the decision-making model had a good explanatory power for the pre-, during-, and post-green production behavior implementation of vegetable family farms. 2) The influence effects of market incentive, government regulation, behavior attitude, control cognition, and behavior intention were 0.393, 0.177, 0.260, 0.423, and 0.296, respectively. Between the external environmental factors, market incentive was more important than government regulation; while between the internal cognitive factors, control cognition was more important than behavior attitude. Overall, market incentives and control cognition had the greatest effects, followed by behavior and attitude. There were two important decision-making paths: market incentive → control cognition → behavior implementation and market incentive → behavior attitude → behavior implementation. 3) As per factor loading, the load coefficients of industrial cooperation and consumption demand, ecological compensation and technical training, economic value cognition, and behavioral obstacle cognition were the key factors of market incentive, government regulation, behavior attitude, and control cognition, which were important factors in forming the internal cognition of the external environment. Combined with the effects of the potential variables, more attention should be given to the influence of industrial cooperation, consumer demand, behavior obstacle cognition, and economic value cognition on the implementation of green production behavior. 4) The green production decision-making mechanism of family farms with different scales and number of generations of farmers differed. The behavioral intention of small farms did not have a significant impact on behavior implementation, and the behavior attitude of the older generation and small farms did not have a significant effect on behavioral intention. The behavior attitude of large farms did not have a significant effect on behavior implementation, and government regulations did not have a significant effect on behavior and attitude of small farms. Therefore, we should strengthen policy guidance and support for cultivating the market environment, reducing endowment constraints, enhancing economic performance, and rationalizing the decision-making mechanisms to promote green transformation for different types of family farms.
Key words:Theory of planned behavior (TPB)/
Vegetable family farms/
Green production/
Decision-making mechanism/
Market incentive/
Government regulation/
New agrarian business entity


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