姓名:王诚浩 | 性别:男 | |
职称:副教授 | 学院:城市设计学院 | |
主要研究方向: |
华中师范大学美术系本科毕业,文学学士 Bachelor of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Central China Normal University
湖北美术学院首届艺术硕士(M.F.A) Master of Fine Arts, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
2010年论文“上善若水 无声润物 ------刘寿祥的水彩画艺术人生”发表于美术权威期刊《美术》(2010年第5期)
< The highest excellence is like that of water and silent moistening——Liu Shouxiang watercolor art life >, Published in <Fine Arts>, 2010
2008年王诚浩绘画作品选集《当代中国美术作品——王诚浩》出版 (文化艺术出版社)。
< Chenghao Wang——Contemporary Chinese Art>,Selected paintings book, Culture and Arts Publishing House, 2008
2008 年著 21世纪高等学校通识课教材《中国美术鉴赏》 (武汉大学出版社)。
< Appreciation of Chinese Art>, Higher Education in the 21st Century General Textbook, Wuhan University Press, 2008
<Impact of different national psychology on painting styles>, First Prize, Art Class Teacher Section, the 2rd Students Art Festival in Hubei Province, 2005
< College Art Education>, Chief Editor, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003
< Outstanding works of art in the Hubei College Art Exhibition>, Chief Editor, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003
<Recognition of visual elements of dot, line and surface>, First Prize, Arts Education Paper Award of Colleges and universities in Hubei Province, 2002
< Selected Works of excellent art teacher in Hubei Province>, Chief Editor, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2001
< Selected Papers in Hubei Higher Arts Education>, Chief Editor, Hubei Science and Technology Press, 2000
< Art Appreciation in the university>, Chief Editor, Hubei Science and Technology Press, 1999
2000年水彩画《画室里的静物》和《暖 冬》分别获得湖北省教育厅、文化厅主办的“2000年湖北省教师美术摄影作品展览”铜奖和优秀奖。(湖北美术院展览馆)
<Still Life in the Studio> <Warm Winter>, Watercolor painting, Bronze medal & Honorable mention, Fine Art Photographic Exhibition of teachers in Hubei Province, 2000 (Hubei Fine Arts Gallery)
2002年水彩画《窗 前》入选中国美术家协会举办的“中国水彩画写生精品大展”。(宁波美术馆)
<Before the window>, Watercolor painting, Selected in the Exhibition of Chinese watercolor painting, 2002 (Ningbo Fine Arts Gallery)
<Autumn of ShenNong> <Winter of ShenNong>, Bronze and Silver medal, Watercolor painting, Hubei College Art Exhibition, 2003 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
< It passes like this>, Watercolor painting, Watercolor Art Award of Hubei Province, the 5th Hubei Watercolor /Opaque Watercolor Exhibition, 2006 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
2006年水彩画《瑞 雪》等三幅作品入选获湖北省文联、湖北省美术家协会举办的“第五届湖北省水彩/粉画作品展”。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
<Lucky Snow> and other three, Watercolor painting, Selected in the 5th Hubei Watercolor /Opaque Watercolor Exhibition, 2006 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
2007 年水彩画《晨 曦》入选中国美术家协会主办的“第八届全国水彩粉画作品展”。(大连美术馆)
<Dawn>, Watercolor painting,
Selected in the 8th Hubei Watercolor /Opaque Watercolor Exhibition, 2007
(Dalian Fine Arts Gallery)
2007 年水彩画《远 眺》入选湖北省美术家协会成立五十周年优秀美术作品展,获优秀奖。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
<Overlook>, Watercolor painting, Selected in Excellent Art Exhibition for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Art Association of Hubei, 2007 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
2008年水彩画《夕 照》获湖北省教育厅、文化厅主办的湖北省高校第三届美术大展学术奖。(评委特别奖)(湖北美术学院展览馆)
<Sunset>, Watercolor painting, Special Jury Prize, the 3rd Art Exhibition of the college in Hubei, 2008 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
<Old lane of Kashkar>, Watercolor painting, Selected in the 1st Outstanding Graduate Art Exhibition, 2008 (Art Museum of China)
<Old lane of Kashkar>, Watercolor painting, Academic Awards, Hubei Exhibition of People for commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of reform and opening, 2008 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
<Full dyeing of rows of trees>, Watercolor painting, Selected in the National Art Exhibition for promoting green living and building ecological civilization, 2009 (Chinese Military Museum)
<Old lane of Kashkar>, Watercolor painting, Nomination in the 11th National Art Exhibition & Bronze medal, the 11th Hubei Provincial Art Exhibition, 2009 (Art Museum of China)
<Misty rain in Luojia Hill>and other five, Watercolor painting, Wuhan impression Art Exhibition of celebrating the 60th Anniversary of China, 2009 (Wuhan Fine Arts Gallery)
<Red apple> and other four, Watercolor painting, Selected in Retrospect and Prospect Hubei Watercolor Art Exhibition, 2009 (Hubei Provincial Art Museum)
Hubei Fine Arts Achievement Award, the 1st Hubei Fine Arts Festival, 2009
<Old lane of Kashkar 2>, Watercolor painting, Selected in 1st Zhujiajiao Shanghai International Watercolor Biennial, 2010 (Quanhua Watercolor Art Museum Shanghai)
<Early morning 1>, Watercolor painting, Academic Awards, the 4th Hubei Art Exhibition of the college, 2010 (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery)
<Under the Mulan mountain 2>, Watercolor painting, Selected in 9th Hubei Watercolor /Opaque Watercolor Exhibition, 2010 (Ningbo Fine Arts Gallery)
2010年获邀参加“2010上海世界博览会“长江画派”湖北美术作品展览”,水彩画《早 春》参展。(上海朱屺瞻美术馆)湖北省委宣传部、湖北省文化厅主办
General education “Appreciation of Chinese Art”, Wuhan University, Project funding 30 thousand rmb, 2004
General education “Artists and Schools of Chinese Painting”, Wuhan University, Project funding 15 thousand rmb, 2009
Secretary-General, Education Steering Committee of Art and Design, Higher Education Department of Hubei Province
Committee member, National Vocational Qualification Committee of Experts Arts & Design, Hubei Labor Department
Committee member, Hubei Watercolor Art Committee